393 research outputs found

    Экстериоризация когнитивного опыта (на материале номинаций природных явлений)

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    Статья из специализированного выпуска научного журнала "Культура народов Причерноморья", материалы которого объединены общей темой "Язык и Мир" и посвящены общим вопросам Языкознания и приурочены к 80-летию со дня рождения Николая Александровича Рудякова.Стаття із спеціалізованого випуску наукового журналу "Культура народов Причерноморья", матеріали якого поєднані загальною темою "Мова і Світ" і присвячені загальним питанням мовознавства і приурочені до 80-річчя з дня народження Миколи Олександровича Рудякова

    Листування П. Мартиновича з Г. Хоткевичем

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    Based on the findings of an error analysis revealing that Indonesian ninth- and tenth-graders had difficulties in solving context-based tasks, we investigated the opportunity-to-learn offered by Indonesian textbooks for solving context-based mathematics tasks and the relation of this opportunity-to-learn to students’ difficulties in solving these tasks. An analysis framework was developed to investigate the characteristics of tasks in textbooks from four perspectives: the type of context used in tasks, the purpose of context-based tasks, the type of information provided in tasks, and the type of cognitive demands of tasks. With this framework, three Indonesian mathematics textbooks were analyzed. Our analysis showed that only about 10 % of the tasks in the textbooks are context-based tasks. Moreover, at least 85 % of these tasks provide exactly the information needed to solve them and do not leave room for students to select relevant information by themselves. Furthermore, of the context-based tasks, 45 % are reproduction tasks requiring performing routine mathematical procedures, 53 % are connection tasks requiring linking different mathematical curriculum strands, and only 2 % are reflection tasks, which are considered as tasks with the highest level of cognitive demand. A linkage between the findings of the error analysis and the textbook analysis suggests that the lacking opportunity-to-learn in Indonesian mathematics textbooks may cause Indonesian students’ difficulties in solving context-based tasks. Based on the results of this study, recommendations are given for improving the opportunities-to-learn to solve context-based tasks as well as for doing further research on this topic

    First finds in North and South America of Pentacoelum kazukolinda (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida), a worldwide invasive flatworm

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    Invasive species form an important threat to autochthonous biodiversity and ecosystems,as they may negatively affect native species. Pentacoelum kazukolinda is an invasivemaricolan flatworm with a freshwater ecology that was already known to be widelydistributed in the Northern hemisphere: USA (Hawaii), Spain, Germany, TheNetherlands, and Japan. Here we detail the first records from Chile, Peru, and continentalUSA. These new records from North and South America were substantiated byobservations on the very characteristic external appearance of the specimens, theiranatomy, and/or molecular data. We demonstrate for the first time that the animalsare capable of regeneration. At the newly discovered localities in South America,this flatworm co-occurs with introduced snails, which may constitute its preyspecies, and with introduced aquatic plants that may have facilitated its introductioninto the New World

    Concrete–abstract–new-concrete: Freudenthal and Davydov in advancing embodied design framework: Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 12)

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    Freudenthal and Davydov-two giants of mathematics education research-had a similar sophisticated vision on the position of mathematical models and symbols in abstract-concrete dialectics. In our vertical analysis of those approaches, we integrate them in a spiral vision of mathematics learning. Starting from concrete enactment, students abstract previously latent aspects of their reality. Further, students fixate abstract ideas in mathematical artifacts, which in turn enable new concrete experiences. We show how local integration of two theoretical approaches can support an empirical analysis of embodied design for proportions and act as backing a design heuristic for embodied technologically supported activities

    Design research in mathematics education : the case of an ict-rich learning arrangement for the concept of function

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    The concept of function is a central but difficult topic in secondary school mathematics curricula, which encompasses a transition from an operational to a structural view. The question in this paper is how to design and evaluate a technology-rich learning arrangement that may foster this transition. With domain-specific pedagogical knowledge on the learning of function as a starting point, and the notions of emergent modeling and instrumentation as design heuristics, such a learning arrangement was designed for grade 8 students and field tested. The results suggest that these design heuristics provide fruitful guidelines for the design of both a hypothetical learning trajectory and concrete tasks, and can be generalized to other design processes

    Acceptance of shari?ah-compliant precious metal-backed cryptocurrency as an alternative currency: an empirical validation of adoption of innovation theory

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    In the crypto world, there is a proverbial (and literal) gold rush now occurring. Currently, more than 37 gold-backed cryptocurrency companies have now emerged. Interestingly, some of them also claim to be Sharīʿah-compliant. Introducing precious metal-backed cryptocurrencies is perceived to be an innovation among global payment systems, hampered in part by lack of supporting empirical evidence. Therefore, this research investigates potential users' tendency to adopt a Sharīʿah-compliant precious metal-backed cryptocurrency. As such, this study adopts an extended adoption model, which consists of eight factors. Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) analysis was conducted on data elicited from economic active residents in Klang Valley from questionnaires. Overall, it was found six out of the eight constructs specified to influence the adoption of precious metal-backed cryptocurrency were statistically significant where 54.5% of the variation in adoption of PMBC can be explained by the structure model provided by this research. It was also found 63.55% of the respondents are willing to adopt precious metal-backed cryptocurrency in their future transactions