923 research outputs found

    Age-related changes in Drosophila midgut are associated with PVF2, a PDGF/VEGF-like growth factor

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    Age-associated changes in stem cell populations have been implicated in age-related diseases, including cancer. However, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms that link aging to the modulation of adult stem cell populations. Drosophila midgut is an excellent model system for the study of stem cell renewal and aging. Here we describe an age-related increase in the number and activity of intestinal stem cells (ISCs) and progenitor cells in Drosophila midgut. We determined that oxidative stress, induced by paraquat treatment or loss of catalase function, mimicked the changes associated with aging in the midgut. Furthermore, we discovered an age-related increase in the expression of PVF2, a Drosophila homologue of human PDGF/VEGF, which was associated with and required for the age-related changes in midgut ISCs and progenitor cell populations. Taken together, our findings suggest that PDGF/VEGF may play a central role in age-related changes in ISCs and progenitor cell populations, which may contribute to aging and the development of cancer stem cells

    Activity-induced interactions and cooperation of artificial microswimmers in one-dimensional environments

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    Biological microswimmers such as bacteria show collective motion that is made possible by an intricate interplay of sensing and signaling. Ketzetzi et al. reproduce this phenomenon in a catalytic system undergoing, for instance, cooperative speed-ups and dynamic reconfiguration of microswimmer chains.Cooperative motion in biological microswimmers is crucial for their survival as it facilitates adhesion to surfaces, formation of hierarchical colonies, efficient motion, and enhanced access to nutrients. Here, we confine synthetic, catalytic microswimmers along one-dimensional paths and demonstrate that they too show a variety of cooperative behaviours. We find that their speed increases with the number of swimmers, and that the activity induces a preferred distance between swimmers. Using a minimal model, we ascribe this behavior to an effective activity-induced potential that stems from a competition between chemical and hydrodynamic coupling. These interactions further induce active self-assembly into trains where swimmers move at a well-separated, stable distance with respect to each other, as well as compact chains that can elongate, break-up, become immobilized and remobilized. We identify the crucial role that environment morphology and swimmer directionality play on these highly dynamic chain behaviors. These activity-induced interactions open the door toward exploiting cooperation for increasing the efficiency of microswimmer motion, with temporal and spatial control, thereby enabling them to perform intricate tasks inside complex environments.Biological and Soft Matter Physic

    Broadband Quasi-Periodic Radio and X-ray Pulsations in a Solar Flare

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    We describe microwave and hard X-ray observations of strong quasiperiodic pulsations from the GOES X1.3 solar flare on 15 June 2003. The radio observations were made jointly by the Owens Valley Solar Array (OVSA), the Nobeyama Polarimeter (NoRP), and the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH). Hard X-ray observations were made by the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). Using Fourier analysis, we study the frequency- and energy-dependent oscillation periods, differential phase, and modulation amplitudes of the radio and X-ray pulsations. Focusing on the more complete radio observations, we also examine the modulation of the degree of circular polarization and of the radio spectral index. The observed properties of the oscillations are compared with those derived from two simple models for the radio emission. In particular, we explicitly fit the observed modulation amplitude data to the two competing models. The first model considers the effects of MHD oscillations on the radio emission. The second model considers the quasi-periodic injection of fast electrons. We demonstrate that quasiperiodic acceleration and injection of fast electrons is the more likely cause of the quasiperiodic oscillations observed in the radio and hard X-ray emission, which has important implications for particle acceleration and transport in the flaring sources.Comment: ApJ, accepte

    The ArDM experiment

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    The aim of the ArDM project is the development and operation of a one ton double-phase liquid argon detector for direct Dark Matter searches. The detector measures both the scintillation light and the ionization charge from ionizing radiation using two independent readout systems. This paper briefly describes the detector concept and presents preliminary results from the ArDM R&D program, including a 3 l prototype developed to test the charge readout system.Comment: Proceedings of the Epiphany 2010 Conference, to be published in Acta Physica Polonica

