14 research outputs found
Deformations Preserving Gauß Curvature
(Proceedings of LHMTS 2013)International audienceIn industrial surface generation, it is important to consider surfaces with minimal areas for two main reasons: these surfaces require less material than non-minimal surfaces, and they are cheaper to manufacture. Based on a prototype, a so-called masterpiece, the final product is created using small deformations to adapt a surface to the desired shape. We present a linear deformation technique preserving the total curvature of the masterpiece. In particular, we derive sufficient conditions for these linear deformations to be total curvature preserving when applied to the masterpiece. It is useful to preserve total curvature of a surface in order to minimise the amount of material needed, and to minimise bending energy
Realtime Deformation of Constrained Meshes Using GPU
Constrained meshes play an important role in freeform architectural design, as they can represent panel layouts on freeform surfaces. It is challenging to perform realtime manipulation on such meshes, because all constraints need to be respected during the deformation while the shape quality needs to be maintained. This usually leads to nonlinear constrained optimization problems, which are challenging to solve in real time. In this paper, we present a GPU-based shape manipulation tool for constrained meshes, using the parallelizable algorithm proposed in [8]. We discuss the main challenges and solutions for the GPU implementation, and provide timing comparison against a CPU implementation of the algorithm. Our GPU implementation significantly outperforms the CPU version, allowing realtime handle-based deformation for large constrained meshes
Real-time deformation of constrained meshes using GPU
Constrained meshes play an important role in freeform architectural design, as they can represent panel layouts on freeform surfaces. It is challenging to perform realtime manipulation on such meshes, because all constraints need to be respected during the deformation while the shape quality needs to be maintained. This usually leads to nonlinear constrained optimization problems, which are challenging to solve in real time. In this paper, we present a GPU-based shape manipulation tool for constrained meshes, using the parallelizable algorithm proposed in [8]. We discuss the main challenges and solutions for the GPU implementation, and provide timing comparison against a CPU implementation of the algorithm. Our GPU implementation significantly outperforms the CPU version, allowing realtime handle-based deformation for large constrained meshes
Екологічний та економічний ефекти стихійних сміттєзвалищ села Горянівське
На сьогоднішній день стихійні сміттєзвалища є великою проблемою та кількість їх щороку зростає. Саме стихійні сміттєзвалища є одними із основних джерел забруднення навколишнього середовища. Навколишні посадки, балки і ліси обросли несанкціонованими звалищами. Тони сміття викидаються на узбіччя доріг та лісів. Найбільше лихо для природи –залишені після пікніків пляшки, пакети, одноразовий посуд, які самі по собі можуть розкладатися сторіччями. Прикро, що територія вздовж дороги стала місцем, куди зручно й, головне, безкарно, можна викидати різний непотріб. Слід відмітити, що за впорядкування лісопосадок відповідають не лише служба автодоріг, а й власники (орендарі) полів до яких прилягають лісосмуги та узбіччя