390 research outputs found

    Modelling water-harvesting systems in the arid south of Tunisia using SWAT

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    In many arid countries, runoff water-harvesting systems support the livelihood of the rural population. Little is known, however, about the effect of these systems on the water balance components of arid watersheds. The objective of this study was to adapt and evaluate the GIS-based watershed model SWAT (Soil Water Assessment Tool) for simulating the main hydrologic processes in arid environments. The model was applied to the 270-km(2) watershed of wadi Koutine in southeast Tunisia, which receives about 200 mm annual rain. The main adjustment for adapting the model to this dry Mediterranean environment was the inclusion of water-harvesting systems, which capture and use surface runoff for crop production in upstream subbasins, and a modification of the crop growth processes. The adjusted version of the model was named SWAT-WH. Model evaluation was performed based on 38 runoff events recorded at the Koutine station between 1973 and 1985. The model predicted that the average annual watershed rainfall of the 12-year evaluation period (209 mm) was split into ET (72%), groundwater recharge (22%) and outflow (6%). The evaluation coefficients for calibration and validation were, respectively, R-2 (coefficient of determination) 0.77 and 0.44; E (Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient) 0.73 and 0.43; and MAE (Mean Absolute Error) 2.6 mm and 3.0 mm, indicating that the model could reproduce the observed events reasonably well. However, the runoff record was dominated by two extreme events, which had a strong effect on the evaluation criteria. Discrepancies remained mainly due to uncertainties in the observed daily rainfall and runoff data. Recommendations for future research include the installation of additional rainfall and runoff gauges with continuous data logging and the collection of more field data to represent the soils and land use. In addition, crop growth and yield monitoring is needed for a proper evaluation of crop production, to allow an economic assessment of the different water uses in the watershed


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    Terraced paddy field is not only important for rural food security, but also for trapping sediment in the slopping land. The aims of this research were to quantify the amount of incoming and outgoing sediments and to study sediment movement behavior during harrowing and fertilizing under traditional irrigation of terraced paddy field system. This study was carried out at Keji Village, Semarang District, Central Java during two cropping seasons, a wet season 2003/04 and a dry season 2004. A paddy field with eight terraces was selected. The terraces were flat, different in size and descending to the river. Sediment samples were taken at harrowing and fertilizing activities. The results indicated that at harrowing, outgoing sediment was higher than incoming both during the wet and the dry seasons. About 0.53 and 0.27 t ha-1 day-1 of soil were eroded during harrowing in the wet and the dry seasons, respectively. However, a week before and after fertilizing, both in the wet and the dry seasons, the amounts of incoming sediment were higher than the outgoing one. In the wet season, the amounts of incoming sediments were three to four times higher than the outgoing one, both a week before and after fertilizing. During the wet season, about 0.31 and 0.34 t ha-1 day-1 of sediment was yielded a week before and after fertilizing, respectively. During the dry season, the incoming sediments were ten times higher than the outgoing one. On an average the sediment yields were about 0.07 and 0.08 t ha-1 day-1 a week before and after fertilizing, respectively. Terraces having greater areas deposited more sediment than those with smaller sizes. During a week before and after first fertilizing, the total amounts of incoming sediments were 6.44 and 1.19 t ha-1 for the wet and dry seasons, while that of outgoing sediments were 1.89 and 0.14 t ha-1 for the wet and dry seasons, respectively. This indicates that terraced paddy fields are not only producing rice, but also providing environmental service in term of sediment trapping. This external service minimizes sedimentation in the downstream.

    Information on nutritional supplement labels: time for legislation?

