782 research outputs found

    Library Services and Construction Act: Testimonies (1994): Speech 09

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    Experimental Demonstration of Accelerated Extinction in Source-Sink Metapopulations

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    Population extinction is a fundamental ecological process which may be aggravated by the exchange of organisms between productive (source) and unproductive (sink) habitat patches. The extent to which such source-sink exchange affects extinction rates is unknown. We conducted an experiment in which metapopulation effects could be distinguished from source-sink effects in laboratory populations of Daphnia magna. Time-to-extinction in this experiment was maximized at intermediate levels of habitat fragmentation, which is consistent with a minority of theoretical models. These results provided a baseline for comparison with experimental treatments designed to detect effects of concentrating resources in source patches. These treatments showed that source-sink configurations increased population variability (the coefficient of variation in abundance) and extinction hazard compared with homogeneous environments. These results suggest that where environments are spatially heterogeneous, accurate assessments of extinction risk will require understanding the exchange of organisms among population sources and sinks. Such heterogeneity may be the norm rather than the exception because of both the intrinsic heterogeneity naturally exhibited by ecosystems and increasing habitat fragmentation by human activity

    Absent voices: Intersectionality and first-generation college students with disabilities

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    College students with disabilities stand at a crossroads when transitioning from high school to college, and yet, are often absent from discussions regarding underserved populations in higher education. This absence is particularly notable in scholarship employing the lens of intersectionality. To address this gap, this qualitative case study employs a strengths-based lens to examine how typically marginalized college students used the strengths of their socially constructed identities as a dynamic force to find keys to academic success

    Four further cases of autosomal primary trisomy in the mouse.

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    Metalloproteinase expression in venous aneurysms

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    IntroductionAlthough recognized with increasing frequency, the pathogenesis of venous aneurysms (VA) remains poorly understood. We evaluated 8 patients with 10 VA for the presence, localization and activity of metalloproteinases (MMPs).MethodsTissue specimens from VA (n=8), normal saphenous vein (NSV n=7) and varicose veins (VV n=7 were compared by histology and immunohistochemistry (IHC). Histologic sections were stained with H&E, Movats pentachrome and toluidine blue, and IHC specimens with antibodies to CD68, MMP2, MMP9, and MMP13. Protein expression and enzyme activity were determined by Western immunoblotting and zymography.ResultsThree of 4 patients with popliteal VA presented with edema and leg pain and the remaining patient with deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE). The 5 popliteal VA were treated by; excision and reanastomosis (n=2) lateral venorrhaphy (n=2) and spiral saphenous vein graft (n=1). The 3 patients with 4 upper extremity VA had discomfort over a compressible mass. Two of the VA were excised and the remaining patients aneurysm ruptured spontaneously. The mesenteric VA, an incidental finding at laparotomy was excised. Thrombus was present in 2 popliteal, 1 upper extremity and in the mesenteric aneurysm. Histologically, VA and VV were characterized by fragmentation of the elastic lamellae, loss of smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and attenuation of the venous wall when compared to NSV. Varicose veins and VA also demonstrated increased expression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-13 in endothelial cells (ECs), SMCs and adventitial microvessels compared to NSV. Both pro-MMP-2 and pro-MMP-9 were detected by zymography in VA,VV and NSV but only MMP-2 activity was demonstrable.ConclusionsThe structural changes in the venous wall in addition to the increased expression of MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-13 in VA compared to NSV and VV suggests a possible causal role for these MMPs in their pathogenesis

    Multicolor photometry of the galaxies in the central region of Abell 2634

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    An optical photometric observation with the BATC multicolor system is carried out for the central 56' x 56' region of the nearby cluster of galaxies, Abell 2634. We achieved the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of 5572 sources detected down to V20V \sim 20 mag, including 178 previously known galaxies, with fourteen filters covering a wavelength range from 3600 \AA\ to 10000 \AA. After excluding the foreground and background galaxies, a sample of 124 known members is formed for an investigation of the SED properties. Based on the knowledge of SED properties of member galaxies, we performed the selection of faint galaxies belonging to Abell 2634. The color-color diagrams are powerful in the star/galaxy separation, and 359 faint galaxies are selected by their color features. The technique of photometric redshift and color-magnitude correlation for the early-type galaxies are applied for these faint galaxies, and a list of 74 faint member galaxies is achieved. Basis on the enlarged sample of member galaxies, the spatial distribution and color-magnitude relation of the galaxies in core region of Abell 2634 are discussed. We find a tendency that the color index dispersion of the early-type members is larger for the outer region, which might reflect some clues about the environmental effect on the evolution of galaxies in a cluster.Comment: 35 pages, 21 Postscript figures and tables, LaTeX, using aasms4.st

