17 research outputs found

    Comparison of Lures Loaded with Codlemone and Pear Ester for Capturing Codling Moths, Cydia pomonella, in Apple and Pear Orchards using Mating Disruption

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    Studies were conducted in apple, Malus domestica Borkhausen and pear, Pyrus communis L. (Rosales: Rosaceae), orchards to evaluate the attractiveness of grey halobutyl septa loaded with 1 (L2) and 10 (Mega) mg of codlemone, 8E, 10E-dodecadien-1-ol, 3 mg of pear ester, ethyl (E,Z)-2,4-decadienoate (DA2313), and 3 mg of pear ester plus 3 mg of codlemone (Combo) to adult codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). All studies were conducted in orchards treated with pheromone mating disruption. All four lures were tested on diamond-shaped sticky traps placed in 60 plots of apple and 40 plots of pears in 2003/04, and in 62 plots of apples and 30 of pears in 2004–05. Combo lures attracted significantly more moths (males + females) than all the others in both years. Comparisons among flights showed significant differences mainly for flight 1 and 2, but not always for flight 3. Mega lures provided no significant improvement compared with L2 lures during both seasons regarding the total number of moths. Combo and DA2313 lures attracted fewer females than males during the whole season. For most sample dates, more virgin than mated females were attracted to Combo lures, except during the third flight, and the overall ratio was 60:40, although the difference was not statistically significant. We conclude that the Combo lures are better indicators of codling moth activity in pheromone treated orchards, regardless of pest population level, when compared with similar lures containing codlemone or pear ester alone

    Desarrollo de un sistema de gestión del monitoreo de plagas en cultivos frutales en el Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén : Proxenus V2.0

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    La consolidación y crecimiento de la fruticultura en los mercados internacionales está vinculada con diversos factores, con creciente énfasis en la calidad e inocuidad tanto de la fruta en fresco como de los jugos concentrados. El manejo sanitario de las plantaciones juega un papel fundamental, no sólo deben controlarse las plagas y enfermedades sino que además, debe velarse por el cuidado del ambiente, la salud humana y la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos. La trazabilidad de los procesos en base a registros debidamente consolidados, es una exigencia para poder acceder a los sistemas de certificación de Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas (EUREP-GAP). Con este objetivo se ha desarrollado un sistema de gestión del monitoreo de plagas en frutales de pepita, que permite registrar la información colectada a campo y producir reportes que servirán tanto para la toma de decisiones por parte del productor, como para dar trazabilidad y certificación de la producción obtenida. El sistema está basado en una aplicación HTML, que utiliza el servidor PHP para generar las páginas. Las aplicaciones instaladas son Apache Web Server 2.2, PHP 5.3.3 y el motor de base de datos MySQL 5.1.49. El aplicativo permite emitir reportes y gráficas parametrizables por el usuario y ofrece como alternativa realizar la exportación de los datos para ser procesados en planillas de cálculo. El acceso se realiza en forma remota a través de la página web del INTA Alto Valle.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Desarrollo de un sistema de gestión del monitoreo de plagas en frutales de pepita (pera y manzana)

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    La consolidación y crecimiento de la fruticultura en los mercados internacionales está vinculada con diversos factores, destacándose entre ellos el volumen y la calidad del producto ofrecido. El manejo sanitario de las plantaciones juega un papel fundamental, ya que no sólo deben controlarse las plagas y enfermedades sino que además, debe velarse por el cuidado del ambiente, la salud humana y la eficiencia en el uso de los recursos. Hoy más que una opción, la trazabilidad de los procesos en base a registros debidamente consolidados, es una exigencia para poder acceder a los sistemas de certificación de Buenas Prácticas Agrícolas. Con este objetivo se ha desarrollado un sistema de gestión del monitoreo de plagas en frutales de pepita, que permite registrar la información colectada a campo y producir reportes que servirán tanto para la toma de decisiones por parte del productor, como para dar trazabilidad y certificar las actividades desarrolladas. El sistema está basado en tecnología Microsoft Office Access para Windows como gestor de base de datos y entorno de desarrollo Visual Basic for Applications. Próximamente se iniciará la etapa de prueba a campo con productores frutícolas de la región del Alto Valle de Río Negro y Neuquén.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Oxidative Stress Mediates Physiological Costs of Begging in Magpie (Pica pica) Nestlings

