1,738 research outputs found

    Ediacaran Obduction of a Fore-Arc Ophiolite in SW Iberia: A Turning Point in the Evolving Geodynamic Setting of Peri- Gondwana

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    The Calzadilla Ophiolite is an ensemble of mafic and ultramafic rocks that represents the transition between lower crust and upper mantle of a Cadomian (peri-Gondwanan) fore arc. Mapping and structural analysis of the ophiolite demonstrates that it was obducted in latest Ediacaran times, because the Ediacaran-Early Cambrian sedimentary series (Malcocinado Formation) discordantly covers it. The ophiolite and emplacement-related structures are affected by Variscan deformation (Devonian-Carboniferous), which includes SW verging overturned folds (D1) and thrusts (D2), upright folds (D3), extensional faults (D4), and later faults (D5). These phases of deformation are explained in the context of Variscan tectonics as the result of the progressive collision between Gondwana and Laurussia. Qualitative unstraining of Variscan deformation reveals the primary geometry of Ediacaran-Cambrian structures and uncovers the generation of east verging thrusts as responsible for the primary obduction of the Calzadilla Ophiolite. Restoration of planar and linear structures associated with this event indicates an Ediacaran, east directed obduction of the ophiolite, that is, emplacement of the Cadomian fore arc onto inner sections of the northern margin of Gondwana. According to regional data, the obduction separates two extension-dominated stages in the tectonic evolution of the African margin of northern Gondwana preserved in southern Europe. Preobduction extension brought about the onset and widening of fore-arc and back-arc basins in the external part of the continent, while postobduction extension facilitated the formation of extensional migmatitic domes, an oceanward migration of back-arc spreading centers across peri-Gondwana, and the eventual opening of a major basin such as the Rheic Ocean

    Touring Ensembl: A practical guide to genome browsing

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    The number of databases in molecular biological fields has rapidly increased to provide a large-scale resource. Though valuable information is available, data can be difficult to access, compare and integrate due to different formats and presentations of web interfaces. This paper offers a practical guide to the integration of gene, comparative genomic, and functional genomics data using the Ensembl website at http://www.ensembl.org

    Fibromatosis agresiva en hueco popliteo: A propósito de un caso

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    Se presenta un caso de una masa indolora en región posterior de la pierna en un varón de 35 años de crecimiento rápido, consistencia firme y mal delimitada. La resonancia magnética mostraba infiltración de músculos y tejido cellar subcutáneo, siendo sugestiva de fibromatois, tumor neurogénico o sarcoma de partes blandas. La biopsia incisional confirmó el diagnóstico de fibromatiosis agresiva. La resección amplia es el tratamiento aconsejado por la mayoría de autores, aunque en algunos casos y debido al carácter infiltrativo de la lesión es difícil resecarla ampliamente. La radioterapia se aconseja en los casos de resección y en los casos de recidiva.We present a case of a 35 year-old man who presented a fast growing painless mass localized in the posterior leg, which had at physical examination poorly defined contour and firm consistency. Magnetic resonance imaging showed local infiltration of muscle and subcutaneous cellular tissue, being suggestive of fibromatosis, neurogenic tumour, or soft tissue sarcoma. The incision biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of aggressive fibromatosis. Wide resection is the treatment recommended by most authors, although in some cases and due to the infiltration tendency of the tumour, it is difficult to achieve wide margins. Post-operative radiotherapy is recommended in cases of marginal resection and in case of recurrence

    Cierre quirúrgico en flexión versus extensión en artroplastias totales de rodilla

