140 research outputs found

    Empirical analysis of the integration activity of business structures in the regions of Russia

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    The article investigates the integration activity of business structures in the regions of Russia. A wide variety of approaches to study the problems and prospects of economic integration and the current dispute on the role of integration processes in the regional economic development determined the complexity in the review of the concepts «integration» and «integration activities» in order to form objective conditions to analyse the integration activity of business structures in the Russian regions. The monitoring of the current legal system of the Russian Federation carried out in the area of statistics and compiling statistical databases on mergers and acquisitions showed the absence of formal executive authority dealing with the compiling collections of information on the integration activity at the regional level. In this connection, the data of Russian information and analytical agencies made the information base of the research. As research tools, we used methods of the analysis of structural changes, methods of the analysis of economic differentiation and concentration, methods of non-parametric statistics. The article shows the close relationship between the social and economic development of the subjects of Russia and integrated business structures functioning on its territory. An investigation of the integration activity structure and dynamics in the subjects of the Russian Federation based on statistical data for the period from 2003 to 2012 has revealed the increasing heterogeneity of the integration activity of business structures in the regions of Russia. The hypothesis of a substantial divergence of the mergers and acquisitions of corporate structures in Russian regions has been confirmed by high values of the Gini coefficient, the Herfindahl index and the decile coefficient of differentiation. The research results are of practical importance, since they can be used to improve the existing federal programs aimed at evening-out disproportions in the social and economic development of Russian regions. The qualitative infrastructure formation of the merger and acquisition market and the development of regional policies in order to increase the competitiveness of Russian regions can be possible on the basis of the analysis presented

    Статистическое изучение процессов слияния и поглощения российских компаний и оценка их интеграционной активности

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    Statistics of mergers and acquisitions is a traditional direction of international statistics and a new direction of Russian statistical science. In accordance with recommendations of Eurostat and Organization of economic cooperation and development (OECD) for improving Russian business statistics as regards to methodological approaches to measuring integration activity of economic entities, the authors examined key directions of processing and analyzing information about integration transactions which contribute to the development of statistics on mergers and acquisitions in the Russian Federation. The paper presents statistical analysis of integration processes and primary development trends in the Russian market of mergers and acquisitions amid economic sanctions and import substitution, along with the econometric approach to measuring integration activity of Russian business entities. The article covers main directions of the statistics accounting and analyses different aspects of integration activities of the economic entities. The authors formulated suggestions for improving collection and processing of the data on integration transactions and suggested new approaches to collecting and processing data on merges and acquisitions for a more comprehensive and timely reflection of economic integration at the national and international levels in the global transformation processes. To classify sectors (branches) of the Russian economy by the level of their integration activity the authors developed a toolkit that is based on splitting the mixture model for probability distribution that allows identifying integrative branches of the national economy before and after economic sanctions against the Russian Federation were imposed.В публикуемом исследовании на основе рекомендаций Евростата и Организации экономического сотрудничества и развития (ОЭСР) по совершенствованию статистики предпринимательства в части методологических подходов измерения интеграционной активности хозяйствующих субъектов проанализированы основные направления обработки и анализа информации об интеграционных сделках, способствующих развитию статистического учета слияний и поглощений в России. Авторами проведен статистический анализ интеграционных процессов и основных тенденций развития российского рынка слияний и поглощений в условиях экономических санкций и импортозамещения, а также предложен эконометрический подход к оценке интеграционной активности российских компаний. В статье характеризуются основные направления статистического учета и анализа различных аспектов интеграционной активности хозяйствующих субъектов. Сформулированы предложения по совершенствованию сбора и обработки данных об интеграционных сделках, а также новые подходы, связанные со сбором и обработкой данных о слияниях и поглощениях компаний, для более полного и своевременного отражения экономической ситуации в сфере интеграции на национальном и международном уровне в условиях глобальных трансформационных процессов. Предложен инструментарий для классификации секторов (отраслей) российской экономики по степени интеграционной активности, который основан на использовании модели расщепления смесей вероятностных распределений, позволяющий количественно оценить отраслевые диспропорции и выявить класс интеграционно активных отраслей отечественной экономики до и после введения экономических санкций в отношении России.

