935 research outputs found

    La lectura est?tica como estrategia para fortalecer la comprensi?n lectora en los estudiantes del grado segundo del colegio Sagrado Coraz?n

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    94 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto titulado ?La lectura est?tica como estrategia para fortalecer la comprensi?n lectora en los estudiantes del grado Segundo del Colegio Sagrado Coraz?n?, es producto de una investigaci?n cualitativa (estudio de caso) semestre a semestre, aplicado a una poblaci?n de 98 estudiantes que oscilan entre los 6 y lo 8 a?os de edad; se utilizaron instrumentos de recolecci?n como: observaci?n, diario de campo, entrevista semiestructurada, estudio de caso, grupos focales y matrices DOFA; con el fin de cualificar la comprensi?n lectora por medio de la Lectura est?tica, se incentiv? la imaginaci?n, la autonom?a y la creatividad en los estudiantes. Se encontr? una problem?tica focalizada en la predominaci?n de la lectura eferente en las aulas de clase, minimizando el goce est?tico. La fundamentaci?n te?rica del proceso investigativo, se asienta en los planteamientos de los siguientes autores: Rosenblatt (2010). Lectura Est?tica; Goodman (1990). Lenguaje integral; Ausubel (1983) Aprendizaje significativo; Jolibert (1995). Formar Ni?os lectores de Textos; P?rez (1992). La lectura es un proceso cognoscitivo; Ley General de educaci?n 115 (1994) Constituci?n Pol?tica de Colombia (1991); Lineamientos Curriculares de Lengua Castellana (1998) y Est?ndares B?sicos de Competencias del Lenguaje. MEN, s.f. Posteriormente, se implement? una propuesta pedag?gica con talleres tales como: taller 1: ?Cu?ntame mi cuento?, taller 2: ?M?tete en el cuento? taller 3: ?Goz?ndome en el cuento? y finalmente Taller 4 ?Mu?strame tu cuento?. La aplicaci?n de estos permiti? fortalecer la Lectura Est?tica y desarrollar la comprensi?n lectora. Para el contraste de secuelas se utilizaron rejillas, que permitieron un an?lisis general de resultados.This project entitled " aesthetic reading as a strategy to strengthen reading comprehension in grade students Second Sacred Heart College " is the product of a qualitative research ( case study ) semester to semester , applied to a population of 98 students range from ( 6-8) years old; collection instruments were used as observation, field diary , semi-structured interviews , case studies , focus groups and SWOT matrices ; in order to qualify reading comprehension through reading aesthetics , imagination , autonomy and creativity in students is encouraged . a problematic focused on the dominance of the efferent reading in the classroom was found , minimizing the aesthetic enjoyment. The theoretical foundation of the research process is based on the statements of the following authors: Rosenblatt (2010). A esthetic Reading; Goodman (1990). Whole language; Ausubel (1983) Meaningful learning; Jolibert (1995). Children from readers Texts; Perez (1992). Reading is a cognitive process; General Education Law 115 (1994) Constitution of Colombia (1991); Spanish Language Curriculum Guidelines (1998) and Basic Skills Standards Language. MEN, S. F. Workshop 1: "Tell my story," Workshop 2: "Get in the story" workshop 3: "Rejoicing in the story" and finally Workshop 4 "Show me your story" The application then a pedagogical proposal with workshops such as implemented these allowed Reading Aesthetics strengthen and develop reading comprehension. For the contrast of sequels grids were used, which allowed an overall analysis of results. Keywords: Reading, aesthetics, understanding, meaning, enjoyment, feelings

    El E- Portafolio como estrategia metodol?gica de evaluaci?n del ?rea de ciencias sociales en b?sica secundaria. Una experiencia educativa en el sector rural en la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica Camacho Angarita, El Lim?n ? Chaparral

