66 research outputs found

    Una visión matemática: matemáticas en imágenes

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    La finalidad de esta ponencia se centra en dar a conocer la importancia de la geometría y, en general, de las Matemáticas en otras áreas del conocimiento y que ponen de manifiesto la importancia de las mismas

    Optimización de recursos y calidad de servicio en las consultas de urgencias de un centro de atención primaria

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    Los servicios de urgencia hospitalarios reciben una proporción no despreciable de pacientes que deberían haber sido atendidos en los servicios de atención primaria. Planificar los servicios de urgencias de atención primaria para que mejoren su calidad y sean atrayentes para los pacientes puede descongestionar las urgencias hospitalarias, incidiendo de manera integral en todo el servicio de urgencias sanitario. El tiempo de espera reducido es el principal factor que los usuarios identifican con la calidad del servicio. En este artículo se analiza el problema desde un punto de vista matemático e informático, diseñando un software que permite obtener la asignación de facultativos a un servicio de urgencias de atención primaria, cumpliendo el objetivo de no sobrepasar un tiempo de espera prefijado optimizando, además, el consumo de recurso

    Lecture room web for the improvement of mathematic knowedge

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    In this work it is detailed a proposal that a group of lecturers belonging to the investigation group of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) “Mathematics applied to Civil Engineering: MAIC” is accomplishing through a project of educative innovation financed by the UPM. It is proposed a “Mathematic Thinking Lecture Room” to be incorporated in the web pages of the universities. It is offered in it a series of activities which permit the training of the students in several transversal competences, most of them related to the mathematical thinking, and others that, although can seem far from it, it is possible to develop them together. The list of activities proposed for this `lecture roomweb´ that can be increased with others along the beginning of it is: • Games, pastimes and mathematical puzzles. • The mathematical language: prove and solve. • Training for the mathematical Olympiads. • Activities related to the mathematical thinking: readings with mathematical content, mathematical cinema... • Convocation of competitions: mathematical short stories, mathematical photography, mathematical short films... • Forums and open discussions

    Implementación de un algoritmo de búsqueda de posiciones de equilibrio ponderado

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    En esta ponencia se presenta un algoritmo que determina las posiciones de equilibrio en un juego de competición política entre dos partidos representados en el plano de políticas por dos puntos. Para modelar una situación que se ajuste lo más posible a la realidad política de los diferentes países, se considera que los votantes están distribuidos en tipos posicionados en el plano por puntos que representan sus preferencias políticas y que dichos tipos no están equidistribuidos (se les asigna un peso). El estudio teórico de la existencia y unicidad de posiciones de equilibrio en el sentido clásico de Nash se hace aplicando herramientas geométricas como son los cierres convexos. El algoritmo de búsqueda de dichas posiciones de equilibrio cuando existen, se implementa en un caso práctico de la política en España, basado en el estudio 2742 (BARÓMETRO NOVIEMBRE 2007) realizado por el CIS

    Search algorithm to find optimum strategies to shape political action with subjective assessment

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    This paper introduces a problem related to decision making and the shaping of political strategies in the course of one term of office, in which the government and the opposition shape their proposals for action on two issues that are relevant for the citizens. A variable component is considered regarding both the relevance of the issues to be dealt with and the strategies that the parties are presumed to adopt. The aim of this study is to find the optimum strategies for the two majority parties of a country, while allowing them to vary their proposals to a certain degree. In addition, the process is dynamic because the proposals are intended to be modified taking into account the other party’s foreseen action. The contribution of this article lies in this approach, as well as in its taking into account variable components. The problem is dealt with from a geometric point of view, and a search algorithm to find optimum strategies is developed

    Algoritmos de gestión de personal enfocados a la mejora del servicio al cliente. Aplicación a servicios de urgencias de atención primaria

