160 research outputs found

    Shear viscosity of the Ī¦4\Phi^4 theory from classical simulation

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    Shear viscosity of the classical Ī¦4\Phi^4 theory is measured using classical microcanonical simulation. To calculate the Kubo formula, we measure the energy-momentum tensor correlation function, and apply the Green-Kubo relation. Being a classical theory, the results depend on the cutoff which should be chosen in the range of the temperature. Comparison with experimentally accessible systems is also performed.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figure

    Orthodontic-Prosthodontic Rehabilitation: a Case Report

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    A 25 year-old female came to the Department of Prosthodontics, complaining of problems with masticatory function, described as pain in both temporomandibular joints during mastication and dissatified with esthetics in the upper jaw. After a thorough clinical escaminations, diagnostic casts and X-ray analysis it was determined that the patent had oligodontium of 10 teeth (14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 25, 28, 38, 44, 48), discoloration of incisors caused by hypomaturated enamel (amelogenesis imperfecta), disproportion of the front teeth (in completely defined microdontia), Angle class II/1 (deep overbite) and compression of the front teeth. The case history showed that the problems were of a congenital nature apart from the frontal compression, caused by inadequate orthodontic therapy at a younger age. Despite numerous congenital abnormalities, the patient had no systemic disorders. In consultation with an orthodontist, the patient commenced orthodontic therapy with a fixed orthodontic appliance in the upper jaw for placing the teeth in the right position for fabrication of a semicircular bridge. After 6 months of orthodontic therapy, a fixed prosthodontic appliance 600321 123006 (upper jaw) was made of metal ceramic. The aim of the therapy was to replace missing teeth, protect existing teeth with hypomaturated enamel and readjust occlusal height. With the new intermaxillary relations and teeth contour esthetic and functional concordance was achieved. After therapy the patient had no pain in the temporomandibular joints

    Orthodontic-Prosthodontic Rehabilitation: a Case Report

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    A 25 year-old female came to the Department of Prosthodontics, complaining of problems with masticatory function, described as pain in both temporomandibular joints during mastication and dissatified with esthetics in the upper jaw. After a thorough clinical escaminations, diagnostic casts and X-ray analysis it was determined that the patent had oligodontium of 10 teeth (14, 15, 17, 18, 24, 25, 28, 38, 44, 48), discoloration of incisors caused by hypomaturated enamel (amelogenesis imperfecta), disproportion of the front teeth (in completely defined microdontia), Angle class II/1 (deep overbite) and compression of the front teeth. The case history showed that the problems were of a congenital nature apart from the frontal compression, caused by inadequate orthodontic therapy at a younger age. Despite numerous congenital abnormalities, the patient had no systemic disorders. In consultation with an orthodontist, the patient commenced orthodontic therapy with a fixed orthodontic appliance in the upper jaw for placing the teeth in the right position for fabrication of a semicircular bridge. After 6 months of orthodontic therapy, a fixed prosthodontic appliance 600321 123006 (upper jaw) was made of metal ceramic. The aim of the therapy was to replace missing teeth, protect existing teeth with hypomaturated enamel and readjust occlusal height. With the new intermaxillary relations and teeth contour esthetic and functional concordance was achieved. After therapy the patient had no pain in the temporomandibular joints

    Estimation of Wear Resistance in Acid Solution of Dental Ceramics by Neural Network

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    It is known that exposure to acid causes damage to the glass surface. The aim of this study was to examine wear resistance, measuring the mass change of dental ceramics after contact with 10-3 mol dm-3 HCl at temperature of 50Ā°C. Four samples of dental ceramics were analyzed: feldspatic ceramic, hydrothermal ceramic, glass ceramic for staining and glass ceramic for layering. The mass concentrations of eluted Na+, K+ and Ca2+ were determined by ion chromatography (IC) and mass concentrations of Si4+ and Al3+ by UV/VIS spectrometry. Measurements were conducted after 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12 months of emersion. For the subject issue, using experimental data, the feedforward backpropagation neural network for estimation of wear resistance of dental ceramics was modelled. The results of 1, 2 and 12 months of emersion were used for the training 13-20-5 model of neural network. Comparison of experimental data and data obtained by estimation (results of 3 and 6 month intervals) of neural network shows that the applied network model provided a very good prediction of wear behavior of dental ceramics with high correlation coefficient (R) and low sum of squared error (SSE) between measurement and estimated output values

