143 research outputs found

    Training to improve collaborative practice: a key component of strategy to reduce mental ill health in the offender population

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    Internationally there are unacceptably high numbers of people in contact with the criminal justice system (e.g. in police custody, in court, in prison) who have mental health issues (Fazel & Danesh, 2002). Addressing mental health in the offender population is essential to maintain public safety, improve the wellbeing of the offender and their family, reduce reoffending and the impact of this on the public purse. Poor interagency and interprofessional working have been highlighted as key factors that have severely compromised patient and public safety in the past: working at the interface of the mental health services and criminal justice systems has been shown to be particularly challenging with complex communication and information sharing strategies being required. A key aspect of improving joint working is the delivery of a continuous or integrated rehabilitation pathway characterized by early diagnosis, treatment, appropriate sentencing or diversion of people away from the criminal justice system and into mental health services (see Rogers and Ormston this volume). Integrated, effective partnership working is required between these two systems. Training and development to assist and support staff involved in this team working endeavour is essential. Within the mental health/criminal justice arena the Bradley Report (Bradley, 2009) in the UK calls for joint training between agencies. To date there is little that suggests the content or format this training should take. This chapter responds to this shortfall by exploring how the enhancement of collaborative practice between mental health services (MHS) and the Criminal Justice System (CJS) can be seen as one element of the armory necessary to combat the issues posed by mental illness in the offender population (Durcan, Saunders, Gadsbuy and Hazard, 2014). We explore why collaborative practice between different professionals and agencies is high on the agenda globally (World Health Organisation, 2010) and why professionals within the MHS and CJS need to be trained to be able to work collaboratively in the interest of reducing mental ill health in the offender population. Although training of this type is largely absent in this area, we explore potential approaches to training focusing on both a systems and interpersonal level of analysis, giving some of examples of interprofessional training used in the MHS and CJS context to illustrate these approaches. A triple phase model of collaborative practice training for professionals within the MHS and CJS is proposed

    Interprofessional training for final year healthcare students: a mixed methods evaluation of the impact on ward staff and students of a two-week placement and of factors affecting sustainability

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    BACKGROUND: Multiple care failings in hospitals have led to calls for increased interprofessional training in medical education to improve multi-disciplinary teamwork. Providing practical interprofessional training has many challenges and remains uncommon in medical schools in the UK. Unlike most previous research, this evaluation of an interprofessional training placement takes a multi-faceted approach focusing not only on the impact on students, but also on clinical staff delivering the training and on outcomes for patients. METHODS: We used mixed methods to examine the impact of a two-week interprofessional training placement undertaken on a medical rehabilitation ward by three cohorts of final year medical, nursing and therapy students. We determined the effects on staff, ward functioning and participating students. Impact on staff was evaluated using the Questionnaire for Psychological and Social factors at work (QPSNordic) and focus groups. Ward functioning was inferred from standard measures of care including length of stay, complaints, and adverse events. Impact on students was evaluated using the Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Survey (RIPLS) among all students plus a placement survey among medical students. RESULTS: Between 2007 and 2010, 362 medical students and 26 nursing and therapy students completed placements working alongside the ward staff to deliver patient care. Staff identified benefits including skills recognition and expertise sharing. Ward functioning was stable. Students showed significant improvements in the RIPLS measures of Teamwork, Professional Identity and Patient-Centred Care. Despite small numbers of students from other professions, medical students’ rated the placement highly. Increasing student numbers and budgetary constraints led to the cessation of the placement after three years. CONCLUSIONS: Interprofessional training placements can be delivered in a clinical setting without detriment to care and with benefits for all participants. While financial support is a necessity, it appears that having students from multiple professions is not critical for a valuable training experience; staff from different professions and students from a single profession can work successfully together. Difficulty in aligning the schedules of different student professions is commonly cited as a barrier to interprofessional training. Our experience challenges this and should encourage provision of authentic interprofessional training experience

    Interprofessional Education: An evaluation of a joint learning workshop for podiatry and pharmacy students

