57 research outputs found

    Ten years of isotopic composition of precipitation at Concordia Station, East Antarctica

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    Oxygen and Hydrogen isotopic composition (delta18O and deltaD) in ice cores has been widely used as a proxy for reconstructing past temperature variations. However, the atmospheric dynamics determining the precipitation isotopic composition on the Antarctic Plateau are yet to be fully understood, as well as the post-depositional processes modifying the pristine snow isotopic signal: both are fundamental for the interpretation of the isotopic records from deep Antarctic ice cores drilled in low accumulation areas in order to improve past temperature reconstructions. Since 2008, daily precipitation has been continuously collected by the winter-over personnel on raised surfaces (height: 1 m) placed in the clean area of Concordia Station on the East Antarctic plateau. Each sample has been analyzed for 18O, D and deuterium excess (d): this represents a unique record, still ongoing, for the isotopic composition of precipitation in inland Antarctica. In order to better comprehend the relationship between local temperature and the isotopic signal of precipitation, temperature data (T2m) from the Dome C Automatic Weather Station of the Programma Nazionale di Ricerche in Antartide (PNRA) were correlated with precipitation sample delta18O, deltaD and d from 2008 to 2017. A significant positive correlation between delta18O and deltaD of precipitation and T2m is observed when using both daily and monthly-averaged data. The measured precipitation isotopic data were also compared to the simulated delta18O, deltaD and d from the isotope-enabled atmospheric general circulation models ECHAM5-wiso and ECHAM6-wiso, with the latter showing significant improvement in simulating the isotopic data of precipitation

    Ice and mixed-phase cloud statistics on the Antarctic Plateau

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    Statistics on the occurrence of clear skies, ice clouds, and mixed-phase clouds over Concordia Station, in the Antarctic Plateau, are provided for multiple timescales and analyzed in relation to simultaneous meteorological parameters measured at the surface. Results are obtained by applying a machine learning cloud identification and classification (CIC) code to 4 years of measurements between 2012-2015 of downwelling high-spectral-resolution radiances, measured by the Radiation Explorer in the Far Infrared-Prototype for Applications and Development (REFIR-PAD) spectroradiometer. The CIC algorithm is optimized for Antarctic sky conditions and results in a total hit rate of almost 0.98, where 1.0 is a perfect score, for the identification of the clear-sky, ice cloud, and mixed-phase cloud classes. Scene truth is provided by lidar measurements that are concurrent with REFIR-PAD. The CIC approach demonstrates the key role of far-infrared spectral measurements for clear-cloud discrimination and for cloud phase classification. Mean annual occurrences are 72.3%, 24.9%, and 2.7% for clear sky, ice clouds, and mixed-phase clouds, respectively, with an inter-annual variability of a few percent. The seasonal occurrence of clear sky shows a minimum in winter (66.8%) and maxima (75%-76%) during intermediate seasons. In winter the mean surface temperature is about 9 C colder in clear conditions than when ice clouds are present. Mixed-phase clouds are observed only in the warm season; in summer they amount to more than one-third of total observed clouds. Their occurrence is correlated with warmer surface temperatures. In the austral summer, the mean surface air temperature is about 5gC warmer when clouds are present than in clear-sky conditions. This difference is larger during the night than in daylight hours, likely due to increased solar warming. Monthly mean results are compared to cloud occurrence and fraction derived from gridded (Level 3) satellite products from both passive and active sensors. The differences observed among the considered products and the CIC results are analyzed in terms of footprint sizes and sensors' sensitivities to cloud optical and geometrical features. The comparison highlights the ability of the CIC-REFIR-PAD synergy to identify multiple cloud conditions and study their variability at different timescales

    A Nine-year series of daily oxygen and hydrogen isotopic composition of precipitation at Concordia station, East Antarctica