    Meeting Report: Hackathon-Workshop on Darwin Core and MIxS Standards Alignment

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    The Global Biodiversity Information Facility and the Genomic Standards Consortium convened a joint workshop at the University of Oxford, 27–29 February 2012, with a small group of experts from Europe, USA, China and Japan, to continue the alignment of the Darwin Core with the MIxS and related genomics standards. Several reference mappings were produced as well as test expressions of MIxS in RDF. The use and management of controlled vocabulary terms was considered in relation to both GBIF and the GSC, and tools for working with terms were reviewed. Extensions for publishing genomic biodiversity data to the GBIF network via a Darwin Core Archive were prototyped and work begun on preparing translations of the Darwin Core to Japanese and Chinese. Five genomic repositories were identified for engagement to begin the process of testing the publishing of genomic data to the GBIF network commencing with the SILVA rRNA database

    Emissions of transboundary air pollutants in the Netherlands 1990-2012 : Informative Inventory Report 2014

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    Emissies Nederland blijven in 2012 onder nationale plafonds De uitstoot van stikstofoxiden (NOx), ammoniak, zwaveldioxide en niet-methaan vluchtige organische stoffen (NMVOS) is in 2012 in Nederland licht gedaald. Daarmee bleef de uitstoot onder de maxima die de Europese Unie daaraan sinds 2010 stelt. Nederland voldoet daardoor, net als in 2011, aan de vier 'nationale emissieplafonds' (NEC) voor deze stoffen. Dit blijkt uit de Nederlandse emissiecijfers van grootschalige luchtverontreinigende stoffen. Het RIVM verzamelt en analyseert deze cijfers. Behalve bovengenoemde stoffen gaat het om de uitstoot van koolmonoxide, fijn stof (PM10), zware metalen en persistente organische stoffen (POP's). De uitstoot van al deze stoffen is tussen 1990 en 2012 gedaald. Dit komt vooral door schonere auto's en brandstoffen en door emissiebeperkende maatregelen van industriële sectoren. Meer kilometers door bromfietsen Door de jaren heen zijn de methoden om de emissies te berekenen verbeterd, wat nu resulteert in nauwkeurigere cijfers. De emissies van bromfietsen en motorfietsen zijn afhankelijk van het aantal gereden kilometers per jaar en daar is nu beter inzicht in. Het totale aantal gereden kilometers door bromfietsen blijkt in de afgelopen jaren bijna twee keer zo hoog is als werd gedacht. Daarmee is de uitstoot van schadelijke stoffen navenant hoger. Ten opzichte van andere typ voertuigen blijven bromfietsen echter een relatief kleine emissiebron en dragen ze beperkt bij aan de totale nationale emissies. In steden zijn ze wel een relevante bron. Het aantal gereden kilometers door motorfietsen, en daarmee de uitstoot, blijft in lijn met eerdere inzichten. Vrachtauto's zwaarder beladen De uitstoot van schadelijke stoffen door vrachtauto's is voor het eerst berekend op basis van recente inzichten in het gewicht van vrachtauto's. Trekker-opleggers blijken zwaarder beladen dan tot nu toe werd verondersteld. Ook rijden vrachtauto's vaker met een aanhanger dan tot nu toe werd aangenomen, waardoor ze zwaarder zijn. Een hoger gewicht betekent een hoger brandstofverbruik, en veelal ook een hogere uitstoot per gereden kilometer. De uitstoot van PM10 door vrachtauto's is hierdoor circa 5 procent hoger dan in de vorige IIR-rapportage. Hogere emissies ammoniak De uitstoot van ammoniak blijkt hoger dan eerder werd verondersteld vanwege enkele nieuwe inzichten; de cijfers zijn hierdoor vanaf 1997 bijgesteld. Zo worden luchtwassers, die voornamelijk op varkensstallen zitten, niet altijd gebruikt. Ook is vanaf 2002 in melkveestallen het leefoppervlak per dier toegenomen. Door het grotere contactoppervlak van mest met lucht wordt meer ammoniak uitgestoten. Door de aangepaste aannames is het nationale totaal met 6,6 kiloton verhoogd ten opzichte van 2011.Emissions the Netherlands in 2012 remain under national ceilings Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), ammonia, sulphur dioxide and non-methane volatile organic compounds (NMVOC) in the Netherlands have slightly decreased in 2012. Consequently, the emissions stayed below the caps the European Union has set from 2010. Herewith, the Netherlands comply with all four so-called emission ceilings (NEC). This has become apparent from the emission data on air pollutants from the Netherlands. RIVM collects and reports these data. Besides above-mentioned substances, emissions of carbon monoxide, particulate matter (PM10), heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) have been reported. The emissions of all substances have decreased in the 1990 - 2012 period. The downward trend may in particular be attributed to cleaner fuels, cleaner car engines and to emission reductions in the industrial sectors. More kilometres by mopeds Over the years emission calculation methods have been improved, resulting in higher data accuracy. In 2012, the emissions from mopeds and motorcycles have been calculated, based on improved knowledge of the mileages. The total number of kilometres driven by mopeds appears to have been nearly twice as high in recent years. As a result, the emissions of pollutants are proportionally higher. In relation to the total number of vehicles, the number of mopeds however remains relatively low and their contribution to the total national emissions is limited. In cities, they are a relevant source. The mileages by motorcycles, and consequently their emissions remain in line with previous insights. Heavy-duty vehicles carry heavier loads Emissions of pollutants by heavy-duty trucks have for the first time been calculated on the basis of recent insights in truck loads. Tractor-trailer combinations appear to carry heavier loads and the fraction of trailers behind rigid trucks is larger than previously assumed. A heavier load means a higher fuel use and for most substances a higher emission per kilometre driven. PM10 emissions by heavy-duty trucks are about 5 percent higher than in the previous IIR report. Higher agricultural ammonia emissions Agricultural ammonia emissions appear to be higher than previously assumed because of new insights. Air scrubbers on animal housing (predominantly pigs) were not always in use or even employed. Since 2002, the living space per animal has increased for dairy cattle housing. This resulted in a higher contact surface manure-air and thus more ammonia emitted. The new insights have raised the national total of ammonia emissions by about 6 percent compared to 2011