    Интеграционные процессы в металлургическом комплексе России: современное состояние и перспективы развития

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    Current integration processes form the basis for development of metallurgical companies. In this regard, the paper focused on an integrated statistical study of the current state and key guidelines for development of integration processes in the metals sector ofthe Russian Federation. With this object in view, the article analyzes key development trends for the global metallurgy and their influence on the sector-specific activity in the field of mergers and acquisitions; it also presents a statistical analysis of integration processes and key guidelines for development of the Russian metallurgy industry; and reveals key trends in M&A deals with participation of Russian metallurgical holdings. The authors focus on the analysis of the metals sector of the world and the Russian economy. The analysis performed highlighted the following key trends in development of the metallurgy industry: a refocusing of steel production and consumption by regions of the world, an active search for sources of raw materials, an increase in the output of high value-added products, etc. The article presents generalized analysis results of integration processes in the global and the Russian metallurgy industry. It was shown that main objectives of integration deals in the steelmaking sector included an increase in raw materials supply, a steady growth of profitability, expansion of the geography of production, an access to new technologies. The results of the conducted research led the authors to the conclusion that the M&A market in the metals sector of the Russian economy is developing in line with global trends, and it is reasonable for Russian metallurgical holdings, striving to become noticeable world market players, to be more active in the field of integration.В настоящее время в условиях быстро меняющейся бизнес-среды интеграционные процессы становятся основой развития металлургических компаний. В публикуемой статье проведено комплексное статистическое исследование современного состояния и основных направлений развития интеграционных процессов в металлургическом секторе Российской Федерации. В работе проанализированы ведущие тенденции развития мировой металлургии и их влияние на отраслевую активность в сфере слияний и поглощений; проведен статистический анализ интеграционных процессов и основных направлений развития металлургической промышленности России; выявлены главные тенденции при осуществлении сделок слияний и поглощений, в которых участниками явились российские металлургические холдинги. Авторы дают общую характеристику металлургического сектора мировой и российской экономики. На основе проведенного анализа были выделены следующие тенденции развития металлургической промышленности: переориентация производства и потребления стали по регионам мира; активный поиск источников сырья; наращивание продукции с высокой добавленной стоимостью. Обобщены результаты анализа интеграционных процессов как на уровне мировой, так и российской металлургии. В итоге было выявлено, что основными задачами интеграционных сделок в сталелитейном секторе являются увеличение сырьевой обеспеченности, стабилизация и рост прибыльности производства, расширение географии производства, получение доступа к новым технологиям. На основе проведенного исследования был сделан вывод, что рынок слияний и поглощений в металлургическом секторе экономики России развивается в русле общемировых тенденций и российским металлургическим холдингам, ставящим перед собой цель занять заметное место на мировом рынке, целесообразно проводить более энергичную деятельность в сфере интеграции

    Mitogen- and Stress-Activated Protein Kinase 1 Regulates Status Epilepticus-Evoked Cell Death in the Hippocampus

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    Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling has been implicated in a wide range of neuronal processes, including development, plasticity, and viability. One of the principal downstream targets of both the extracellular signal-regulated kinase/MAPK pathway and the p38 MAPK pathway is M itogen- and S tress-activated protein K inase 1 (MSK1). Here, we sought to understand the role that MSK1 plays in neuroprotection against excitotoxic stimulation in the hippocampus. To this end, we utilized immunohistochemical labeling, a MSK1 null mouse line, cell viability assays, and array-based profiling approaches. Initially, we show that MSK1 is broadly expressed within the major neuronal cell layers of the hippocampus and that status epilepticus drives acute induction of MSK1 activation. In response to the status epilepticus paradigm, MSK1 KO mice exhibited a striking increase in vulnerability to pilocarpine-evoked cell death within the CA1 and CA3 cell layers. Further, cultured MSK1 null neurons exhibited a heighted level of N-methyl-D-aspartate-evoked excitotoxicity relative to wild-type neurons, as assessed using the lactate dehydrogenase assay. Given these findings, we examined the hippocampal transcriptional profile of MSK1 null mice. Affymetrix array profiling revealed that MSK1 deletion led to the significant (>1.25-fold) downregulation of 130 genes and an upregulation of 145 genes. Notably, functional analysis indicated that a subset of these genes contribute to neuroprotective signaling networks. Together, these data provide important new insights into the mechanism by which the MAPK/MSK1 signaling cassette confers neuroprotection against excitotoxic insults. Approaches designed to upregulate or mimic the functional effects of MSK1 may prove beneficial against an array of degenerative processes resulting from excitotoxic insults


