949 research outputs found


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    This paper analyzes urban and rural food consumption in Tanzania using the Generalized Translog (GTL) expenditure system. We reject a pooled model in favor of two separate urban and rural models. Results indicate that subsistence consumption has significant effect on food demand in rural areas, but it is less important in urban areas. Hence, ignoring differences between urban and rural regions can lead to incorrect inferences and policy recommendations.Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Preventing Future Children from Living in Poverty in Port Isabel, Texas

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    Goal Statement: This prevention project aims to decrease Hispanic child poverty in Port Isabel, TX, from the current rate of 45% to 40% over five years by connecting with Hispanic families who live in poverty through focus groups and family counseling to address bicultural issues affecting educational success. Significant Findings: Population and Problem Many Hispanic children in Port Isabel, TX, live in poverty (45%; County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, 2018), especially girls under the age of five (DATAUSA, 2018). How might this be decreased now and prevented in the future? Key Findings Risk factors for child poverty include parents living in a colonia or low-income housing (Dietz, 2008; Towne et al., 2017), attending a high school with low standardized test grades (Texas Education Agency (TEA), 2017), identifying as Hispanic (County Health Rankings & Roadmaps, 2018), not having health insurance (Towne et al.), or living in a time of global economic hardship (Towne et al.). Protective factors for child poverty in Port Isabel include family support (Espino, 2016) and having health insurance (Towne et al., 2017). This prevention project aims to reduce these risk factors and increase these protective factors. Recommendations Programs that embrace Social Cognitive Theory can address this problem (Betters-Bubon & Schultz, 2018; Buzzetto-Hollywood et al., 2019; Carey, 2019; Promising Practices Network, 2014), as well as projects that embrace culture competency techniques (Garcia-Joslin et al., 2016; Parra-Cardona et al., 2017). Recommended advocacy actions to push toward preventing poverty include bending the rules or disagreeing with superiors, finding nontraditional transportation options for students, or teaching families how to advocate for themselves (Crawford et al., 2019). Objectives/Strategies/Interventions/Next Steps: Objectives, Strategies, and Interventions Hispanic children experiencing poverty can be identified and can participate in focus groups. Information gathered from these focus groups can provide an outline for appropriate family counseling for interested families. School counselors can act as consultants to help with educational assistance and in setting up an evidence-based program such as “Teaching And Reaching Every Area” (TAREA; n.d.). Next Steps A brochure can be created and handed out at the focus groups that lists currently available resources for undocumented families and their children. We can additionally raise public support for this region\u27s initiative

    Consumer Perception of Sorghum Variety Attributes in the Lake Zone Tanzania

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    Many sorghum varieties have been developed by research institutes in an effort to address food security problems in the semi-arid areas of Tanzania. Although sorghum is better adapted to drier areas than maize, farmer adoption rates for sorghum varieties are always lower than that of maize. In addition, maize based food is more acceptable to urban consumers than sorghum based food. In this study consumer evaluated quality attributes of sorghum ugali based on different varieties in order to determine marketing potential relating to the different improved sorghum varieties. A total of 231 consumers, randomly selected from urban and rural areas participated in a food panel to evaluate ugali prepared from five sorghum varieties (three improved, two local). Conjoint analysis was used to determine consumer perceptions of the variety attributes, while a logistic model was applied to determine preference ranking of different varieties. The results indicated that the color and taste of sorghum ugali were the most important criteria used by consumers to evaluate the quality ugali. The study results indicated that sorghum ugali with white/khaki color and the majority of panel participants preferred neutral or slightly sweet taste. Consumers from rural and urban areas accepted two improved varieties; only consumers from rural areas accepted the remaining variety.Adoption, consumer perception, conjoint analysis, sorghum varieties, Tanzania, Agricultural and Food Policy, Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, Marketing, Productivity Analysis, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    771-4 Enhancement of Delayed Afterdepolarlzatlons (DADs) and Triggered Activity by E-4031 and Dofetilide In a Cardiac Glycoside Model of Cell Ca2+ Overload

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    HypothesisSeveral new class III antiarrhythmic drugs, including E-4031 and Dofetilide. are reported to selectively block the rapidly activating delayed rectifier current (iKR). These drugs increase action potential duration (APD) which should load cells with Ca2+ via the Na-Ca exchange mechanism and Ca2+ channels. Thus DADs, which occur in Ca2+ loaded cells, should be enhanced by these drugs.MethodsAction potentials were recorded from sheep Purkinje fibers at pacing cycle lengths (CL) of 990 and 690 ms. Ca2+ overload with DADs were induced by exposing fibers to acetylstrophanthidin (AS, 0.15μM) for 30min. Fibers were then exposed to AS-free Tyrode's containing E-4031 (E, 5.0μM; Group 1, n=5), or Dofetilide (D, 0.5 μM; Group 2, n=5), or no drug (Group 3, n=5) for 30 min.Results1) Both E and 0 enhanced DAD amplitude. With AS exposure for 30min. mean DAD amplitude reached 5.6±1.3 and 4.4±0.7 mV for Groups 1–2, respectively (CL 990ms). After 10min exposure to E or D, DAD amplitude increased to 6.6±1.3 and 6.5±1.0 mV, respectively (p<0.05). In Group 3, after switching from AS to no drug for 10 min, DAD amplitude was decreased by 2.2±0.5 mV (p<0.05). Similar findings were obtained at the 690 ms CL. 2) E and D exerted a biphasic effect on APD, initially shortening it at 10 min of exposure (p<0.05) before it lengthened. 3) E and D prolonged DAD disappearance time (36.0±2.4, 34.0±8.7, and 16.0±2.4 min in Groups 1–3, respectively). 4) E and D occasionally induced triggered action potentials. Lowering [K]&z.omicr; (5.4 to 4.0 mM) worsened these effects. 5) Without prior AS exposure, E caused only prolongation of APD and occasionally the induction of early afterdepolarizations.ConclusionsE and D enhanced DADs and triggered activity. In the presence of AS induced Ca2+ overload, E and D caused shortening of APD. These effects can not be explained solely by selective block of iKR by E and D. Additional drug effects, resembling enhancement of cardiac glycoside toxicity, exist