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    Background: Nutritional supplements have received attention both from food manufacturers, as a means of marketing the added value to health; and from consumers, in terms of awareness, education, and improved health. To assist this process, it is important to have specific knowledge and understanding of the claims made on labels of nutritional supplement products used for general, and more specifically, for sports consumers. The industry is not regulated, and therefore the claims that are made may not always be accurate.Method: The aim was to describe the labelling and claims information on the labels of a select group of nutritional supplements, either manufactured in, or imported into South Africa. Specific predetermined categories of labelling and claims made on the containers were assessed and summarised.Results: Forty products were selected for analysis, of which 21 (53%) were locally assembled or manufactured products, and 19 (48%), international imported products. Ninety-five per cent of products contained a warning statement on the label. Eighty-five per cent of the nutritional supplement products had a disclaimer on the label. Ninety-eight per cent of the nutritional supplement product labels included some claim on the label.Conclusion: The following information, in particular, needs to be regulated and enforced as part of the labelling process, to ensure that the consumer can make an informed choice. This includes highlighting the potential for adverse events, encouraging warning statements pertaining to “exclusion of use, and “not a cure for disease states”, and alerting consumers of the potential for the presence of banned substances, based on laboratory screen methods.Keywords: nutritional, supplements, contaminants, claims, legislation, labellin

    Sediment Trapping By Terraced Paddy Field On Slopping Agricultural Land

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    Terraced paddy field is not only important for rural food security, but also for trapping sediment in the slopping land. The aims of this research were to quantify the amount of incoming and outgoing sediments and to study sediment movement behavior during harrowing and fertilizing under traditional irrigation of terraced paddy field system. This study was carried out at Keji Village, Semarang District, Central Java during two cropping seasons, a wet season 2003/04 and a dry season 2004. A paddy field with eight terraces was selected. The terraces were flat, different in size and descending to the river. Sediment samples were taken at harrowing and fertilizing activities. The results indicated that at harrowing, outgoing sediment was higher than incoming both during the wet and the dry seasons. About 0.53 and 0.27 t ha-1 day-1 of soil were eroded during harrowing in the wet and the dry seasons, respectively. However, a week before and after fertilizing, both in the wet and the dry seasons, the amounts of incoming sediment were higher than the outgoing one. In the wet season, the amounts of incoming sediments were three to four times higher than the outgoing one, both a week before and after fertilizing. During the wet season, about 0.31 and 0.34 t ha-1 day-1 of sediment was yielded a week before and after fertilizing, respectively. During the dry season, the incoming sediments were ten times higher than the outgoing one. On an average the sediment yields were about 0.07 and 0.08 t ha-1 day-1 a week before and after fertilizing, respectively. Terraces having greater areas deposited more sediment than those with smaller sizes. During a week before and after first fertilizing, the total amounts of incoming sediments were 6.44 and 1.19 t ha-1 for the wet and dry seasons, while that of outgoing sediments were 1.89 and 0.14 t ha-1 for the wet and dry seasons, respectively. This indicates that terraced paddy fields are not only producing rice, but also providing environmental service in term of sediment trapping. This external service minimizes sedimentation in the downstream

    Trace metals in the Belgian dumping area for acid wastes from the titanium dioxide industry (1985-89)

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    During the period of investigation, two stations in the dumping site and six reference stations were monitored. In water and sediments only the iron content, a key parameter, was determined. In benthos, Fe, Cr, Ni, Zn, Pb, Cu and Cd were assessed. The iron content was very similar in both the dumping area and in five reference stations (0.06-0.08 mg/1). In the station nearest to the coast however, the concentrations were 2 to 3 times higher, showing the influence of river inputs. There was no temporal trend. A lack of dissolved oxygen was never observed and no marked differences between the eight areas were noted indicating that the oxidation of Fe++, the main component of the waste stream, had no measurable consequences in the water column. Abnormally low pH-values were not observed. In the sediments, no temporal trend in iron concentrations could be detected. No higher amounts were noted in the dumping area. The concentration of iron did not appear to be linked directly to the disposal of titanium dioxide waste but to input sources in general. The distance to the coast seems to play an important role. The iron content in the total mud fraction (<63 µm) decreased seawards (from ca 4.2 to 0.12 g/kg) up to about 20 nautical miles. In sea star (Asterias rubens), hermit crab (Pagurus bernhardus), swimming crab (Macropipus holsatus) brittle star (Ophiura texturata) and cut trough shell (Spisula subtruncata), there was neither a clear temporal trend nor evidence of accumulation of metals due to the dumping of titanium dioxide waste. Nevertheless, large amounts of heavy metals associated with particulate matter can be carried over long distances before being deposited. For this reason, all dumpings were banned since 1990