    Direction of Arrival and the Rank-Revealing URV Decomposition

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    In many practical direction-of-arrival (DOA) problems the number of sources and their directions from an antenna array do not remain stationary. Hence a practical DOA algorithm must be able to track changes with a minimal number of snapshots. In this paper we describe DOA algorithms, based on a new decomposition, that are not expensive to compute or difficult to update. The algorithms are compared with algorithms based on the singular value decomposition (SVD). (Also cross-referenced as UMIACS-TR-91-166

    TaxMan : a server to trim rRNA reference databases and inspect taxonomic coverage

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    © The Author(s), 2012. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Nucleic Acids Research 40 (2012): W82-W87, doi:10.1093/nar/gks418.Amplicon sequencing of the hypervariable regions of the small subunit ribosomal RNA gene is a widely accepted method for identifying the members of complex bacterial communities. Several rRNA gene sequence reference databases can be used to assign taxonomic names to the sequencing reads using BLAST, USEARCH, GAST or the RDP classifier. Next-generation sequencing methods produce ample reads, but they are short, currently ∼100–450 nt (depending on the technology), as compared to the full rRNA gene of ∼1550 nt. It is important, therefore, to select the right rRNA gene region for sequencing. The primers should amplify the species of interest and the hypervariable regions should differentiate their taxonomy. Here, we introduce TaxMan: a web-based tool that trims reference sequences based on user-selected primer pairs and returns an assessment of the primer specificity by taxa. It allows interactive plotting of taxa, both amplified and missed in silico by the primers used. Additionally, using the trimmed sequences improves the speed of sequence matching algorithms. The smaller database greatly improves run times (up to 98%) and memory usage, not only of similarity searching (BLAST), but also of chimera checking (UCHIME) and of clustering the reads (UCLUST). TaxMan is available at http://www.ibi.vu.nl/programs/taxmanwww/.University of Amsterdam under the research priority area ‘Oral Infections and Inflammation’ (to B.W.B.); National Science Foundation [NSF/BDI 0960626 to S.M.H.]; the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ 2007-2013) under ANTIRESDEV grant agreement no 241446 (to E.Z.)

    AAOmega spectroscopy of 29 351 stars in fields centered on ten Galactic globular clusters

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    Galactic globular clusters have been pivotal in our understanding of many astrophysical phenomena. Here we publish the extracted stellar parameters from a recent large spectroscopic survey of ten globular clusters. A brief review of the project is also presented. Stellar parameters have been extracted from individual stellar spectra using both a modified version of the Radial Velocity Experiment (RAVE) pipeline and a pipeline based on the parameter estimation method of RAVE. We publish here all parameters extracted from both pipelines. We calibrate the metallicity and convert this to [Fe/H] for each star and, furthermore, we compare the velocities and velocity dispersions of the Galactic stars in each field to the Besan\c{c}on Galaxy model. We find that the model does not correspond well with the data, indicating that the model is probably of little use for comparisons with pencil beam survey data such as this.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A. Data described in tables will be available on CDS (at http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/530/A31) once publishe

    Globular cluster formation within the Aquarius simulation

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    The Aquarius project is a very high-resolution simulation capable of resolving the full mass range of potential globular cluster (GC) formation sites. With a particle mass mp= 1.4 × 104 M¿, Aquarius yields more than 100 million particles within the virial radius of the central halo which has a mass of 1.8 × 1012 M¿, similar to that of the Milky Way. With this particle mass, dark matter concentrations (haloes) that give rise to GCs via our formation criteria contain a minimum of ~2000 particles. Here, we use this simulation to test a model of metal-poor GC formation based on collapse physics. In our model, GCs form when the virial temperatures of haloes first exceed 104 K as this is when electronic transitions allow the gas to cool efficiently. We calculate the ionizing flux from the stars in these first clusters and stop the formation of new clusters when all the baryonic gas of the Galaxy is ionized. This is achieved by adopting reasonable values for the star formation efficiencies and escape fraction of ionizing photons which result in similar numbers and masses of clusters to those found in the Milky Way. The model is successful in that it predicts ages (peak age ~13.3 Gyr) and a spatial distribution of metal-poor GCs which are consistent with the observed populations in the Milky Way. The model also predicts that less than 5 per cent of GCs within a radius of 100 kpc have a surviving dark matter halo, but the more distant clusters are all found in dark matter concentrations. We then test a scenario of metal-rich cluster formation by examining mergers that trigger star formation within central gas discs. This results in younger (~7¿13.3 Gyr), more centrally located clusters (40 metal-rich GCs within 18 kpc from the centre of the host) which are consistent with the Galactic metal-rich population. We test an alternate model in which metal-rich GCs form in dwarf galaxies that become stripped as they merge with the main halo. This process is inconsistent with observed metal-rich globulars in the Milky Way because it predicts spatial distributions that are far too extended