70 research outputs found

    Les osteomes des sinus de la face

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    Introduction : Le but de notre travail est prĂ©ciser le profil Ă©pidĂ©mio-clinique de cette pathologie, l’apport de l’imagerie dans le diagnostic, et discuter les modalitĂ©s de l’exĂ©rĂšse chirurgicale et l’apport de la voie endoscopique.Patients et mĂ©thode : il s’agit d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective de 18 patients porteurs d’ostĂ©omes des sinus paranasaux opĂ©rĂ©s entre 1993 Ă  2010. Ont Ă©tĂ© exclus les patients non opĂ©rĂ©s et les malades perdus de vue.RĂ©sultats : il s’agit de 18 patients porteurs d’un ostĂ©ome symptomatique des sinus de la face, d’ñge moyen 40 ans, sex ratio 0,38. La localisation la plus frĂ©quente Ă©tait le sinus frontal dans 55.5% des cas. Le traitement chirurgical Ă©tait de mise pour les patients symptomatiques. La voie endonasale Ă©tait indiquĂ©e dans 6 cas.la rĂ©cidive a intĂ©ressĂ© deux patients (11%) ayant un ostĂ©ome frontal et fronto-ethmoĂŻdal. Pour le reste des malades l’évolution Ă©tait favorable avec un recul moyen de 36 mois.Conclusion : L’ostĂ©ome des sinus paranasaux reste longtemps asymptomatique mais peut se compliquer par extension orbitaire ou cĂ©rĂ©brale. L’abord endonasal a permis d’amĂ©liorer la prise en charge.Mots clĂ©s : OstĂ©ome, sinus de la face, tomodensitomĂ©trie, chirurgie, voie endonasaleObjective : Lymph node infection is the most frequent localization of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. The treatment does not make general agreement. The aim of this study is to specify, from a review of the literature, the different ways of antimicrobial treatment and the indications of surgery.Patients and methods : il is about a retrospective study including 18 patients with paranasal sinus osteomas operated between 1993 and 2010. Were excluded unoperated and lost patients.Results : in this group of 18 patients with symptomatic sinus osteoma of the face, the mean age was 40 years, sex ratio was 0.38. the frontal sinus was the most affected, 55.5% of cases. Surgical treatment was set for symptomatic patients. The endonasal route was indicated in 6 cases. Recurrence was observed in two patients (11%) having a frontal osteoma and fronto-ethmoid. Outcomes were favorable in the remaining patients, mean follow-up was 36 months.Conclusion: Paranasal sinuses osteoma is a long asymptomatic tumor, but it may be complicated with orbital extending or stroke. Endonasal approach contributed to improve the treatment.Keyswords : Osteoma, paranasal sinus, computed tomography, surgery, endonasal approac

    Otospongiose : a propos de 149 cas

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    Introduction : L’otospongiose est une ostĂ©odystrophie de la capsule otique se traduisant par une surditĂ© de transmission ou plus rarement une surditĂ© mixte d’apparition progressive. Le but de notre travail est d’analyser les caractĂ©ristiques épidĂ©miologiques, cliniques, paracliniques et comparer les rĂ©sultats en fonction de l’ñge, du stade de l’ostĂ©odystrophie, de la technique chirurgicale et de la prothĂšse.Patients et mĂ©thodes : notre Ă©tude est rĂ©trospective portant sur 124 patients (149 oreilles) colligĂ©s sur une pĂ©riode de 9 ans (2000-2008).RĂ©sultats : notre population a comportĂ© 86 femmes et 38 hommes. La moyenne d’ñge Ă  l’intervention Ă©tait de 39,82 ans. La surditĂ© Ă©tait bilatĂ©rale dans 61,3% des cas et unilatĂ©rale dans 38,3%. Les seuils moyens prĂ©opĂ©ratoires de la conduction osseuse et aĂ©rienne Ă©taient respectivement de 17,33 dB et 52,52 dB, le rinne moyen Ă©tait de 35,19 dB. La tomodensitomĂ©trie a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e chez 63 patients. On a rĂ©alisĂ© 21 platinectomie totale, 24 platinectomie partielle et 101 platinotomie calibrĂ©e. Selon la classification de Portmann, on a trouvĂ© une rĂ©partition sensiblement Ă©gale entre les stades II, III et IV. On a utilisĂ© un piston tĂ©flon 6/10 mm dans 119 cas et 4/10 mm dans 27 cas. Le rinne moyen postopĂ©ratoire était de 15,95 dB. a 1 an, le rinne Ă©tait de 14,81 dB avec un rĂ©sultat satisfaisant de 94,2%.Conclusion : Il ressort de notre travail que certains facteurs semblent prĂ©dictifs de bons rĂ©sultats et qui sont : le sexe fĂ©minin, l’ñge <50 ans, le stade chirurgical< stade IV, la platinotomie, et le piston 0,4 mm.Mots clĂ©s : otospongiose, conduction osseuse, conduction aĂ©rienne, platinotomie, platinectomie.Objective : Otosclerosis is a common disorder of the otic capsule characterized by the presence of a progressive conductive or rarely mixed hearing loss. The aims of this study were to analyses the epidemiologic, clinical, paraclinical characteristic and compare our results according to age, stage, surgical technique and prosthesis. Patients et mĂ©thodes : Our study is retrospective about 124 patients (149 ears) in the period of 9 years (2000-2008).Results: Our population included 86 female and 38 male patients. mean age at intervention time was 39,82 years. The hearing loss was bilateral in 61,3% of cases and unilateral in 38,3%. The bone and air conduction threshold was 17.33 dB and 52,52 dB, the air-bone gap was 35,19 dB. The CT scan was realized in 63 patients. We have realized 21stapedectomy, 24 partial stapedectomy and 101 stapedotomy. In accordance with Portmann classification, the distribution between II, III and IV stages was almost equal. We used 6/10 mm Teflon piston prosthesis in 119 cases and 4/10 mm in 27 cases. The postoperative air-bone gap was 15,95 dB. after 1 year, the air-bone gap was 14,81 dB with a satisfying results in 94,2%.Conclusion: it seems that some factors are predictive for good results like a female sex, age<50 years, stage< stage IV, platinotomy and piston 4/10 mm.Keyswords : otosclerosis, bone conduction, air conduction, stapedectomy, stapedotom