    Estimation of Standards for Gold and Silver Sampling

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    U protetskoj se terapiji upotrebljava vrlo mnogo plemenitih slitina različita sastava. Plemeniti metali su sinonim za biokompatibilnost. Zlato je jedna od najinertnijih plementih kovina, a srebro jedna od najreaktivnijih. Cilj rada bio je razvijanje i raŔčlamba kromatografskih mrlja čistoga zlata i srebra (Aurodent, Celje, Slovenija). Kovine su uzorkovane na sobnoj temperaturi otopinom voda-HCl(conc.) (v/v 10:1) tijekom 10 s pri stalnom naponu struje od 4,5 V. Otopine kationa iz čistih kovina i 10 Āµl standardnih otopina soli nanesene su na HPTLC kromatografske ploče (Merck, Darmstadt, Njemačka) 10 x 10 cm presvučene celulozom. Ploče su razvijene u staklenoj kromatografskoj komori zasićenoj mobilnom fazom izo-amilni alkohol: HCl(conc.) : acetonitril u omjeru 5,4 : 4,3 : 0,3 do visine od približno 8 cm. Kada su razvijene suÅ”ene su u struji vrućega zraka, a kationi su vizualizirani prskanjem zasićenim etanolnim otopinama difenilkarbazida, alizarina, kvercetina te 0,1% otopinom ditizona u kloroformu. Nakon prskanja i suÅ”enja ploče su izložene parama amonijaka i učinjena je vizualizacija. Uzorkovano zlato i srebro međusobno se razlikuje bojom kromatografskih mrlja i utvrđenim Rf vrijednostima. Metodom anodnoga uzorkovanja slitina i identifikacijom kationa tankoslojnom kromatogafijom moguće je dokazati postojanje određenih kationa s udjelom mase većim od 1%, ne oÅ”tećujući pritom sam uzorak. Metoda se pokazala prikladnom za uzorkovanje kovina zlata i srebra, Å”to je nastavak dosadaÅ”nih istraživanja u identifikaciji određenih sastavnica u pojedinim slitinama ili u inkorporiranome protetskom radu.Different precious dental alloys are used in prosthodontic therapy. Precious metals are the synonym for biocompatibility. Gold is one of the most inert and silver the most active presious metals. The purpose of this study was to develop an analyze the chromatographic spots of pure gold and silver (Aurodent, Celje, Slovenia). The sampling was performed in a water-HCl(conc.) solution in a 10 : 1 volume ratio at room temperature using a 4,5 V battery. Dissoluted cations and solutions of standard elements (salts of gold and silver) were applied to HPTLC plates (Mareck, Darmstadt, Germany) 10 x 10 cm precoated with cellulose. Plates were developed in a vertical separating chamber to a height of approximately 8 cm saturated with iso-amyl (3.methyl-1-butanol) - HCl (36,5%) - acetonitrile in a volume ratio 5,4 : 4,3 : 0,3. After development, plates were dried in (a steam of) hot air and the cations were visualized by spraying with the saturated ethanolic solutions of alizarin, diphenylcarbazide, quercetin and 0,1% chlorophorm solution of dithizone. After drying, plates were exposed to NH3 vapor. According to the Rf value and the color of the spots, the difference between gold and silver were obtained. Anodic sampling with thin-layer chromatography is a suitable, nondestructive method for identification of cations presents in different dental alloys. It is possible to identify the cations with their mass ratio W > 1%. The results have shown that the described method is suitable for analysis of gold and silver and it can be used in future work to identify those cations in dental alloys of unknown composition

    S-Wave Quarkonia in Potential Models

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    We discuss S-wave quarkonia correlators and spectral function using the Wong-potential, and show that these do not agree with the lattice results.Comment: based on talk presented at Strangeness in Quark Matter, UCLA, March 26-31, 200

    The number of eggs in 1 kg of fish-roe of some warm-water fish species

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    This article discusses our analysis of over 2,000 articles published within 20 top business and management journals. The article empirically demonstrates how little attention is being paid by the work published within these journals to contemporary political issues across the globe. We also demonstrate the extent to which the same is true of `critical' journals such as Organization . To this end we argue that mass scholarly ranking mechanisms, such as the British Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), create a general state of myopia on the part of business and management scholars towards a variety of political issues, even making a virtue out of ignorance in this regard. We suggest that this is not simply a problem for critical management studies and proceed to raise the question of what the responsibility of business and management academia actually is

    An effective chiral Hadron-Quark Equation of State

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    We construct an effective model for the QCD equation of state, taking into account chiral symmetry restoration as well as the deconfinement phase transition. The correct asymptotic degrees of freedom at the high and low temperature limits are included (quarks ā†”\leftrightarrow hadrons). The model shows a rapid crossover for both order parameters, as is expected from lattice calculations. We then compare the thermodynamic properties of the model at Ī¼B=0\mu_B=0 which turn out to be in qualitative agreement with lattice data, while apparent quantitative differences can be attributed to hadronic contributions and excluded volume corrections. Furthermore we discuss the effects of a repulsive vector type quark interaction at finite baryon number densities on the resulting phase diagram of the model. Our current model is able to reproduce a first-order liquid gas phase transition as expected, but does not show any signs of a first order deconfinement or chiral phase transition. Both transitions rather appear as a very wide crossover in which heavily medium modified hadron coexist with free quarks.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures Version accepted by J. Phys.

    Bite Force in Subjects with Complete Dentition

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    Bite force is the condition, expression and measure of the masticatory function. The purpose of this study was to examine, by means of a newly constructed electronic gnathodynamometer, the values of maximal bite forces in subjects with complete dentition, the time in which they express 50% and 75% respectively of the total forces value, and the shape of the bite curve during testing. The obtained data was statistically analyzed with respect to gender and age. Analysis of the variance confirmed the finding that there was no statistically significant correlation between the values of forces and subjects\u27 age, but there was a statistically significant difference between males and females in the values of the bite forces in the front segment, as well as between the values of the force on anterior and posterior teeth. The correlation between the time T1 posterior right and T1 posterior left, and between T1 and T2 for anterior teeth are statistically significant. Analysis of the bite curves suggests that males Ā»biteĀ« shorter than females with a sharper peak of the curve. Numerical values and bite curves should be a diagnostic factor in the further follow-up of subjects or in the choice of prosthodontic therapy
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