160 research outputs found

    Studies of microbial abundances in mangrove habitat along the Karachi coast

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    Three species of bacteria, 8 species of fungi and 3 species of VAM-fungi were isolated from the soil substrata supporting Avicennia marina which comprises the majority of mangrove vegetation along the Karachi coast. The species abundances for fungi and bacteria were greater at one site (Sandspit) supporting healthy mangrove growth with soil pH 7.8, EC 16.2mmhos/cm², TSS 2.57% and available phosphorus 0.008% than at the other site (Korangi creek) with stunted growth of mangrove where the soil samples showed pH 7.9, EC 18.8mmhos/cm², TSS 1.45% and available phosphorus 0.001%. Symbiotic association by vasicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi in the roots of mangrove plants was also observed on a small scale at Korangi creek where the substratum was undergoing microbial degradation

    Mechanism of Cavitation-induced Atomization in Two-dimensional Nozzles

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    It has been pointed out that cavitation, i.e., super cavitation regime may occur in a nozzle of pressure atomizers, and may influence atomization of a liquid jet discharged from the 2D nozzle. Once we clarify the mechanism of atomization induced by the supercavitation, we will be able to develop new atomizers in which the atomization mechanism is utilized more efficiently. Hence, this study has been conducted to clarify the mechanism in the 2D nozzle. As a result, the following conclusions are obtained: (1) The frequency of the shedding and collapse of cavitation clouds in the supercavitation regime agrees with that of strong turbulence near the exit; (2) When the trace of a cavitation cloud comes out of the 2D nozzle, a ligament is formed at the liquid jet interface; (3) Strong turbulence is produced by the collapse of cavitation clouds near the exit of the 2D nozzle.and induces ligament formation, which, in turn, causes liquid jet atomization

    Ceritera rakyat daerah Sulawesi Selatan

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    Penelitian dan pencatatan kebudayaan daerah Sulawesi Selatan terutama berkenaan dengan penelitian dan pericatatan ceritera rakyat daerah Sulawesi Selatan, belum banyak dilakukan. Sehubungan dengan itu penelitian dari pencahtan ceritera rakyat daerah Sulawesi Selatan ini menipunyai beberapa tujuan diantaranya adalah Menyelamatkan kebudayaan nasional pada umumnya dan kebudayaan daerah khususnya melalui aspek-aspek ceritera rakyat daerah Sulawesi Selatan. Membina kelangsungan dan pengernbangan kebudayaan nasional pada umwnnya, dan kebudayaan daerah Sulawesi Selatan khususnya, melalui aspek-aspek ceritera takyat daerah Sulawesi Selatan


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    Abstrak Anak merupakan rahmat sekaligus amanah bagi orang tua yang Allah titipkan untuk dibesarkan, dididik dan dibimbing dengan penuh kasih sayang agar nantinya menjadi anak sholeh. Mendidik anak merupakan keniscayaan yang harus dilakukan oleh setiap orang tua. Hak anak untuk mendapatkan pendidikan adalah akibat dari hak-hak mereka untuk mendapatkan kebebasan mereka sepenuhnya pada waktunya dan demikian juga hal ini merupakan hasil dari kebutuhan vital manusia untuk memperoleh pendidikan agar mereka dapat menggunakan kemampuan-kemapuan mereka. Namun pada praktiknya, dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan terhadap anak sangat rentan terjadi kekerasan baik secara verbal maupun non verbal, khususnya pada anak ditingkat sekolah dasar. Keterbatasan dalam komunikasi aktif yang dialami anak dalam pergaulan, menjadikan hambatan dalam menafsirkan keadaan yang terjadi terhadap individu anak tersebut. Penganiayaan fisik adalah tindakan kasar yang mencelakakan anak dan segala bentuk kekerasan fisik pada anak yang lainnya. Sedangkan penganiayaan psikis adalah semua tindakan merendahkan/ meremehkan anak. Upaya pencegahan dilakukan dengan tetap memperhatikan kebutuhan anak baik secara bathinian maupun lahiriah. Kata Kunci: Anak, Kekerasan, Pendidikan Dasa