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    [Background] Theoretical models predict that a cost is necessary to guarantee honesty in begging displays given by offspring to solicit food from their parents. There is evidence for begging costs in the form of a reduced growth rate and immunocompetence. Moreover, begging implies vigorous physical activity and attentiveness, which should increase metabolism and thus the releasing of pro-oxidant substances. Consequently, we predict that soliciting offspring incur a cost in terms of oxidative stress, and growth rate and immune response (processes that generate pro-oxidants substances) are reduced in order to maintain oxidative balance. [Methodology/Principal Findings] We test whether magpie (Pica pica) nestlings incur a cost in terms of oxidative stress when experimentally forced to beg intensively, and whether oxidative balance is maintained by reducing growth rate and immune response. Our results show that begging provokes oxidative stress, and that nestlings begging for longer bouts reduce growth and immune response, thereby maintaining their oxidative status. [Conclusions/Significance] These findings help explaining the physiological link between begging and its associated growth and immunocompetence costs, which seems to be mediated by oxidative stress. Our study is a unique example of the complex relationships between the intensity of a communicative display (begging), oxidative stress, and life-history traits directly linked to viability.GM-R was supported by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, “Juan de la Cierva” program), and TR was supported by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC; Proyectos Intramurales Especiales)

    Worldwide variability of insecticide resistance mechanisms in the codling moth, Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

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    The activity of detoxifying enzymes (glutathione-S-transferases (GST), mixed-function oxidases (MFO), and esterases (EST)) and the presence of insensitive variants of target proteins (sodium channel and acetylcholinesterase) were examined in individual male and female codling moths. Twenty-nine populations from 11 countries and two laboratory strains were examined. Populations were classified as either unsprayed or sprayed. The ranges of enzyme activities across field populations varied 15-fold, 485-fold and fourfold for GST, MFO and EST, respectively. MFO was the only enzyme whose activity differed in 1 binomial classification of orchards based on their spray history. Few differences in enzyme activities were found due to sex among populations; and, in these cases, males had higher GST and lower MFO and EST activities than females. Activities of the three enzymatic systems across all Populations were positively correlated. Populations from Greece, Argentina and Uruguay had significant percentages of moths with elevated GST and MFO activities. The co-occurrence of moths expressing both elevated MFO and low EST activities was found in conventional orchards from the Czech Republic and France. Chile was the only Country where Populations from treated orchards did not include a significant proportion of individuals with enhanced enzyme activity. The kdr mutation was found at significant levels in ten Populations from five countries, including all French and Argentinean populations. The mutation in AChE was only detected in the Spanish Population

    New records of the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in the South American continent

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    El presente estudio presenta cuatro nuevos registros de Drosophila suzukii Matsumura, 1931 (Diptera: Drosophilidae) en Argentina, extendiendo el área de su distribución geográfica en América del Sur. Un primer registro se localiza al este, en la mesopotamia Argentina, aquí las moscas fueron capturadas en plantaciones de moras y naranjas. Otro registro se localiza en Ticucho, Provincia de Tucumán, al noroeste del registro previo y en huésped desconocido, posiblemente cactus Opuntia. Finalmente, los otros dos registros fueron realizados en plantaciones de frambuesas en localidades de la región Patagónica, siendo los registros más australes de esta especie en el continente. A modo de revisión de la invasión de esta especie plaga en el continente, se recopilan todos los registros de D. suzukii en América del Sur publicados hasta la fecha. Los datos apoyan el escenario de una invasión incipiente de D. suzukii en áreas localizadas en latitudes meridionales de América del Sur. El establecimiento de D. suzukii en estas nuevas áreas puede implicar daños potenciales y pérdidas económicas para las economías regionale

    Mortalidade do ácaro predador Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) em testes de toxicidade residual de inseticidas e acaricidas usuais em pomáceas Mortality of predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus (Acari: Phytoseiidae) in residual toxicity persistence tests