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    80 P?ginasEl presente trabajo tiene como objeto de estudio proponer el e-portafolio como estrategia metodol?gica de evaluaci?n del ?rea de Ciencias Sociales en los estudiantes del grado noveno de la Instituci?n Educativa T?cnica Camacho Angarita ubicada en el sector rural, corregimiento el Lim?n ? Chaparral, con el fin de promover en el educando una mayor capacidad de reflexi?n sobre su aprendizaje. Esta propuesta surge con la utilizaci?n inicialmente de recursos audiovisuales hasta el uso de las TIC en el ?rea de Ciencias Sociales, caracterizando al docente con un papel orientador m?s que transmisor, a la clase con un lenguaje audiovisual interactivo de im?genes y conceptos que favorecen los procesos de comunicaci?n y socializaci?n entre el docente y los estudiantes. La evaluaci?n en esta experiencia ocupa un lugar central en el proceso educativo, al ser tenida en cuenta en cada momento de la construcci?n del e-portafolio del estudiante, considerando de igual manera que en la actualidad los procesos educativos requieren en el aula curr?culos flexibles en los que el estudiante cuente con espacios no s?lo para aprender, sino tambi?n para reaprender al tener la oportunidad de reestructurar sus producciones acad?micas. El trabajo comprende la sistematizaci?n de una experiencia educativa: antecedentes, caracterizaci?n, etapas para el desarrollo e implicaciones del e-portafolio del estudiante, de igual manera se resaltan las dificultades, obst?culos, alcances y posibles reformas consider?ndose categor?as desde lo rural, pedag?gico, did?ctico, evaluativo y social. Finalmente, se pretende motivar a los docentes para que se integren a los procesos educativos de manera reflexiva y consciente dentro de formas educativas y en especial evaluativas no tradicionales. Palabras claves: TIC, educaci?n, sector rural, evaluaci?n, portafolio educativo, e-portafolio.ABSTRACT. The present work aims to propose the e-portfolio as an assessment methodological strategy of Social Sciences in ninth grade students at the Technical Educational Institution Camacho Angarita located in the rural areas of the district El Lim?n - Chaparral, with the purpose of promoting in students a greater ability to reflect on their own learning. This proposal arises initially with the use of audiovisual resources until the use of ICT in the area of Social Sciences, characterizing the teacher with a guiding role rather than transmitter, adding to the class an interactive audiovisual language of images and concepts that promote processes of communication and socialization between teacher and students. The evaluation of this experience is central to the educational process, when taken into account all the time during the construction of the e-portfolio for the student, also considering that nowadays the educational processes in the classroom require flexible curricula through which the student has space not only to learn, but also to relearn by having the opportunity to restructure their academic productions. This work includes the systematization of an educational experience: backgrounds, characterization, development stages and implications of the student portfolio; likewise It is highlighted the difficulties, obstacles, achievements and possible reforms considering some categories as the rural, pedagogical, didactic, evaluative and social. Finally, it is intended to motivate teachers to be integrated into educational processes in a thoughtful and conscious way in educational forms and more especially in non-traditional evaluative forms.La Facultad de Ciencias de la Educaci?n de la Universidad del Tolima, el director, codirector y el jurado calificador, no son responsables de los conceptos ni de las ideas expuestas por los autores del presente trabajo. Art?culo 16, Acuerdo 032 de 1976 y Art?culo 29, Acuerdo 064 de 1991, Concejo Acad?mico de la Universidad del Tolima.INTRODUCCI?N 13 1. JUSTIFICACI?N 15 2. OBJETIVOS 17 2.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 17 2.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 17 3. ANTECEDENTES 18 4. MARCO CONCEPTUAL 20 4.1 GENERALIDADES Y EVOLUCI?N DE LA EDUCACI?N EN LAS INSTITUCIONES EDUCATIVAS DESDE EL CONTEXTO RURAL 20 4.2 EDUCACI?N DEL ?REA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES EN B?SICA SECUNDARIA 26 4.3 INTEGRACI?N DE LAS TIC AL PROCESO ENSE?ANZA-APRENDIZAJE 28 4.4 GENERALIDADES DE LA EVALUACI?N EDUCATIVA 34 4.5 LA EVALUACI?N DEL APRENDIZAJE EN EL ?REA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES EN B?SICA SECUNDARIA 39 4.6 EL PORTAFOLIO EDUCATIVO 42 4.7 EL E-PORTAFOLIO COMO ESTRATEGIA METODOL?GICA PARA LA EVALUACI?N DE LOS ESTUDIANTES 46 5. METODOLOG?A DEL TRABAJO 51 6. DESCRIPCI?N DE LA EXPERIENCIA CON EL PORTAFOLIO EDUCATIVO 52 6.1 RECUENTO HIST?RICO DE LA INCORPORACI?N DE LAS TIC Y EL PORTAFOLIO EDUCATIVO EN LA INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA T?CNICA CAMACHO ANGARITA 52 6.2 RECUENTO HIST?RICO DEL DESORRALLO DEL PORTAFOLIO EDUCATIVO Y DEL USO DEL E-PORTAFOLIO EN EL ?REA DE CIENCIAS SOCIALES 53 6.3 CARACTER?STICAS DEL PORTAFOLIO EDUCATIVO. 55 6.4 COMPONENTES DEL PORTAFOLIO EDUCATIVO 58 6.5 EL E-PORTAFOLIO DEL ESTUDIANTE COMO ESTRATEGIA DE EVALUACI?N 61 6.5.1 Alcances del e-portafolio del estudiante en la evaluaci?n 62 6.5.2 Uso pedag?gico del software educativo Edraw Max. 65 6.5.3 Implicaciones del portafolio educativo y del e-portafolio del estudiante. 66 7. CONCLUSIONES 71 REFERENCIAS 73 ANEXOS 7

