26 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of Product Quality and Brand Image on the Purchase Decision of houses in Bali Surya Residence real estate, mediated by Customer Satisfaction. This study is an associative type of research to determine the relationship between two or more variables. The variables used are exogenous variables, mediating variables, and endogenous variables. This study uses probability sampling method and simple random sampling technique, with 140 respondents who have purchased a house in Bali Surya Residence as the sample. Validity and reliability tests are conducted to ensure the instrument's quality. Four data analysis methods are used, including descriptive statistical analysis, inferential statistical analysis in the form of Partial Least Square (PLS), hypothesis testing with resampling bootstrapping method, and testing of mediating variables in SEM-PLS mediation model. Purchase Decision is a sequence of related processes in satisfying consumers' desires and needs. Product Quality is an important factor that influences consumers' decision in purchasing a product. Brand Image is a set of memories that consumers have about a brand. The results indicate that Customer Satisfaction partially mediates the influence of Product Quality and Brand Image on Purchase Decision, indicating that Product Quality and Brand Image, accompanied by satisfaction, will affect customers' Purchase Decision in a product

    Tafsir Konstitusional Pelanggaran Pemilukada Yang Bersifat Sistematis, Terstruktur Dan Masif

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    The Constitutional Court has created a legal breakthrough in handling the local head election dispute, in order to uphold the democracy and break away from habitual practice of systematic, structured, and massive (STM) violations. The Court does not simply calculate the results of vote count but also have to seek the justice and prosecute results counting rate that were disputed. As the juridical normative research, the research uses a statutory, case, historical approach and the sociology of law. The research shows that throughout 2008-2011 Court has granted the dispute for as many as thirty-two cases. Of that amount of cases, those with the STM violations are as many as 21 (twenty one) cases. Whereas the nature of TSM were divided into two kinds namely cumulative and alternative which both may cancel local head election results. There are three types of local head election violations, first, violation in the process that does not affect the results of the election. Second, the breach in the process that affect the election results, thirdly, violation of the terms of conditions to be a candidate which are principal in nature and can be measured. The systematic, structured and massive violation of the local head general election is violations committed by the structural apparatus, both government officials and election organizers, collectively; not an individual action, well-planned (by design) and the impact of such offencesis extensive rather than sporadic


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    Indonesia is located on the Ring of Fire with the most geologically active than any other countries, which makes it vulnerable due to the massive earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Java Island has the most active volcano with high risks such as human risk and infrastructure from volcanic ash because of volcanic eruptions. The availability of the map of potential volcanic hazards is important to help mitigate the risk caused by volcanic eruptions. However, to the best of the author's knowledge, the distribution of volcanic ash has never been assessed in detail in the disaster-prone hazard map published by the Centre for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation (CVGHM), Indonesia. This research reported the potential distribution of volcanic ash due to volcanic eruptions in the future in Java island. Following the principles of Probabilistic Hazard Assessment and TephraProb software, the modeling of volcanic ash potential was performed using various parameters such as historical data, eruption source parameter, total grain-size distribution, tephra2 parameter, and the wind speed around the volcanoes as an input. The map shows the distribution of volcanic ash based on the volcanic ash accumulation (kg/m2) and the volcanic ash hazard map is classified into three classes. There are 19 models of volcanic ash distribution with various probabilities of exceedance based on 19 A-type volcanoes on Java Island. This volcano's distribution of volcanic ash tends to the southwest as the wind speed and direction

    The effect of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase on hypoxia-induced factor-1 alpha level in a state of endothelial dysfunction after hyperbaric oxygen therapy

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    Abstract Aim: This research aims to know the effect of eNOS on hypoxia-induced factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) levels in endothelial dysfunction after hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). Materials and Methods: The design of this study was experimental research; the study sample consisted of 30 Sprague Dawley (Rattus norvegicus) white rats and divided into three groups p1, p2, and p3; p1 rats with a standard diet, p2 rats with a high-cholesterol diet, and p3 rats with a high-cholesterol diet continued HBOT at 2.4 ATA with 98% O2 for three sessions with a duration of 30 min/session, and air brakes for 5 min between each session for 10 consecutive days. eNOS and HIF-1α were examined using the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. Results: From the results of testing the significance of the regression model, the results showed that there was a relation of HIF-1α on eNOS levels (P = 0.009) after treatment with HBO 2,4 ATA with 98% oxygen for three sessions with the duration of 30 min/session, and air brake for 5 min between each session for 10 days consecutively. Conclusion: The effect of eNOS on HIF-1α levels in HBOT shows that HBO can significantly affect the levels of HIF-1α through endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) level

