690 research outputs found

    Revisiting perfect fluid dark matter: Observational constraints from our galaxy

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    We revisit certain features of an assumed spherically symmetric perfect fluid dark matter halo in the light of the observed data of our galax

    Principais critérios de seleção do conteúdo de aprendizagem em formação de competência linguoculturológica

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    The formation of the linguoculturological competence is the topical issue in the modern linguomethodical science. In the course of learning, development and education of the school student the role of Russian language as the worldview subject providing the unity and interaction of language, culture and the personality is indisputable. Russian language learning is built with account of the establishing in the linguodidatics of culture-studying approach which allows solving problems of the formation of skills of communication, of the actualization of the meaning-formative, reflexive and other functions of students. In the article the authors study main selection criteria of the learning content at formation of linguoculturological competence of pupils. According to the research authors’ opinion studied in the article selection criteria of the learning material allow defining the character of the didactic material – special texts reflecting history of language and culture. The author’s come to the conclusion that the formation of the linguoculturological competence of the students considers as well the formation of the world picture which is usually regarded as the education belonging to human consciousness and the way of the perception of the surrounding world. Besides, the author’s of the article think that for the formation of linguoculturological competence of pupils it is necessary to use the means of cross-cultural communication: development of speech etiquette, national stereotypes of speech behavior, language units with a national and cultural component of semantics as the sources of extralinguistic information in course of the dialogue of the native and studied languages and cultures.La formación de la competencia linguoculturológica es el tema tópico en la ciencia lingüística moderna. En el curso de aprendizaje, desarrollo y educación del estudiante de la escuela, el papel del idioma ruso como el sujeto de la cosmovisión que proporciona la unidad e interacción del lenguaje, la cultura y la personalidad es indiscutible. El aprendizaje de la lengua rusa se construye teniendo en cuenta el establecimiento en la lingüística del enfoque de estudio de la cultura que permite resolver problemas de la formación de habilidades de comunicación, de la actualización del significado-formativo, reflexivo y otras funciones de los estudiantes. En el artículo, los autores estudian los principales criterios de selección del contenido de aprendizaje en la formación de la competencia linguoculturológica de los alumnos. Según la investigación, la opinión de los autores estudiados en los criterios de selección de artículos del material didáctico permite definir el carácter del material didáctico, textos especiales que reflejan la historia del lenguaje y la cultura. El autor llegó a la conclusión de que la formación de la competencia linguoculturológica de los estudiantes considera también la formación de la imagen del mundo que generalmente se considera la educación que pertenece a la conciencia humana y el modo de percepción del mundo circundante. Además, los autores del artículo piensan que para la formación de la competencia linguoculturológica de los alumnos es necesario utilizar los medios de comunicación intercultural: desarrollo de la etiqueta del habla, estereotipos nacionales del comportamiento del habla, unidades de lenguaje con un componente nacional y cultural de los alumnos. la semántica como fuente de información extralingüística en el curso del diálogo de las lenguas y culturas nativas y estudiadas.A formação da competência linguoculturológica é a questão tópica na moderna ciência lingüística. No decorrer da aprendizagem, desenvolvimento e educação do estudante da escola, o papel da língua russa como sujeito da cosmovisão, proporcionando a unidade e a interação da língua, da cultura e da personalidade é indiscutível. A aprendizagem da língua russa é construída tendo em conta o estabelecimento na abordagem linguodidática da cultura de estudo que permite resolver problemas de formação de habilidades de comunicação, da atualização das funções de significado-formativas, reflexivas e outras dos alunos. No artigo os autores estudam os principais critérios de seleção do conteúdo de aprendizagem na formação da competência linguoculturológica dos alunos. De acordo com a opinião dos autores da pesquisa, estudada nos critérios de seleção de artigos do material didático, é possível definir o caráter do material didático - textos especiais que refletem a história da língua e da cultura. O autor chegou à conclusão de que a formação da competência linguoculturológica dos estudantes considera também a formação do quadro de mundo que é usualmente considerado como a educação pertencente à consciência humana e o modo de percepção do mundo circundante. Além disso, o autor do artigo pensa que para a formação da competência linguoculturológica dos alunos é necessário utilizar os meios de comunicação transcultural: desenvolvimento da etiqueta de fala, estereótipos nacionais de comportamento de fala, unidades de linguagem com um componente nacional e cultural de semântica como fontes de informação extralinguística no decorrer do diálogo das línguas e culturas nativas e estudadas

