650 research outputs found

    Konflik Elit Politik dalam Pemilihan Umum Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Provinsi Maluku Utara Tahun 2007

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    Regional Head Election conflict (Pemiulkada) Governor and Vice Governor of North Maluku province in 2007 involving these time supporters spotted from the rivalry between the pair of Abdul Gafur-Abdurrahim Fabanyo with Thaib Armayin-Gani Kasuba contested the Governor and Vice Governor of North Maluku Province. The conflict took place due to the interests of the two camps to lead North Maluku. This research aims at describing the conflict's political elite in the general election the Governor and Vice Governor of North Maluku province in 2007. The method of research used the qualitative method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation, and study the documentation. Sample determined in purposive for in-depth interviews conducted in purposive sampling a number of 15 people consisting of: KPUD provinces and Districts: 2 persons, members of DPRD the North Maluku Provincial/party Poles: 2 persons, community leaders: 1 person, the Candidate Governor and Vice Governor: 2 persons, successful teams: 3 persons, academics: 2 persons, reporters: 2 persons, and NGO Activists: 1 person. Data analysis is carried out, which further descriptive data of the organized were investigated thoroughly and return data that has been collected from various sources. The data collected is then read back overall and made notes about edge data considered important and in line with the focus and purpose of the study, then do the coding of data, easily searched for and found when needed in making the categorization. The next step is done categorization, where the data had meaning the same category made its own name / its own label also earmarked for discover patterns and theme, researchers conducted before of interpretation of data. The final phase done researchers namely interpret research conducted exists for withdrawal conclusion after verifying all the data to answer problems in this election. The research results show that in the implementation of the general election governor and the vice governor of North Maluku 2007 found: First, conflict start seen since stage registration candidates, in which couples H. Mudaffar Syah-H. Rusdi Hanafi cancelled of his preferred candidate by KPUD provincial North Maluku because they did not fulfill regulation the 15 % to the votes and support seats. Second, stage campaign period, conflict can also be seen start hardened because third candidate couple and team the success of protest against the schedule some of which day has fallen during Ramadan and Eid, and when socialization stage the schedule is accepted all parties well. Third, calculation stage and recapitulation the ballot, where conflict is more open and prolonged caused the political elite prefer the interests of each as to be almost no space negotiations to conflict resolution. Fourth, stage conflict resolution, done through state apparatus with the approach security, negotiations, and dialogue. Although recognized, during conflict the political elite never want to sit with to dialogue in order to find resolution (handling) the conflict. Conflict elite politic in general election governor and the vice governor of North Maluku in 2007 it ended after the issuance of the decisions law for the winner by the Supreme Court (MA) and Rejected Dispute Authority Between Agencies (SKLN) requested by KPUD provincial North Maluku in the constitutional court (MK). Suggested, First, the elites politic and the public to the fore must maintain the climate that conducive, far from the nature of brutal and violence and will lead to physical conflict. Second, the elite standing general election to be ready kala and ready to have a real seikap fighter, ready to accept reality political. And when important is the elite party supporters successful the team / supporters, security officials insurer general election to be neutral and uphold rules and regulations. And a third of the political elite must be more oriented in the citizens needs and indicated democratic behavior according to ethics political. Keyword : political elite, conflict, electionRegional Head Election conflict (Pemiulkada) Governor and Vice Governor of North Maluku province in 2007 involving these time supporters spotted from the rivalry between the pair of Abdul Gafur-Abdurrahim Fabanyo with Thaib Armayin-Gani Kasuba contested the Governor and Vice Governor of North Maluku Province. The conflict took place due to the interests of the two camps to lead North Maluku. This research aims at describing the conflict's political elite in the general election the Governor and Vice Governor of North Maluku province in 2007. The method of research used the qualitative method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation, and study the documentation. Sample determined in purposive for in-depth interviews conducted in purposive sampling a number of 15 people consisting of: KPUD provinces and Districts: 2 persons, members of DPRD the North Maluku Provincial/party Poles: 2 persons, community leaders: 1 person, the Candidate Governor and Vice Governor: 2 persons, successful teams: 3 persons, academics: 2 persons, reporters: 2 persons, and NGO Activists: 1 person. Data analysis is carried out, which further descriptive data of the organized were investigated thoroughly and return data that has been collected from various sources. The data collected is then read back overall and made notes about edge data considered important and in line with the focus and purpose of the study, then do the coding of data, easily searched for and found when needed in making the categorization. The next step is done categorization, where the data had meaning the same category made its own name / its own label also earmarked for discover patterns and theme, researchers conducted before of interpretation of data. The final phase done researchers namely interpret research conducted exists for withdrawal conclusion after verifying all the data to answer problems in this election. The research results show that in the implementation of the general election governor and the vice governor of North Maluku 2007 found: First, conflict start seen since stage registration candidates, in which couples H. Mudaffar Syah-H. Rusdi Hanafi cancelled of his preferred candidate by KPUD provincial North Maluk