    Quasi-Exact Solvability and the direct approach to invariant subspaces

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    We propose a more direct approach to constructing differential operators that preserve polynomial subspaces than the one based on considering elements of the enveloping algebra of sl(2). This approach is used here to construct new exactly solvable and quasi-exactly solvable quantum Hamiltonians on the line which are not Lie-algebraic. It is also applied to generate potentials with multiple algebraic sectors. We discuss two illustrative examples of these two applications: an interesting generalization of the Lam\'e potential which posses four algebraic sectors, and a quasi-exactly solvable deformation of the Morse potential which is not Lie-algebraic.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure


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    In this work we will solve the problem of expression of the sum of two given elements of a finite field, as power of the primitive element of the field. We obtain a reduced table of the Zech's logarithm from our proposal that relate the Zech'slogarithm with the partition of the exponents of the powers of elements over finite field ð‘®ð‘­(ð’‘ð’) in p-cyclotomic cosets modulo (ð’‘ð’−ðŸ). This reduces, in a significant way, the quantity of information to store and it facilitates its use in several cryptographic algorithms, specifically in asimetric cryptography. It is illustrated the computationof the Zech'slogarithm of any element thatdoesn't appear in the obtained reduced table

    Metodolog?a Para Ense?ar El Tema De La Energ?a Y Su Funcionamiento Por Dentro Y Por Fuera Del Cuerpo Humano