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    Se ha realizado un estudio prospectivo de 44 pacientes con gonartrosis primaria que fueron intervenidos con artroplastia total de rodilla con el objeto de determinar las diferencies en cuanto a la movilidad final de la rodilla dependiendo del cierre quirúrgico en flexión o en extensión. Se formaron dos grupos con similares características de homogeneidad respecto al sexo, edad, peso corporal y arco de movilidad previa, no existiendo diferencies significativas entre los grupos en la valoración preoperatoria. En el primer grupo se incluyeron 22 pacientes donde se había realizado la sutura de la cápsula articular y del plano muscular y cutáneo en flexión de 70º a 90º; el segundo grupo estaba formado por otros 22 pacientes en los que se realizó la sutura con la rodilla en extensión completa. En todos los pacientes se implantó el mismo modelo artroplástico y todos siguieron el mismo protocolo de rehabilitación postoperatoria. La evaluación clínica se realizó en el momento del alta hospitalaria, al mes, tres y seis meses, siguiendo la escala del Hospital for Special Surgery. Se apreció un arco de movilidad y puntuación clínica mayor en el grupo de rodillas suturadas en extensión, con una diferencia estadísticamente significativa, en los controles realizados en el alta hospitalaria y al mes de la intervención. A los seis meses no se apreciaron diferencias entre ambos grupos. La posición de la rodilla en el cierre quirúrgico de una artroplastia no afecta a su funcionalidad.In a prospective study, 44 patients with primary osteoarthritis of the knee undergoing total knee arthroplasty were compared to determine whether surgical closure of the entire wound in flexion had any effect on the postoperative range of motion over a period of six months. In twenty-two patients the knee was surgically closed in 70º to 90º flexion. In the second group of 22 patients, knees were closed in extension. There was no significant difference between groups respect to age, gender, weight and preoperative range of motion. All of the patients were operated on by the same team of surgeons and with the same type of prosthesis. Both groups of patients received a standardized exercise program during their hospitalization. All patients were evaluated following the parameters of the Hospital for Special Surgery score at discharge from the hospital, at first month, third and sixth month after operation. At all the intervals, both the flexion measurements and function scores were better in the flexion closure group, although we only found statically significant difference at discharge and at the first month postoperatively. The position of the knee in the surgical closing of an arthroplasty doesn't affected o functionality

    Validation of potentiometric method to determine the degree of deacetylation of chitosan

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    Un método potenciométrico para la determinación del grado de desacetilación de muestras de quitosanas derivadas de quitina de langosta se validó según las exigencias internacionales actuales. Para garantizar que ocurriera la reacción completa entre el analito y la disolución de HCl se aplicó calentamiento de las muestras a temperatura inferior a 60ºC. Auxiliarmente a los cambios de pH, para la detección del primer punto de infl exión, se utilizó el anaranjado de metilo como indicador visual cuyo intervalo de transición está en un rango estrecho de pH ácido, entre 2 a 4. No se registraron interferencias desde el punto de vista analítico en la zona de interés de la curva potenciométrica en ausencia del analito, por lo que el método fue selectivo. Se demostró que el método fue lineal en el rango de 10.0 a 15.0 mg/mL, además fue preciso y exacto para la determinación del porcentaje de grupos aminos libres.The purpose of this study was to validate, in accordance with international standards, a potentiometric method to determine the degree of deacetylation of chitosan samples derived from lobster chitin. To ensure a complete reaction between the analyte and the HCl solution, the samples were heated to temperatures of up to 60ºC. The change in pH and the methyl orange method, as a visual indicator were used to detect the fi rst infl ection point. The transition interval fell within the narrow pH acid range of 2 to 4. From an analytical point of view, no interference was observed on the potentiometric curve in the absence of the analyte, thus showing that the method was suffi ciently selective. For the determination of the percentage of free amino groups, the method proved to be linear within the 10.0 to 15.0 mg/mL range, as well as precise and exact

    A longitudinal retrospective study on intracranial arterial pulsatility index: its evolution in ten years' time and how it relates to the occurrence of cerebral and systemic ischemic disease

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Intracranial arterial pulsatility index (PI) has been related to old age, hypertension, diabetes and small vessel disease. However, the cross- sectional design of most studies prevents a proper assessment of causality and evolution. We sought to explore how this index changes through time, which conditions affect this evolution and whether or not it can predict the occurrence of future ischemic events. METHODS: Between the years 2001-2006, 1288 patients underwent a transcranial Doppler evaluation in the Department of Neurology of the Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias. PI values for the middle cerebral and basilar arteries were systematically annotated. After exclusion of deceased patients and significant large artery stenoses, 89 patients were recruited for a re-evaluation in 2012. Afterwards, the sample was expanded up to 150 patients, with 61 randomly selected patients –either alive or deceased- who did not undergo a second exploration. Both groups had their clinical files reviewed, with special attention to vascular risk factors and brain or coronary ischemic events. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Our results pointed to the following conclusions: • Intracranial arterial PI works as a dynamic measure of both cerebral and systemic vascular disease. • Age is the main factor influencing PI value and variation, but, within a certain age group, PI is able to point subjects at higher long-term risk of future ischemic events. • Basilar artery PI seems to be a better predictor of future cerebral and coronary ischemic disease than middle cerebral artery PI

    Selecting and Customizing a Mereology Ontology for its Reuse in a Pharmaceutical Product Ontology

