11,814 research outputs found

    The formation of spiral arms and rings in barred galaxies

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    We propose a theory to explain the formation of both spirals and rings in barred galaxies using a common dynamical framework. It is based on the orbital motion driven by the unstable equilibrium points of the rotating bar potential. Thus, spirals, rings and pseudo-rings are related to the invariant manifolds associated to the periodic orbits around these equilibrium points. We examine the parameter space of three barred galaxy models and discuss the formation of the different morphological structures according to the properties of the bar model. We also study the influence of the shape of the rotation curve in the outer parts, by making families of models with rising, flat or falling rotation curves in the outer parts. The differences between spiral and ringed structures arise from differences in the dynamical parameters of the host galaxies.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, conference proceedings of "Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise", Grenoble 2007, eds. J. Bouvier, A. Chalabaev, C. Charbonne

    The formation of spiral arms and rings in barred galaxies

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    In this and in a previous paper (Romero-Gomez et al. 2006) we propose a theory to explain the formation of both spirals and rings in barred galaxies using a common dynamical framework. It is based on the orbital motion driven by the unstable equilibrium points of the rotating bar potential. Thus, spirals, rings and pseudo-rings are related to the invariant manifolds associated to the periodic orbits around these equilibrium points. We examine the parameter space of three barred galaxy models and discuss the formation of the different morphological structures according to the properties of the bar model. We also study the influence of the shape of the rotation curve in the outer parts, by making families of models with rising, flat, or falling rotation curves in the outer parts. The differences between spiral and ringed structures arise from differences in the dynamical parameters of the host galaxies. The results presented here will be discussed and compared with observations in a forthcoming paper.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, accepted in A&A. High resolution version available at http://www.oamp.fr/dynamique/pap/merce.htm

    Pattern-induced anchoring transitions in nematic liquid crystals

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    In this paper we revisit the problem of a nematic liquid crystal in contact with patterned substrates. The substrate is modelled as a periodic array of parallel infinite grooves of well-defined cross section sculpted on a chemically homogeneous substrate which favors local homeotropic anchoring of the nematic. We consider three cases: a sawtooth, a crenellated and a sinusoidal substrate. We analyse this problem within the modified Frank-Oseen formalism. We argue that, for substrate periodicities much larger than the extrapolation length, the existence of different nematic textures with distinct far-field orientations, as well as the anchoring transitions between them, are associated with the presence of topological defects either on or close to the substrate. For the sawtooth and sinusoidal case, we observe a homeotropic to planar anchoring transition as the substrate roughness is increased. On the other hand, a homeotropic to oblique anchoring transition is observed for crenellated substrates. In this case, the anchoring phase diagram shows a complex dependence on the substrate roughness and substrate anchoring strength.Comment: 36 pages, 15 figures, revised version submitted to Journal of Physics: Condensed Matte

    On the origin of rR_1 ring structures in barred galaxies

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    We propose a new theory for the formation of rR_1 ring structures, i.e. for ring structures with both an inner and an outer ring, the latter having the form of ``8''. We propose that these rings are formed by material from the stable and unstable invariant manifolds associated with the Lyapunov orbits around the equilibrium points of a barred galaxy. We discuss the shape and velocity structure of the rings thus formed and argue that they are in agreement with the observed properties of rR_1 structures.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, accepted in Astronomy and Astrophysics. High quality figures are available upon reques

    Invariant manifolds as building blocks for the formation of spiral arms and rings in barred galaxies

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    We propose a theory to explain the formation of spiral arms and of all types of outer rings in barred galaxies, extending and applying the technique used in celestial mechanics to compute transfer orbits. Thus, our theory is based on the chaotic orbital motion driven by the invariant manifolds associated to the periodic orbits around the hyperbolic equilibrium points. In particular, spiral arms and outer rings are related to the presence of heteroclinic or homoclinic orbits. Thus, R1 rings are associated to the presence of heteroclinic orbits, while R1R2 rings are associated to the presence of homoclinic orbits. Spiral arms and R2 rings, however, appear when there exist neither heteroclinic nor homoclinic orbits. We examine the parameter space of three realistic, yet simple, barred galaxy models and discuss the formation of the different morphologies according to the properties of the galaxy model. The different morphologies arise from differences in the dynamical parameters of the galaxy.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, in the proceedings of the conference: "Chaos in Astronomy", Athens, September 2007, G. Contopoulos and P.A. Patsis (eds), to be published by Springe

    On the embedding of spacetime in five-dimensional Weyl spaces

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    We revisit Weyl geometry in the context of recent higher-dimensional theories of spacetime. After introducing the Weyl theory in a modern geometrical language we present some results that represent extensions of Riemannian theorems. We consider the theory of local embeddings and submanifolds in the context of Weyl geometries and show how a Riemannian spacetime may be locally and isometrically embedded in a Weyl bulk. We discuss the problem of classical confinement and the stability of motion of particles and photons in the neighbourhood of branes for the case when the Weyl bulk has the geometry of a warped product space. We show how the confinement and stability properties of geodesics near the brane may be affected by the Weyl field. We construct a classical analogue of quantum confinement inspired in theoretical-field models by considering a Weyl scalar field which depends only on the extra coordinate.Comment: 16 pages, new title and references adde

    Asymptotic Orbits in Barred Spiral Galaxies

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    We study the formation of the spiral structure of barred spiral galaxies, using an NN-body model. The evolution of this NN-body model in the adiabatic approximation maintains a strong spiral pattern for more than 10 bar rotations. We find that this longevity of the spiral arms is mainly due to the phenomenon of stickiness of chaotic orbits close to the unstable asymptotic manifolds originated from the main unstable periodic orbits, both inside and outside corotation. The stickiness along the manifolds corresponding to different energy levels supports parts of the spiral structure. The loci of the disc velocity minima (where the particles spend most of their time, in the configuration space) reveal the density maxima and therefore the main morphological structures of the system. We study the relation of these loci with those of the apocentres and pericentres at different energy levels. The diffusion of the sticky chaotic orbits outwards is slow and depends on the initial conditions and the corresponding Jacobi constant.Comment: 17 pages, 24 figure