    Arabidopsis MSL10 Has a Regulated Cell Death Signaling Activity That Is Separable from Its Mechanosensitive Ion Channel Activity

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    Members of the MscS superfamily of mechanosensitive ion channels function as osmotic safety valves, releasing osmolytes under increased membrane tension. MscS homologs exhibit diverse topology and domain structure, and it has been proposed that the more complex members of the family might have novel regulatory mechanisms or molecular functions. Here, we present a study of MscS-Like (MSL)10 from Arabidopsis thaliana that supports these ideas. High-level expression of MSL10-GFP in Arabidopsis induced small stature, hydrogen peroxide accumulation, ectopic cell death, and reactive oxygen species- and cell death-associated gene expression. Phosphomimetic mutations in the MSL10 N-terminal domain prevented these phenotypes. The phosphorylation state of MSL10 also regulated its ability to induce cell death when transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves but did not affect subcellular localization, assembly, or channel behavior. Finally, the N-terminal domain of MSL10 was sufficient to induce cell death in tobacco, independent of phosphorylation state. We conclude that the plant-specific N-terminal domain of MSL10 is capable of inducing cell death, this activity is regulated by phosphorylation, and MSL10 has two separable activities-one as an ion channel and one as an inducer of cell death. These findings further our understanding of the evolution and significance of mechanosensitive ion channels

    Clinical PhD Graduate Student Views of Their Scientist-Practitioner Training

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    Objectives: The goal of the scientist-practitioner (S-P) training model is to produce clinical psycholo-gists equipped to integrate and utilize both science and practice in the clinical and research domains. However, much has been written regarding the possible shortcomings of S-P training and whether clinical psychology graduate students are actually gaining the knowledge and skills to integrate sci-ence and practice during graduate training and beyond (Chang, Lee, & Hargreaves, 2008; Gelso, 2006; Merlo, Collins, & Bernstein, 2008; Phillips, 1993). Methods: As such, the present study assessed ratings of satisfaction, perception of ability, and use of the S-P training model within 653 clinical psychology graduate students enrolled in programs that are members of the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology. Results: Findings suggest that students are consistently trained in the integration of science and practice and have confidence in their abilities to apply the S-P integra-tion to research and clinical work. However, despite understanding the ways in which science can influence practice, over one third of students reported that they rarely use science-based decisions when informing clients of the clinical services they will be providing. Conclusions: The implications of these results support the need for a more detailed evaluation of clinical psychology graduate stu-dents as well as the use of research-informed practice and the process of providing clients with in-formation they need to make informed choices about treatment


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    Penelitian ini tentang Analisis Korelasi Keterampilan Kewirausahaan dan Efikasi Diri dengan Minat Berwirausaha siswa jurusan Tataboga di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Negeri 4 Kota Jambi. Bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bukti serta jawaban dari Berhubungan atau tidaknya Keterampilan Kewirausahaan dan Minat Berwirausaha dengan mengontrol Efikasi Diri siswa jurusan Tataboga SMKN 4 Kota Jambi dan Berhubungan atau tidaknya Efikasi Diri dan Minat Berwirausaha dengan mengontrol Keterampilan Kewirausahaan siswa jurusan Tataboga SMKN 4 Kota Jambi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode survey menggunakan teknik korelasi. Teknik Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik Simple Random Sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan Angket/Kuisioner yang berjumlah 20 pernyataan setiap variabel. Analisis pada penelitian ini menggunakan Analisis Korelasi Parsial. Dari hasil Uji Korelasi Parsial mengatakan bahwa Korelasi Keterampilan Kewirausahaan dan Minat Berwirausaha sebesar 0,625 memiliki arah korelasi positif. Taraf signifikansi 0,361 0,463 berarti signifikan bahwa hubungan keterampilan kewirausahaan dengan minat berwirausaha terjadi dengan sesungguhnya bukan secara kebetulan .Dan korelasi Efikasi Diri dan Minat Berwirausaha sebesar 0,430 memiliki arah korelasi positif. Taraf signifikansi 0,361 < 0,430 < 0,463 berarti signifikan bahwa hubungan Efikasi Diri dengan Minat Berwirausaha terjadi dengan sesungguhnya bukan secara kebetulan
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