1,054 research outputs found

    The XMM-Newton Ω\Omega Project

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    The abundance of high-redshift galaxy clusters depends sensitively on the matter density \OmM and, to a lesser extent, on the cosmological constant Λ\Lambda. Measurements of this abundance therefore constrain these fundamental cosmological parameters, and in a manner independent and complementary to other methods, such as observations of the cosmic microwave background and distance measurements. Cluster abundance is best measured by the X-ray temperature function, as opposed to luminosity, because temperature and mass are tightly correlated, as demonstrated by numerical simulations. Taking advantage of the sensitivity of XMM-Newton, our Guaranteed Time program aims at measuring the temperature of the highest redshift (z>0.4) SHARC clusters, with the ultimate goal of constraining both \OmM and Λ\Lambda.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of the XXI Moriond Conference: Galaxy Clusters and the High Redshift Universe Observed in X-rays, edited by D. Neumann, F. Durret, & J. Tran Thanh Va

    A Sample of Intermediate-Mass Star-Forming Regions: Making Stars at Mass Column Densities <1 g/cm^2

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    In an effort to understand the factors that govern the transition from low- to high-mass star formation, we identify for the first time a sample of intermediate-mass star-forming regions (IM SFRs) where stars up to - but not exceeding - 8 solar masses are being produced. We use IRAS colors and Spitzer Space Telescope mid-IR images, in conjunction with millimeter continuum and CO maps, to compile a sample of 50 IM SFRs in the inner Galaxy. These are likely to be precursors to Herbig AeBe stars and their associated clusters of low-mass stars. IM SFRs constitute embedded clusters at an early evolutionary stage akin to compact HII regions, but they lack the massive ionizing central star(s). The photodissociation regions that demarcate IM SFRs have typical diameters of ~1 pc and luminosities of ~10^4 solar luminosities, making them an order of magnitude less luminous than (ultra)compact HII regions. IM SFRs coincide with molecular clumps of mass ~10^3 solar masses which, in turn, lie within larger molecular clouds spanning the lower end of the giant molecular cloud mass range, 10^4-10^5 solar masses. The IR luminosity and associated molecular mass of IM SFRs are correlated, consistent with the known luminosity-mass relationship of compact HII regions. Peak mass column densities within IM SFRs are ~0.1-0.5 g/cm^2, a factor of several lower than ultra-compact HII regions, supporting the proposition that there is a threshold for massive star formation at ~1 g/cm^2.Comment: 61 pages, 6 tables, 20 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    The Anatomy of Star Formation in NGC 300

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    The Spitzer Space Telescope was used to study the mid-infrared to far-infrared properties of NGC 300, and to compare dust emission to Halpha to elucidate the heating of the ISM and the star formation cycle at scales < 100 pc. The new data allow us to discern clear differences in the spatial distribution of 8 micron dust emission with respect to 24 micron dust and to HII regions traced by the Halpha light. The 8 micron emission highlights the rims of HII regions, and the 24 micron emission is more strongly peaked in star forming regions than at 8 microns. We confirm the existence and approximate amplitude of interstellar dust emission at 4.5 microns, detected statistically in Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) data, and conclude it arises in star forming regions. When averaging over regions larger than ~ 1 kpc, the ratio of Halpha to Aromatic Feature emission in NGC 300 is consistent with the values observed in disks of spiral galaxies. The mid-to-far-infrared spectral energy distribution of dust emission is generally consistent with pre-Spitzer models.Comment: to appear in the ApJS Spitzer special issue (September 2004

    Planck's Dusty GEMS: Gravitationally lensed high-redshift galaxies discovered with the Planck survey