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    Sistem rancang bangun pengaturan arah putaran motor listrik maju mundur dibuat untuk mengendalikan motor 1 fasa menjadi putaran bolak-balik dan digunakan bisa untuk konveyor, mengangkat beban. Sistem kerja alat pengaturan arah putaran motor listrik ini mengunakan relay sebagai menghidup dan matikan motor serta sekaligus mengunci rangkaian agar tidak hubung singkat. Cara kerja Alat motor forward dan reverse ini dengan menggunakan 3 buah relay yang berfungsi untuk mengubah fasa dan mengguncinya, Sedangkan catu daya 12 volt berfungsi untuk mensuplay tegangan ke relay sehinnga relay dapat bekerja.Kata kuci: Motor, Relay, Push Button, Mcb

    Perubahan Mata Pencaharian Nelayan dari Mencari Ikan menjadi Pelayan Pariwisata

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang,“Perubahan Mata Pencaharian Nelayan dari  Mencari Ikan Menjadi Pelayan Pariwisata di Pante Pangah”. Yang menjadi rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah perubahan sosial masyarakat Gampong Ie Rhop Kecamatan Gandapura Kabupaten Bireuen yang mana merubahan mata pencaharian mereka dari nelayan menjadi pelayan pariwisata, dan persaingan yang terjadi antar pelayan di wisata Pante Pangah. Penelitian ini menggunakan Metode kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori Pilihan Rasional yang dikembangkan oleh Coleman. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan perubahan mata pencaharian di masyarakat Gampong Ie Rhop dari nelayan menjadi pelayan di Pante Pangah yang disebabkan oleh Faktor iklim, ekonomi, dan Pengaruh teknologi yang menyebabkan masyarakat Gampong Ie Rhop melakukan perubahan mata pencaharaian, sehingga dengan perubahan tersebut memberikan perubahan kearah yang lebih baik bagi mereka. Persaingan yang terjadi di Pante Pangah merupakan persaingan sehat yang mana pelayannya dengan cara saling menjaga nila-nilai sosial dan saling membantu dan mendukung satu sama lain, dengan cara melakukan pemerataan tempat bagi setiap pelayan yang ikut berjualan di Pante Pangah tersebut. seharusnya pemerintah lebih lagi memperhatikan kondisi insfrastruktur yang mendukung Pariwisata tersebut dan Pelayan di Pante Pangah harus lebih bisa menjaga dan merawat dekorasi yang mereka buat

    An Outline of the Quaternary Stratigraphy of Austria

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    Es wird ein Überblick über die in Österreich verwendete Quartär-Stratigraphie gegeben. Die stratigraphische Gliederung der kartierbaren Sedimenteinheiten basiert teilweise auf Kriterien der Lithostratigraphie (lithologischer Eigenschaften) und jenen der Allostratigraphie (z.B. Diskonitinuitäten). Für das Altpleistozän (2.58–0.78 Ma) fehlen bis jetzt Spuren einer Vergletscherung. Die wenigen und isolierten Sedimentvorkommen belegen fluviatile Akkumulation und Lössablagerung in der Umgebung der Flüsse. Paläomagnetisch korrelierte Löss-Paläoboden – Sequenzen wie das Profil Stranzendorf mit der Gauss/Matuyama – Grenze bzw. Neogen/Quartär – Grenze dokumentieren in Übereinstimmung mit den globalen δ18O Werten etwas wärmere Bedingungen als im Mittelpleistozän (0.78–0.13 Ma). Vier Großvergletscherungen (Günz, Mindel, Riß und Würm) sind für Mittelpleistozän und Jungpleistozän belegt. Diese sind mit Sedimenten aus der Vorstoßphase überlagert von Grundmoräne, Endmoränen im Alpenvorland und damit verknüpfte Terrassenschüttungen sowie Lössakkumulation dokumentiert. Daraus ist die klimagesteuerte Sedimentation im Zusammenhang mit dem Vorstoß der Gletscher, der Ausbreitung des Permafrostes und der Frostschuttbildung bis ins Vorland erkennbar. Die jüngsten Großvergletscherungen Riß und Würm werden aufgrund geochronologischer Daten mit den Marinen Isotopenstufen (MIS) 6 und 2 korreliert. Für Günz und Mindel scheint eine Gleichzeitigkeit mit den Phasen massiver globaler Klimaverschlechterung während MIS 16 und MIS 12 plausibel. Dokumente für die schwächeren Glaziale wurden bisher nur in Lössprofilen (z.B. Krems Schießstätte) gefunden