    Semântica de cores em O.E. Poesia de Mandelstam

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    This article is devoted to the colour picture of the world of O.E. Mandelstam representing the individual poet’s idea of the colour through the system of colour meanings. The analysis of the language expression of the poet’s colour attitude is carried out on the example of the colouratives of black tone which are dominant in his lyric poetry.The analysed ways of the verbalization of author's meanings at the level of contact and distant connections allow revealing cognitive, mental and emotional spheres of the consciousness of the poet as well as allow interpreting the phenomenon of Mandelstam’s Universum as a difficult phenomenon defining his unique character and originality in the Russian literature. It is noted that the text realization of words in the conditions of the poetic discourse leads to the integration of various aspects of reality and reproduces the author's perception of the world based on the indissoluble, interpenetrating unity of the objective and the subjective, the logical and the sensual, the rational and the emotional.The research is done on the synthesis of traditional and modern methods of the analysis of the realization of a poetic word: component, discourse and text analysis of names as well as the cognitive and hermeneutical analysis of the text that allowed to reveal the correspondence between text units, the information coded by them and mental structures or their elements presenting by this information by means of studying of the nature of connections between them.Este artículo está dedicado a la imagen en color del mundo de O.E. Mandelstam representa la idea individual del poeta sobre el color a través del sistema de significados de color. El análisis de la expresión del lenguaje de la actitud del color del poeta se lleva a cabo sobre el ejemplo de los colourativos del tono negro que son dominantes en su poesía lírica.Las formas analizadas de la verbalización de los significados del autor a nivel de contacto y conexiones distantes permiten revelar las esferas cognitivas, mentales y emocionales de la conciencia del poeta, así como permiten interpretar el fenómeno de Universum de Mandelstam como un fenómeno difícil que define su carácter único y originalidad en la literatura rusa. Se observa que la realización textual de las palabras en las condiciones del discurso poético conduce a la integración de diversos aspectos de la realidad y reproduce la percepción del mundo del autor basada en la unidad indisoluble e interpenetrante de lo objetivo y lo subjetivo, lo lógico y lo lo sensual, lo racional y lo emocional.La investigación se realiza sobre la síntesis de métodos tradicionales y modernos del análisis de la realización de una palabra poética: componente, discurso y análisis textual de nombres, así como el análisis cognitivo y hermenéutico del texto que permitió revelar la correspondencia entre texto unidades, la información codificada por ellos y las estructuras mentales o sus elementos que se presentan por esta información mediante el estudio de la naturaleza de las conexiones entre ellosEste artigo é dedicado à imagem colorida do mundo O.E. Mandelstam representa a idéia individual de cor do poeta através do sistema de significados de cores. A análise da expressão da linguagem da atitude da cor do poeta é levada a cabo no exemplo dos colorativos do tom negro que são dominantes em sua poesia lírica.Formas analisados verbalização dos significados do autor no nível de contato e conexões distantes podem revelar áreas poeta consciência cognitivas, mentais e emocionais, e nos permite interpretar o fenômeno da Universum Mandelstam como um fenômeno difícil de definir a sua caráter único e originalidade na literatura russa. Note-se que a realização textual das palavras sobre as condições de discurso poético leva à integração de vários aspectos da realidade e reproduz a visão de mundo do autor com base na unidade indissolúvel e interpenetração da objetiva e subjetiva, a lógica e o sensual, o racional e o emocional.Pesquisa é realizada sobre a síntese de métodos tradicionais e modernas de análise da realização de um componente palavra poética, discurso e análise textual de nomes, bem como análise de texto cognitivo e hermenêutica que destacou a correspondência entre o texto de unidades, informação codificada por eles e as estruturas mentais ou seus elementos que são apresentados por esta informação, estudando a natureza das conexões entre eles

    Molecular structure, vibrational spectral investigation and the confirmation analysis of 4-Methylesculetin molecule

