19 research outputs found

    People counting using a consumer RGBD camera

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    [EN] In this paper, we prove that depth information provided by a consumer depth camera is a reliable data source to perform ro- bust people counting. The adoption of a top view configuration reduces the space problem complexity for this task, while pre- serving privacy. Two different background subtraction approaches for color images are transferred to this context and tested in real video to perform detection, tracking, and behavioral pat- terns analysis of subjects crossing the field of view. The results achieved in an experimental setup with real video reported a TPR over 95%, beating robust GMM background subtraction based only on the visual cue. The results suggest the benefits of the depth cue for this particular task.[ES] En este trabajo se demuestra que la informaci贸n de profundidad proporcionada por una c谩mara RGBD comercial de bajo coste, es una fuente fiable de datos para realizar de forma robusta el conteo autom谩tico de personas. La adopci贸n de una configuraci贸n de vista cenital reduce la complejidad del problema, al mismo tiempo que permite preservar la privacidad de las personas moni- torizadas. Para llevar a cabo el estudio experimental se han considerado dos t茅cnicas propias del campo de an谩lisis de im谩genes 2D trasladadas al contexto de im谩genes de profundidad. Las pruebas evaluaron su rendimiento con v虂谋deos reales sin restricciones de iluminaci贸n, incluyendo episodios de iluminaci贸n cambiante o muy baja. En este conjunto experimental se realiz贸 la detecci贸n, seguimiento y an谩lisis de patrones de comportamiento de las personas que cruzaban el campo de visi贸n. Los resultados obtenidos alcanzan una tasa de acierto pr贸xima al 95%, superando los obtenidos con t茅cnicas actuales basadas exclusivamente en informaci贸n visual. Estos resultados sugieren la utilidad del uso de informaci贸n de profundidad en esta tarea particular.Trabajo parcialmente apoyado por el Departamento de Informatica 麓 y Sistemas de la ULPGC.Castrill贸n Santana, M.; Lorenzo Navarro, J.; Hern谩ndez Sosa, D. (2014). Conteo de personas con un sensor RGBD comercial. Revista Iberoamericana de Autom谩tica e Inform谩tica industrial. 11(3):348-357. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.riai.2014.05.006OJS34835711

    Eye Localization Based on Multi-Channel Correlation Filter Bank

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    FACE AND FACIAL FEATURE DETECTION EVALUATION Performance Evaluation of Public Domain Haar Detectors for Face and Facial Feature Detection

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    Abstract: Fast and reliable face and facial feature detection are required abilities for any Human Computer Interaction approach based on Computer Vision. Since the publication of the Viola-Jones object detection framework and the more recent open source implementation, an increasing number of applications have appeared, particularly in the context of facial processing. In this respect, the OpenCV community shares a collection of public domain classifiers for this scenario. However, as far as we know these classifiers have never been evaluated and/or compared. In this paper we analyze the individual performance of all those public classifiers getting the best performance for each target. These results are valid to define a baseline for future approaches. Additionally we propose a simple hierarchical combination of those classifiers to increase the facial feature detection rate while reducing the face false detection rate.

    Ear Recognition with Neural Networks Based on Fisher and Surf Algorithms

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    This paper offers an approach to biometric analysis using ears for recognition. The ear has all the assets that a biometric trait should possess. Because it is a study field in potential growth, this research offers an approach using Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and Fisher Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) as an input of two neural networks with the purpose to detect and recognize a person by the patterns of its ear. It also includes the development of an application with .net to show experimental results of the applied theory. In the preprocessing task, the system adds sturdiness using Hausdorff distance to increase the performance filtering for the subjects to use in the testing stage of the neural network. To perform this study, we worked with the help of 脕vila鈥檚 police school (Spain), where we built a database with approximately 300 ears. The investigation results shown that the integration of LDA and SURF in neural networks can improve the ear recognition process and provide robustness in changes of illumination and perception