21 research outputs found

    Galaxy Populations and Evolution in Clusters II: Defining Cluster Populations

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    This paper presents quantitative techniques for studying, in an unbiased manner, the photometric and structural properties of galaxies in clusters, including a means to identify likely background objects in the absence of redshift information. We develop self-consistent and reproducible measurements of fundamental properties of galaxies such as radius, surface brightness, concentration of light and structural asymmetry. We illustrate our techniques through an application to deep UBR images, taken with the WIYN 3.5m telescope, of the central ~173 arcmin^2 (or 0.3 Mpc * 0.3 Mpc) of the cluster Abell 0146 (Perseus). Our techniques allow us to study the properties of the galaxy population in the center of Perseus down to M_B = -11. Using these methods, we describe and characterize a well-defined relation between absolute magnitude and surface brightness for galaxy cluster members across the entire range of galaxy luminosity from M_B = -20 to M_B = -11. The galaxies that are assigned by our techniques to the background show no such tight relationship between apparent magnitude and surface brightness, with the exception of those we identify as being members of a background cluster of galaxies at z ~ 0.55. We, however, find that at the fainter magnitudes, M_B > -16, there is a large scatter about the underlying color--magnitude relation defined by the brighter galaxies. Our analysis also indicates that the vast majority of Perseus galaxies are `normal', with little evidence for features associated with evolution; we however discuss the detailed properties of a handful of unusual galaxies. Finally, the galaxy luminosity function of the Perseus cluster center is computed, with a derived faint end slope of alpha = -1.44+/-0.04, similar to values found in other nearby clusters.Comment: Accepted on Feb. 2, 2002 to the Astronomical Journa

    Educação no trabalho na atenção primária à saúde: interfaces entre a educação permanente em saúde e o agir comunicativo

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    O trabalho em saúde e a educação no trabalho constituem-se com uma dupla dimensão - ação instrumental e intersubjetividade. OBJETIVO: Analisar as concepções de educação que fundamentam as atividades educativas de trabalhadores da saúde na atenção primária. MÉTODO: Estudo de abordagem qualitativa realizado em duas unidades básicas de saúde do município de São Paulo, por meio de entrevista semiestruturada gravada com 36 informantes-chave, representativos de cada categoria profissional dos serviços, incluindo o segmento gerencial e o de trabalhadores da saúde. Os dados foram analisados com a técnica de análise de conteúdo temática com base no quadro teórico: processo de trabalho em saúde, teoria do agir comunicativo, educação continuada (EC), educação permanente em saúde (EPS) e integralidade, os quais permitiram a construção das categorias empíricas: educação instrumental/tradicional e educação comunicativa/emancipatória. Resultados: Os resultados mostram o predomínio da concepção de educação no trabalho como construção coletiva do saber a partir da realidade de trabalho, pertinentes à EPS que se pretende instituir para a mudança das práticas e do modelo assistencial biomédico. Contudo, alguns depoentes expressam uma concepção de educação instrumental com ênfase em ações técnicas e de atualização do saber, que se aproxima da EC. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados evidenciam a convivência das duas concepções de educação de trabalhadores - instrumental e comunicativa com o predomínio da segunda, que mostra a capilaridade da política de EPS entre os trabalhadores de saúde das UBS e a necessidade de aprofundar o debate para consolidar a prática educativa no cotidiano de trabalho.Health work and work education are a double dimension - instrumental action and intersubjectivity. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the conceptions of education that support educational activities of health care workers in Primary Health Care. METHOD: This qualitative study was conducted in two primary health care units (PHCU) in São Paulo, through semi-structured interviews with 36 key informants representing each professional category, including managers and health care workers. Data were analyzed based on thematic content analysis and on the theoretical framework: the healthcare work process, theory of communicative action, continuing education (CE), permanent education in health (PEH) and integrality (comprehensive approach), which allowed the construction of the empirical categories: instrumental/traditional education and communicative/emancipatory education. RESULTS: The results show the prevailing notion of work education as a collective construction of knowledge from the reality of work, relevant to the PEH that is intended to be introduced in order to change the practices and the biomedical health care model. However, some interviewed subjects expressed an instrumental conception of education that emphasizes technical actions and knowledge updating, which is closer to CE. Conclusion: Results show the coexistence of the two conceptions of workers' education: instrumental and communicative, with the predominance of the second one, which shows the reach of the PEH policy among the health workers of PHCU and the need for deepening the discussion to consolidate educational practice in daily work

    Peptide matching beween Epstein-Barr virus and human protein

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    Abstract Epstein-Barr virus proteins were examined for amino acid sequence matching to human proteins at the decapeptide level. We report that numerous EBV peptides of different length (from 10- to 13-mer) are present in 28 human proteins. The viral versus human peptide overlap mainly involves the glycine-rich region allocated in the NH2-terminus of Epstein-Barr nuclear antigen 1 protein and host cellular components that play crucial roles in basic biochemical pathways, such as chromatin remodelling, RNA splicing, transmission across chemical/electrical synapses, neurogenesis, and that, when altered, may characterize various pathologies such as immunodeficiency, systemic lupus erythematosus, myelination, and speech disorders. The present results might contribute to understand and define the (physio)pathological relationships and interactions occurring between EBV and the human host. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Das Tier als \u201epolitischer Mensch\u201c in den Frontispizen einiger Principe- cbersetzungen

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    The paper analyzes the symbolic meaning of sheep and wolf, lion and fox in the frontispieces of the third Latin translation of Machiavelli's Prince, made in 1699 by Kaspar Langenhert, and of the second Dutch translation by Daniel Ghys, dating 1705. These animals take different political meanings due to the indications suggested by the translator to a particular reader for a specific use of Machiavelli's treatise