    Assessment of drag penalty resulting from the roughness of freshly cleaned and painted ship-hull using computational fluid dynamics

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    Muhammad Luqman Hakim, Bagus Nugroho, Rey Cheng Chin, Teguh Putranto, I Ketut Suastika and I Ketut Aria Pria Utam

    Karakteristik Suara Kokok Ayam Burgo Jantan Kota Bengkulu

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    . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik suara kokok ayam Burgo di Kota Bengkulu. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kelurahan Pagar Dewa, Kecamatan Slebar, Kota Bengkulu. Sampel dipilih dengan purposive sampling dengan kriteria 10 ekor ayam Burgo jantan umur 6 bulan ke atas. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah handphone android, perekam suara dan Software Cool Edit-Pro. Variabel yang diamati meliputi jumlah suara kokok, durasi kokok dan frekuensi kokok. Data yang terkumpul ditabulasi dan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah kokok ayam Burgo di Kota Bengkulu pada pagi hari (05.00-07.00 WIB) sebanyak 120 kali, siang hari (11.00-13.00 WIB) sebanyak 50 kali, dan pada sore hari (15.00–17.00 WIB) adalah 57 kali. Durasi kokok ayam Burgo adalah 1,51 detik pada pagi hari, 1,86 detik pada siang hari, dan 1,61 detik pada sore hari. Frekuensi kokok ayam jantan Burgo peliharaan di Kota Bengkulu adalah 19,03 kali/10 menit. Disimpulkan bahwa puncak aktivitas waktu berkokok ayam Burgo jantan di Kota Bengkulu terjadi di pagi hari (05.00–07.00 WIB) dengan rata-rata 1,51 detik dengan durasi terpanjang selama 1,86 detik dan rata-rata frekuensi 120,9 kali. Rata-rata frekuensi kokok ayam Burgo secara keseluruhan mencapai 19,03 kali/10 menit

    Miniature bread baking as a timesaving research approach and mathematical modeling of browning kinetics

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    Miniature bread baking is presented as an economical and timesaving laboratory approach to study the baking process in the present work. Results indicate that the miniature bread baking is essentially analogical to the baking process of regular-sized bread: quality-related properties of miniature breads, such as crumb formation, crust thickness, crust color and moisture content, behaved similarly to regular-sized breads (380 g) during baking, albeit at a different time scale. This was explained as analogous for large breads, initially baking is externally limited and only later internal limitations play a dominant role with the crust being formed. After initial development of the crust, the lightness and the total color difference were found linearly correlated with the crust thickness. Moreover, the S-REA (spatial reaction engineering approach) was used here to model the moisture content and temperature during miniature bread baking whose results were implemented to describe the browning kinetics. The results indicate that the S-REA accurately models the browning kinetics during miniature bread baking

    High slip rate for a low seismicity along the Palu-Koro active fault in central Sulawesi (Indonesia)

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    Accurate chronological records are critical for understanding the landformsevolution, and, in particular, of alluvial fan sequences emplaced during glocal/global climatic changes. Toward this end, we measured in-situ-produced 10Be in quartz boulders exposed on top surfaces of Sulawesian Late Quaternary alluvial fans. Combined geomorphic study(SPOT image and field analyses) indicate that this site is composed of twoalluvial fan units. In situ-produced 10Be concentrations suggest that they were emplaced during two successive major climatic events. The calculated minimum exposure ages date the younger unit abandonment at 11,000±2,000 years and seem consistent with a Late Interglacial abandonment age (~120,000years) for the older unit. This study demonstrates that using both the neutron and muon components implicated in the production of in situ10Be, surficial erosion rates can be estimated (~6 m/Ma in Sulawesi )and alluvial fan surfaces dated. In particular, it shows that10Be may be used to date fan surface emplacement during the last 120 ka under humid tropical conditions, significantly helping to constrain continental paleo-climatology in these regions