    Molecular analysis of HBV genotypes and subgenotypes in the Central-East region of Tunisia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Tunisia, country of intermediate endemicity for Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, most molecular studies on the virus have been carried out in the North of the country and little is known about other regions. The aim of this study was to determine HBV genotype and subgenotypes in Central-East Tunisia. A total of 217 HBs antigen positive patients were enrolled and determination of genotype was investigated in 130 patients with detectable HBV DNA. HBV genotyping methods were: PCR-RFLP on the pre-S region, a PCR using type-specific primers in the S region (TSP-PCR) and partial sequencing in the pre-S region.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Three genotypes (D, B and A) were detected by the PCR-RFLP method and two (D and A) with the TSP-PCR method, the concordance between the two methods was 93%. Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of 32 strains, retrieved the same genotype (D and A) for samples with concordant results and genotype D for samples with discordant results. The sequences of discordant genotypes had a restriction site in the pre-S gene which led to erroneous result by the PCR-RFLP method. Thus, prevalence of genotype D and A was 96% and 4%, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis showed the predominance of two subgenotypes D1 (55%) and D7 (41%). Only one strain clustered with D3 subgenotype (3%).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Predominance of subgenotype D7 appears to occur in northern regions of Africa with transition to subgenotype D1 in the East of the continent. HBV genetic variability may lead to wrong results in rapid genotyping methods and sequence analysis is needed to clarify atypical results.</p

    Recent developments in genetics and medically assisted reproduction : from research to clinical applications

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    Two leading European professional societies, the European Society of Human Genetics and the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology, have worked together since 2004 to evaluate the impact of fast research advances at the interface of assisted reproduction and genetics, including their application into clinical practice. In September 2016, the expert panel met for the third time. The topics discussed highlighted important issues covering the impacts of expanded carrier screening, direct-to-consumer genetic testing, voiding of the presumed anonymity of gamete donors by advanced genetic testing, advances in the research of genetic causes underlying male and female infertility, utilisation of massively parallel sequencing in preimplantation genetic testing and non-invasive prenatal screening, mitochondrial replacement in human oocytes, and additionally, issues related to cross-generational epigenetic inheritance following IVF and germline genome editing. The resulting paper represents a consensus of both professional societies involved.Peer reviewe

    Le cémentoblastome : à propos de 2 cas

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    Le cĂ©mentoblastome, seule vĂ©ritable tumeur cĂ©mentaire, est un nĂ©oplasme rare, d’origine mĂ©senchymateuse, caractĂ©risĂ© par la formation d'un tissu cĂ©mentaire prolifĂ©rant au contact d’une racine dentaire, avec d’authentiques cĂ©mentoblastes fonctionnels. Il s’agit d'une tumeur bĂ©nigne du sujet jeune, d'Ă©volution lente, non rĂ©cidivante aprĂšs Ă©nuclĂ©ation. Une voussure est frĂ©quemment rĂ©vĂ©latrice, de mĂȘme qu'une douleur modĂ©rĂ©e. Le diagnostic diffĂ©rentiel se pose surtout avec l’ostĂ©oblastome. Le traitement doit ĂȘtre radical avec extraction de la ou des dents associĂ©es. Ce travail illustrĂ© par deux cas colligĂ©s au service de MĂ©decine et Chirurgie Buccales de la Clinique Dentaire de Monastir prĂ©sente les particularitĂ©s Ă©pidĂ©miologiques, radio-cliniques, histologiques et thĂ©rapeutiques de cette tumeur rare