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    A drug for the prevention and therapy of tick-borne encephalitis virus is being developed on the basis of the protective chimeric antibody ch14D5a. At the same time, the epitope recognized by this antibody on the surface of glycoprotein E has not been localized yet. The aim of this work was to identify the domain of glycoprotein E, to which the protective antibody ch14D5a binds. As a result, four recombinant variants of glycoprotein E were generated using the bacterial expression system: (1) the rE protein containing the domains D1, D2, and D3 of glycoprotein E; (2) the rED1+2 protein containing domains D1 and D2; (3) the rED3_301 protein, which is domain D3 of glycoprotein E, and (4) the rED3_294 protein comprising domain D3 and a hinge region connecting domains D1 and D3. The rED3_294 and rED3_301 proteins were obtained in soluble monomeric form. The rE and rED1+2 proteins were extracted from the inclusion bodies of Escherichia coli. Using Western blot analysis and surface plasmon resonance analysis, it was demonstrated that the protective chimeric antibody ch14D5a and its Fab fragment bound specifically to domain D3 of glycoprotein E. Since the antibodies recognizing epitopes on the surface of domain D3 do not tend to cause antibody-dependent enhancement of the infection as compared to antibodies directed to domains D1 and D2, the data obtained confirm the promise of using the antibody ch14D5a in the development of a therapeutic preparation against the tick-borne encephalitis virus

    NADPH oxidase elevations in pyramidal neurons drive psychosocial stress-induced neuropathology

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    Oxidative stress is thought to be involved in the development of behavioral and histopathological alterations in animal models of psychosis. Here we investigate the causal contribution of reactive oxygen species generation by the phagocyte NADPH oxidase NOX2 to neuropathological alterations in a rat model of chronic psychosocial stress. In rats exposed to social isolation, the earliest neuropathological alterations were signs of oxidative stress and appearance of NOX2. Alterations in behavior, increase in glutamate levels and loss of parvalbumin were detectable after 4 weeks of social isolation. The expression of the NOX2 subunit p47phox was markedly increased in pyramidal neurons of isolated rats, but below detection threshold in GABAergic neurons, astrocytes and microglia. Rats with a loss of function mutation in the NOX2 subunit p47phox were protected from behavioral and neuropathological alterations induced by social isolation. To test reversibility, we applied the antioxidant/NOX inhibitor apocynin after initiation of social isolation for a time period of 3 weeks. Apocynin reversed behavioral alterations fully when applied after 4 weeks of social isolation, but only partially after 7 weeks. Our results demonstrate that social isolation induces rapid elevations of the NOX2 complex in the brain. Expression of the enzyme complex was strongest in pyramidal neurons and a loss of function mutation prevented neuropathology induced by social isolation. Finally, at least at early stages, pharmacological targeting of NOX2 activity might reverse behavioral alterations

    Папиллярная фиброэластома левой коронарной створки аортального клапана: клинические наблюдения и обзор литературы

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    Papillary fibroelastoma is a relatively rare cardiac tumor, which etiology is undisclosed and not entirely clear. A relatively small number of case descriptions and investigations makes it difficult to accumulate the material, which is absolutely necessary in view of the diversity and ambivalence of the tactics of the management of the different groups of patients. The article represents the case reports of the papillary fibroelastoma of the left coronary leaflet of the aortic valve in a 79 y.o. man and 15 y.o. woman. In both cases patients hadn't any complains; both fibroelastomas were accidentally detected. Due to echocardiography and CMR, it was succeed to obtain data on the hemodynamic significance of these tumors, to reveal their precize localization and to assess their mobility, also to differentiate them with other masses.Папиллярная фиброэластома – это относительно редко встречающаяся опухоль сердца, этиология которой вариабельна и не до конца изучена. Относительно небольшое количество описаний случаев и исследований затрудняет накопление материала, что абсолютно необходимо ввиду неоднозначности тактики ведения разных групп пациентов. В статье представлены наблюдения папиллярной фиброэластомы левой коронарной створки аортального клапана у мужчины 79 лет и у девушки 15 лет. В обоих случаях пациенты не предъявляли жалоб, фиброэластома была выявлена случайно. Благодаря методам эхокардиографии и магнитнорезонансной томографии (МРТ) удалось получить данные о гемодинамической значимости этих опухолей, выявить их точную локализацию и степень подвижности, провести дифференциальную диагностику с другими образованиями