2,169 research outputs found

    The effects of halo alignment and shape on the clustering of galaxies

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    We investigate the effects of halo shape and its alignment with larger scale structure on the galaxy correlation function. We base our analysis on the galaxy formation models of Guo et al., run on the Millennium Simulations. We quantify the importance of these effects by randomizing the angular positions of satellite galaxies within haloes, either coherently or individually, while keeping the distance to their respective central galaxies fixed. We find that the effect of disrupting the alignment with larger scale structure is a ~2 per cent decrease in the galaxy correlation function around r=1.8 Mpc/h. We find that sphericalizing the ellipsoidal distributions of galaxies within haloes decreases the correlation function by up to 20 per cent for r<1 Mpc/h and increases it slightly at somewhat larger radii. Similar results apply to power spectra and redshift-space correlation functions. Models based on the Halo Occupation Distribution, which place galaxies spherically within haloes according to a mean radial profile, will therefore significantly underestimate the clustering on sub-Mpc scales. In addition, we find that halo assembly bias, in particular the dependence of clustering on halo shape, propagates to the clustering of galaxies. We predict that this aspect of assembly bias should be observable through the use of extensive group catalogues.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. Minor changes relative to v1. Note: this is an revised and considerably extended resubmission of http://arxiv.org/abs/1110.4888; please refer to the current version rather than the old on

    Mineralogy and geochemistry of Late Archean and Paleoproterozoic granites and pegmatites in the Northern Penokean terrane of Marquette and Dickinson Counties, Michigan

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    This thesis focuses on mineralogy, geochemistry, and origin of eight pegmatites and two spatially associated granites of Late Archean and Paleoproterozoic ages located in Marquette and Dickinson Counties, Michigan. Biotite geochemistry reveals that both granites and all pegmatites are peraluminous and have an orogenic signature. However, bulk composition reveals the Humboldt granite is a peraluminous A-type granite and the Bell Creek granite is a peraluminous mix between I-, S-, and A-type granites. The Republic Mine pegmatite appears to be geochemically similar to the Bell Creek granite and Grizzly pegmatite. The Crockley pegmatite is genetically related to the Humboldt granite. The Groveland Mine, Sturgeon River, and Hwy69 pegmatites appear to be a product of the Peavy Pond Complex being contaminated with the Marquette Range Super Group. Contamination and anatexis have made classification of the granites and pegmatites problematic. The Grizzly should be classified as a primitive LCT-type even though this pegmatite lacks characteristic enrichment associated with LCT pegmatites. Mineralogical geochemistry reveals that the Republic Mine is relatively more primitive than other pegmatites and should be classified as a primitive Mixed-type pegmatite. Groveland Mine has mineralogy and geochemistry not normally associated with NYF-type pegmatites and should be classified as Mixed. The Crockley pegmatite should be classified as NYF-type with a primitive LCT overprint. Dolfin, Hwy69, Sturgeon River, and Black River pegmatites should be classified as Rare Element, REE, NYF-type, although the Black River has slight tantalum enrichment expressed in columbite group minerals

    The contribution of massive haloes to the matter power spectrum in the presence of AGN feedback

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    The clustering of matter, as measured by the matter power spectrum, informs us about dark matter and cosmology, as well as baryonic effects on the distribution of matter in the universe. Using cosmological hydrodynamical simulations from the cosmo-OWLS and BAHAMAS simulation projects, we investigate the contribution of power in haloes with various masses, defined by particles within some overdensity region, to the full power spectrum, as well as the power ratio between baryonic and dark matter only (DMO) simulations for a matched (between simulations) and an unmatched set of haloes. We find that the presence of AGN feedback suppresses the power on all scales for haloes of all masses examined (1011.25≤M500,crit≤1014.75 M⊙/h10^{11.25}\leq M_{500,\mathrm{crit}}\leq 10^{14.75}\,\mathrm{M_\odot}/h), by ejecting matter from within r500,cr_{500,\mathrm{c}} to r200,mr_{200,\mathrm{m}} and potentially beyond in massive haloes (M500,crit≳1013 M⊙/hM_{500,\mathrm{crit}}\gtrsim 10^{13}\,\mathrm{M_\odot}/h), and likely impeding the growth of lower-mass haloes as a consequence. A lower AGN feedback temperature drastically changes the behaviour of high-mass haloes (M500,crit≥1013.25 M⊙/hM_{500,\mathrm{crit}}\geq 10^{13.25}\,\mathrm{M_\odot}/h), damping the effects of AGN feedback at small scales, k ≳ 4 h Mpc−1k\,\gtrsim\,4\,h\mathrm{\,Mpc^{-1}}. For k ≲ 3 h Mpc−1k\,\lesssim\,3\,h\mathrm{\,Mpc^{-1}}, group-sized haloes (1014±0.25 M⊙/h10^{14\pm0.25}\, \mathrm{M_\odot}/h) dominate the power spectrum, while on smaller scales the combined contributions of lower-mass haloes to the full power spectrum rise above that of the group-sized haloes. Finally, we present a model for the power suppression due to feedback, which combines observed mean halo baryon fractions with halo mass fractions and halo-matter cross-spectra extracted from dark matter only simulations to predict the power suppression to percent-level accuracy down to k ≈ 10 h Mpc−1k\,\approx\,10\,h\mathrm{\,Mpc^{-1}} without any free parameters.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to MNRA

    The impact of baryonic processes on the two-point correlation functions of galaxies, subhaloes and matter

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    The observed clustering of galaxies and the cross-correlation of galaxies and mass provide important constraints on both cosmology and models of galaxy formation. Even though the dissipation and feedback processes associated with galaxy formation are thought to affect the distribution of matter, essentially all models used to predict clustering data are based on collisionless simulations. Here, we use large hydrodynamical simulations to investigate how galaxy formation affects the autocorrelation functions of galaxies and subhaloes, as well as their cross-correlation with matter. We show that the changes due to the inclusion of baryons are not limited to small scales and are even present in samples selected by subhalo mass. Samples selected by subhalo mass cluster ~10% more strongly in a baryonic run on scales r > 1Mpc/h, and this difference increases for smaller separations. While the inclusion of baryons boosts the clustering at fixed subhalo mass on all scales, the sign of the effect on the cross-correlation of subhaloes with matter can vary with radius. We show that the large-scale effects are due to the change in subhalo mass caused by the strong feedback associated with galaxy formation and may therefore not affect samples selected by number density. However, on scales r < r_vir significant differences remain after accounting for the change in subhalo mass. We conclude that predictions for galaxy-galaxy and galaxy-mass clustering from models based on collisionless simulations will have errors greater than 10% on sub-Mpc scales, unless the simulation results are modified to correctly account for the effects of baryons on the distributions of mass and satellites.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures. Replaced to match the version accepted by MNRA

    A cross-correlation-based estimate of the galaxy luminosity function

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