1,020 research outputs found

    Seed selection for information cascade in multilayer networks

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    Information spreading is an interesting field in the domain of online social media. In this work, we are investigating how well different seed selection strategies affect the spreading processes simulated using independent cascade model on eighteen multilayer social networks. Fifteen networks are built based on the user interaction data extracted from Facebook public pages and tree of them are multilayer networks downloaded from public repository (two of them being Twitter networks). The results indicate that various state of the art seed selection strategies for single-layer networks like K-Shell or VoteRank do not perform so well on multilayer networks and are outperformed by Degree Centrality

    Length functions on currents and applications to dynamics and counting

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    The aim of this (mostly expository) article is twofold. We first explore a variety of length functions on the space of currents, and we survey recent work regarding applications of length functions to counting problems. Secondly, we use length functions to provide a proof of a folklore theorem which states that pseudo-Anosov homeomorphisms of closed hyperbolic surfaces act on the space of projective geodesic currents with uniform north-south dynamics.Comment: 35pp, 2 figures, comments welcome! Second version: minor corrections. To appear as a chapter in the forthcoming book "In the tradition of Thurston" edited by V. Alberge, K. Ohshika and A. Papadopoulo

    A Statistical DOI Estimation Algorithm for a SiPM-Based Clinical SPECT Insert

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    A prototype clinical brain SPECT insert has been designed for use in simultaneous SPECT/MRI. The system utilises novel slit-slat collimators which, like pinhole collimators, suffers from parallax errors due to the large incident angle of photons. A statistical algorithm has been developed to determine the depth-of-interaction (DOI) with a view to improving image performance. The importance of DOI correction was demonstrated using Monte Carlo simulation. This simulation also indicated that 4 DOI layers (3×1.5 mm+3.5 mm) may be sufficient. The improvement in event localisation was demonstrated on a single detector before implementing the algorithm on the full clinical prototype where some limitations in event localisation in layers close to the readout plane were observed. Nevertheless DOI enabled the rejection of poorly localised events with improved resolution in reconstructed line sources

    Impact of DOI in a clinical SPECT/MRI system:asimulation study

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    A novel SPECT/MRI scanner has been modelled and tested here using Monte Carlo simulation software, SIMIND. The INSERT SPECT/MRI system faces challenges with event reconstruction due to photon depth of interaction. The novel SPECT system is subject to parallax errors due to its crystal size and slit aperture collimator. We present a simple measure of the DOI errors through SIMIND experiments; by modelling the DOI layers we are able to improve the reconstruction of projection data in the INSERT scanner. A set of capillary phantoms are simulated to explore the impact of DOI on the resolution of the scanner and establish corrections in the system's reconstruction

    Collimator design for a clinical brain SPECT/MRI insert

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    This project's goal is to design a SPECT insert for a clinical MRI system for simultaneous brain SPECT/MR imaging. We assume the stationary SPECT insert will consist of two rings of ∼5x5-cm SiPM-based detectors insensitive to magnetic fields, with 0.8-mm intrinsic resolution. The maximum diameter is 44.5 cm, the minimum diameter is 33 cm to accommodate the patient and MRI receive/transmit coil, and the FOV has a 20 cm diameter. We have compared eight collimator designs: single-, 2x2-, 3x3- and 5+2½- pinhole, and single-, 2-, 3- and 1+2½-slit slit-slat, where ½-pinholes/slits are shared between two detectors. Analytical geometric efficiency was calculated for an activity distribution corresponding to a human brain and a target resolution of 10 mm FWHM at the centre of the FOV. Noise-free data were simulated with and without depth-of-interaction (DOI) information, and reconstructed for uniform, Defrise, Derenzo, and Zubal brain phantoms. For DOI it is assumed that the crystal's first and second half can be differentiated. Comparing the multi-pinhole and multi-slit slit-slat collimators, the former gives better reconstructed uniformity and trans-axial resolution, while the latter gives better axial resolution. Although the 2x2-pinhole and 2-slit designs give the highest sensitivities, they result in a sub-optimal utilization of the detector FOV. The best options are therefore the 5+2½-pinhole and the 1+2½-slit systems, with sensitivities of 4.9*10–4 and 4.0*10–4, respectively. The brain phantom reconstructions with multi-pinhole collimator are superior as compared to slit-slat, especially in terms of symmetry and realistic activity distribution. DOI information reduces artefacts and improves uniformity in geometric phantoms, although the difference is small for the brain phantom. These results favour a multi-pinhole configuration

    Nepal needs midwifery

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    This paper is published as a Commentary. It has no abstract, but the paper links the Millennium Development Goals to the maternity workforce in Nepal and highlights to need for recognition of the midwifery profession in that country

    Implications of the Partial Ring Design for a Clinical SPECT Insert

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    The INSERT system is a stationary SPECT insert designed for clinical SPECT/MRI. The system has been evaluated as a standalone SPECT scanner and here the image reconstruction is evaluated to determine the implications of its design. A two-step image acquisition can be implemented to overcome the limitations of the partial ring design. The image quality and activity linearity are evaluated through a set of point sources and vials of varying activity concentration. The evaluation highlighted areas where image reconstruction and data processing needed to improve before proceeding to simultaneous SPECT/MRI acquisitions. We have shown that the proposed dual acquisition method can produce improved image quality through the use of modified data acquisition and reconstruction protocols
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