117 research outputs found

    Accouchement de jumeaux conjoints de découverte fortuite au cours du travail au CHU de Dakar

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    L’objectif de cette étude était de rapporter 3 cas de jumeaux conjoints, discuter de l’importance du diagnostic anténatal et de décrire les particularités diagnostiques, thérapeutiques et évolutives. Sur 45700 accouchements du 1er Février 2009 au 31 Décembre 2011, 3 cas de jumeaux conjoints ont été enregistrés, soit 1 cas pour 15000 accouchements. Ces cas ont été diagnostiqués au cours du travail au décours d’une dystocie mécanique ou d’une césarienne réalisée pour une autre indication. Il s’agissait d’un cas de jumeaux conjoints thoraco-omphalopages, un cas de diprosopes et un cas de dicéphales. L’accouchement dans les trois cas était fait par voie haute permettant d’extraire des mort-nés frais. Nous insistons sur l’intérêt d’un diagnostic anténatal précoce par le recours à l’échographie afin d’éviter les accidents mécaniques d’un accouchement qui ne saurait s’accomplir par voie basse.Key words: Jumeaux conjoints, diprosopes, dicéphales, thoraco-omphalopage

    Imperforate hymen complicated by obstructive acute renal failure

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    Imperforate hymen is a rare malformation (1/ 1000 female births). It is diagnosed most often during puberty. Early diagnosis of hematocolpos and evacuation is necessary to avoid any consequences. We report a rare case of an imperforate hymen complicated with acute urinary retention,  hydronephrosis and renal failure in a 14-year-old girl to emphasize thepossible misdiagnosis and its possible consequences. This is the firstcase we encounter in our unit

    Hepatocellular carcinoma associated with pregnancy about 2 cases at the gynecological and obstetrical clinic of the Aristide Le Dantec hospital, Dakar, Senegal

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    The objective of our study was to report 2 cases of hepatocellular carcinomas associated with pregnancy followed in our structure and to review the literature. Our patients were 30 and 37-year-old multi-gesture females with chronic unattended viral hepatitis B in whom the diagnosis of hepatocellular carcinoma was made in the third trimester of pregnancy at 31 weeks of amenorrhea and 4 days and at 32 weeks of amenorrhea after the incidental finding of tumor hepatomegaly on abdominal-pelvic ultrasound. The main clinical signs were jaundice and hepatomegaly and paraclinical signs were dominated by hepatic cytolysis and anemia in addition to ultrasound images. Follow-up of pregnancies revealed no particularities. A caesarean section was scheduled at 32 weeks of amenorrhea and 32 weeks of amenorrhea and 3 days allowing the birth of two preterm newborns weighing 1210 and 1500 gm with Apgar scores of 8-10/10 and 7-9/10 respectively at the fifth minute. The immediate post-operative follow-up was simple. However, the maternal-fetal prognosis was poor with the death of both patients in a multi-visceral failure table occurring respectively at 6 weeks and 3 weeks after caesarean section. The newborns had died 8 days after birth. Although rare, these two cases challenge any obstetrician to think about liver cancer in pregnant women, especially those with chronic hepatitis B. Ultrasound examination of the liver, or even better, the MRI, which is more efficient, in order to suspect early on a possible liver cancer. Indeed, early diagnosis and a thorough medical approach are essential for the treatment of HCC in pregnant patients

    Biomass residue valorisation into activated charcoal - Efficiency tests on bacteria and pesticides