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    The atmospheric processes determining the isotopic composition of precipitation on the Antarctic plateau are yet to be fully understood, as well as the post-depositional processes altering the snow pristine isotopic signal. Improving the comprehension of these physical mechanisms is of crucial importance for interpreting the isotopic records from ice cores drilled in the low accumulation area of Antarctica, e.g., the upcoming Beyond EPICA drilling at Little Dome C. Up to now, few records of the isotopic composition of precipitation in Antarctica are available, most of them limited in time or sampling frequency. Here we present a 9-year long δ18O and δD record (2008-2016) of precipitation at Concordia base, East Antarctica. The snow is collected daily on a raised platform (1 m), positioned in the clean area of the station; the precipitation collection is still being carried out each year by the winter over personnel. A significant positive correlation between isotopes in precipitation and 2-m air temperature is observed at both seasonal and interannual scale; the lowest temperature and isotopic values are usually recorded during winters characterized by a strongly positive Southern Annular Mode index. To improve the understanding of the mechanisms governing the isotopic composition of precipitation, we compare the isotopic data of Concordia samples with on-site observations, meteorological data from the Dome C AWS of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as well as with high-resolution simulation results from the isotope-enabled atmospheric general circulation models ECHAM5-wiso and ECHAM6-wiso, nudged with the ERA-Interim and ERA5 reanalyses respectively

    Supercooled liquid water cloud observed, analysed, and modelled at the top of the planetary boundary layer above Dome C, Antarctica

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    Abstract. A comprehensive analysis of the water budget over the Dome C (Concordia, Antarctica) station has been performed during the austral summer 2018–2019 as part of the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP) international campaign. Thin (∼100 m deep) supercooled liquid water (SLW) clouds have been detected and analysed using remotely sensed observations at the station (tropospheric depolarization lidar, the H2O Antarctica Microwave Stratospheric and Tropospheric Radiometer (HAMSTRAD), net surface radiation from the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN)), radiosondes, and satellite observations (CALIOP, Cloud-Aerosol LIdar with Orthogonal Polarization/CALIPSO, Cloud Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observations) combined with a specific configuration of the numerical weather prediction model: ARPEGE-SH (Action de Recherche Petite Echelle Grande Echelle – Southern Hemisphere). The analysis shows that SLW clouds were present from November to March, with the greatest frequency occurring in December and January when ∼50 % of the days in summer time exhibited SLW clouds for at least 1 h. Two case studies are used to illustrate this phenomenon. On 24 December 2018, the atmospheric planetary boundary layer (PBL) evolved following a typical diurnal variation, which is to say with a warm and dry mixing layer at local noon thicker than the cold and dry stable layer at local midnight. Our study showed that the SLW clouds were observed at Dome C within the entrainment and the capping inversion zones at the top of the PBL. ARPEGE-SH was not able to correctly estimate the ratio between liquid and solid water inside the clouds with the liquid water path (LWP) strongly underestimated by a factor of 1000 compared to observations. The lack of simulated SLW in the model impacted the net surface radiation that was 20–30 W m−2 higher in the BSRN observations than in the ARPEGE-SH calculations, mainly attributable to the BSRN longwave downward surface radiation being 50 W m−2 greater than that of ARPEGE-SH. The second case study took place on 20 December 2018, when a warm and wet episode impacted the PBL with no clear diurnal cycle of the PBL top. SLW cloud appearance within the entrainment and capping inversion zones coincided with the warm and wet event. The amount of liquid water measured by HAMSTRAD was ∼20 times greater in this perturbed PBL than in the typical PBL. Since ARPEGE-SH was not able to accurately reproduce these SLW clouds, the discrepancy between the observed and calculated net surface radiation was even greater than in the typical PBL case, reaching +50 W m−2, mainly attributable to the downwelling longwave surface radiation from BSRN being 100 W m−2 greater than that of ARPEGE-SH. The model was then run with a new partition function favouring liquid water for temperatures below −20 down to −40 ∘C. In this test mode, ARPEGE-SH has been able to generate SLW clouds with modelled LWP and net surface radiation consistent with observations during the typical case, whereas, during the perturbed case, the modelled LWP was 10 times less than the observations and the modelled net surface radiation remained lower than the observations by ∼50 W m−2. Accurately modelling the presence of SLW clouds appears crucial to correctly simulate the surface energy budget over the Antarctic Plateau

    Lidar in Space Technology Experiment correlative measurements by lidar in Potenza, southern Italy.