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    Os ácaros fitoseídeos, especialmente Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), são importantes agentes de controle biológico de ácaros tetraniquídeos-praga nas culturas de pomáceas no "Alto Valle del Río Negro y Neuquén", Argentina. Neste trabalho, avaliou-se a mortalidade de N. californicus quando exposto a resíduos dos inseticidas azimphos-methyl, carbaryl e cyfluthrin, e dos acaricidas cyhexatin e propargite. Os produtos foram aplicados às concentrações recomendadas em plantas de pereira. Um, três, seis e dez dias após a aplicação (DAA), folhas tratadas foram retiradas das plantas para a preparação de unidades experimentais. Cinco adultos de N. californicus, provenientes de criação-estoque, foram transferidos para cada unidade, onde pólen de taboa foi fornecido como alimento. As unidades foram mantidas a 25 ± 2 ºC, 60 ± 10% de umidade relativa e fotoperíodo de 14 h. A mortalidade do ácaro foi avaliada 24 h após o confinamento. As médias de mortalidade foram comparadas pelo teste de Dunnett, a 5% de probabilidade. A progressão do declínio do efeito dos produtos testados foi submetida à análise de regressão. Nas duas primeiras datas de avaliação, todos os produtos apresentaram valores de mortalidade significativamente diferentes da testemunha tratada com água. Seis dias após a aplicação, propargite, cyhexatin e cyfluthrin apresentaram mortalidade de aproximadamente 30%, enquanto a mortalidade nos tratamentos azimphos-methyl e carbaryl apresentou níveis estatisticamente similares aos da testemunha. Dez dias após a aplicação, a mortalidade em todos os tratamentos não diferiu significativamente da testemunha. O efeito de todos os produtos apresentou declínio progressivo ao longo do período de observação, sendo significativa a 1% de probabilidade a regressão linear negativa para os valores obtidos. Os maiores efeitos negativos sobre a sobrevivência de N. californicus corresponderam aos acaricidas testados. Azimphos-methyl foi o produto que menos afetou a sobrevivência do ácaro predador. Os inseticidas testados, usados na região do "Alto Valle del Río Negro y Neuquén" para o controle de Cydia pomonella, praga-chave das culturas de pomáceas, apresentaram baixa toxicidade sobre N. californicus.<br>Phytoseiid mites, mainly Neoseiulus californicus (McGregor), are important biological control agents of Tetranychidae pest mites in pip fruit crops in the region known as "Alto Valle del Río Negro y Neuquén", Argentina. We assessed the mortality of N. californicus when exposed to residues of the insecticides azimphos-methyl, carbaryl and cyfluthrin, as well as the acaricides cyhexatin and propargite. Pear plants were sprayed up to dip-point with pesticides in their recommended label concentrations. One, 3, 6 and 10 days after application (DAA), leaves were collected from treated plants and used to establish experimental arenas. Five adult laboratory-reared N. californicus specimens were transferred into each arena which contained Southern cattail pollen as food source. Experimental arenas were kept at 25 ± 2 ºC, 60 ± 10% RH and a photoperiod of 14 hours. Mite mortality was assessed 24 hours after the confinement. The completely randomized design was adopted for data statistical analysis, mortality means were compared by Dunnett's test (p < 0.05). Progression of pesticide's effect decline was submitted to regression analysis. On 1 and 3 DAA mean mortality in all of the treatments was significantly different from that of the water-treated control. On the sixth DAA, propargite, cyhexatin and cyfluthrin treatments caused about 30% mortality, while mortality levels in treatments with azimphos-methyl and carbaryl were statistically similar to that of control treatment. On the tenth DAA, mortality in none of the pesticide treatments differed from that of control. All of the pesticide treatments presented progressive decline throughout the experimental period, being significant (p < 0.01) the negative linear regression obtained. Tested acaricides produced the greatest negative effects on the survival of N. californicus. Azimphos-methyl was the pesticide that least affected the survival of the predatory mite. Tested insecticides, used in the "Alto Valle del Río Negro y Neuquén" region to control codling moth, C. pomonella, key pest of pip fruit crops, showed low toxicity to N. californicus

    Interspecific transfer of parasites following a range-shift in Ficedula flycatchers

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    © 2018 The Authors.Human‐induced climate change is expected to cause major biotic changes in species distributions and thereby including escalation of novel host‐parasite associations. Closely related host species that come into secondary contact are especially likely to exchange parasites and pathogens. Both the Enemy Release Hypothesis (where invading hosts escape their original parasites) and the Novel Weapon Hypothesis (where invading hosts bring new parasites that have detrimental effects on native hosts) predict that the local host will be most likely to experience a disadvantage. However, few studies evaluate the occurrence of interspecific parasite transfer by performing wide‐scale geographic sampling of pathogen lineages, both within and far from host contact zones. In this study, we investigate how haemosporidian (avian malaria) prevalence and lineage diversity vary in two, closely related species of passerine birds; the pied flycatcher Ficedula hypoleuca and the collared flycatcher F. albicollis in both allopatry and sympatry. We find that host species is generally a better predictor of parasite diversity than location, but both prevalence and diversity of parasites vary widely among populations of the same bird species. We also find a limited and unidirectional transfer of parasites from pied flycatchers to collared flycatchers in a recent contact zone. This study therefore rejects both the Enemy Release Hypothesis and the Novel Weapon Hypothesis and highlights the complexity and importance of studying host‐parasite relationships in an era of global climate change and species range shifts.This study was funded by The Swedish Research Council, and Russian Science Foundation Grant No. 14‐50‐00029 and Stiftelsen för Zoologisk Forskning