229 research outputs found


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    Abstract Most individuals build peer relationships where there is someone who is fun to be with and can make individuals comfortable being themselves. In line with the development of individual relationships tend to require acceptance from the environment. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between self-confidence and self-disclosure in new students at SMK X Malang Regency. This study uses a quantitative approach with the population in this study is the new students of SMK X in 2020/2021 as many as 114 people. The data collection technique uses a Likert scale instrument consisting of a self-confidence scale consisting of 30 items and a self-disclosure scale consisting of 30 items that have been tested for reliability and validity. The data analysis technique used the Pearson product moment correlation technique with SPSS version 22 for windows. The results showed that there was a relationship between self-confidence and self-disclosure. The higher the self-confidence, the higher the self-disclosure and vice versa. Individuals can develop their social skills during online schooling to establish relationships or interactions through self-disclosure by increasing their self-confidence.Sebagian besar individu membangun hubungan sengan teman sebaya dimana ada seseorang yang menyenangkan untuk bersama dan dapat membuat individu nyaman menjadi diri sendiri. Sejalan dengan perkembangan hubungan individu cenderung membutuhkan penerimaan dari lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui apakah ada hubungan antara  Self-confidence dengan Self-disclosure pada siswa siswi baru SMK X Kabupaten Malang. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah murid  baru SMK X tahun 2020/2021 sebanyak 114 orang. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen skala likert yang terdiri dari skala Self-confidence terdiri dari 30 item dan skala Self-disclosure yang terdiri dari 30 item yang telah di uji reliabilitas dan validitasnya. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik korelasi pearson product moment dengan SPSS versi 22 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan antara Self-confidance dengan Self-disclosure. Semakin tinggi self confidence maka semakin tinggi juga Self-disclosure demikian pula sebaliknya. Individu dapat mengembangkan keterampilan sosial mereka selama sekolah daring untuk menjalin hubungan atau interaksi melalui self-diclosure dengan meningkatkan self-confidance ny


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    Abstrak : Effective moral building efforts are through the daily activities of children both at home, school or community, that is by involving children in religious activities and societies that harmonized noble moral guidance, must also be balanced with a dynamic example given by parents, teachers and a good environment. The above, most likely will affect the morals of children. The purpose of this study is to prove and analyze the influence of Patterns of Custody and Social Interaction on Student Morals.Upaya pembinaan akhlak yang efektif adalah melalui aktivitas keseharian anak baik dirumah, sekolah atau masyarakat, yaitu dengan melibatkan anak dalam kegiatan keagamaan dan kemasyarakatan yang selaras tuntunan akhlak mulia, juga harus diimbangi dengan teladan dinamis yang diberikan orang tua, guru dan lingkungan yang baik. Hal diatas, kemungkinan besar akan dapat mempengaruhi akhlak anak. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk membuktikan dan mengalisis adanya pengaruh Pola Asuh dan Interaksi Sosial terhadap Akhlak Siswa.Pola asuh yang diberikan oleh orangtua pada anak bisa dalam bentuk perlakuan fisik maupun psikis yang tercermin dalam tutur kata, sikap, perilaku dan tindakan yang diberikan. iPenanganan terhadap perilaku anak yang menyimpang bukanlah hal yang mudah. Orang tua berhak memilih pola asuh yang dapat diterapkan dalam kehidupan keluarga. Tetapi, apabila pola asuh yang diterapkan orang tua keliru, maka yang akan terjadi bukan perilaku yang baik, sebaliknya akan menambah buruk perilaku anak.para orang tua mempunyai tanggung jawab sangat besar dalam membimbing anak-anak dengan kebaikkan dan dasar-dasar moral (akhlak). Orang tua dalam mengasuh anak bukan hanya mampu mengkomunikasikan fakta, gagasan, dan pengetahuan saja, melainkan membantu menumbuh kembangkan akhlak anak.2 Mencegah dan menghindari segala bentuk perilaku menyimpang pada anak harus dilakukan sedini mungkin. Salah satunya dengan menanamkan nilai-nilai agama pada anak

    From Market Insight to Business Triumph: Unraveling the Role of Market Orientation in Enhancing MSMEs Performance

