179 research outputs found

    Land Cover Land Use Change and Soil Organic Carbon Under Climate Variability in the Semi-Arid West African Sahel (1960-2050)

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    Land Cover Land Use (LCLU) change affects land surface processes recognized to influence climate change at local, national and global levels. Soil organic carbon is a key component for the functioning of agro-ecosystems and has a direct effect on the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil. The capacity to model and project LCLU change is of considerable interest for mitigation and adaptation measures in response to climate change. A combination of remote sensing analyses, qualitative social survey techniques, and biogeochemical modeling was used to study the relationships between climate change, LCLU change and soil organic carbon in the semiarid rural zone of Senegal between 1960 and 2050. For this purpose, four research hypotheses were addressed. This research aims to contribute to an understanding of future land cover land use change in the semi-arid West African Sahel with respect to climate variability and human activities. Its findings may provide insights to enable policy makers at local to national levels to formulate environmentally and economically adapted policy decisions. This dissertation research has to date resulted in two published and one submitted paper

    Historical and simulated ecosystem carbon dynamics in Ghana: land use, management, and climate

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    International audienceWe used the General Ensemble biogeochemical Modeling System (GEMS) to simulate responses of natural and managed ecosystems to changes in land use, management, and climate for a forest/savanna transitional zone in central Ghana. Model results show that deforestation for crop production during the last century resulted in a substantial reduction in ecosystem carbon (C) stock from 135.4 Mg C ha?1 in 1900 to 77.0 Mg C ha?1 in 2000, and in soil organic C stock within the top 20 cm of soil from 26.6 Mg C ha?1 to 21.2 Mg C ha?1. If no land use change takes place from 2000 through 2100, low and high climate change scenarios (increase in temperature and decrease in precipitation over time) will result in losses of soil organic C stock by 19% and 25%, respectively. A low nitrogen (N) fertilization rate is the principal constraint on current crop production. An increase in N fertilization under the low climate change scenario would increase crop yield by 14% with 30 kg N ha?1 and by 38% with 60 kg N ha?1, leading to an increase in the average soil C stock by 12% and 29%, respectively, in all cropland by 2100. The results suggest that the climate changes in the future from current climate conditions will not necessarily become a determinant control on ecosystem C fluxes and crop production, while a reasonable N fertilization rate is critical to achieve food security and agricultural sustainability in the study area through the 21st century, and current cropping systems could be optimized to make full use of the rainfall resource

    Etude de l’activitĂ© antifalcĂ©miante d’extraits de racines de Leptadenia hastata Decne. (Asclepiadacae)

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    L’objectif de cette Ă©tude est d’évaluer l’activitĂ© antifalcĂ©miante d’extraits de racines de Leptadenia hastata sur des hĂ©moglobines falciformes et d’identifier les principes actifs Ă  l’origine de cette activitĂ©. La mĂ©thode employĂ©e Ă©tudie la rĂ©versibilitĂ© des drĂ©panocytes, en fonction du temps d’incubation des extraits par rapport aux tĂ©moins (eau physiologique, phĂ©nylalanine et arginine) sur des Ă©chantillons de sang de patients drĂ©panocytaires homozygotes. Des concentrations de 0,05; 0,5; 5 et 10 mg/ml de quatre extraits (mĂ©thanol, hexane, acĂ©tate d’éthyle et mĂ©thanol rĂ©siduel) ont Ă©tĂ© mises en contact avec des drĂ©panocytes de type SS aprĂšs avoir provoquĂ© leur falciformation avec une solution Ă  2% de mĂ©tabisulfite de sodium. L’évaluation a Ă©té effectuĂ©e toutes les 30 minutes pendant 120 minutes. Les diffĂ©rents extraits ont montrĂ© une activitĂ© dosedĂ©pendante sur la rĂ©versibilitĂ© de la falciformation des globules rouges avec plus de 80% d’inversion en 120 minutes pour l’extrait mĂ©thanolique, le plus actif. Un screening phytochimique a permis de faire une corrĂ©lation entre les flavonoĂŻdes et l’activitĂ© antifalcĂ©miante des extraits de Leptadenia hastata.Mots clĂ©s : DrĂ©panocytose, hĂ©moglobine, activitĂ© antifalcĂ©miante, Leptadenia hastata, flavonoĂŻdes

    Do drugs interact together in cardiovascular prevention? A meta-analysis of powerful or factorial randomized controlled trials.

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    To explore whether preventive cardiovascular drugs (antihypertensive, antiplatelet, lipid lowering and hypoglycemic agents) interact together in cardiovascular prevention. We searched PubMed¼, Web of scienceℱ, Embase and Cochrane library for powerful randomized placebo-controlled trials (>1000 patients). We explored whether drug effect on major vascular events changed according to cross-exposure to other drug classes or to cardiovascular risk factors (hypertension or type 2 diabetes), through a meta-analysis of relative odds ratio computed by trial subgroups. A significant interaction was suggested from confidence intervals of the ratio of odds ratios, when they excluded neutral value of 1. In total, 14 trials with 178,398 patients were included. No significant interaction was observed between co-prescribed drugs or between these medications and type 2 diabetes/hypertension status. Our meta-analysis is the first one to evaluate drug-drug and drug-hypertension/type 2 diabetes status interactions in terms of cardiovascular risks: we did not observe any significant interaction. This indirectly reinforces the rationale of using several contrasted mechanisms to address cardiovascular prevention; and allows the combination effect prediction by a simple multiplication of their odds ratios. The limited availability of data reported or obtained from authors is a strong argument in favor of data sharing

    RĂ©sumĂ© des rĂ©sultats des enquĂȘtes de base niveau mĂ©nage : site de Kaffrine, SĂ©nĂ©gal

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    Ce rapport prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats des enquĂȘtes de base conduites au niveau des mĂ©nages de sept villages du site de Kaffrine (Bassin arachidier Sud, SĂ©nĂ©gal) dans le cadre du programme de recherche du CGIAR sur le Changement Climatique, l’Agriculture et la SĂ©curitĂ© alimentaire. L’objectif de ces enquĂȘtes Ă©tait de de collecter toutes les donnĂ©es et informations sur des indicateurs clĂ©s de base concernant les mĂ©nages notamment les moyens de subsistance, l’agriculture et la gestion des ressources naturelles, les besoins d’information sur le climat et la gestion des risques, et les pratiques d’attĂ©nuation et d’adaptation
