228 research outputs found

    Guías y materiales docentes en Moodle para el programa de postgrado en tecnología de color

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    Actualmente la medida y gestión de la calidad de color de materiales gonio-aparentes es compleja, pero altamente demandada desde varios sectores industriales, como en automoción. En particular, en los últimos años, ha habido una gran demanda de titulados con una buena formación en Tecnología de Color. Por tal motivo, para satisfacer las competencias demandas por la industria, desde el Grupo de Visión y Color de la Universidad de Alicante, se está trabajando en la articulación de un programa de postgrado que oferte a estudiantes, titulados y no titulados, de una amplia y completa formación en Tecnología de Color. Por tanto, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es la elaboración del diseño curricular y materiales docentes para el programa de postgrado propuesto. En una primera fase, el trabajo se centra en la elaboración de la guía docente de cada una de las asignaturas. La segunda fase se centra en la gestión de los materiales docentes mediante la plataforma Moodle que permitirá el seguimiento por parte del alumno a distancia (b-learning). De esta forma, mediante este programa de postgrado se pretende aportar mayores vías de empleabilidad laboral a unos postgraduados en un sector industrial de gran importancia socio-económica a nivel mundial

    Design of online practical lessons in colorimetry

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    Applied colorimetry is an important module in the program of the elective subject "Colour Science: industrial applications”. This course is taught in the Optics and Optometry Degree and it has been used as a testing for the application of new teaching and assessment techniques consistent with the new European Higher Education Area. In particular, the main objective was to reduce the attendance to lessons and encourage the individual and collective work of students. The reason for this approach is based on the idea that students are able to work at their own learning pace. Within this dynamic work, we propose online lab practice based on Excel templates that our research group has developed ad-hoc for different aspects of colorimetry, such as conversion to different colour spaces, calculation of perceptual descriptors (hue, saturation, lightness), calculation of colour differences, colour matching dyes, etc. The practice presented in this paper is focused on the learning of colour differences. The session is based on a specific Excel template to compute the colour differences and to plot different graphs with these colour differences defined at different colour spaces: CIE ΔE, CIE ΔE94 and the CIELAB colour space. This template is implemented on a website what works by addressing the student work at a proper and organized way. The aim was to unify all the student work from a website, therefore the student is able to learn in an autonomous and sequential way and in his own pace. To achieve this purpose, all the tools, links and documents are collected for each different proposed activity to achieve guided specific objectives. In the context of educational innovation, this type of website is normally called WebQuest. The design of a WebQuest is established according to the criteria of usability and simplicity. There are great advantages of using WebQuests versus the toolbox “Campus Virtual” available in the University of Alicante. The Campus Virtual is an unfriendly environment for this specific purpose as the activities are organized in different sectors depending on whether the activity is a discussion, an activity, a self-assessment or the download of materials. With this separation, it is more difficult that the student follows an organized sequence. However, our WebQuest provides a more intuitive graphical environment, and besides, all the tasks and resources needed to complete them are grouped and organized according to a linear sequence. In this way, the student guided learning is optimized. Furthermore, with this simplification, the student focuses on learning and not to waste resources. Finally, this tool has a wide set of potential applications: online courses of colorimetry applied for postgraduate students, Open Course Ware, etc

    Diseño curricular y elaboración de materiales para el programa de postgrado en tecnología de color utilizando la plataforma Moodle

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    En los últimos años, la investigación realizada por el grupo de Visión y Color nos ha permitido conocer la demanda existente en el mercado laboral de expertos en tecnología y reproducción del color, especialmente relacionado con los materiales gonio-aparentes, materiales que ofrecen atractivos atributos para el sector del automóvil, entre otros. Por esta razón, miembros del Grupo de Visión y Color de la Universidad de Alicante nos hemos involucrado en esta red cuyo objetivo principal es ofrecer un programa de postgrado para titulados y no titulados, con una amplia y completa formación en Tecnología de Color. En particular, esta red se ha centrado en el diseño curricular y la elaboración de materiales docentes para este programa de postgrado. En primer lugar, se han desarrollado las guías docentes de cada una de las asignaturas propuestas con el fin de planificar cada una de ellas y poder desarrollar los materiales docentes adecuados. Dado las características de este programa de postgrado, todos los materiales se han elaborado en la plataforma Moodle ya que permite el seguimiento por parte del alumno a distancia (b-learning)

