Bite Force in Subjects with Complete Dentition


Bite force is the condition, expression and measure of the masticatory function. The purpose of this study was to examine, by means of a newly constructed electronic gnathodynamometer, the values of maximal bite forces in subjects with complete dentition, the time in which they express 50% and 75% respectively of the total forces value, and the shape of the bite curve during testing. The obtained data was statistically analyzed with respect to gender and age. Analysis of the variance confirmed the finding that there was no statistically significant correlation between the values of forces and subjects\u27 age, but there was a statistically significant difference between males and females in the values of the bite forces in the front segment, as well as between the values of the force on anterior and posterior teeth. The correlation between the time T1 posterior right and T1 posterior left, and between T1 and T2 for anterior teeth are statistically significant. Analysis of the bite curves suggests that males »bite« shorter than females with a sharper peak of the curve. Numerical values and bite curves should be a diagnostic factor in the further follow-up of subjects or in the choice of prosthodontic therapy

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