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    An intensive lidar measurement campaign was carried out in Potenza (40°36′N-15°44′E, 820 m above sea level (asl)) in conjunction with the Lidar in Space Technology Experiment (LITE) mission and primarily aimed at the validation of LITE stratospheric aerosol measurements. Potenza lidar measurements in coincidence with all five nighttime overpasses near southern Italy (September 11, 12, 17, and 18, 1994) are compared with simultaneous LITE data. Potenza lidar data appear to be highly correlated with LITE data both at 355 and 532 nm. Potenza lidar versus LITE measurements of the aerosol-scattering ratio show a correlation coefficient of 0.72–0.81 at 355 nm and 0.88–0.93 at 532 nm, with an average calibration coefficient of 0.92 ± 0.19 at 355 nm and 1.02 ± 0.07 at 532 nm. Comparisons are also made in terms of the average Angstrom coefficient, whose values are consistent with submicrometer aerosol particles. Finally, Potenza lidar measurements of the aerosol layer base and top heights, the peak aerosol-scattering ratio and peak height, as well as of the aerosol scattering ratio at the cloud base appear to be consistent with measurements performed by other ground lidar stations in Europe during the LITE campaign as well as with the LITE data

    Features in air ions measured by an air ion spectrometer (AIS) at Dome C

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    An air ion spectrometer (AIS) was deployed for the first time at the Concordia station at Dome C (75 degrees 06'S, 123 degrees 23'E; 3220 ma.s.l.), Antarctica during the period 22 December 2010-16 November 2011 for measuring the number size distribution of air ions. In this work, we present results obtained from this air ion data set together with aerosol particle and meteorological data. The main processes that modify the number size distribution of air ions during the measurement period at this high-altitude site included new particle formation (NPF, observed on 85 days), wind-induced ion formation (observed on 36 days), and ion production and loss associated with cloud/fog formation (observed on 2 days). For the subset of days when none of these processes seemed to operate, the concentrations of cluster ions (0.9-1.9 nm) exhibited a clear seasonality, with high concentrations in the warm months and low concentrations in the cold. Compared to event-free days, days with NPF were observed with higher cluster ion concentrations. A number of NPF events were observed with restricted growth below 10 nm, which were termed as suppressed NPF. There was another distinct feature, namely a simultaneous presence of two or three separate NPF and subsequent growth events, which were named as multi-mode NPF events. Growth rates (GRs) were determined using two methods: the appearance time method and the mode fitting method. The former method seemed to have advantages in characterizing NPF events with a fast GR, whereas the latter method is more suitable when the GR was slow. The formation rate of 2 nm positive ions (J(2)(+)) was calculated for all the NPF events for which a GR in the 2-3 nm size range could be determined. On average, J(2)(+) was about 0.014 cm(-3) s(-1). The ion production in relation to cloud/fog formation in the size range of 8-42 nm seemed to be a unique feature at Dome C, which has not been reported elsewhere. These ions may, however, either be multiply charged particles but detected as singly charged in the AIS, or be produced inside the instrument, due to the breakage of cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), possibly related to the instrumental behaviour under the extremely cold condition. For the wind-induced ion formation, our observations suggest that the ions originated more likely from atmospheric nucleation of vapours released from the snow than from mechanical charging of shattered snow flakes and ice crystals.Peer reviewe