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    WOS: 000333614200003In this work, FT-IR, FT-Raman, and FT-NMR spectra of 4-Methylesculetin molecule are presented for the first time. FT-IR, FT-Raman, and FT-NMR spectra of 4MEC have been recorded and analyzed. The FT-IR and FT-Raman spectra of this molecule are recorded at 4000-400 cm(-1) and 50-3500 cm(-1), respectively. The infrared vibrational frequencies, absolute intensities, potential energy profile, HOMO-LUMO plot and NBO analysis of the molecule have been also predicted using Becke's three-parameter hybrid B3LYP method in the density functional theory DFT method. Calculated and experimental data are in good agreement.Ahi Evran University Research FundAhi Evran University [FEN.4003.12.013]Y. Erdogdu would like to thank Ahi Evran University Research Fund for its financial support. Project Numbers: FEN.4003.12.013. Computing resources used in this work were provided by the National Center for High Performance Computing of Turkey (UYBHM)

    Contribution of the Missionary Historic and Ethnographical Museum of the Kazan Spiritual Academy

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    The urgency of the problem under study is conditioned by the increased interest of contemporary researchers in the problems of interethnic and interconfessional interaction. In the second half of the XIXth - early XXth centuries a major religious and educational, missionary and ethnic-political institution in Russia, the Kazan Theological Academy was one of the leading centers for studying the history, culture, ethnography and the languages of Turkic, Finno-Ugric and Mongolian peoples. The purpose of the study is to present objectively the contribution of the Missionary Historical Ethnographic Museum of the Kazan Theological Academy to the study and the preservation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Russian state peoples. The museum extensive collections became the basis for modern museums. During the study, the experience of the creation and the functioning of the only missionary historical and ethnographic museum in Russia was analyzed, its contribution to the preservation of spiritual and material culture, written and printed sources, the informative base about the life and work of the multinational and multi-confessional people of the Volga, Urals, Siberia and the Far East was determined. Based on archival materials, the authors revealed the features of the museum activity at the Kazan Theological Academy. In the course of the topic research, the authors succeeded to identify and collect a huge amount of diverse materials (historical, linguistic, ethnographic ones) about the peoples of Russia, which are of great practical importance for the study of modern interethnic and interfaith relations origins in the Republic of Tatarstan and Russian Federation. The materials of the article can be useful to anyone who is interested in missionary politics and modern ethnic-political processes in Russian Federation.peer-reviewe

    Comparison of hyperpronation and supination‑flexion techniques in children presented to emergency department with painful pronation

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    Context: Radial head subluxation, also known as ‘pulled elbow’, ‘dislocated elbow’ or ‘nursemaid’s elbow’, is one of the most common upper extremity injuries in young children and a common reason to visit Emergency Department (ED).Aim: To compare supination of the wrist followed by flexion of the elbow (the traditional reduction technique) to hyperpronation of the wrist in the reduction of radial head subluxations (nursemaid’s elbow) maneuvers in children presented to ED with painful pronation and to determine which method is less painful by children.Settings and Design: This prospective randomize study involved a consecutive sampling of children between 1‑5 year old who were presented to the ED with painful pronation.Materials and Methods: The initial procedure was repeated if baseline functioning did not return 20 minutes after the initial reduction attempt. Failure of that technique 30 minutes after the initial reduction attempt resulted in a cross‑over to the alternate method of reduction.Statistical analysis used: Datas were analyzed using SPSS for Windows 16.0. Mean, standard deviation, independent samples t test, Chi‑square test, and paired t test were used in the assessment of pain scores before and after reduction.Results: When pain scores before and after reduction were compared between groups to determine which technique is less painful by children, no significant difference was found between groups.Conclusions: It was found that in the reduction of radial head subluxations, the hyperpronation technique is more effective in children who were presented to ED with painful pronation compared with supination‑flexion. However, there was no significant difference between these techniques in terms of pain.Key words: Child, emergency department, nursemaid’s elbow, pain, pulled elbo

    Main selection criteria for learning content. In the formation of the linguistic competence of the students

