424 research outputs found

    Formalin Test using Extract of Red Chrysanthemum Flower as Indicator into White Tofu and Tempeh (in Ende Traditional Market)

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    Formalin in food is very disturbing for the people. Lack of public knowledge about the harmful effects of formaldehyde, the difficulty of distinguishing food that contains and does not contain formaldehyde, lack of knowledge in simply identifying formaldehyde in food is the cause of the increasingly widespread use of formaldehyde in food. This study aims to examine the presence of formalin in white tofu and tempeh circulating in the traditional markets of Ende district by using red chrysanthemum flower extract as a natural indicator. This type of research is an experimental study with descriptive qualitative data analysis techniques. Sampling is done using random sampling techniques. The samples used came from the 3 largest traditional markets in Ende district, namely Wolowona Market, Senggol Market, and Ende Market. From the test results using red chrysanthemum extract showed that the white tofu and tempeh circulating in some traditional markets of Ende district were negative or did not contain formaldehyde. Based on the results of these tests it can be concluded that the red chrysanthemum flower extract can be used as a natural indicator to determine the presence of formalin in food, especially in white tofu and tempeh

    Solution and Asymptotic Behavior for a Nonlocal Coupled System of Reaction-Diffusion

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    This paper concerns with existence, uniqueness and asymptotic behavior of the solutions for a nonlocal coupled system of reaction-diffusion. We prove the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions by the Faedo-Galerkin method and exponential decay of solutions by the classic energy method. We improve the results obtained by Chipot-Lovato and Menezes for coupled systems. A numerical scheme is presented


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    Masa transisi dari tingkat sekolah menengah atas (SMA) ke bangku perguruan tinggi menyebabkan mahasiswa sering mengalami kesulitan dalam membedakan berbagai jenis tumbuhan tingkat rendah dengan hanya berdasarkan pada konsep teoritis saja. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media pembelajaran terhadap peningkatan prestasi belajar mahasiswa pendidikan Biologi. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester 2 program studi pendidikan Biologi yang berjumlah 40 orang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik tes yaitu pre test dan post test yang dilihat dari hasil akhir ujian semester 2 (dua) tahun akademik 2018/2019. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil post test lebih tinggi dari hasil pre test yaitu 82,13. Hasil ini didukung pula oleh nilai thitung > ttabel, yakni 44,370 > 2,023 pada taraf signifikansi 0,05 dan df = 39. Berdasarkan nilai thitung, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa H1 diterima. Dengan demikian, maka penggunaan media pembelajaran pada mata kuliah botani tumbuhan rendah dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar mahasiswa program studi pendidikan biolog

    Consensus Paper: Latent Autoimmune Cerebellar Ataxia (LACA)

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    Immune-mediated cerebellar ataxias (IMCAs) have diverse etiologies. Patients with IMCAs develop cerebellar symptoms, characterized mainly by gait ataxia, showing an acute or subacute clinical course. We present a novel concept of latent autoimmune cerebellar ataxia (LACA), analogous to latent autoimmune diabetes in adults (LADA). LADA is a slowly progressive form of autoimmune diabetes where patients are often initially diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The sole biomarker (serum anti-GAD antibody) is not always present or can fluctuate. However, the disease progresses to pancreatic beta-cell failure and insulin dependency within about 5 years. Due to the unclear autoimmune profile, clinicians often struggle to reach an early diagnosis during the period when insulin production is not severely compromised. LACA is also characterized by a slowly progressive course, lack of obvious autoimmune background, and difficulties in reaching a diagnosis in the absence of clear markers for IMCAs. The authors discuss two aspects of LACA: (1) the not manifestly evident autoimmunity and (2) the prodromal stage of IMCA’s characterized by a period of partial neuronal dysfunction where non-specific symptoms may occur. In order to achieve an early intervention and prevent cell death in the cerebellum, identification of the time-window before irreversible neuronal loss is critical. LACA occurs during this time-window when possible preservation of neural plasticity exists. Efforts should be devoted to the early identification of biological, neurophysiological, neuropsychological, morphological (brain morphometry), and multimodal biomarkers allowing early diagnosis and therapeutic intervention and to avoid irreversible neuronal loss

