246 research outputs found

    Ultrasonographic appearance of early embryonic mortality in buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

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    Embryonic mortality is one of the main causes responsible of the decline in fertility that occurs in buffaloes during periods of increasing daylight length (out sexual breeding season). Transrectal ultrasonography for pregnancy diagnosis offers some advantages over palpation per rectum: earlier diagnosis of pregnancy/non-pregnancy, determination of embryo/fetus viability, reduction of misdiagnosis, and reduction of .potential. iatrogenic embryo/fetal attrition. Non pregnant buffaloes on Day 25 after AI showed higher Resistive Index (RI) (P<0.05) and Pulsatility Index (P=0.07) values, registered on CL on Days 10 after AI, compared to pregnant buffaloes. RI values were significantly higher (P=0.02) in non pregnant buffaloes also on Day 45 after AI. Colour Doppler sonography could be used to gain specific information relating to the ovarian blood flow in predicting early embryonic loss and to describe the ultrasonographic features of early embryonic death in buffaloes

    The HELLAS2XMM survey. IX. Spectroscopic identification of super-EROs hosting AGNs

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    We present VLT near-IR spectroscopic observations of three X-ray sources characterized by extremely high X-ray-to-optical ratios (X/O>40), extremely red colors (6.3<R-K<7.4, i.e. EROs) and bright infrared magnitudes (17.6<K<18.3). These objects are very faint in the optical, making their spectroscopic identification extremely challenging. Instead, our near-IR spectroscopic observations have been successful in identifying the redshift of two of them (z=2.08 and z=1.35), and tentatively even of the third one (z=2.13). When combined with the X-ray properties, our results clearly indicate that all these objects host obscured QSOs (4e44 < L(2-10keV) < 1.5e45 erg/s, 2e22 < N_H < 4e23 cm-2) at high redshift. The only object with unresolved morphology in the K band shows broad Halpha emission, but not broad Hbeta, implying a type 1.9 AGN classification. The other two objects are resolved and dominated by the host galaxy light in the K band, and appear relatively quiescent: one of them has a LINER-like emission line spectrum and the other presents only a single, weak emission line which we tentatively identify with Halpha. The galaxy luminosities for the latter two objects are an order of magnitude brighter than typical local L* galaxies and the derived stellar masses are well in excess of 10^11 Msun. For these objects we estimate black hole masses higher than 10^9 Msun and we infer that they are radiating at Eddington ratios L/L_Edd < 0.1. We discuss the implications of these findings for the coevolution of galaxies and black hole growth. Our results provide further support that X-ray sources with high X/O ratios and very red colors tend to host obscured QSO in very massive galaxies at high redshift.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Noninvasive Ultrasound Monitoring of Embryonic and Fetal Development in Chinchilla lanigera to Predict Gestational Age: Preliminary Evaluation of This Species as a Novel Animal Model of Human Pregnancy

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    Ultrasound is a noninvasive routine method that allows real-time monitoring of fetal development in utero to determine gestational age and to detect congenital anomalies and multiple pregnancies. To date, the developmental biology of Chinchilla lanigera has not yet been characterized. This species has been found to undergo placentation, long gestation, and fetal dimensions similar to those in humans. The aim of this study was to assess the use of high-frequency ultrasound (HFUS) and clinical ultrasound (US) to predict gestational age in chinchillas and evaluate the possibility of this species as a new animal model for the study of human pregnancy. In this study, 35 pregnant females and a total of 74 embryos and fetuses were monitored. Ultrasound examination was feasible in almost all chinchilla subjects. It was possible to monitor the chinchilla embryo with HFUS from embryonic day (E) 15 to 60 and with US from E15 to E115 due to fetus dimensions. The placenta could be visualized and measured with HFUS from E15, but not with US until E30. From E30, the heartbeat became detectable and it was possible to measure fetal biometrics. In the late stages of pregnancy, stomach, eyes, and lenses became visible. Our study demonstrated the importance of employing both techniques while monitoring embryonic and fetal development to obtain an overall and detailed view of all structures and to recognize any malformation at an early stage. Pregnancy in chinchillas can be confirmed as early as the 15th day postmating, and sonographic changes and gestational age are well correlated. The quantitative measurements of fetal and placental growth performed in this study could be useful in setting up a database for comparison with human fetal ultrasounds. We speculate that, in the future, the chinchilla could be used as an animal model for the study of US in human pregnancy

