152 research outputs found

    XY Spin Fluid in an External Magnetic Field

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    A method of integral equations is developed to study inhomogeneous fluids with planar spins in an external field. As a result, the calculations for these systems appear to be no more difficult than those for ordinary homogeneous liquids. The approach proposed is applied to the ferromagnetic XY spin fluid in a magnetic field using a soft mean spherical closure and the Born-Green-Yvon equation. This provides an accurate reproduction of the complicated phase diagram behavior obtained by cumbersome Gibbs ensemble simulation and multiple histogram reweighting techniques.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Concentration and mass dependence of transport coefficients and correlation functions in binary mixtures with high mass-asymmetry

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    Correlation functions and transport coefficients of self-diffusion and shear viscosity of a binary Lennard-Jones mixture with components differing only in their particle mass are studied up to high values of the mass ratio μ\mu, including the limiting case μ=∞\mu=\infty, for different mole fractions xx. Within a large range of xx and μ\mu the product of the diffusion coefficient of the heavy species D2D_{2} and the total shear viscosity of the mixture ηm\eta_{m} is found to remain constant, obeying a generalized Stokes-Einstein relation. At high liquid density, large mass ratios lead to a pronounced cage effect that is observable in the mean square displacement, the velocity autocorrelation function and the van Hove correlation function

    Phase diagrams of classical spin fluids: the influence of an external magnetic field on the liquid-gas transition

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    The influence of an external magnetic field on the liquid-gas phase transition in Ising, XY, and Heisenberg spin fluid models is studied using a modified mean field theory and Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulations. It is demonstrated that the theory is able to reproduce quantitatively all characteristic features of the field dependence of the critical temperature T_c(H) for all the three models. These features include a monotonic decrease of T_c with rising H in the case of the Ising fluid as well as a more complicated nonmonotonic behavior for the XY and Heisenberg models. The nonmonotonicity consists in a decrease of T_c with increasing H at weak external fields, an increase of T_c with rising H in the strong field regime, and the existence of a minimum in T_c(H) at intermediate values of H. Analytical expressions for T_c(H) in the large field limit are presented as well. The magnetic para-ferro phase transition is also considered in simulations and described within the mean field theory.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures (to be submitted to Phys. Rev. E

    An Integrated Scan-to-BIM Approach for Buildings Energy Performance Evaluation and Retrofitting

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    Energy retrofitting is paramount to reduce the use of energy in existing buildings, with benefits to the environment and people’s economy. The increasing use of novel technologies and innovative methodologies, such as Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) and Building Information Modelling (BIM), is contributing to optimise retrofit processes. In the context of energy efficiency retrofitting, complex semantic 3D BIM models are required that include specific information, such as second level space boundaries (2LSBs), material energy performance properties, and information of the Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system and their layout. All this information is necessary for energy analysis of the existing building and planning of effective retrofitting strategies. In this paper, we present an integrated (semi-)automated Scan-to-BIM approach to produce BIM models from point clouds and photographs of buildings by means of computer-vision and artificial intelligence techniques, as well as a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that enables the user to complete the models with information that cannot be retrieved by means of visual features. Information about the materials and their performance properties as well as the specification of the HVAC component is obtained from a database that integrates information from BAUBOOK, OKOBAUDAT and ASHRAE. The Scan-to-BIM tool introduced in this paper is evaluated with data from an inhabited two-storey building, delivering promising results in energy simulations

    The 3′ processing factor CstF functions in the DNA repair response

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    Following DNA damage, mRNA levels decrease, reflecting a coordinated interaction of the DNA repair, transcription and RNA processing machineries. In this study, we provide evidence that transcription and polyadenylation of mRNA precursors are both affected in vivo by UV treatment. We next show that the polyadenylation factor CstF, plays a direct role in the DNA damage response. Cells with reduced levels of CstF display decreased viability following UV treatment, reduced ability to ubiquitinate RNA polymerase II (RNAP II), and defects in repair of DNA damage. Furthermore, we show that CstF, RNAP II and BARD1 are all found at sites of repaired DNA. Our results indicate that CstF plays an active role in the response to DNA damage, providing a link between transcription-coupled RNA processing and DNA repair

    Chemosensory Cues to Conspecific Emotional Stress Activate Amygdala in Humans

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    Alarm substances are airborne chemical signals, released by an individual into the environment, which communicate emotional stress between conspecifics. Here we tested whether humans, like other mammals, are able to detect emotional stress in others by chemosensory cues. Sweat samples collected from individuals undergoing an acute emotional stressor, with exercise as a control, were pooled and presented to a separate group of participants (blind to condition) during four experiments. In an fMRI experiment and its replication, we showed that scanned participants showed amygdala activation in response to samples obtained from donors undergoing an emotional, but not physical, stressor. An odor-discrimination experiment suggested the effect was primarily due to emotional, and not odor, differences between the two stimuli. A fourth experiment investigated behavioral effects, demonstrating that stress samples sharpened emotion-perception of ambiguous facial stimuli. Together, our findings suggest human chemosensory signaling of emotional stress, with neurobiological and behavioral effects

    Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy (4th edition)

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    Clinical evidence framework for Bayesian networks

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    There is poor uptake of prognostic decision support models by clinicians regardless of their accuracy. There is evidence that this results from doubts about the basis of the model as the evidence behind clinical models is often not clear to anyone other than their developers. In this paper, we propose a framework for representing the evidence-base of a Bayesian network (BN) decision support model. The aim of this evidence framework is to be able to present all the clinical evidence alongside the BN itself. The evidence framework is capable of presenting supporting and conflicting evidence, and evidence associated with relevant but excluded factors. It also allows the completeness of the evidence to be queried. We illustrate this framework using a BN that has been previously developed to predict acute traumatic coagulopathy, a potentially fatal disorder of blood clotting, at early stages of trauma care
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