    Reggaeton and representations of women: A study in secondary education

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    El reguetón es uno de los estilos musicales preferidos por los adolescentes. No obstante, las letras de sus canciones pueden ejercer una influencia perniciosa respecto a la consideración de la mujer en la sociedad y en las relaciones sociales. El presente artículo tiene como objetivo analizar la influencia del reguetón en una muestra de e s t u d i a n t e s a d o l e s c e n t e s , teniendo en cuenta su diversidad sociodemográfica. Para ello se ha c o n s t r u i d o y a p l i c a d o u n cuestionario en línea a 406 alumnos de secundaria de diversos centros educativos de la ciudad de Barcelona y su área metropolitana. Los resultados indican diferencias según sexo, edad, origen social, clase social y nivel académico, en consonancia con otros estudios que se han realizado previamente. Con todo ello se pretende explicar la preferencia de los adolescentes por este estilo musical, así como hacer propuestas coeducativas de educación musical que promuevan una mejor consideración social de la mujer en el entorno de la educación, fomentando en todo momento u n e s p í r i t u c r í t i c o e n e l alumnado.Reggaeton is one of the most popular music genres among teenagers. However, the lyrics of its songs can exert a pernicious influence on the consideration of women in society and social relations. The aim of this paper is to analyze the influence of reggaeton on a sample of adolescent students, considering their socio-demographic diversity. For this purpose, an online questionnaire was designed and applied to 406 secondary school students from different educational centers of the city of Barcelona and its metropolitan a r e a . T h e r e s u l t s i n d i c a t e differences according to sex, age, social origin, social class and academic level, in line with other studies that have been carried out previously. The aim is to explain the preference of adolescents for this musical genre, as well as to make co-educational proposals for music education that promote a better social consideration of women in the educational environment, always encouraging a critical spirit in students

    Formalin Test using Extract of Red Chrysanthemum Flower as Indicator into White Tofu and Tempeh (in Ende Traditional Market)

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    Formalin in food is very disturbing for the people. Lack of public knowledge about the harmful effects of formaldehyde, the difficulty of distinguishing food that contains and does not contain formaldehyde, lack of knowledge in simply identifying formaldehyde in food is the cause of the increasingly widespread use of formaldehyde in food. This study aims to examine the presence of formalin in white tofu and tempeh circulating in the traditional markets of Ende district by using red chrysanthemum flower extract as a natural indicator. This type of research is an experimental study with descriptive qualitative data analysis techniques. Sampling is done using random sampling techniques. The samples used came from the 3 largest traditional markets in Ende district, namely Wolowona Market, Senggol Market, and Ende Market. From the test results using red chrysanthemum extract showed that the white tofu and tempeh circulating in some traditional markets of Ende district were negative or did not contain formaldehyde. Based on the results of these tests it can be concluded that the red chrysanthemum flower extract can be used as a natural indicator to determine the presence of formalin in food, especially in white tofu and tempeh

    Balancing renewable energy and river resources by moving from individual assessments of hydropower projects to energy system planning

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    As governments and non-state actors strive to minimize global warming, a primary strategy is the decarbonization of power systems which will require a massive increase in renewable electricity generation. Leading energy agencies forecast a doubling of global hydropower capacity as part of that necessary expansion of renewables. While hydropower provides generally low-carbon generation and can integrate variable renewables, such as wind and solar, into electrical grids, hydropower dams are one of the primary reasons that only one-third of the world’s major rivers remain free-flowing. This loss of free-flowing rivers has contributed to dramatic declines of migratory fish and sediment delivery to agriculturally productive deltas. Further, the reservoirs behind dams have displaced tens of millions of people. Thus, hydropower challenges the world’s efforts to meet climate targets while simultaneously achieving other Sustainable Development Goals. In this paper, we explore strategies to achieve the needed renewable energy expansion while sustaining the diverse social and environmental benefits of rivers. These strategies can be implemented at scales ranging from the individual project (environmental flows, fish passage and other site-level mitigation) to hydropower cascades to river basins and regional electrical power systems. While we review evidence that project-level management and mitigation can reduce environmental and social costs, we posit that the most effective scale for finding balanced solutions occurs at the scale of power systems. We further hypothesize that the pursuit of solutions at the system scale can also provide benefits for investors, developers and governments; evidence of benefits to these actors will be necessary for achieving broad uptake of the approaches described in this paper. We test this hypothesis through cases from Chile and Uganda that demonstrate the potential for system-scale power planning to allow countries to meet low-carbon energy targets with power systems that avoid damming high priority rivers (e.g., those that would cause conflicts with other social and environmental benefits) for a similar system cost as status quo approaches. We also show that, through reduction of risk and potential conflict, strategic planning of hydropower site selection can improve financial performance for investors and developers, with a case study from Colombia
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