22 research outputs found

    Pricing reverse mortgages in Spain

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    [EN] In Spain, as in other European countries, the continuous ageing of the population creates a need for long-term care services and their financing. However, in Spain the development of this kind of services is still embryonic. The aim of this article is to obtain a calculation method for reverse mortgages in Spain based on the fit and projection of dynamic tables for Spanish mortality, using the Lee and Carter model. Mortality and life expectancy for the next 20 years are predicted using the fitted model, and confidence intervals are obtained from the prediction errors of parameters for the mortality index of the model. The last part of the article illustrates an application of the results to calculate the reverse mortgage model promoted by the Spanish Instituto de Crédito Oficial (Spanish State Financial Agency), for which the authors have developed a computer application.The authors are indebted to Jose Garrido, whose suggestions improved the original manuscript, and to the anonymous referee for his/her valuable comments. This work was partially supported by grants from the MEyC (Ministerio de Educacio´n y Ciencia, Spain), projects MTM2010- 14961 and MTM2008-05152.Debón Aucejo, AM.; Montes, F.; Sala, R. (2013). Pricing reverse mortgages in Spain. European Actuarial Journal. 3:23-43. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13385-013-0071-yS23433Blay-Berrueta D (2007) Sistemas de cofinaciaciación de la dependencia: seguro privado frente a hipoteca inversa. Cuadernos de la Fundación, Fundación Mapfre Estudios, Madrid.Booth H (2006) Demographic forecasting: 1980 to 2005 in review. 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    A comparative study of two population models for the assessment of basis risk in longevity hedges

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    Longevity swaps have been one of the major success stories of pension scheme derisking in recent years. However, with some few exceptions, all of the transactions to date have been bespoke longevity swaps based upon the mortality experience of a portfolio of named lives. In order for this market to start to meet its true potential, solutions will ultimately be needed that provide protection for all types of members, are cost effective for large and smaller schemes, are tradable, and enable access to the wider capital markets. Index-based solutions have the potential to meet this need; however concerns remain with these solutions. In particular, the basis risk emerging from the potential mismatch between the underlying forces of mortality for the index reference portfolio and the pension fund/annuity book being hedged is the principal issue that has, to date, prevented many schemes progressing their consideration of index-based solutions. Two-population stochastic mortality models offer an alternative to overcome this obstacle as they allow market participants to compare and project the mortality experience for the reference and target populations and thus assess the amount of demographic basis risk involved in an index-based longevity hedge. In this paper, we systematically assess the suitability of several multi-population stochastic mortality models for assessing basis risks and provide guidelines on how to use these models in practical situations paying particular attention to the data requirements for the appropriate calibration and forecasting of such models