    Analisis Penerapan Metode Webqual 4.0 pada Website E-government untuk Peningkatan Kualitas Layanan Interaksi (Studi Kasus Website Dishub Kota Bogor)

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    Tujuan pengembangan E-Government dalam Instruksi Presiden Republik Indonesi Nomor 3 Tahun 2003 adalah upaya untuk mengembangkan penyelenggaraan kepemerintahan yang berbasis (menggunakan) elektronik dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas layanan publik secara efektif dan efisien. E-Government pada tingkat awal masih bersifat menginformasikan tentang apa dan siapa yang berada di dalam institusi tersebut. Informasi yang ditampilkan pada website DISHUB Kota Bogor terlihat sudah lengkap dan terkini, dengan banyaknya postingan berdasarkan urutan penerbitan terakhir. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengembangkan dan mengetahui nilai peningkatan Dimensi Kualitas Layanan Interaksi (Service Interaction Quality) sebelum dan setelah pengembangan website DISHUB Kota Bogor, menggunakan metode teknik Paired Sample T Test dan Dimensi Service Interaction Quality dari Metode WebQual 4.Prototype website DISHUB Kota Bogor yang dibangun berdasarkan hasil penelitian awal, dibuat dengan model Prototyping. Hasil penelitian awal diperoleh nilai rata-rata Dimensi Kualitas Layanan Interaksi (Service Interaction Quality) adalah 302,14 dari keseluruhan nilai dimensi Webqual 4.0 yaitu 315,36. Hasil pengujian dengan metode teknik Paired Sample T Test adalah adanya perbedaan nilai hasil pengamatan sebelum dan setelah pengembangan website DISHUB Kota Bogor pada Dimensi Kualitas Layanan Interaksi (Service Interaction Quality), dengan nilai t hitung sebesar 5,718 lebih besar dari t tabel. Kesimpulan akhir menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya pengembangan pada website DISHUB Kota Bogor dapat meningkatkan nilai Dimensi Kualitas Layanan Interaksi (Service Interaction Quality


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    Dalam proses layanan konseling, ditemukan masih banyak siswa (klien) yang sulit dapat mengungkapkan masalah kepada konselor dalam mengatasi permasalahan secara mandiri. Karena itu penelitian ini dilaksanakan  bertujuan Untuk mengetahui pengaruh penggunaan media kartu dalam layanan konseling kelompok untuk mengatasi masalah siswa. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 10 siswa yang dipilih secara sampling kuota. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah angket. Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan Mann-Whitney U test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa U ≤ U tabel (21,5 ≤ 23) dengan nilai α 0,05. Artinya terdapat perbedaan yang positif dan signifikan sebelum dan setelah diberikannya layanan konseling kelompok dengan menggunakan media kartu dalam mengentaskan masalah siswa. Adanya media kartu juga dapat meningkatkan aktifitas, minat dan motivasi siswa dalam layanan konseling kelompok. Dengan demikian hipotesis yang menyatakan bahwa layanan konseling kelompok dengan media kartu tersebut efektif dalam mengatasi masalah siswa dapat diterima

    Money Trumps Ethnicity: An Overview of Local Election in Kendari

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    This paper explains how money politics and ethnic politics work at the same time, and which one of them is more influential when the two are confronted. By examining the 2017 regional election in the city of Kendari, this paper finds that both ethnic politics and money politics were used by contestants running in the election to gain voter support. Nevertheless, ethnic politics failed to maintain voter loyalty when contested with money politics that was designed carefully, massively, right on target, well-structured, and was supported by a solid and militant team