    Predation Strongly Limits Demography of a Keystone Migratory Herbivore in a Recovering Transfrontier Ecosystem

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    Large herbivore migrations are imperiled globally; however the factors limiting a population across its migratory range are typically poorly understood. Zambia\u27s Greater Liuwa Ecosystem (GLE) contains one of the largest remaining blue wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus taurinus) migrations, yet the population structure, vital rates, and limiting factors are virtually unknown. We conducted a long-term demographic study of GLE wildebeest from 2012 to 2019 of 107 collared adult females and their calves, 7352 herd observations, 12 aerial population surveys, and concurrent carnivore studies. We applied methods of vital rate estimation and survival analysis within a Bayesian estimation framework. From herd composition observations, we estimated rates of fecundity, first-year survival, and recruitment as 68%, 56%, and 38% respectively, with pronounced interannual variation. Similar rates were estimated from calf-detections with collared cows. Adult survival rates declined steadily from 91% at age 2 years to 61% at age 10 years thereafter dropping more sharply to 2% at age 16 years. Predation, particularly by spotted hyena, was the predominant cause of death for all wildebeest ages and focused on older animals. Starvation only accounted for 0.8% of all unbiased known natural causes of death. Mortality risk differed substantially between wet and dry season ranges, reflecting strong spatio-temporal differences in habitat and predator densities. There was substantial evidence that mortality risk to adults was 27% higher in the wet season, and strong evidence that it was 45% higher in the migratory range where predator density was highest. The estimated vital rates were internally consistent, predicting a stable population trajectory consistent with aerial estimates. From essentially zero knowledge of GLE wildebeest dynamics, this work provides vital rates, age structure, limiting factors, and a plausible mechanism for the migratory tendency, and a robust model-based foundation to evaluate the effects of potential restrictions in migratory range, climate change, predator–prey dynamics, and poaching