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    170 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoCuando miramos a nuestro alrededor vemos que las plantas crecen, se mueven los animales y las m?quinas y herramientas que realizan las tareas m?s diversas. Todas estas actividades tienen en el supuesto com?n que requiere de energ?a, es una propiedad asociada a los objetos y sustancias y se manifiesta en las transformaciones que se producen en la naturaleza. La energ?a se manifiesta en cambios f?sicos, por ejemplo, para levantar un objeto, el transporte, deforme o calentamiento, tambi?n est? presente en los cambios qu?micos, como por la quema de una pieza de madera o de la descomposici?n por la energ?a del agua. La combinaci?n de la energ?a y la materia constituyen el universo: la materia es la sustancia, y la energ?a es el motor de las personas. La idea es f?cil de entender el material, la materia es lo que usted puede ver, oler y sentir. Se tiene masa y ocupa un lugar en el espacio. Energ?a, por su parte, es m?s abstracta. Usted no puede ver, sentir, saborear ni oler. El ?nico momento en que la energ?a es evidente, es cuando experimenta cambios. Bien, nuestro cuerpo tambi?n necesita de poseer una gran cantidad de energ?a para moverse y realizar diferentes trabajos en su vida cotidiana.ABSTRACT As we look around us we see that the plants grow, move animals and machines and tools that perform the most varied tasks. All these activities have in common course requiring energy, is a property associated with the objects and substances and is manifested in the transformations that occur in nature. Energy is manifested in physical changes , for example, to lift an object , transporting , deform or heating , is also present in the chemical changes , such as by burning a piece of wood or decomposition by water power. The combination of energy and matter constitute the universe: matter is the substance, and energy is the engine of those. The idea is easy to grasp material, matter is what you can see, smell and feel. It has mass and occupies a place in space. Energy, by hand, is more abstract. You cannot see, feel, taste or smell. The only time that energy is evident, is when you experience changes. Well our body also needs to possess a large amount of energy to move and perform different jobs in their daily livesINTRODUCCI?N??????????????????????????????20 1. ANTECEDENTES?????????????????????????.? 23 2. JUSTIFICACI?N???????????.??????????????.?. 25 3. FORMULACI?N DEL PROBLEMA???????????...???????.27 4. PREGUNTA PROBLEMATIZADORA????????..????????..?28 5. MARCO CONTEXTUAL???????????.?????????.??? 29 6. OBJETIVOS ???????????.??????????????.??.... 38 6.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL???????????.??.???????????..38 6.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS?????????????.??????????39 6 7. MARCO TE?RICO ???????????.????????..????????40 8. DISE?O METODOL?GICO???????????.??????????...??70 8.1 UNIVERSO DE ESTUDIO???????????.?????.?????...??70 8.2 MUESTRA??????????????????.??????????...??70 8.3 TIPO DE INVESTIGACION???????????.????...??????...?70 8.4CORTE???????????.????????..??????.??????...71 8.5 CATEGORIAS???????????.????????...?????????.71 8.6 INSTRUMENTOS DE RECOLECCION DE LA INFORMACI?N?????.???71 8.7 PROCESAMIENTO Y ANALISIS DE LA INFORMACI?N????????.?...?72 8.8 PRODUCTO O RESULTADO DEL ESTUDIO?????????????...??72 9. CRONOGRAMA DE ACTIVIDADES???????????.?????????74 10. RESULTADOS???????????.??????????...???????77 7 10.1 PRE-TEST???????????.???????.???...????????.77 10.1.1 PRE-TEST GRADO QUINTO ?A? INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA LICEO JOSE MARIA VILLA DE SOPETR?N????????????????????????77 10.1.2 PRE-TEST GRADO QUINTO ?B? INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA LICEO JOSE MARIA VILLA DE SOPETR?N????????????????????????90 10.1.3 PRE-TEST GRADO QUINTO ?B? INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA FRANCISCO ABEL GALLEGO DE SAN JOS? DE LA MONTA?A????????.??????104 10.2 POS-TEST?????????????????????????????...119 10.2.1 POS-TEST GRADO QUINTO ?A? INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA LICEO JOSE MARIA VILLA DE SOPETR?N????????????????.???????.119 10.2.2 POS-TEST GRADO QUINTO ?B? INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA LICEO JOSE MARIA VILLA DE SOPETR?N???????????????.????????.131 10.2.3 POS-TEST GRADO QUINTO ?B? INSTITUCI?N EDUCATIVA FRANCISCO ABEL GALLEGO DE SAN JOS? DE LA MONTA?A????????.??????143 11.CONCLUSIONES???????????????????...???????..158 RECOMENDACIONES???????????.??????????...?...?159 8 REFERENCIAS???????????.????????...????????...?160 ANEXOS???????????.????????...?????????.???.16