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    Penyuluhan pembuatan teh dari  daun kelor (Moringa oleifera Lam) dengan pemberian cairan madu, garam sebagai minuman tambahan bagi keluarga. Teh daun kelor berupa herbal biasanya digunakan bahan alami  dari daun, ranting bahkan kulit batang yang jemur beberapa waktu kemudian diseduh dengan air panas. Boleh juga tehkelor ini dapat dikemas berupa bungkusan  dengan kertas saring. Cara pembuatan tek kelor  herbal yaitu dengan dilakukan penyiangan daun dan ranting daun kelor, pengeringan dengan menggunakan sinar matahari secara tindak langsung hingga kering, bahan bakunya dapat di haluskan atau ditumbuk menjadi tepung baru dibungkus  atau dikemas seperti teh celup umumnya. Daun kelor ini juga sering   dikomsumsi oleh masyarakat Aceh sebagai sayuran yang di campuran dengan wortel atau labu dalam menu masakan masyarakat desa. Banyak zat penting yang terkandung di dalam tanaman kelor seperti serat, Vit. B, Fosfor, tembaga, kalium, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin A, kalsium, asam folat, tembaga, magnesium, protein, lemak, kalsium, dan zat besi. Tanin daun kelor juga berguna sebagai antioksidan, antimikroba, antifungi, dan juga anti inflamasi yang mampu menghambat pertumbuhan sel kanker, fungsi utama dari antioksidan yang terkandung dalam daun kelor, yaitu membantu menangkal radikal bebas pada tubuh.

    Refinement of fertilizer recommendation based on Soil Test Crop Response technology for rice under System of Rice Intensification

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    A study on Soil Test Crop Response based Integrated Plant Nutrition System (STCR - IPNS) were conducted adopting an Inductive cum Targeted yield model in non-calcareous sandy loam soils of Lithic Haplusteptat Regional Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Paiyur, Tamil Nadu during Kharif 2013 in orderto develop fertilizer prescriptions equation (FPEs) through IPNS for the desired yield targets of rice under SRI technique. A ready reckoner of fertilizer doses at varying soil test value, for attaining 6 to 9 t ha-1 target grain yield of rice has been worked out. Using these equations a validation trial was conducted on Kharif 2014 at this station. The grain yield of rice ranged from 2.54 t ha-1 in absolute control to 8.65 t ha-1 in STCR-IPNS-9 t ha-1. The STCR-IPNS @ 8 t ha-1 was effective and economical as compare with any other treatments. The deviation recorded in the achievement of targets aimed was within the range of ± 10 per cent (90 – 110 %) proving the validity of the FPEs. The STCR treatments recorded relatively higher response ratio (RR) and benefit-cost ratio (BCR) over blanket and farmer's practice and STCR-IPNS treatments recorded relatively higher RR and BCR over STCR-NPK alone treatments. Post-harvest soil tests for NPK revealed that there was maintenance of soil fertility. The STCR-IPNS @ 8 t ha-1 was effective and economical as compare with any other treatments. Thus, the Inductive cum Targeted yield model used to develop fertilizer prescription equations provides a strong basis for soil fertility maintenance consistent with high productivity and efficient nutrient management for sustainable and enduring Agriculture

    Kesediaan Pentadbir Awam Malaysia Menangani Globalisasi Dan Era E-Government

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    Malaysia liveliness wake Corridor region Raya Multimedia (Multimedia Super Corridor - MSC) has opened a new chapter to the development of the city. Get along or not Malaysia is no exception terheret together in globalization. Malaysia needs to be comparable to the developed countries so as not to lag behind in economic and technological development. Indeed, in order to achieve competitiveness in the global ranking high rate capability, along with the development of Putrajaya and Cyberjaya Bestari Bandaraya, electronics empire system has been implemented. The main Matlamat kingdom perlaksanaan electronic system is to deliver a system that cekap Pentadbiran kingdom, so that the impression can be competitive in the global rankings. However, the main cases that need to be woken up instead of our other systems, even cover human resource development lay administrators (e-governance) itself. Indeed, the issue essentially lay the extent of the willingness of administrators to handle the presence of systems electronics empire? Are there they are capable of in the aspect of human resource development such as a change in attitude and scientific (Humanware)? In connection with the issue-perseoalan dikemukan this paper will Membincang three major cases. The first is a theoretical discussion about the process of globalization, global society and the concept bandaraya bermaklumat bestari. Secondly, the discussion of the kingdom of electronic systems and the concept of ‘good governance' and the factors of human development. Third, during the discussion of keupayaan lay administrators in handling the system electronics empire

    Faktor Pribadi dan Faktor Psikologis yang Memengaruhi Perilaku Konsumen dalam Pembelian Songket di Toko Mawar Songket

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the most dominant personal and psychological factors in influencing consumer behavior in purchasing songket at  Mawar Songket store and how much these factors affected consumer behavior in purchasing songket at Mawar Songket store. Problem solving was done by quantitative-descriptive research method with a technique in the form of a survey of consumers of the Mawar Songket store through a questionnaire. The data in this study used analysis of instrument test, multiple linear regression tests with partial and simultaneous tests which were processed with IBM SPSS version 25. From the results of the study, it was concluded that personal factors did not significantly influence consumer behavior. While psychological factors had a significant effect on consumer behavior at  Mawar Songket store. Psychological factors gave the most dominant influence on consumer behavior at  Mawar Songket store. Enhancement in songket types and prices need to be strengthened in order to encourage consumers' personal factors in purchasing songket at Mawar Songket store based on consumer behavior


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