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    La formación de la competencia lingüística es el tema de actualidad en la ciencia lingüística moderna. En el curso del aprendizaje, el desarrollo y la educación del estudiante de la escuela, el papel de la lengua rusa como el sujeto de la cosmovisión que proporciona la unidad e interacción de la lengua, la cultura y la personalidad es indiscutible. El aprendizaje del idioma ruso se construye teniendo en cuenta el establecimiento en la lingüística del enfoque de estudio de la cultura que permite resolver problemas de formación de habilidades de comunicación, la actualización de las funciones formativas, reflexivas y otras de los estudiantes. En el artículo, los autores estudian los principales criterios de selección del contenido de aprendizaje en la formación de la competencia lingüística de los alumnos. Según la opinión de los autores de la investigación estudiada en el artículo, los criterios de selección del material de aprendizaje permiten definir el carácter del material didáctico, textos especiales que reflejan la historia de la lengua y la cultura. El autor llegó a la conclusión de que la formación de la competencia lingüística de los estudiantes también considera la formación del cuadro del mundo, que generalmente se considera como la educación que pertenece a la conciencia humana y el modo de percepción del mundo circundante. Además, los autores del artículo piensan que para la formación de la competencia lingüística de los alumnos es necesario utilizar los medios de comunicación intercultural: desarrollo de la etiqueta del habla, estereotipos nacionales de la conducta del habla, unidades de lenguaje con un componente nacional y cultural de La semántica como fuente de información extralingüística en el curso del diálogo de las lenguas y culturas nativas y estudiadas.The formation of linguistic competence is the current topic in modern linguistic science. In the course of learning, development and education of the school student, the role of the Russian language as the subject of the worldview that provides the unity and interaction of language, culture and personality is indisputable. The learning of the Russian language is built taking into account the establishment in linguistics of the culture study approach that allows solving communication skills training problems, updating the formative, reflective and other functions of the students. In the article, the authors study the main selection criteria of the learning content in the formation of the linguistic competence of the students. According to the opinion of the authors of the research studied in the article, the selection criteria for the learning material allow defining the nature of the teaching material, special texts that reflect the history of the language and culture. The author concluded that the formation of the linguistic competence of the students also considers the formation of the world picture, which is generally considered as the education that belongs to the human conscience and the way of perception of the surrounding world. In addition, the authors of the article think that for the formation of the linguistic competence of the students it is necessary to use the intercultural communication media: development of the label of speech, national stereotypes of speech behavior, units of language with a national component and culture of Semantics as a source of extralinguistic information in the course of the dialogue of the languages and cultures native and studied

    Phosphorylation of BK channels modulates the sensitivity to hydrogen sulfide (H2S)

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    Introduction: Gases, such as nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO) or hydrogen sulfide (H2S), termed gasotransmitters, play an increasingly important role in understanding of how electrical signaling of cells is modulated. H2S is well known to act on various ion channels and receptors. In a previous study we reported that H2S increased calcium-activated potassium (BK) channel activity. Aims: The goal of the present study is to investigate the modulatory effect of BK channel phosphorylation on the action of H2S on the channel as well as to recalculate and determine the H2S concentrations in aqueous sodium hydrogen sulfide (NaHS) solutions.Methods: Single channel recordings of GH3, GH4 and GH4 STREX cells were used to analyze channel open probability, amplitude and open dwell times. H2S was measured with ananion selective electrode. Results: The concentration of H2S produced from NaHS was recalculated taking pH, temperature salinity of the perfusate and evaporation of H2S into account. The results indicate that from a concentration of 300 µM NaHS, only11-13%, i.e. 34-41 µM is effective as H2S in solution. GH3, GH4 and GH4 STREX cells respond differently to phosphorylation. BK channel open probability (Po) of all cells lines used was increased by H2S in ATP containing solutions. PKA prevented the action of H2S on channel Po in GH4 and GH4 STREX, but not in GH3 cells. H2S, high significantly increased Po of all PKG pretreated cells. In the presence of PKC, which lowers channel activity, H2S increased channel Po of GH4 and GH4 STREX, but not those of GH3 cells. H2S increased open dwell times of GH3 cells in the absence of ATP significantly. A significant increase of dwell times with H2S was also observed in the presence of okadaic acid.Conclusions: Our results suggest that phosphorylation by PKG primes the channels for H2S activation and indicate that channel phosphorylation plays an important role in the response to H2S
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