    The HELLAS2XMM survey: XI. Unveiling the nature of X-ray Bright Optically Normal Galaxies

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    X-ray Bright Optically Normal Galaxies (XBONGs) constitute a small but not negligible fraction of hard X-ray selected sources in recent Chandra and XMM-Newton surveys. Even though several possibilities were proposed to explain why a relatively luminous hard X-ray source does not leave any significant signature of its presence in terms of optical emission lines, the nature of XBONGs is still subject of debate. We aim to a better understanding of their nature by means of a multiwavelength and morphological analysis of a small sample of these sources. Good-quality photometric near-infrared data (ISAAC/VLT) of four low-redshift (z=0.1-0.3) XBONGs, selected from the HELLAS2XMM survey, have been used to search for the presence of the putative nucleus, applying the surface-brightness decomposition technique through the least-squares fitting program GALFIT. The surface brightness decomposition allows us to reveal a nuclear point-like source, likely to be responsible of the X-ray emission, in two out of the four sources. The results indicate that moderate amounts of gas and dust, covering a large solid angle (possibly 4pi) at the nuclear source, combined with the low nuclear activity, may explain the lack of optical emission lines. The third XBONG is associated with an X-ray extended source and no nuclear excess is detected in the near infrared at the limits of our observations. The last source is associated to a close (d< 1 arcsec) double system and the fitting procedure cannot achieve a firm conclusion.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, A&A in pres

    The Richness and Beauty of the Physics of Cosmological Recombination: The Contributions from Helium

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    The physical ingredients to describe the epoch of cosmological recombination are amazingly simple and well-understood. This fact allows us to take into account a very large variety of processes, still finding potentially measurable consequences. In this contribution we highlight some of the detailed physics that were recently studied in connection with cosmological hydrogen and helium recombination. The impact of these considerations is two-fold: (i) the associated release of photons during this epoch leads to interesting and unique deviations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) energy spectrum from a perfect blackbody, which, in particular at decimeter wavelength, may become observable in the near future. Despite the fact that the abundance of helium is rather small, it also contributes a sizeable amount of photons to the full recombination spectrum, which, because of differences in the dynamics of the helium recombinations and the non-trivial superposition of all components, lead to additional distinct spectral features. Observing the spectral distortions from the epochs of hydrogen and helium recombination, in principle would provide an additional way to determine some of the key parameters of the Universe (e.g. the specific entropy, the CMB monopole temperature and the pre-stellar abundance of helium), not suffering from limitations set by cosmic variance. Also it permits us to confront our detailed understanding of the recombination process with direct observational evidence. (ii) with the advent of high precision CMB data, e.g. as will be available using the Planck Surveyor or CMBpol, a very accurate theoretical understanding of the ionization history of the Universe becomes necessary for the interpretation of the CMB temperature and polarization anisotropies. (abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, proceedings of the conference: "A Century of Cosmology: Past, Present and Future

    DNA fragmentation and morphometric studies in sperm of stallions supplemented with maca (Lepidium meyenii)