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    Le développement des activités de recherche sur les charbons actifs en Afrique, entre dans le cadre de la valorisation de la biomasse pour produire de nouveaux matériaux, et permet d’accompagner scientifiquement les processus de dépollution et le développement industriel. Les charbons actifs (CA) sont des matériaux carbonés obtenus suite à des étapes de pyrolyse et d’activation qui leur confèrent de bonnes capacités d’adsorption sur des polluants. Le développement et la vulgarisation des CA utilisés seuls ou en complément, dans une chaîne de dépollution des eaux est une piste prometteuse pour l’Afrique qui les a jusqu’ici peu exploités malgré la disponibilité de matières premières nécessaires à leur fabrication. Cet examen présente dans une première étape, la méthode développée au Laboratoire Biomasse Energie et Biocarburants (LBEB) pour synthétiser de nouveaux CA issus de résidus de biomasse comme les coques d’arachide et les coques de coco. Dans une deuxième étape, l’article présente les protocoles mis en place pour caractériser et analyser les porosités et les surfaces spécifiques des CA, à l’origine de l’adsorption des polluants. Enfin, des résultats d’essais sur des dérivés proches des pesticides et des bactéries de type E. coli sont effectués pour tester l’efficacité des charbons actifs synthétisés

    Strengthening human genetics research in Africa: report of the 9th meeting of the African Society of Human Genetics in Dakar in May 2016.

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    The 9th meeting of the African Society of Human Genetics, in partnership with the Senegalese Cancer Research and Study Group and the Human Heredity and Health in Africa (H3Africa) Consortium, was held in Dakar, Senegal. The theme was Strengthening Human Genetics Research in Africa. The 210 delegates came from 21 African countries and from France, Switzerland, UK, UAE, Canada and the USA. The goal was to highlight genetic and genomic science across the African continent with the ultimate goal of improving the health of Africans and those across the globe, and to promote the careers of young African scientists in the field. A session on the sustainability of genomic research in Africa brought to light innovative and practical approaches to supporting research in resource-limited settings and the importance of promoting genetics in academic, research funding, governmental and private sectors. This meeting led to the formation of the Senegalese Society for Human Genetics

    Population genomics of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.): Comparative analysis of global accessions and Senegalese landraces

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    Citation: Hu, Z., Mbacké, B., Perumal, R., Guèye, M. C., Sy, O., Bouchet, S., . . . Morris, G. P. (2015). Population genomics of pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.): Comparative analysis of global accessions and Senegalese landraces. Bmc Genomics. doi:10.1186/s12864-015-2255-0Background: Pearl millet is a staple food for people in arid and semi-arid regions of Africa and South Asia due to its high drought tolerance and nutritional qualities. A better understanding of the genomic diversity and population structure of pearl millet germplasm is needed to support germplasm conservation and genetic improvement of this crop. Here we characterized two pearl millet diversity panels, (i) a set of global accessions from Africa, Asia, and the America, and (ii) a collection of landraces from multiple agro-ecological zones in Senegal. Results: We identified 83,875 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in 500 pearl millet accessions, comprised of 252 global accessions and 248 Senegalese landraces, using genotyping by sequencing (GBS) of PstI-MspI reduced representation libraries. We used these SNPs to characterize genomic diversity and population structure among the accessions. The Senegalese landraces had the highest levels of genetic diversity (?), while accessions from southern Africa and Asia showed lower diversity levels. Principal component analyses and ancestry estimation indicated clear population structure between the Senegalese landraces and the global accessions, and among countries in the global accessions. In contrast, little population structure was observed across in the Senegalese landraces collections. We ordered SNPs on the pearl millet genetic map and observed much faster linkage disequilibrium (LD) decay in Senegalese landraces compared to global accessions. A comparison of pearl millet GBS linkage map with the foxtail millet (Setaria italica) and sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) genomes indicated extensive regions of synteny, as well as some large-scale rearrangements in the pearl millet lineage. Conclusions: We identified 83,875 SNPs as a genomic resource for pearl millet improvement. The high genetic diversity in Senegal relative to other regions of Africa and Asia supports a West African origin of this crop, followed by wide diffusion. The rapid LD decay and lack of confounding population structure along agro-ecological zones in Senegalese pearl millet will facilitate future association mapping studies. Comparative population genomics will provide insights into panicoid crop evolution and support improvement of these climate-resilient crops. © 2015 Hu et al

    Participatory evaluation of chicken health and production constraints in Ethiopia