    Visual and instrumental correlation of sparkle by the magnitude estimation method

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    Most real surfaces and objects show variations in appearance with viewing and illumination directions. Besides angular dependency, they also show spatial variation in color, i.e., they exhibit some sort of texture. Of the surfaces we see, surfaces colored by special-effect pigments produce several complex visual effects, like change in color and lightness with viewing and illumination angles, and effects like sparkle and gloss on other textures. In the last two decades, different commercial devices have appeared to help ensure the proper characterization of materials with special-effect pigments. However, the instrumental characterization of sparkle is currently available only by a commercial device integrated into a multi-angle spectrophotometer. As it is difficult to find complete open original studies about the sparkle effect for designing and calibrating this commercial instrument, the main objective of this work was to check whether a good visual and instrumental correlation exists between the sparkle that the observer perceives and the sparkle value provided by the device using some subsets of goniochromatic samples with different types of special-effect pigments and colors. Visual assessments were made by a conventional magnitude estimation method in a directional lighting booth, which belonged to the same company owner of the sparkle instrument, in different geometries and at distinct illuminance levels. The results revealed that there was a good visual correlation of the sparkle grade value. By separately analyzing the factors used in its instrument algorithm, such as sparkle intensity and sparkle area values, it was clearly shown that the correlation was not good or simply did not exist. Consequently, and perhaps in regards to the choice of new special-effect pigments, such as synthetic mica and other future ones, we generated herein even more questions about current mathematical algorithms, and only recognized calculating this texture effect at the industrial level.The authors are grateful to the EMRP for funding the project “Multidimensional Reflectometry for Industry”. The EMRP is jointly funded by EMRP participating countries within EURAMET and the European Union. We thank the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the coordinated project DPI2011-30090-C02 and project DPI-2015-68514 and University of Alicante for project GRE13-28. Omar Gómez Lozano would also like to thank the above-cited ministry for his pre-doctoral fellowship (FPI BES-2012-053080)

    Conversion of a digital camera into a non-contact colorimeter for use in stone cultural heritage: The application case to Spanish granites

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    In this study, a digital CMOS camera was calibrated for use as a non-contact colorimeter for measuring the color of granite artworks. The low chroma values of the granite, which yield similar stimulation of the three color channels of the camera, proved to be the most challenging aspect of the task. The appropriate parameters for converting the device-dependent RGB color space into a device-independent color space were established. For this purpose, the color of a large number of Munsell samples (corresponding to the previously defined color gamut of granite) was measured with a digital camera and with a spectrophotometer (reference instrument). The color data were then compared using the CIELAB color formulae. The best correlations between measurements were obtained when the camera works to 10-bits and the spectrophotometric measures in SCI mode. Finally, the calibrated instrument was used successfully to measure the color of six commercial varieties of Spanish granite.The present study was financially supported by the Xunta de Galicia (09TMT014203PR) and the European Union and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grants DPI2008-06455-C02-02 and DPI2011-30090-C02-02. Dr. Patricia Sanmartín acknowledges a scholarship for postgraduate studies abroad (2012 Call) from Barrié de la Maza Foundation. She is currently supported by a postdoctoral contract within the framework of the 2011–2015 Galician Plan for Research, Innovation and Growth (Plan I2C) for the year 2012

    Unreinforced and TRM-reinforced masonry building subjected to pseudo-dynamic excitations: numerical and experimental insights