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    The reproductive performances of livestock play an essential role in the economic management of the farm. The improvement of semen quantity and quality through the use of food supplements that lack substances which are forbidden in animal feeding, or that may have detrimental effects, is an important goal. Maca (Lepidium meyenii) is a plant that has been used for centuries in the Andes for nutrition and fertility enhancement in humans and animals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of food supplementation of stallions with maca during the breeding season on spermatozoa parameters such as DNA fragmentation and shape, which are two predictive indexes of spermatozoa functionality. For this purpose, ejaculate volume, semen gel-free volume, sperm concentration and motility, total sperm count, sperm DNA fragmentation and sperm head parameters (length, width, perimeter, area, shape factor, roughness) were measured in four stallions. Maca food supplementation in stallions during breeding reduced the percentage of spermatozoa with fragmented DNA, increased significantly sperm concentration and exerted an elongation of the spermatozoa head, a condition that is believed to improve spermatozoa functionality, suggesting that food supplementation of maca could be useful in horse breeding during the breeding season

    Effects of Oral Administration of Lepidium meyenii on Morphology of Mice Testis and Motility of Epididymal Sperm Cells After Tetrahydrocannabinol Exposure

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    Background: Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) administration is associated with testicular damage and reduced semen quality. Oral administration of Lepidium Meyenii (maca) improves spermatogenesis and sperm motility and count and reduces spermatogenic damage. Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of administration of THC, maca, and their combination on testicular tissue and semen parameters. Materials and Methods: Thirty-six-week-old male mice were classified into control, THC, Maca, and THC + Maca groups. The mice were subjected to Eco Color Doppler ultrasound examination of the testicles before and after treatment. After euthanasia, the epididymis, testes, liver, and kidney were collected for histological examination. For morphometry of the testis, tubular diameters and seminiferous epithelium height were measured. Sperm concentration and sperm motilities were assessed. Differences among the groups were assessed using the Kruskal–Wallis and Dunn's post-hoc test. Results: In all the groups, there were no significant changes in testicular morphology before and after treatment. Histological assessment of the testes showed no alterations in control, no significant alterations in Maca, mild to moderate alterations in THC, and mild alterations in THC + Maca groups. Histological examination of the other organs showed no significant differences among the groups. Tubular diameter showed significantly increased thickening for THC and THC + Maca compared with that for Maca and control. Moreover, seminiferous epithelium height decreased for THC compared with that in the control, Maca, and THC + Maca groups. No statistically significant reduction in the spermatogenic index was observed for THC compared with that for Maca and THC + Maca. Epididymal cross-sections of the groups showed no significant alterations. Sperm concentration and motility were higher for control and THC + Maca groups than in group THC and Maca. Conclusion: In vivo maca administration reduced the deleterious effect of THC on testicular parenchyma and semen production

    The HELLAS2XMM survey. X. The bolometric output of luminous obscured quasars: The Spitzer perspective

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    Aims: We aim at estimating the spectral energy distributions (SEDs) and the physical parameters related to the black holes harbored in eight high X-ray-to-optical (F_X/F_R>10) obscured quasars at z>0.9 selected in the 2--10 keV band from the HELLAS2XMM survey. Methods: We use IRAC and MIPS 24 micron observations, along with optical and Ks-band photometry, to obtain the SEDs of the sources. The observed SEDs are modeled using a combination of an elliptical template and torus emission (using the phenomenological templates of Silva et al. 2004) for six sources associated with passive galaxies; for two point-like sources, the empirical SEDs of red quasars are adopted. The bolometric luminosities and the M_BH-L_K relation are used to provide an estimate of the masses and Eddington ratios of the black holes residing in these AGN. Results: All of our sources are detected in the IRAC and MIPS (at 24 micron) bands. The SED modeling described above is in good agreement with the observed near- and mid-infrared data. The derived bolometric luminosities are in the range ~10^45-10^47 erg s^-1, and the median 2--10 keV bolometric correction is ~25, consistent with the widely adopted value derived by Elvis et al. (1994). For the objects with elliptical-like profiles in the K_s band, we derive high stellar masses (0.8-6.2)X10^11 Mo, black hole masses in the range (0.2-2.5)X10^9 Mo, and Eddington ratios L/L_Edd<0.1, suggesting a low-accretion phase.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, A&A accepted. Typo corrected in the titl
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