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    Chicken production has a major role in the economy of developing countries and backyard production is particularly important to women. Several programmes, in Ethiopia and elsewhere, have attempted to improve chicken production as a means to reduce poverty. A key constraint to chicken production identified by farmers is disease. This study used participatory rural appraisal methods to work with chicken-keepers in order to prioritise chicken diseases, place these within the context of other production constraints, and to explore perceptions of disease risk factors and biosecurity measures. The study, focused on Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, included 71 poultry keepers (41 backyard and 30 semi-intensive chicken producers). Although women played an important role in backyard production systems, semi-intensive farms were more likely to be controlled by men. Participants identified 9 constraints to production: 7 of 8 groups of backyard producers and 15/31 semi-intensive producers ranked diseases as the most important constraint to chicken production. In contrast to previous reports, farmers in both groups had considerable knowledge of diseases and of factors affecting disease risk. Both groups, but particularly semi-intensive producers, highlighted access to feed as a constraint. Many of the challenges faced by both groups were associated with difficulty accessing agricultural and veterinary inputs and expertise. Whilst many of the constraints identified by farmers could be viewed as simply technical issues to be overcome, we believe it is important to recognise the social factors underpinning what are, in reality, relatively modest technical challenges. The low involvement of women in semi-intensive production needs to be recognised by poultry development schemes. Provision needs to be made to allow access to inputs for a wide range of business models, particularly for those, such as women, who have limited access to the capital to allow them to make the jump from backyard to semi-intensive producer, and require support to slowly build up a flock into a profitable venture

    Production of highly-polarized positrons using polarized electrons at MeV energies

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    The Polarized Electrons for Polarized Positrons experiment at the injector of the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility has demonstrated for the first time the efficient transfer of polarization from electrons to positrons produced by the polarized bremsstrahlung radiation induced by a polarized electron beam in a high-ZZ target. Positron polarization up to 82\% have been measured for an initial electron beam momentum of 8.19~MeV/cc, limited only by the electron beam polarization. This technique extends polarized positron capabilities from GeV to MeV electron beams, and opens access to polarized positron beam physics to a wide community.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Measurements of electron-proton elastic cross sections for 0.4<Q2<5.5(GeV/c)20.4 < Q^2 < 5.5 (GeV/c)^2

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    We report on precision measurements of the elastic cross section for electron-proton scattering performed in Hall C at Jefferson Lab. The measurements were made at 28 unique kinematic settings covering a range in momentum transfer of 0.4 << Q2Q^2 << 5.5 (GeV/c)2(\rm GeV/c)^2. These measurements represent a significant contribution to the world's cross section data set in the Q2Q^2 range where a large discrepancy currently exists between the ratio of electric to magnetic proton form factors extracted from previous cross section measurements and that recently measured via polarization transfer in Hall A at Jefferson Lab.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures; text added, some figures replace

    A Study of the Quasi-elastic (e,e'p) Reaction on 12^{12}C, 56^{56}Fe and 97^{97}Au

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    We report the results from a systematic study of the quasi-elastic (e,e'p) reaction on 12^{12}C, 56^{56}Fe and 197^{197}Au performed at Jefferson Lab. We have measured nuclear transparency and extracted spectral functions (corrected for radiation) over a Q2^2 range of 0.64 - 3.25 (GeV/c)2^2 for all three nuclei. In addition we have extracted separated longitudinal and transverse spectral functions at Q2^2 of 0.64 and 1.8 (GeV/c)2^2 for these three nuclei (except for 197^{197}Au at the higher Q2^2). The spectral functions are compared to a number of theoretical calculations. The measured spectral functions differ in detail but not in overall shape from most of the theoretical models. In all three targets the measured spectral functions show considerable excess transverse strength at Q2^2 = 0.64 (GeV/c)2^2, which is much reduced at 1.8 (GeV/c)2^2.Comment: For JLab E91013 Collaboration, 19 pages, 20 figures, 3 table
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