26 research outputs found

    Сталий розвиток промислового регіону

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    У монографії визначено засади забезпечення сталого розвитку України та її промислових регіонів у контексті соціального та людського розвитку. Розроблено систему оцінки ризиків ресурсного забезпечення сталого розвитку. Розкрито вплив соціального капіталу на формування сталого розвитку. Визначено взяємозв’язок і взаємозалежність людського та сталого розвитку. Наведено теоретичну модель взаємозв’язку людського розвитку, нагромадження людського капіталу та підвищення конкурентоспроможності промислового регіону. Розкрито механізми активізації участі населення у забезпеченні сталого розвитку промислового регіону

    Downregulation of histone H2A and H2B pathways is associated with anthracycline sensitivity in breast cancer

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    Abstract Background Drug resistance in breast cancer is the major obstacle to effective treatment with chemotherapy. While upregulation of multidrug resistance genes is an important component of drug resistance mechanisms in vitro, their clinical relevance remains to be determined. Therefore, identifying pathways that could be targeted in the clinic to eliminate anthracycline-resistant breast cancer remains a major challenge. Methods We generated paired native and epirubicin-resistant MDA-MB-231, MCF7, SKBR3 and ZR-75-1 epirubicin-resistant breast cancer cell lines to identify pathways contributing to anthracycline resistance. Native cell lines were exposed to increasing concentrations of epirubicin until resistant cells were generated. To identify mechanisms driving epirubicin resistance, we used a complementary approach including gene expression analyses to identify molecular pathways involved in resistance, and small-molecule inhibitors to reverse resistance. In addition, we tested its clinical relevance in a BR9601 adjuvant clinical trial. Results Characterisation of epirubicin-resistant cells revealed that they were cross-resistant to doxorubicin and SN-38 and had alterations in apoptosis and cell-cycle profiles. Gene expression analysis identified deregulation of histone H2A and H2B genes in all four cell lines. Histone deacetylase small-molecule inhibitors reversed resistance and were cytotoxic for epirubicin-resistant cell lines, confirming that histone pathways are associated with epirubicin resistance. Gene expression of a novel 18-gene histone pathway module analysis of the BR9601 adjuvant clinical trial revealed that patients with low expression of the 18-gene histone module benefited from anthracycline treatment more than those with high expression (hazard ratio 0.35, 95 % confidence interval 0.13–0.96, p = 0.042). Conclusions This study revealed a key pathway that contributes to anthracycline resistance and established model systems for investigating drug resistance in all four major breast cancer subtypes. As the histone modification can be targeted with small-molecule inhibitors, it represents a possible means of reversing clinical anthracycline resistance. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT00003012 . Registered on 1 November 1999

    Book Music Representation for Temporal Data, as a Part of the Feature Extraction Process: A Novel Approach to Improve the Handling of Time-Dependent Data in Secondary Use of Healthcare Structured Data

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    International audienceBook music is extensively used in street organs. It consists of thick cardboard, containing perforated holes specifying the musical notes. We propose to represent clinical time-dependent data in a tabular form inspired from this principle. The sheet represents a statistical individual, each row represents a binary time-dependent variable, and each hole denotes the "true" value. Data from electronic health records or nationwide medical-administrative databases can then be represented: demographics, patient flow, drugs, laboratory results, diagnoses, and procedures. This data representation is suitable for survival analysis (e.g., Cox model with repeated outcomes and changing covariates) and different types of temporal association rules. Quantitative continuous variables can be discretized, as in clinical studies. The "book music" approach could become an intermediary step in feature extraction from structured data. It would enable to better account for time in analyses, notably for historical cohort analyses based on healthcare data reuse

    Leveraging hospital big data to monitor flu epidemics

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    International audienceBackground and objective - Influenza epidemics are a major public health concern and require a costly and time-consuming surveillance system at different geographical scales. The main challenge is being able to predict epidemics. Besides traditional surveillance systems, such as the French Sentinel network, several studies proposed prediction models based on internet-user activity. Here, we assessed the potential of hospital big data to monitor influenza epidemics.Methods - We used the clinical data warehouse of the Academic Hospital of Rennes (France) and then built different queries to retrieve relevant information from electronic health records to gather weekly influenza-like illness activity.Results - We found that the query most highly correlated with Sentinel network estimates was based on emergency reports concerning discharged patients with a final diagnosis of influenza (Pearson's correlation coefficient (PCC) of 0.931). The other tested queries were based on structured data (ICD-10 codes of influenza in Diagnosis-related Groups, and influenza PCR tests) and performed best (PCC of 0.981 and 0.953, respectively) during the flu season 2014-15. This suggests that both ICD-10 codes and PCR results are associated with severe epidemics. Finally, our approach allowed us to obtain additional patients' characteristics, such as the sex ratio or age groups, comparable with those from the Sentinel network.Conclusions - Conclusions: Hospital big data seem to have a great potential for monitoring influenza epidemics in near real-time. Such a method could constitute a complementary tool to standard surveillance systems by providing additional characteristics on the concerned population or by providing information earlier. This system could also be easily extended to other diseases with possible activity changes. Additional work is needed to assess the real efficacy of predictive models based on hospital big data to predict flu epidemics.<br

    Book Music Representation for Temporal Data, as a Part of the Feature Extraction Process: A Novel Approach to Improve the Handling of Time-Dependent Data in Secondary Use of Healthcare Structured Data

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    International audienceBook music is extensively used in street organs. It consists of thick cardboard, containing perforated holes specifying the musical notes. We propose to represent clinical time-dependent data in a tabular form inspired from this principle. The sheet represents a statistical individual, each row represents a binary time-dependent variable, and each hole denotes the &quot;true&quot; value. Data from electronic health records or nationwide medical-administrative databases can then be represented: demographics, patient flow, drugs, laboratory results, diagnoses, and procedures. This data representation is suitable for survival analysis (e.g., Cox model with repeated outcomes and changing covariates) and different types of temporal association rules. Quantitative continuous variables can be discretized, as in clinical studies. The &quot;book music&quot; approach could become an intermediary step in feature extraction from structured data. It would enable to better account for time in analyses, notably for historical cohort analyses based on healthcare data reuse


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    International audienceE-health is a large domain of research and applications of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), not only in Medicine, but in the broad field of healthcare, including homecare and personalised health. The history of e-health started as soon as the 1960s, but e-health continues to extend its range of innovation and applications, particularly in developing countries and in the homecare domain. E-Health scientific background is based upon the theories of “Computer-Supported Cooperative Work” theorised by Schmidt, Ellis, and Johansen, in the 1990s. In this chapter, we present different fields of development of telemedicine, and Home-based tele-health. We present also how e-health contributes to the constitution of large networked data warehouses to be now exploited with the relevant methods