183 research outputs found

    Whither Evidentialist Reliabilism?

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    Evidentialism and Reliabilism are two of the main contemporary theories of epistemic justification. Some authors have thought that the theories are not incompatible with each other, and that a hybrid theory which incorporates elements of both should be taken into account. More recently, other authors have argued that the resulting theory is well- placed to deal with fine-grained doxastic attitudes (credences). In this paper I review the reasons for adopting this kind of hybrid theory, paying attention to the case of credences and the notion of probability involved in their treatment. I argue that the notion of probability in question can only be an epistemic (or evidential) kind of probability. I conclude that the resulting theory will be incompatible with Reliabilism in one important respect: it cannot deliver on the reductivist promise of Reliabilism. I also argue that attention to the justification of basic beliefs reveals limitations in the Evidentialist framework as well. The theory that results from the right combination of Evidentialism and Reliabilism, therefore, is neither Evidentialist nor Reliabilist

    Lectura feminista de algunos textos de Hannah Arendt.

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    El presente trabajo niuestra que la aproxiniación arendtiana a la política nos proporciona nuevas perspectivas de análisis para la Teoría feminista. Estudiaremos la interpretación arendtiana del poder como potencialidad, destacando los conceptos de pluralidad, acción>' palabra. También oposiciones como: privado/público, necesidad/libertad, labor-trabajo/acción. Indagaremos además si la noción arendtiana de parma es aplicable a las mujeres, reflexionando igualmente sobre el valor de su análisis de los Derecitos Hunianos para la Teoría ferninista. Arendt no se interesó particularniente por la problemática de la condición fenienina. Pero su obra contiene suficientes ideas liberadoras que rnerecen ser consideradas

    Investigar en tiempos de crisis: pensar, juzgar, actuar. Research in Times of Crisis: Thoughts, Judgments and Actions

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    For the purpose of reflecting on the pertinence of philosophy in confronting the challenges of our times, we develop the Arendtian concept of thought as a decisive activity in elucidating the moral character of our actions and in our search for sense which eventually becomes judgment, when we consider the faculties that philosophy inherently contain in relation to human affairs This paper presents intercultural philosophy as an example of how philosophy works in times of crisi

    Aproximación a la obra de una teóloga ecofeminista

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    We present here a detailed analysis of Rosemary Radford Ruether’s book Gaia and God. This book has threefold roots: it is written from an ecological, theological and feminist perspective. Gaia and God approaches the ecological problem from a religious perspective of the world, particularly that of monotheistic religions and traditions that converge in Christianity. These religions and traditions are: the Jewish religion, Hellenist-Greek philosophy, particularly Plato, and gnosticism. To all of these we add the new science of the XVII Century. This represents the culmination of western thought based on the idea of a unique transcendental being, God, the Creator of all things, who subjects his most perfect creature: the human male, unto whom the human female is likewise subjected. According to this vision, the Earth and all that exists is at the service of man, and he must dominate it, exploit it and extract from it all his wealth. This is a patriarchal vision that turns out to be profoundly destructive and repine for Gaia, the Earth, who the author attempts to salvage through a proposed eco-feminist theology.Presentamos aquí un análisis detallado del libro de Rosemary Radford Ruether Gaia y Dios. Esta obra tiene una triple raíz: está escrita desde una perspectiva ecológica, teológica y feminista. Gaia y Dios aborda el problema ecológico a partir de una visión religiosa del mundo, particularmente la de las religiones y tradiciones monoteístas convergentes en el cristianismo. Estas religiones y tradiciones son: la religión hebrea y la filosofía griego-helénica, particularmente Platón y el gnosticismo. A todo ello hay que sumar la nueva ciencia en el siglo XVII. Esto representa la culminación del pensamiento occidental basado en la idea de un Ser Unico Trascendental, Dios, creador de todas las cosas, que somete a su creatura más perfecta: el varón, al cual queda también sometida la mujer. Según esta visión, la Tierra y todo lo que existe está al servicio del hombre, y éste debe dominarla, explotarla y extraer de ella todas sus riquezas. Es esta visión patriarcal la que resulta profundamente destructora y depredadora para Gaia, la Tierra, que la autora propone recuperar a través de su propuesta de una teología ecofeminista. Palabras clave: Teología, ecología, feminism

