821 research outputs found

    Damage-based fracture with electro-magnetic coupling

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    Acoupled elastic and electro-magnetic analysis is proposed including finite displacements and damage-based fracture. Piezo-electric terms are considered and resulting partial differential equations include a non-classical wave equation due to the specific constitutive law. The resulting wave equation is constrained and, in contrast with the traditional solutions of the decoupled classical electromagnetic wave equations, the constraint is directly included in the analysis. The absence of free current density allows the expression of the magnetic field rate as a function of the electric field and therefore, under specific circumstances, removal of the corresponding magnetic degrees-offreedom. A Lagrange multiplier field is introduced to exactly enforce the divergence constraint, forming a three-field variational formulation (required to include thewave constraint). No vector-potential is required or mentioned, eliminating the need for gauges. The classical boundary conditions of electromagnetism are specialized and a boundary condition involving the electric field is obtained. The spatial discretization makes use of mixed bubble-based (of the MINI type) finite elementswith displacement, electric field and Lagrange multiplier degrees-of-freedom. Three verification examples are presented with very good qualitative conclusions and mesh-independence

    Proton radiography to improve proton radiotherapy: Simulation study at different proton beam energies

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    To improve the quality of cancer treatment with protons, a translation of X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) images into a map of the proton stopping powers needs to be more accurate. Proton stopping powers determined from CT images have systematic uncertainties in the calculated proton range in a patient of typically 3-4\% and even up to 10\% in region containing bone~\cite{USchneider1995,USchneider1996,WSchneider2000,GCirrone2007,HPaganetti2012,TPlautz2014,GLandry2013,JSchuemann2014}. As a consequence, part of a tumor may receive no dose, or a very high dose can be delivered in healthy ti\-ssues and organs at risks~(e.g. brain stem)~\cite{ACKnopf2013}. A transmission radiograph of high-energy protons measuring proton stopping powers directly will allow to reduce these uncertainties, and thus improve the quality of treatment. The best way to obtain a sufficiently accurate radiograph is by tracking individual protons traversing the phantom (patient)~\cite{GCirrone2007,TPlautz2014,VSipala2013}. In our simulations we have used an ideal position sensitive detectors measuring a single proton before and after a phantom, while the residual energy of a proton was detected by a BaF2_{2} crystal. To obtain transmission radiographs, diffe\-rent phantom materials have been irradiated with a 3x3~cm2^{2} scattered proton beam, with various beam energies. The simulations were done using the Geant4 simulation package~\cite{SAgostinelli2003}. In this study we focus on the simulations of the energy loss radiographs for various proton beam energies that are clinically available in proton radiotherapy.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, Presented at Jagiellonian Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Subatomic Physics, 7-12 June, 2015, Krak\'ow, Polan

    AGOR status report

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    The operations of the superconducting cyclotron AGOR over the past years will be reviewed. Reliability issues encountered after nearly 25 years of operation and mitigation measures to warrant reliable operation for the coming decade will be discussed. The research performed with AGOR has significantly shifted from fundamental physics to radiation biology and medical radiation physics, both in collaboration with the Groningen Proton Therapy Center, and radiation hardness studies. The radiation biology research will be substantially expanded in the coming years with a new beam line for image guided preclinical research. For this research new dose delivery modalities including scanning, spatial fractionation and very high dose rates are developed. In addition, a new program has been started on the production of exotic nuclei, for which a new superconducting solenoid fragment separator will be developed. For the radiation hardness testing a cocktail beam at 30 MeV/amu with several ion species up to Xe has been developed and is now routinely delivered for experiments. A cocktail at 15 MeV/amu up to Bi is under development

    An Algorithmic Framework for Labeling Network Maps

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    Drawing network maps automatically comprises two challenging steps, namely laying out the map and placing non-overlapping labels. In this paper we tackle the problem of labeling an already existing network map considering the application of metro maps. We present a flexible and versatile labeling model. Despite its simplicity, we prove that it is NP-complete to label a single line of the network. For a restricted variant of that model, we then introduce an efficient algorithm that optimally labels a single line with respect to a given weighting function. Based on that algorithm, we present a general and sophisticated workflow for multiple metro lines, which is experimentally evaluated on real-world metro maps.Comment: Full version of COCOON 2015 pape

    Advances on the modeling of the time evolution of dynamic aperture of hadron circular accelerators

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    Determining a model for the time scaling of the dynamic aperture of a circular accelerator is a topic of strong interest and intense research efforts in accelerator physics. The motivation arises in the possibility of finding a method to reliably extrapolate the results of numerical simulations well beyond what is currently possible in terms of CPU time. In earlier work, a proposal for a model based on Nekhoroshev theorem and Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theory was made. This model has been studied in detail and proved successful in describing the evolution of the dynamic aperture in numerical simulations, however a number of shortcomings had been identified and new models are proposed in this paper, which solve the observed issues. The new models have been benchmarked against numerical simulations for a simple system, the 4D H\ue9non map, as well as a realistic, non-linear representation of the beam dynamics in the LHC at 6.5 TeV providing in both cases excellent results

    Состояние и перспективы развития рынка лакокрасочных материалов Украины

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    Целью статьи является рассмотрение состояние рынка лакокрасочных материалов Украины и мира на сегодняшний день, анализ объемов поставок и производства ЛКМ,а также разработка предложений по улучшению этой отрасли

    <em>Mangrovimonas cancribranchiae</em> sp. nov., a novel bacterial species associated with the gills of the fiddler crab <em>Cranuca inversa</em> (Brachyura, Ocypodidae) from Red Sea mangroves

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    \ua9 2024 The Authors. Two bacteria, UG2_1T and UG2_2, were isolated from the gill tissues of the mangrove fiddler crab Cranuca inversa collected on the east coast of the Red Sea (Thuwal, Saudi Arabia). The cells are Gram-negative, rod-shaped, orange-pigmented, motile by gliding with no flagella, strictly aerobic, and grow at 20–37 \ub0C (optimum, 28–35 \ub0C), at pH 5.0–9.0 (optimum, pH 6.0–7.0), and with 1–11 % (w/v) NaCl (optimum, 2–4 %). They were positive for oxidase and catalase activity. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequences indicated that isolates UG2_1T and UG2_2 belong to the genus Mangrovimonas, showing the highest similarity to Mangrovimonas spongiae HN-E26T (99.4 %). Phylogenomic analysis based on the whole genomes, independently using 49 and 120 concatenated genes, showed that strains UG2_1T and UG2_2 formed a monophyletic lineage in a different cluster from other type strain species within the genus Mangrovimonas. The genome sizes were 3.08 and 3.07 Mbp for UG2_1T and UG2_2, respectively, with a G+C content of 33.8 mol% for both strains. Values of average nucleotide identity and digital DNA–DNA hybridization between the strains and closely related species were 91.0 and 43.5 %, respectively. Chemotaxonomic analysis indicated that both strains had iso-C15: 0 and iso-C15: 1 G as dominant fatty acids, and the primary respiratory quinone was identified as MK-6. The major polar lipids comprised phosphatidylethanolamine, one unidentified glycolipid, one unidentified phospholipid, two unidentified aminolipids, and four unidentified lipids. Based on phylogenetic, phylogenomic, genome relatedness, phenotypic, and chemotaxonomical data, the two isolates represent a novel species within the genus Mangrovimonas, with the proposed name Mangrovimonas cancribranchiae sp. nov., and the type strain UG2_1T (=KCTC 102158T=DSM 117025T)