    LIDAR observation of PSCs in the arctic and antarctic

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    Polar Stratospheric Clouds and aerosols are here reported which do not clearly corresponding to present interpretations. They were monitored in the Antarctic and in the Arctic from 1989 to 1995 and therefore refer both to the pre-Pinatubo, the Pinatubo and after Pinatubo period. Such cases comprehend non depolarizing PSCs and warm depolarizing aerosols. Non Depolarizing PSCs have been observed over Dumont d'Urville, Antarctica during the POLE experiment (1989-today) and over Sodankyla during SESAME. For the case of Sodankyla particle size evaluation for non depolarizing PSCs were carried out with interesting results. An index of refraction has been used for Mie calculations which may well correspond to the one expected for a diluted ternary solution of H2O/H2SO4/HNO3PublishedFirenze, Italy1.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientaleope

    Supercooled liquid water clouds observed over Dome C, Antarctica: temperature sensitivity and cloud radiative forcing

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    Clouds affect the Earth climate with an impact that depends on the cloud nature (solid and/or liquid water). Although the Antarctic climate is changing rapidly, cloud observations are sparse over Antarctica due to few ground stations and satellite observations. The Concordia station is located on the eastern Antarctic Plateau (75∘ S, 123∘ E; 3233 m above mean sea level), one of the driest and coldest places on Earth. We used observations of clouds, temperature, liquid water, and surface irradiance performed at Concordia during four austral summers (December 2018–2021) to analyse the link between liquid water and temperature and its impact on surface irradiance in the presence of supercooled liquid water (liquid water for temperature less than 0 ∘C) clouds (SLWCs). Our analysis shows that, within SLWCs, temperature logarithmically increases from −36.0 to −16.0 ∘C when liquid water path increases from 1.0 to 14.0 g m−2. The SLWC radiative forcing is positive and logarithmically increases from 0.0 to 70.0 W m−2 when liquid water path increases from 1.2 to 3.5 g m−2. This is mainly due to the downward longwave component that logarithmically increases from 0 to 90 W m−2 when liquid water path increases from 1.0 to 3.5 g m−2. The attenuation of shortwave incoming irradiance (that can reach more than 100 W m−2) is almost compensated for by the upward shortwave irradiance because of high values of surface albedo. Based on our study, we can extrapolate that, over the Antarctic continent, SLWCs have a maximum radiative forcing that is rather weak over the eastern Antarctic Plateau (0 to 7 W m−2) but 3 to 5 times larger over West Antarctica (0 to 40 W m−2), maximizing in summer and over the Antarctic Peninsula.</p

    Observation of Liquid Particles at -65° in a Polar Cirrus

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    It is widely accepted that pure water cannot exist as a liquid below about -40°. Theoretical and laboratory studies confirm this behavior for pure water. Liquid droplets have been seldom observed in cirrus clouds down to about -50°C. The LIDAR technique can help to find out unusual supercooled clouds, when the depolarization technique is implemented: the presence of non-depolarizing layers in a cloud is indicative of a very special scattering media: scattering particles must have a symmetry axis oriented along the laser beam. This is possible either with spherical droplets or ice plates horizontally oriented. In this work, a -65°C cold, non-depolarizing cloud observed in Finland is studied, concluding that supercooled droplets are responsible for the absence of depolarization in most of the cloud. This is the coldest supercooled cirrus ever observed.PublishedFirenze, Italy1.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientaleope

    Evidence for Liquid Droplets in a -65° Cold Cirrus Observed by LIDAR above Sodankyla (Finland) during SESAME

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    It is widely accepted that pure water cannot exist as liquid below about -40°C. Theoretical and laboratory studies confirm this behavior for pure water . Nevertheless, liquid droplets have been seldom observed in cirrus clouds down to -50°C. Miltiwaveleght depolarization LIDAR tecnique can help ti hunt usually cold supercooled clouds. The presence of non-depolarizing cloud layers is indicative of scattering with ylindrical symmetry, possible both with spherical droplets and with ice plates horizontally oriented. In this work, a -65°C cold, non- depolarizing cloud observed in Finland is analysed, concluding thath supercooled droplets are responsible for the absence of depolarization in most of the layer.PublishedSchliersee, Germany1.8. Osservazioni di geofisica ambientaleope
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