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    We present an analysis of 11 bright far-IR/submm sources discovered through a combination of the Planck survey and follow-up Herschel-SPIRE imaging. Each source has a redshift z=2.2-3.6 obtained through a blind redshift search with EMIR at the IRAM 30-m telescope. Interferometry obtained at IRAM and the SMA, and optical/near-infrared imaging obtained at the CFHT and the VLT reveal morphologies consistent with strongly gravitationally lensed sources. Additional photometry was obtained with JCMT/SCUBA-2 and IRAM/GISMO at 850 um and 2 mm, respectively. All objects are bright, isolated point sources in the 18 arcsec beam of SPIRE at 250 um, with spectral energy distributions peaking either near the 350 um or the 500 um bands of SPIRE, and with apparent far-infrared luminosities of up to 3x10^14 L_sun. Their morphologies and sizes, CO line widths and luminosities, dust temperatures, and far-infrared luminosities provide additional empirical evidence that these are strongly gravitationally lensed high-redshift galaxies. We discuss their dust masses and temperatures, and use additional WISE 22-um photometry and template fitting to rule out a significant contribution of AGN heating to the total infrared luminosity. Six sources are detected in FIRST at 1.4 GHz. Four have flux densities brighter than expected from the local far-infrared-radio correlation, but in the range previously found for high-z submm galaxies, one has a deficit of FIR emission, and 6 are consistent with the local correlation. The global dust-to-gas ratios and star-formation efficiencies of our sources are predominantly in the range expected from massive, metal-rich, intense, high-redshift starbursts. An extensive multi-wavelength follow-up programme is being carried out to further characterize these sources and the intense star-formation within them.Comment: A&A accepte

    A multiwavelength study of Galactic HII region Sh2-294

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    We present the observational results of Galactic HII region S294, using optical photometry, narrow-band imaging and radio continuum mapping at 1280 MHz, together with archival data from 2MASS, MSX and IRAS surveys. The stellar surface density profile indicates that the radius of the cluster associated with the S294 region is ~ 2.3 arcmin. We found an anomalous reddening law for the dust inside the cluster region and the ratio of total-to-selective extinction is found to be 3.8+-0.1. We estimate the minimum reddening E (B-V) = 1.35 mag and distance of 4.8+-0.2 kpc to the region from optical CC and CM diagrams. We identified the ionizing source of the HII region, and spectral type estimates are consistent with a star of spectral type ~ B0 V. The 2MASS JHKs images reveal a partially embedded cluster associated with the ionizing source along with a small cluster towards the eastern border of S294. The ionization front seen along the direction of small cluster in radio continuum and Halpha images, might be due to the interaction of ionizing sources with the nearby molecular cloud. We found an arc shaped diffuse molecular hydrogen emission at 2.12 micron and a half ring of MSX dust emission which surrounds the ionized gas in the direction of the ionization front. Self consistent radiative transfer model of mid- to far-infrared continuum emission detected near small cluster is in good agreement with the observed spectral energy distribution of a B1.5 ZAMS star. The morphological correlation between the ionised and molecular gas, along with probable time scale involved between the ionising star, evolution of HII region and small cluster, indicates that the star-formation activity observed at the border is probably triggered by the expansion of HII region.Comment: 50 pages, 21 figures: Accepted by The Astrophysical Journal; Also available at http://www.tifr.res.in/~ojha/S294.pd

    The HII Region KR 140: Spontaneous Formation of a High Mass Star

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    We have used a multiwavelength data set from the Canadian Galactic Plane Survey (CGPS) to study the Galactic HII region KR 140, both on the scale of the nebula itself and in the context of the star forming activity in the nearby W3/W4/W5 complex of molecular clouds and HII regions. From both radio and infrared data we have found a covering factor of about 0.5 for KR 140 and we interpret the nebula as a bowl-shaped region viewed close to face on. Extinction measurements place the region on the near side of its parent molecular cloud. The nebula is kept ionized by one O8.5 V(e) star, VES 735, which is less than a few million years old. CO data show that VES 735 has disrupted much of the original molecular cloud for which the estimated mass and density are about 5000 MM_{\odot} and 100 cm3^{-3}, respectively. KR 140 is isolated from the nearest star forming activity, in W3. Our data suggest that KR 140 is an example of spontaneous (i.e., non-triggered) formation of, unusually, a high mass star.Comment: 46 pages; includes 15 figures; accepted by the Ap

