999 research outputs found

    LIII. On the existence of a limit to vaporization

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    Faraday instability in a two-component Bose Einstein condensate

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    Motivated by recent experiments on Faraday waves in Bose Einstein condensates (BEC) we investigate the dynamics of two component cigar shaped BEC subject to periodic modulation of the strength of the transverse confinement. It is shown that two coupled Mathieu equations govern the dynamics of the system. We found that the two component BEC in a phase mixed state is relatively more unstable towards pattern formation than the phase segregated state.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Critical phenomena: 150 years since Cagniard de la Tour

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    Critical phenomena were discovered by Cagniard de la Tour in 1822, who died 150 years ago. In order to mark this anniversary, the context and the early history of his discovery is reviewed. We then follow with a brief sketch of the history of critical phenomena, indicating the main lines of development until the present date. Os fen\'omenos cr\'{\i}ticos foram descobertos pelo Cagniard de la Tour em Paris em 1822. Para comemorar os 150 anos da sua morte, o contexto e a hist\'oria initial da sua descoberta \'e contada. Conseguimos com uma descri\c{c}\~ao breve da hist\'oria dos fen\'emenos cr\'{\i}ticos, indicando as linhas principais do desenvolvimento at\'e o presente.Comment: Latex2e, 8 pp, 3 eps figures include

    A Weakly Nonlinear Analysis of Impulsively-Forced Faraday Waves

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    Parametrically-excited surface waves, forced by a periodic sequence of delta-function impulses, are considered within the framework of the Zhang-Vi\~nals model (J. Fluid Mech. 1997). The exact impulsive-forcing results, in the linear and weakly nonlinear regimes, are compared with numerical results for sinusoidal and multifrequency forcing. We find surprisingly good agreement between impulsive forcing results and those obtained using a two-term truncated Fourier series representation of the impulsive forcing function. As noted previously by Bechhoefer and Johnson (Am. J. Phys. 1996), in the case of two equally-spaced impulses per period there are only subharmonic modes of instability. The familiar situation of alternating subharmonic and harmonic resonance tongues emerges for unequally-spaced impulses. We extend the linear analysis for two impulses per period to the weakly nonlinear regime for one-dimensional waves. Specifically, we derive an analytic expression for the cubic Landau coefficient in the bifurcation equation as a function of the dimensionless fluid parameters and spacing between the two impulses. As the capillary parameter is varied, one finds a parameter region of wave amplitude suppression, which is due to a familiar 1:2 spatio-temporal resonance between the subharmonic mode of instability and a damped harmonic mode. This resonance occurs for impulsive forcing even when harmonic resonance tongues are absent from the neutral stability curve. The strength of this resonance feature can be tuned by varying the spacing between the impulses. This finding is interpreted in terms of a recent symmetry-based analysis of multifrequency forced Faraday waves by Porter, Topaz and Silber (Phys. Rev. Lett. 2004, Phys. Rev. E 2004).Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Behavior of self-propelled acetone droplets in a Leidenfrost state on liquid substrates

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    It is demonstrated that non-coalescent droplets of acetone can be formed on liquid substrates. The fluid flows around and in an acetone droplet hovering on water are recorded to shed light on the mechanisms which might lead to non-coalescence. For sufficiently low impact velocities, droplets undergo a damped oscillation on the surface of the liquid substrate but at higher velocities clean bounce-off occurs. Comparisons of experimentally observed static configurations of floating droplets to predictions from a theoretical model for a small non-wetting rigid sphere resting on a liquid substrate are made and a tentative strategy for determining the thickness of the vapor layer under a small droplet on a liquid is proposed. This strategy is based on the notion of effective surface tension. The droplets show self-propulsion in straight line trajectories in a manner which can be ascribed to a Marangoni effect. Surprisingly, self-propelled droplets can become immersed beneath the undisturbed water surface. This phenomenon is reasoned to be drag-inducing and might provide a basis for refining observations in previous work

    Ripples in Tapped or Blown Powder

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    We observe ripples forming on the surface of a granular powder in a container submitted from below to a series of brief and distinct shocks. After a few taps, the pattern turns out to be stable against any further shock of the same amplitude. We find experimentally that the characteristic wavelength of the pattern is proportional to the amplitude of the shocks. Starting from consideration involving Darcy's law for air flow through the porous granulate and avalanche properties, we build up a semi-quantitative model which fits satisfactorily the set of experimental observations as well as a couple of additional experiments.Comment: 7 pages, four postscript figures, submitted PRL 11/19/9

    Signature of elasticity in the Faraday instability

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    We investigate the onset of the Faraday instability in a vertically vibrated wormlike micelle solution. In this strongly viscoelastic fluid, the critical acceleration and wavenumber are shown to present oscillations as a function of driving frequency and fluid height. This effect, unseen neither in simple fluids nor in previous experiments on polymeric fluids, is interpreted in terms of standing elastic waves between the disturbed surface and the container bottom. It is shown that the model of S. Kumar [Phys. Rev. E, {\bf 65}, 026305 (2002)] for a viscoelastic fluid accounts qualitatively for our experimental observations. Explanations for quantitative discrepancies are proposed, such as the influence of the nonlinear rheological behaviour of this complex fluid.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Secondary Instabilities of Surface Waves on Viscous Fluids in the Faraday Instability

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    Secondary instabilities of Faraday waves show three regimes: (1) As seen previously, low-viscosity (nu) fluids destabilize first into squares. At higher driving accelerations a, squares show low-frequency modulations corresponding to the motion of phase defects, while theory predicts a stationary transverse amplitude modulation (TAM). (2) High-nu fluids destabilize first to stripes. Stripes then show an oscillatory TAM whose frequency is incommensurate with the driving frequency. At higher a, the TAM undergoes a phase instability. At still higher a, edge dislocations form and fluid droplets are ejected. (3) Intermediate-nu fluids show a complex coexistence of squares and stripes, as well as stationary and oscillatory TAM instabilities of the stripes.Comment: REVTEX, with 3 separate uuencoded figures, to appear in Europhys. Let

    Capillary wave turbulence on a spherical fluid surface in low gravity

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    We report the observation of capillary wave turbulence on the surface of a fluid layer in a low-gravity environment. In such conditions, the fluid covers all the internal surface of the spherical container which is submitted to random forcing. The surface wave amplitude displays power-law spectrum over two decades in frequency, corresponding to wavelength from mmmm to a few cmcm. This spectrum is found in roughly good agreement with wave turbulence theory. Such a large scale observation without gravity waves has never been reached during ground experiments. When the forcing is periodic, two-dimensional spherical patterns are observed on the fluid surface such as subharmonic stripes or hexagons with wavelength satisfying the capillary wave dispersion relation

    Formation and transportation of sand-heap in an inclined and vertically vibrated container

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    We report the experimental findings of formation and motion of heap in granular materials in an inclined and vertically vibrated container. We show experimentally how the transport velocity of heap up container is related to the driving acceleration as well as the driving frequency of exciter. An analogous experiment was performed with a heap-shaped Plexiglas block. We propose that cohesion force resulted from pressure gradient in ambient gas plays a crucial role in enhancing and maintaining a heap, and ratchet effect causes the movement of the heap. An equation which governs the transport velocity of the heap is presented.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR
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