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    [EN] This paper contains a numerical study based on tests carried out at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) on a U-shaped unreinforced and TRM-reinforced masonry building structure subjected to horizontal loads. The masonry was composed of clay bricks with 10 mm thick mortar joints arranged in an English bond manner. The prototype was tested by applying pseudo-dynamic displacement-driven cycles and varying cyclic amplitudes and frequencies in two different stages: (i) on the as-built structure and (ii) after the repair and the application of Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) material. A series of non-linear numerical simulations were performed adopting the ABAQUS/Explicit FE software. The FE calibration was carried out using the results obtained during ambient vibration tests. Simulations were then used to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed TRM technique to increasing the strength of low-rise old masonry building structures.The authors would like to express their gratitude to the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness for the funding provided (BIA 2014-59036-R-AR), and also to the Grupo Mapei and Grupo Puma for their invaluable assistance during the experimental tests.Giordano, E.; Bertolesi, E.; Clementi, F.; Buitrago, M.; Adam, JM.; Ivorra Chorro, S. (2021). Unreinforced and TRM-reinforced masonry building subjected to pseudo-dynamic excitations: numerical and experimental insights. Journal of Engineering Mechanics. 147(12):04021107-1-04021107-15. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0002017S04021107-104021107-151471

    New method for comparing colour gamuts among printing technologies

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    The authors have developed a simple method to compare the colour gamuts of different industries (printing, textiles, plastics, etc.) based on representing the reproduced colours in constant lightness L* and hue hab* planes. This method allows the analysis of those aspects related to the comparison between the colour gamuts of different industries and the MacAdam and Pointer limits and also of those aspects related to how the colour solid is filled, whether homogeneously or leaving certain unfilled regions for commercial or design reasons. In particular, the authors have compared the colour gamuts of three printing technologies (electrophotography or laser, inkjet and offset) with the same class of paper and characterisation chart, and in this comparison the laser printer has proved to be the best of three printing devices. On the other hand, the authors have checked that gravure technology is better than the other ones due to the substrate nature used at gravure technology.This research was supported by the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Spain) under grant no. DPI2005-08999-C02-02, and by the Conselleria d’Empresa, Universitat i Ciència of the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain) under grant no. IIARC0/2004/59

    Influencia del tamaño de pigmento en la distancia de detección del sparkle

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    XI Reunión Nacional de Óptica Día de la Luz; Facultad de Ciencias • Universidad de Salamanca 1 - 4 Septiembre, 2015; http://rno11.usal.es/programaSe diseñó un experimento psicofísico para evaluar la influencia del tamaño del pigmento de efecto en la distancia de detección del sparkle. Los resultados mostraron que a mayor tamaño de pigmento, mayor distancia de detección. Además, la correlación visual e instrumental (distancia de detección vs. grado de sparkle (SG)) sigue una relación lineal, sin embargo, no existe una relación lineal con el tamaño de pigmento: la distancia es máxima para un tamaño inferior al tamaño máximo.Peer Reviewe

    Diseño y puesta en marcha del postgrado propio de Tecnología del Color para el Sector Automoción

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    Actualmente la medida y gestión de la calidad de color de materiales gonio-aparentes es compleja, pero altamente demandada desde varios sectores industriales, como automoción, cosmética, etc. Desde la Universidad de Alicante, para el curso 2013-14, se va a organizar el primer postgrado (título de Máster) en Tecnología del Color para el Sector Automoción, con un diseño de contenidos que cubre la colorimetría CIE y la percepción visual, instrumentación y software de gestión del color, fundamentos de pinturas y plásticos, y, formulación de pigmentos, con una pretensión clara de cubrir las competencias demandadas por el sector a nivel mundial. El plan de estudios, con 60 ECTS, está diseñado para impartirse en solamente dos semestres: de septiembre a febrero para las actividades teóricas y prácticas semi-presenciales, y, desde marzo a junio las estancias en empresas e instituciones colaboradoras, tanto nacionales como internacionales, para realizar prácticas en empresa (máximo 300 horas), y con ello elaborar, exponer y defender el trabajo fin de máster. De esta forma, al finalizar la primera promoción de este máster propio de alta especialización profesional, esperamos aportar mayores vías de empleabilidad laboral a unos postgraduados en un sector industrial de gran importancia socioeconómica a nivel mundial