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    This study aims to analyze the role of market orientation on performance in MSMEs in Semarang City. The research method used is quantitative. The object of research is SMEs in the city of Semarang. By using a non-probability sampling technique, namely convenience/accidental sampling, 200 samples were taken from 11,910 MSMEs. Data collection method using a questionnaire with a numerical scale. This research found that competitive advantage can be achieved by adopting market orientation, which involves customer orientation by understanding what customers want and need, competitor orientation by analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of competitors that can be leveraged by the company, and inter-functional coordination to develop strategies based on the gathered information. Marketing capabilities also play a crucial role in shaping competitive advantage. Marketing capabilities can develop and deliver superior value to customers by leveraging existing resources. Competitive advantage, market orientation, and marketing capability play a partial role in enhancing their business performance. Business performance is the goal of every organization. It is considered the core of strategic management, and therefore, most of their efforts are directed towards improving business performance. Companies can pay attention to important factors that can influence business performance. In this study, it was found that by focusing on competitive advantage, market orientation, and marketing capability, companies can enhance their business performance. The theoretical implication in this research is scientific development, while in practice, market orientation is a supporting factor that needs to be considered by MSME actors in order to achieve success

    Biogeochemical cycling of domoic acid and its isomers in the ocean

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    Domoic acid, a non-protein amino acid, is a neurotoxin produced by species of the marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia. Adsorption of dissolved domoic acid (DA) and its geometrical isomers (iso-DAs D, E, and F) was assessed in filtered seawater solutions containing various types of particles. Adsorption of DA occurred onto natural seawater particles and chromatographic silica. Slight DA adsorption occurred onto estuarine bottom sediment and humic acid. No DA losses were seen in the presence of illite, kaolinite, montmorillonite, or silica sand. Biological degradation accounted for DA losses in seawater without particles. Iso- DAs D, E, and F showed negligible adsorption onto particles, suggesting DA isomers are hydrophilic and not particle reactive. These results suggest that adsorption onto particles is not an important sink for DA or its photochemically produced isomers in natural waters. Another facet of domoic acid’s cycling is its interaction with metals present in natural waters. Results of competitive ligand equilibration/ adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetric studies (CLE-ACSV) reveal that domoic acid forms a chelate with copper with a conditional stability constant: cond CuDA Cu K , 2+ = 6.7 x 1011 M-1. Speciation experiments were also performed to determine binding abilities of DA with 22 nM Zn, 0.5 nM Cd, 0.5 nM Co, and 20 nM Ni in the presence of 5 nM Cu. None of these metals were able to outcompete Cu for DA, suggesting in a natural water matrix Cu is the dominant of these metal chelators. A second set of experiments designed to determine the metal binding abilities of DA and two of its geometrical isomers, iso-DAs E and F utilized excitation-emission matrix (EEM) fluorescence spectroscopy. EEMs of 0.1 µM DA and 0.1 µM Fe, compared to EEMs of 0.1 µM DA alone, exhibited an increase in fluorescence resulting from the complexation of DA to Fe. Scans repeated with 0.1 µM added Cu also exhibited an increase in fluorescence consistent with the strong complexation of DA with Cu determined electrochemically. In contrast to DA, its geometrical isomers iso-DAs E and F showed significant quenching of fluorescence upon addition of both iron and copper, indicating that iso-DAs E and F also form complexes with iron and copper. Results of these studies have important ecological implications because they demonstrate that DA and iso-DAs E and F form complexes with both Cu and Fe. The formation of these complexes may affect the toxicity of Cu, the bioavailability of Fe, and the toxicity of DA and its geometrical isomers in natural waters where the blooms occur

    Robotic-Assisted Surgery for Benign Urological Conditions

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    Robotic technology for use in surgery has advanced considerably in the past 10 years. This has become particularly apparent in urology where robotic-assisted radical prostatectomy using the da VinciTM surgical system (Intuitive Surgical, CA) has become very popular. The use of robotic assistance for benign urological procedures is less well documented. This article considers the current robotic technology and reviews the situation with regard to robotic surgery for benign urological conditions

    Treatment of ovarian cancer ascites by intra-peritoneal injection of diphtheria toxin A chain-H19 vector: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Ovarian cancer ascitic fluid, which contains malignant cells, is usually present in women with an advanced stage disease. There are currently no effective therapies for the treatment of ovarian cancer ascitic fluid. We developed a new therapeutic strategy to target expression of the diphtheria toxin fragment A gene in ovarian tumor cells under the control of H19 regulatory sequences.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 64-year-old Caucasian woman was diagnosed with a stage IIIc epithelial ovarian cancer. She suffered from progressive disease, accumulation of malignant ascites that needed to be drained weekly, abdominal pain, vomiting, anorexia and severe weakness. Infusion of the diphtheria toxin A chain-H19 plasmid into the peritoneum of our patient resulted in complete resolution of the ascites with minimum adverse events.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>On the basis of this preliminary experience, we are currently conducting an extensive Phase I study on a larger number of patients in order to assess the safety and preliminary efficacy of this novel patient-oriented treatment approach.</p