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    "Interprofessional Education occurs when two or more professionals learn with, from and about each other to improve collaboration and the quality of care" (CAIPE 2002). Interprofessional education forms part of the Standards for the Initial Education and Training of Pharmacists. Working with and understanding the role of another profession has been shown to positively impact on the quality of care of the patient. Following positive pharmacy student feedback from visits to podiatry clinics an interprofessional learning workshop with case - based scenarios was developed. These were based on patients with high risk medical conditions that would impact on the work of both professions. Data from the feedback forms was evaluated and analysed to determine whether the workshop increased knowledge of the British National Formulary (BNF), the prescribing process and gave an insight in to the role of other healthcare professionals. We discuss how the student’s learning has been enhanced by the contribution of another professional group. The workshop was positively received. Students were observed working together discussing the patients’ conditions and issues relating to their care. This initially revolved around the students’ area of knowledge; however, as the session progressed it became apparent that the students were learning with, from and about each other for the benefit of patient care

    Assessment of interprofessional competence in undergraduate health professions education: protocol for a systematic review of self-report instruments

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    Background Health practitioners from different professions, and with differing competencies, need to collaborate to provide quality care. Competencies in interprofessional working need developing in undergraduate educational preparation. This paper reports the protocol for a systematic review of self-report instruments to assess interprofessional learning in undergraduate health professionals’ education. Methods We will search PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL and ERIC from January 2010 onwards. A combination of search terms for interprofessional learning, health professions, psychometric properties, assessment of learning and assessment tools will be used. Two reviewers will independently screen all titles, abstracts and full-texts. Potential conflicts will be resolved through discussion. Quantitative and mixed-methods studies evaluating interprofessional learning in undergraduate health professions education (e.g. medicine, nursing, occupational and physical therapy, pharmacy and psychology) will be included. Methodological quality of each reported instrument, underpinning theoretical frameworks, and the effects of reported interventions will be assessed. The overall outcome will be the effectiveness of instruments used to assess interprofessional competence. Primary outcomes will be the psychometric properties (e.g. reliability, discriminant and internal validity) of instruments used. Secondary outcomes will include time from intervention to assessment, how items relate to specific performance/competencies (or general abstract constructs) and how scores are used (e.g. to grade students, to improve courses or research purposes). Quantitative summaries in tabular format and a narrative synthesis will allow recommendations to be made on the use of self-report instruments in practice. Discussion Many studies use self-report questionnaires as tools for developing meaningful interprofessional education activities and assessing students’ interprofessional competence. This systematic review will evaluate both the benefits and limitations of reported instruments and help educators and researchers (i) choose the most appropriate existing self-report instruments to assess interprofessional competence and (ii) inform the design and conduct of interprofessional competency assessment using self-report instruments. Systematic review registration Open Science Framework [https://osf.io/vrfjn]

    Finding Inspiration: Sharing Practice and Developing Authentic Multimedia Artifacts for Supervision of Undergraduate Research in Irish higher education

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    Supervision is a specialist academic practice that can be learnt through the experience of the practice of supervision itself. However, increasingly, supervisors can find inspiration from each other in structured, supported, collaborative professional development. This Chapter evaluates the perceived impact on faculty and student learning of sharing inspirational practices and creating multimedia artifacts which formed the assessment of an accredited postgraduate module entitled ‘Supervising Undergraduate Dissertations and Projects’ at a Technological University in Ireland. A range of themes are explored in the Chapter including the increasing demand for this form of professional development for academics; the importance of a peer learning approach for providing inspiration and sharing of practice; the design and development of multimedia artifacts for undergraduate supervision practice and the national context within which this work is situated

    Why we need interprofessional education to improve the delivery of safe and effective care