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    En el presente artículo se desarrolla una metodología de planificación y organización de recursos en el contexto de las urgencias de un centro de salud que puede ser extrapolada a otro tipo de servicios. Dicha metodología desemboca en la realización de un programa de ordenador que resuelve de forma efectiva ciertas tareas de planificación. Planificar los servicios de urgencias de atención primaria (SUAP) para que mejoren su calidad y sean atrayentes para los pacientes puede descongestionar las urgencias hospitalarias incidiendo de manera integral en todo el servicio de urgencias sanitario. El tiempo de espera reducido es el principal factor que los usuarios identifican con la calidad del servicio, por ello actuar sobre este elemento supone una opción para lograr este fin. Se presenta el desarrollo de un algoritmo que, teniendo como objetivo no sobrepasar un tiempo de espera prefijado en un SUAP, obtenga como respuesta la distribución de personal a asignar optimizando además el consumo de recursos. Adicionalmente, se aporta un segundo desarrollo computacional que transforma la asignación teórica de personal anterior en otra que sea fácilmente aplicable en la práctica por los gestores de los servicios. De esta forma, se ha desarrollado un programa que calcula el número de facultativos necesarios en un SUAP, una vez que se ha fijado el tiempo máximo de espera deseable en dicho servicio. El programa constituye un instrumento de gestión y planificación del número de médicos y su actividad en un SUAP, dependiendo de los tiempos de espera deseados, que se adapta a las características dinámicas y cambiantes que dichos servicios presentan por su naturaleza, siendo de aplicación en un amplio abanico de sectores productivos. This paper presents a methodology for planning and organizing resources in the context of a medical clinic emergency. This methodology can be applied to other type of services and is implemented in software that effectively solves the planning of certain tasks. Planning the primary attention emergency services (to improve their quality and to be attractive for patients) can clear the hospital emergency rooms, influencing in an integral way the whole sanitary emergency service. The hospital emergency services receive a considerable proportion of patients who should be assisted in the emergency services for primary attention. A reduced wait time is the main factor that patients identify with quality of service. Therefore, optimizing this element is an option to reach this aim. This has led to the development of an algorithm which aims to not exceed a prearranged wait time in the emergency services of primary attention, and gets as a response the distribution of personnel to be assigned to optimize the consumption of resources. Additionally, it is given a second computational development which transforms the previous theoretical assignment of personnel into another one that is easily applicable in practice by the agents of the services. It has developed a plan that calculates the number of doctors needed in an emergency service of primary attention, once the maximum wait time desired of this service has been determined. The plan is a tool for the management and planning of the number of doctors and their activity in an emergency service of primary attention, depending on the desired wait time, which adapts to the dynamic and changing features which these services present due to their application in a wide variety of production sectors

    Men’s Positive and Negative Experiences Following Acute Myocardial Infarction

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    (1) Objective: To describe men’s experiences as acute myocardial infarction sufferers from a social phenomenological perspective, a year after the event (2) Methods: The phenomenological interview was used to capture the participants’ discourse. The data were analyzed according to the theoretical methodological approach of social phenomenology. (3) Results: The discourse analysis of the content produced the following categories, set out according reasons “why”: personal biography, knowledge set, warning signs prior to the illness, experience at the intensive care unit, and rehabilitation process; and reasons “for”: expectations as regards the illness, health professionals, and future social life and work prospects. (4) Conclusions: Participants had not established a healthy condition one year after myocardial infarction, perceiving a very thin line between life and death. Personal biography influences the coping of the disease. They feel like the illness helped them to create new meanings and value of life. They envisage a future full of great restrictions and uncertainty. The results of this study have underlined the need to involve care at all stages of the illness: the physical and emotional dependence upon admittance at the intensive care unit, the need to be cured, the constant demand for information about the illness, the difficulties encountered upon returning home, uncertainty about the future, etc. All these moments indicate that proper nursing care adapted to the specific needs of each individual and their family members must be provided in order to help them to overcome all the stages involved in this process. It is necessary to individualize care because the sense of reality is common and universal, but the ways of expressing are subjective, and it depended on the totality of experiences accumulated throughout life

    Algoritmos de gestión de personal enfocados a la mejora del servicio al cliente. Aplicación a servicios de urgencias de atención primaria

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    En el presente artículo se desarrolla una metodología de planificación y organización de recursos en el contexto de las urgencias de un centro de salud que puede ser extrapolada a otro tipo de servicios. Dicha metodología desemboca en la realización de un programa de ordenador que resuelve de forma efectiva ciertas tareas de planificación. Planificar los servicios de urgencias de atención primaria (SUAP) para que mejoren su calidad y sean atrayentes para los pacientes puede descongestionar las urgencias hospitalarias incidiendo de manera integral en todo el servicio de urgencias sanitario. El tiempo de espera reducido es el principal factor que los usuarios identifican con la calidad del servicio, por ello actuar sobre este elemento supone una opción para lograr este fin. Se presenta el desarrollo de un algoritmo que, teniendo como objetivo no sobrepasar un tiempo de espera prefijado en un SUAP, obtenga como respuesta la distribución de personal a asignar optimizando además el consumo de recursos. Adicionalmente, se aporta un segundo desarrollo computacional que transforma la asignación teórica de personal anterior en otra que sea fácilmente aplicable en la práctica por los gestores de los servicios. De esta forma, se ha desarrollado un programa que calcula el número de facultativos necesarios en un SUAP, una vez que se ha fijado el tiempo máximo de espera deseable en dicho servicio. El programa constituye un instrumento de gestión y planificación del número de médicos y su actividad en un SUAP, dependiendo de los tiempos de espera deseados, que se adapta a las características dinámicas y cambiantes que dichos servicios presentan por su naturaleza, siendo de aplicación en un amplio abanico de sectores productivos. This paper presents a methodology for planning and organizing resources in the context of a medical clinic emergency. This methodology can be applied to other type of services and is implemented in software that effectively solves the planning of certain tasks. Planning the primary attention emergency services (to improve their quality and to be attractive for patients) can clear the hospital emergency rooms, influencing in an integral way the whole sanitary emergency service. The hospital emergency services receive a considerable proportion of patients who should be assisted in the emergency services for primary attention. A reduced wait time is the main factor that patients identify with quality of service. Therefore, optimizing this element is an option to reach this aim. This has led to the development of an algorithm which aims to not exceed a prearranged wait time in the emergency services of primary attention, and gets as a response the distribution of personnel to be assigned to optimize the consumption of resources. Additionally, it is given a second computational development which transforms the previous theoretical assignment of personnel into another one that is easily applicable in practice by the agents of the services. It has developed a plan that calculates the number of doctors needed in an emergency service of primary attention, once the maximum wait time desired of this service has been determined. The plan is a tool for the management and planning of the number of doctors and their activity in an emergency service of primary attention, depending on the desired wait time, which adapts to the dynamic and changing features which these services present due to their application in a wide variety of production sectors

