9 research outputs found

    A Taxonomy of Explainable Bayesian Networks

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    Artificial Intelligence (AI), and in particular, the explainability thereof, has gained phenomenal attention over the last few years. Whilst we usually do not question the decision-making process of these systems in situations where only the outcome is of interest, we do however pay close attention when these systems are applied in areas where the decisions directly influence the lives of humans. It is especially noisy and uncertain observations close to the decision boundary which results in predictions which cannot necessarily be explained that may foster mistrust among end-users. This drew attention to AI methods for which the outcomes can be explained. Bayesian networks are probabilistic graphical models that can be used as a tool to manage uncertainty. The probabilistic framework of a Bayesian network allows for explainability in the model, reasoning and evidence. The use of these methods is mostly ad hoc and not as well organised as explainability methods in the wider AI research field. As such, we introduce a taxonomy of explainability in Bayesian networks. We extend the existing categorisation of explainability in the model, reasoning or evidence to include explanation of decisions. The explanations obtained from the explainability methods are illustrated by means of a simple medical diagnostic scenario. The taxonomy introduced in this paper has the potential not only to encourage end-users to efficiently communicate outcomes obtained, but also support their understanding of how and, more importantly, why certain predictions were made

    Die ersten Kreuzberger

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    Roeckner K. Die ersten Kreuzberger. In: Düspohl M, ed. Kleine Kreuzberggeschichte. Berlin: Berlin Story Verlag; 2009: 11-17

    Implementing the United Nations’ sustainable development goals for water and beyond in Australia: A proposed systems approach

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    The 17 United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) form an internationally-agreed agenda for development, and include a dedicated goal for water and sanitation (SDG 6). Yet, the presentation of the SDGs potentially invites appraisal and response ‘goal-by-goal’- to the possible neglect of the mutual influences between them.We applied a systems approach to understand the interrelationships in an Australian context. While there are multiple potential ‘readings’ of these interrelationships, our approach is intended to initiate debate around the SDG commitments. We found the SDGs for global partnerships (SDG 17) and climate action (SDG 13) are enabling influences for the other goals, and the SDG for health (SDG 3) is influenced by all the other goals. Within SDG 6, we found that integrated water resources management target (SDG 6.5) is key to achieving the other targets. Inter-sectoral collaboration by government agencies will be essential to progress achievement of the SDGs

    The Unbearable Closeness of The East: Embodied Micro-Economies of Difference, Belonging, and Intersecting Marginalities in Post-Socialist Berlin

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    This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Urban Geography on 11 Apr 2013, available online: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/02723638.2013.778630This article examines micro-politics of belonging in the post-socialist outskirts of Berlin- Marzahn, one of new urban immigrant settlement areas in Europe. More specifically, it focuses on what locals perceive as an acceptance-precluding conspicuous presence of nominally white immigrants of German ancestry from the former Soviet Union, the Aussiedler (resettlers). Thus the paper outlines how long-term residents read and interpret these immigrants’ everyday embodiments, constructing what I call micro-economies of embodied difference, in order to mark the latter as Eastern-European and thus non-belonging. In order to make sense of such practices, the article examines the embeddedness of this suburban locality in extra-local politics of belonging, showing how Marzahn and its old-time residents have themselves become postwall Berlin’s (and Germany’s) internal Others, saturated with uncommodifiable traces of now denigrated state-socialist Easternness. I suggest that in such a context these residents’ practice of ascription of the unwanted Easternness to recent immigrants works to deflect it in order to buttress their own claims to full membership citizenship in the unified Germany they feel they have been excluded from so far

    Binocular rivalry in children with schizophrenia: the conscious and unconscious cognitive processing of interpersonal information

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    背景: 儿童期精神分裂是一种严重的精神障碍,有理论认为其认知功能无论是意识水平还是潜意识水平都存在异常。但目前尚无针对儿童期精神分裂的潜意识认知功能研究。 目的: 开发新的双眼竞争测验版本,用于评估个体在意识和潜意识状态下对人际交往信息的认知加工过程,并依此判断儿童期精神分裂症患者的社会认知功能是否受损。 方法: 选取3种不同类型的图片(图片中无人物、有2~3个人物、有4个及以上的人物)共30张,这些图片在双眼竞争测验不可见模式(存在双眼竞争性抑制,反映潜意识状态下认知加工)和可见模式(无双眼竞争性抑制,反映意识状态下)中展示。对15名年龄&le;16岁、以妄想为主要症状的精神分裂症患者及15名健康儿童进行双眼竞争测验,通过对目标图片出现后立即在其左侧或右侧出现光栅的方向的判别来比较两组儿童的正确率,并比较两组间的反应时间。 结果: 患者组对所有类型图片中光栅方向判断的正确率均低于对照组,但是12对比较中仅2对的差异有统计学意义。与对照组相比,无论是在可见模式还是非可见模式下,患者对人物图片的注意要比对无人图片的注意有所增加,但无显著性意义。我们并未发现精神病性症状的严重程度与对图像认知加工的受损程度之间存在任何关联。当要求被试对三组图片进行评分时,患者组对存在2~3个人物的图片报告的高兴程度明显高于对照组的评分,差异有统计学意义。 结论: 儿童期精神分裂症患者对描绘人际关系的图片注意一定程度的增加,提示该病与社会信息的认知处理过程受损相关,但目前结果尚不能证实这一关系。我们将双眼竞争范式应用于认知功能差异的研究,只是取得部分的成功,其主要原因是该测验中对不同类型图片的反应注意量的关键指标存在较大的变异。</p