    Using an inverse modelling approach to evaluate the water retention in a simple water harvesting technique

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    In arid and semi-arid zones, runoff harvesting techniques are often applied to increase the water retention and infiltration on steep slopes. Additionally, they act as an erosion control measure to reduce land degradation hazards. Nevertheless, few efforts were observed to quantify the water harvesting processes of these techniques and to evaluate their efficiency. In this study, a combination of detailed field measurements and modelling with the HYDRUS-2D software package was used to visualize the effect of an infiltration trench on the soil water content of a bare slope in northern Chile. Rainfall simulations were combined with high spatial and temporal resolution water content monitoring in order to construct a useful dataset for inverse modelling purposes. Initial estimates of model parameters were provided by detailed infiltration and soil water retention measurements. Four different measurement techniques were used to determine the saturated hydraulic conductivity (&lt;I&gt;K&lt;/I&gt;&lt;sub&gt;sat&lt;/sub&gt;) independently. The tension infiltrometer measurements proved a good estimator of the &lt;I&gt;K&lt;/I&gt;&lt;sub&gt;sat&lt;/sub&gt; value and a proxy for those measured under simulated rainfall, whereas the pressure and constant head well infiltrometer measurements showed larger variability. Six different parameter optimization functions were tested as a combination of soil-water content, water retention and cumulative infiltration data. Infiltration data alone proved insufficient to obtain high model accuracy, due to large scatter on the data set, and water content data were needed to obtain optimized effective parameter sets with small confidence intervals. Correlation between the observed soil water content and the simulated values was as high as &lt;I&gt;R&lt;/I&gt;&lt;sup&gt;2&lt;/sup&gt;=0.93 for ten selected observation points used in the model calibration phase, with overall correlation for the 22 observation points equal to 0.85. The model results indicate that the infiltration trench has a significant effect on soil-water storage, especially at the base of the trench

    Enrichment of Organic Carbon in Sediment Transport by Interrill and Rill Erosion Processes

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    Erosion and loss of organic carbon (OC) result in degradation of the soil surface. Rill and interrill erosion processes on a silt loam soil were examined in laboratory rainfall and flume experiments. These experiments showed that rill and interrill erosion processes have contrasting impacts on enrichment of OC in transported sediment. Rill erosion was found to be nonselective, while for interrill erosion the enrichment ratio of OC, EROC, varied between 0.9 and 2.6 and was inversely related to the unit sediment discharge. At unit sediment discharge values >0.0017 kg s(-1) m(-1), the EROC remained equal to 1. The enrichment process was not influenced by raindrop impact. Enrichment of OC by "aggregate stripping" was found to be unimportant in our study. This was attributed to the low aggregate stability of the soil and the equal distribution of OC within the different soil aggregate classes

    Alien macrocrustaceans in freshwater ecosystems in the eastern part of Flanders (Belgium)

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    Biological invasions of freshwater macroinvertebrates are gaining more and more interest because the ecological and economical impact of some of these species is high. Since crustacean taxa appear to be successful groups invading new areas, an inventory of the macrocrustaceans in Flanders was made. At least 22 freshwater macrocrustacean species have been reported from Flemish water bodies. A detailed study of six canals, one small artificial watercourse and one natural river in the eastern part of Flanders revealed that invaders such as Dikerogammarus villosus, Gammarus tigrinus and Chelicorophium curvispinum are already quite common. Especially D. villosus is currently rapidly expanding and has a serious impact on native and other exotic gammarid species. Based on observations in neighbouring countries, several additional species are expected to arrive in the near future. A follow-up of the alien species together with a monitoring scheme to detect new incoming species is valuable to estimate the size of the problem and to be able to closely follow their ecological and economical impact
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