    Boundary conditions for hyperbolic formulations of the Einstein equations

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    In regards to the initial-boundary value problem of the Einstein equations, we argue that the projection of the Einstein equations along the normal to the boundary yields necessary and appropriate boundary conditions for a wide class of equivalent formulations. We explicitly show that this is so for the Einstein-Christoffel formulation of the Einstein equations in the case of spherical symmetry.Comment: 15 pages; text added and typesetting errors corrected; to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Dificultad para la soluci?n de problemas matem?ticos que involucran la operaci?n aritm?tica de la multiplicaci?n en estudiantes de grado tercero de la Instituci?n Educativa Gimnasio Gran Colombiano School de la ciudad de Ibagu? durante el a?o 2015

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    59 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLos metodos existentes para resolver problemas matematicos que incluyen multiplicacion en el ciclo de basica primaria han sido utilizados por profesores y alumnos para facilitar este proceso. En esta investigacion se analizan las dificultades de tipo cognitivo y metodologico que han presentado los alumnos de grado tercero para solucionar problemas matematicos. Conocer estas falencias permite que las practicas pedagogicas se transformen, en la medida que brindan al docente la informacion necesaria para superar las dificultades de ense?anza y aprendizaje, en lo relacionado con la solucion de problemas matematicos. Posibilitando asi mejorar las estrategias metodologicas y didacticas para facilitar la comprension del proceso multiplicativo. Se concluye afirmando que el progreso en la superacion de estas dificultades, no solo es labor del docente quien debe utilizar estrategias didacticas que faciliten el proceso, descartando problemas de tipo cognitivo; sino tambien es responsabilidad de la familia, puesto que en el contexto escolar actual se continua considerando que el area de matematicas es dificil e incomprensible.Existing methods solving mathematicians including multiplication in the basic elementary cycle have been used by teachers and students to facilitate this process. This research discusses difficulties with cognitive and methodological presented by third grade students to solve mathematical problems. Knowing these flaws allows that pedagogical practices be transformed, to the extent that the teacher provide information necessary to overcome the difficulties of teaching and learning with regard to the solution of mathematical problems. Making it possible to improve methodological and didactic strategies to facilitate the understanding of the multiplicative process. He concluded affirming that progress in the overcoming of these difficulties, is not only the work of the teacher who must use strategies teaching that will facilitate the process, discarding cognitive problems; but also is the responsibility of the family, since in the current school context is continuous, whereas the area of mathematics is difficult and incomprehensible. Key words: Mathematical problems, multiplication, difficulty, learning, education, strategy, methodology

    p21(Cip1) plays a critical role in the physiological adaptation to fasting through activation of PPARα.

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    Fasting is a physiological stress that elicits well-known metabolic adaptations, however, little is known about the role of stress-responsive tumor suppressors in fasting. Here, we have examined the expression of several tumor suppressors upon fasting in mice. Interestingly, p21 mRNA is uniquely induced in all the tissues tested, particularly in liver and muscle (>10 fold), and this upregulation is independent of p53. Remarkably, in contrast to wild-type mice, p21-null mice become severely morbid after prolonged fasting. The defective adaptation to fasting of p21-null mice is associated to elevated energy expenditure, accelerated depletion of fat stores, and premature activation of protein catabolism in the muscle. Analysis of the liver transcriptome and cell-based assays revealed that the absence of p21 partially impairs the transcriptional program of PPARα, a key regulator of fasting metabolism. Finally, treatment of p21-null mice with a PPARα agonist substantially protects them from their accelerated loss of fat upon fasting. We conclude that p21 plays a relevant role in fasting adaptation through the positive regulation of PPARα
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