    Overlap at the molecular and immunohistochemical levels between angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma and a subgroup of peripheral T-cell lymphomas without specific morphological features

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    The overlap of morphology and immunophenotype between angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma (AITL) and other nodal peripheral T-cell lymphomas (n-PTCLs) is a matter of current interest whose clinical relevance and pathogenic background have not been fully established. We studied a series of 98 n-PTCL samples (comprising 57 AITL and 41 PTCL-NOS) with five TFH antibodies (CD10, BCL-6, PD-1, CXCL13, ICOS), looked for mutations in five of the genes most frequently mutated in AITL (TET2, DNMT3A, IDH2, RHOA and PLCG1) using the Next-Generation-Sequencing Ion Torrent platform, and measured the correlations of these characteristics with morphology and clinical features. The percentage of mutations in the RHOA and TET2 genes was similar (23.5% of cases). PLCG1 was mutated in 14.3%, IDH2 in 11.2% and DNMT3A in 7.1% of cases, respectively. In the complete series, mutations in RHOA gene were associated with the presence of mutations in IDH2, TET2 and DNMT3A (p < 0.001, p = 0.043, and p = 0.029, respectively). Fourteen cases featured RHOA mutations without TET2 mutations. A close relationship was found between the presence of these mutations and a TFH-phenotype in AITL and PTCL-NOS patients. Interestingly, BCL-6 expression was the only TFH marker differentially expressed between AITL and PTCL-NOS cases. There were many fewer mutated cases than there were cases with a TFH phenotype. Overall, these data suggest alternative ways by which neoplastic T-cells overexpress these proteins. On the other hand, no clinical or survival differences were found between any of the recognized subgroups of patients with respect to their immunohistochemistry or mutational profile.This work was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III, from the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (RTICC RD06/0020/0107, RD12/0036/0060, PI 12/1682, PT13/0010/0007, PI16/ 01294, SAF2013-47416-R, CIBERONC-ISCIII, PIE15/ 0081, ISCIII-MINECO AES-FEDER (Plan Estatal I+D+I 2013–2016): PI14/00221, PIE14/0064, PIE15/0081 and PIE16/01294)) and the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, Spain. JG-R is a recipient of an iPFIS predoctoral fellowship (IFI14/00003) from ISCIII-MINECO-AESFEDER (Plan Estatal I+D+I 2013–2016). MSB was supported by a Miguel Servet contract (CP11/00018) from the ISCIII-MINECO-AES-FEDER (Plan Nacional I+D+I 2008–2011), and currently holds a Miguel Servet II contract (CPII16/00024), supported by ISCIII-MINECOAES- FEDER (Plan Estatal I+D+I 2013–2016) and the Fundación de Investigación Biomédica Puerta de Hierro.S

    Algoritmos de búsqueda de posiciones óptimas en localizaciones circulares. Aplicación a la competición política

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    Desarrollo de teoría y algoritmos para la búsqueda de posiciones óptimas en un espacio circular. En este trabajo se desarrolla una aplicación de los datos direccionales a la ciencia política. Se presenta un modelo en el que las preferencias políticas de los tipos de votantes de una población se representan como puntos de la circunferencia unidad y los partidos políticos buscan las posiciones óptimas en ella para captar el máximo apoyo de ese conjunto finito de tipos de votantes. Se desarrollan algoritmos de búsqueda basados en los estudios realizados y se implementa uno de ellos, realizándose simulaciones de ejemplos relacionados con el posicionamiento político e interpretándose los resultados