    Characterization of Collagen from Different Discarded Fish Species of the West Coast of the Iberian Peninsula

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    13 páginas, 5 tablas, 3 figuras.-- This is an open Access article. Non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly attributed, cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built upon in any way, is permitted. The moral rights of the named author(s) have been asserted.Skin collagen of six discarded fish species was analyzed and compared. Acid soluble collagen (ASC) was extracted; a characteristic sodium dodecyl sulfate- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) profile for type I collagen was obtained, except for Chimaera mostrosa. Contents of collagen calculated from HPro (31.85% average) were higher than those determined from ASC extracts (17.75% average), with Galeus spp. being the species with the higher percentage. Amino acid analysis revealed the typical composition of collagen, with very few differences among species. Specific profiles were obtained after protease digestion. Denaturation temperature of ASC correlated well with imino and hydroxyproline contents. Results demonstrate the feasibility of using the obtained collagens in different industrial applicationsThis work was funded by European Union FEDER POCTEP Project 0330_IBEROMARE_1_P, European Union FEDER Atlantic Area Project MARMED-2011-1/164, Xunta de Galicia Project 10TAL011E, and a contract with the “Cooperativa de Armadores del Puerto de Vigo” and FROM (Ministery of Environment, Rural and Maritime Affairs, Spain)Peer reviewe

    Valorization alternatives for a highly unused biomass (Small-spotted catshark discards and by-products) in the framework of LIFE iSEAS project

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    1 póster presentado en el Total Food Conference 2014 Science and technology for the economic and sustainable exploitation of agri-food chain wastes and co-products, Norwich, Uk, 11-13 November (2014)The authors thank the finnancial support received from the LIFE + Program of the European Union (LIFE Project‐ LIFE13 ENV/ES/000131N

    Optimisation of the extraction and purification of chondroitin sulphate from head by-products of Prionace glauca by environmental friendly processes

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    8 páginas, 3 figuras, 3 tablasThe goal of the present work was to optimise the different environmental friendly processes involved in the extraction and purification of chondroitin sulphate (CS) from Prionace glauca head wastes. The experimental development was based on second order rotatable designs and evaluated by response surface methodology combined with a previous kinetic approach. The sequential stages optimised were: (1) the enzymatic hydrolysis of head cartilage catalysed by alcalase (55.7 °C/pH 8.2); (2) the chemical treatment of enzyme hydrolysates by means of alkaline-hydroalcoholic saline solutions (NaOH: 0.54 M, EtOH: 1.17 v, NaCl: 2.5%) to end the protein hydrolysis and to precipitate and selectively redissolve CS versus the peptidic material and (3) the selective purification and concentration of CS and the concomitant protein permeation of extracts which were obtained from previous treatment using ultrafiltration and diafiltration (UF–DF) technologies at two different cut-offsFinancial support from projects MARMED 2011-1/164 (Atlantic Area Programme, EU), 0687_NOVOMAR_1_P (POCTEP Programme, EU) and iSEAS LIFE13 ENV/ES/000131 (LIFE+ Programme, EU) is acknowledgedPeer reviewe

    Effect of soluble collagen hydrolysate from Prionace glauca skin in the expression of human fibroblast collagen

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    1 póster presentado al 5TH Trans-Atlantic Fisheries Technology Conference (45th) WEFTA MeetingSeafood discards and by-products represent a management and environmental problem for the fishery industry. In last European CFP (UE)1380/2013 regulation, stakeholders are encouraged to find alternative uses for these discards and subproducts different from direct human consumption. One potential for these materials is obtaining high value-added products such as proteins with technological properties (collagen and gelatins), peptides with functional properties (antimicrobial activities, antioxidant, antiproliferative and anti-hypertensive) or hemo-pigments (myoglobin).The authors are grateful to the “Programa Operativo FEDER, Cooperación Transfronteriza España-Portugal” for the financial support through the projet 0687_NOVOMAR_1P.Peer reviewe