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    This paper presents our experience in reusing mereology ontologies in a Pharmaceutical Product ontology, an ontology built by the EU NeOn project. It shows a set of mereology ontologies implemented in different machine interpretable languages and analyzes them according to the different types of mereology identified by Varzi. Then, it describes the specifications of mereology modeling necessities for Pharmaceutical Product. Finally, it presents the ontology which fits best with the specifications. One of the results of this work is a procedure to reuse general (also called common) ontologies

    Methodological guidelines for reusing general ontologies

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    Currently, there is a great deal of well-founded explicit knowledge formalizing general notions, such as time concepts and the part_of relation. Yet, it is often the case that instead of reusing ontologies that implement such notions (the so-called general ontologies), engineers create procedural programs that implicitly implement this knowledge. They do not save time and code by reusing explicit knowledge, and devote effort to solve problems that other people have already adequately solved. Consequently, we have developed a methodology that helps engineers to: (a) identify the type of general ontology to be reused; (b) find out which axioms and definitions should be reused; (c) make a decision, using formal concept analysis, on what general ontology is going to be reused; and (d) adapt and integrate the selected general ontology in the domain ontology to be developed. To illustrate our approach we have employed use-cases. For each use case, we provide a set of heuristics with examples. Each of these heuristics has been tested in either OWL or Prolog. Our methodology has been applied to develop a pharmaceutical product ontology. Additionally, we have carried out a controlled experiment with graduated students doing a MCs in Artificial Intelligence. This experiment has yielded some interesting findings concerning what kind of features the future extensions of the methodology should have

    Osteopoiquilia: A propósito de 2 casos

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    La osteopoiquilosis es una rara displasia ósea esclerosante. Su diagnóstico es normalmente hecho de forma accidental de radiografías que muestran múltiples áreas escleróticas en diversos huesos del esqueleto. Su diagnóstico diferencial se realiza con la melorreostosis, osteopatía estriada y metástasis osteobásticas, en base a la clínica, radiología y gammagrafía. Histológicamente aparecen condensaciones focales de hueso lamelar compacto dentro de la esponjosa. Nosotros recogemos 2 casos de osteopoiquilosis y se hace a su vez un recuerdo.Osteopoikilosis, is a rare sclerosing bone dysplasia. The diagnosis is usually made incidentally from radiographs with show multiple sclerotic areas in several bones of the body. The differential diagnosis from melorheostosis, osteophatia striata and specially from osteoblastic bone metastases, on the basis of the clinical, radiological and radionuclide scanning characteristics. Histologically, there are focal condensations of compact lamellar bone within the spongiosa. We report two case osteopoikilosis

    A practical evaluation on RSA and ECC-based cipher suites for IoT high-security energy-efficient Fog and mist computing devices

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    [Abstract] The latest Internet of Things (IoT) edge-centric architectures allow for unburdening higher layers from part of their computational and data processing requirements. In the specific case of fog computing systems, they reduce greatly the requirements of cloud-centric systems by processing in fog gateways part of the data generated by end devices, thus providing services that were previously offered by a remote cloud. Thanks to recent advances in System-on-Chip (SoC) energy efficiency, it is currently possible to create IoT end devices with enough computational power to process the data generated by their sensors and actuators while providing complex services, which in recent years derived into the development of the mist computing paradigm. To allow mist computing nodes to provide the previously mentioned benefits and guarantee the same level of security as in other architectures, end-to-end standard security mechanisms need to be implemented. In this paper, a high-security energy-efficient fog and mist computing architecture and a testbed are presented and evaluated. The testbed makes use of Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) and Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) cipher suites (that comply with the yet to come TLS 1.3 standard requirements), which are evaluated and compared in terms of energy consumption and data throughput for a fog gateway and two mist end devices. The obtained results allow a conclusion that ECC outperforms RSA in both energy consumption and data throughput for all the tested security levels. Moreover, the importance of selecting a proper ECC curve is demonstrated, showing that, for the tested devices, some curves present worse energy consumption and data throughput than other curves that provide a higher security level. As a result, this article not only presents a novel mist computing testbed, but also provides guidelines for future researchers to find out efficient and secure implementations for advanced IoT devices.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2016-045Xunta de Galicia; ED341D R2016/012Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/01Agencia Estatal de Investigación de España; TEC2013-47141-C4-1-RAgencia Estatal de Investigación de España; TEC2015-69648-REDCAgencia Estatal de Investigación de España; TEC2016-75067-C4-1-