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    Interprofessional education (IPE) is an activity that involves two or more professions who learn interactively together to improve collaboration and the quality of care. Research has continually revealed that health and social care professionals encounter a range of problems with interprofessional coordination and collaboration which impact on the quality and safety of care. This empirical work resulted in policymakers across health care education and practice to invest in IPE to help resolve this collaborative failures. It is anticipated that IPE will provide health and social care professionals with the abilities required to work together effectively in providing safe high quality care to patients. Through a discussion of a range of key professional, educational and organization issues related to IPE, this paper argues that this form of education is an important strategy to improve the delivery of safe and effective care

    Systematic inclusion of mandatory interprofessional education in health professions curricula at Gunma University: a report of student self-assessment in a nine-year implementation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The mandatory interprofessional education programme at Gunma University was initiated in 1999. This paper is a statistical evaluation of the programme from 1999 to 2007.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A questionnaire of 10 items to assess the achievement levels of the programme, which was developed independently of other assessment systems published previously, was distributed, as well as two or three open-ended questions to be answered at the end of each annual module. A multivariate analysis of variance model was used, and the factor analysis of the responses was performed with varimax rotation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Over all, 1418 respondents of a possible 1629 students completed the survey, for a total response rate of 87.1%. Cronbach's alpha of 10 items was 0.793, revealing high internal consistency. Our original questionnaire was categorized into four subscales as follows: "Role and responsibilities", "Teamwork and collaboration", "Structure and function of training facilities", and "Professional identity". Students in the Department of Occupational Therapy reached a relatively lower level of achievement. In the replies to the open-ended questions, requests for the participation of the medical students were repeated throughout the evaluation period.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The present four subscales measure "understanding", and may take into account the development of interprofessional education programmes with clinical training in various facilities. The content and quality of clinical training subjects may be remarkably dependent on training facilities, suggesting the importance of full consultation mechanisms in the local network with the relevant educational institutes for medicine, health care and welfare.</p

    Patience, Persistence and Pragmatism: Experiences and Lessons Learnt from the Implementation of Clinically Integrated Teaching and Learning of Evidence-Based Health Care - A Qualitative Study

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    Clinically integrated teaching and learning are regarded as the best options for improving evidence-based healthcare (EBHC) knowledge, skills and attitudes. To inform implementation of such strategies, we assessed experiences and opinions on lessons learnt of those involved in such programmes.We conducted semi-structured interviews with 24 EBHC programme coordinators from around the world, selected through purposive sampling. Following data transcription, a multidisciplinary group of investigators carried out analysis and data interpretation, using thematic content analysis. Successful implementation of clinically integrated teaching and learning of EBHC takes much time. Student learning needs to start in pre-clinical years with consolidation, application and assessment following in clinical years. Learning is supported through partnerships between various types of staff including the core EBHC team, clinical lecturers and clinicians working in the clinical setting. While full integration of EBHC learning into all clinical rotations is considered necessary, this was not always achieved. Critical success factors were pragmatism and readiness to use opportunities for engagement and including EBHC learning in the curriculum; patience; and a critical mass of the right teachers who have EBHC knowledge and skills and are confident in facilitating learning. Role modelling of EBHC within the clinical setting emerged as an important facilitator. The institutional context exerts an important influence; with faculty buy-in, endorsement by institutional leaders, and an EBHC-friendly culture, together with a supportive community of practice, all acting as key enablers. The most common challenges identified were lack of teaching time within the clinical curriculum, misconceptions about EBHC, resistance of staff, lack of confidence of tutors, lack of time, and negative role modelling.Implementing clinically integrated EBHC curricula requires institutional support, a critical mass of the right teachers and role models in the clinical setting combined with patience, persistence and pragmatism on the part of teachers

    Interprofessional education through shadowing experiences in multi-disciplinary clinical settings

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    The World Health Organization has recently added Interprofessional Education (IPE) to its global health agenda recognizing it as a necessary component of all health professionals' education. We suggest mandatory interprofessional shadowing experiences as a mechanism to be used by chiropractic institutions to address this agenda. IPE initiatives of other professions (pharmacy and medicine) are described along with chiropractic. This relative comparison of professions local to our jurisdiction in Ontario, Canada is made so that the chiropractic profession may take note that they are behind other health care providers in implementing IPE