    Warm molecular hydrogen in the Spitzer SINGS galaxy sample

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    (simplified) Results on the properties of warm H2 in 57 normal galaxies are derived from H2 rotational transitions, obtained as part of SINGS. This study extends previous extragalactic surveys of H2, the most abundant constituent of the molecular ISM, to more common systems (L_FIR = e7 to 6e10 L_sun) of all morphological and nuclear types. The S(1) transition is securely detected in the nuclear regions of 86% of SINGS galaxies with stellar masses above 10^9.5 M_sun. The derived column densities of warm H2 (T > ~100 K), even though averaged over kiloparsec-scale areas, are commensurate with those of resolved PDRs; the median of the sample is 3e20 cm-2. They amount to between 1% and >30% of the total H2. The power emitted in the sum of the S(0) to S(2) transitions is on average 30% of the [SiII] line power, and ~4e-4 of the total infrared power (TIR) within the same area for star-forming galaxies, which is consistent with excitation in PDRs. The fact that H2 emission scales tightly with PAH emission, even though the average radiation field intensity varies by a factor ten, can also be understood if both tracers originate predominantly in PDRs, either dense or diffuse. A large fraction of the 25 LINER/Sy targets, however, strongly depart from the rest of the sample, in having warmer H2 in the excited states, and an excess of H2 emission with respect to PAHs, TIR and [SiII]. We propose a threshold in H2 to PAH power ratios, allowing the identification of low-luminosity AGNs by an excess H2 excitation. A dominant contribution from shock heating is favored in these objects. Finally, we detect, in nearly half the star-forming targets, non-equilibrium ortho to para ratios, consistent with FUV pumping combined with incomplete ortho-para thermalization by collisions, or possibly non-equilibrium PDR fronts advancing into cold gas.Comment: ApJS, in pres

    Mental Distress Under Occupation: The Journal of Madeleine Blaess

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    Madeleine Blaess a British doctoral student studying at the Sorbonne was trapped in Paris unable to return home to York for the duration of the Occupation. In October 1940 she began a diary which she kept diligently until September 1944. This unique testimony written from the perspective of a British student at liberty to roam wartime Paris, focuses more on the civilian struggle through the everyday than on the political and military situation which Blaess, vulnerable to arrest, thinks wise to mention as little as possible. This exhaustively documented, voluminous record of the minutiae of a daily struggle with material hardship discloses a struggle with mental illness articulated and managed through the writing of the diary. That diaries can have a therapeutic purpose for writers under mental strain is axiomatic and this article examines a variety of palliative strategies both deliberate and involuntary invoked through the writing process. In so doing, the article will survey the incidence and causes of civilian mental distress on the home front over the period; an area of inquiry which, other than recent work into the psychological impact of Allied bombing of civilians, has been largely neglected in recent work foregrounding and valorising the historical importance of life-writing sources in the field of Occupation studies

    Regression applied to protein binding site prediction and comparison with classification

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The structural genomics centers provide hundreds of protein structures of unknown function. Therefore, developing methods enabling the determination of a protein function automatically is imperative. The determination of a protein function can be achieved by studying the network of its physical interactions. In this context, identifying a potential binding site between proteins is of primary interest. In the literature, methods for predicting a potential binding site location generally are based on classification tools. The aim of this paper is to show that regression tools are more efficient than classification tools for patches based binding site predictors. For this purpose, we developed a patches based binding site localization method usable with either regression or classification tools.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We compared predictive performances of regression tools with performances of machine learning classifiers. Using leave-one-out cross-validation, we showed that regression tools provide better predictions than classification ones. Among regression tools, Multilayer Perceptron ranked highest in the quality of predictions. We compared also the predictive performance of our patches based method using Multilayer Perceptron with the performance of three other methods usable through a web server. Our method performed similarly to the other methods.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Regression is more efficient than classification when applied to our binding site localization method. When it is possible, using regression instead of classification for other existing binding site predictors will probably improve results. Furthermore, the method presented in this work is flexible because the size of the predicted binding site is adjustable. This adaptability is useful when either false positive or negative rates have to be limited.</p