1,441 research outputs found

    A comparison between different treeline types shows contrasting responses to climate fluctuations

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    Treeline position is mainly determined by growth season temperature, but the response of treelines to climate warming is not uniform worldwide. We compared treeline structure, dynamics and thermal profile in nearby areas with different treeline type, species composition and bioclimatic conditions. We performed a detailed survey of different treeline types in three areas of Italian Alps and northern Apennines. Every tree individual was recorded along altitudinal transects from the closed forest to the species limit. Treeline structure and dynamics were described through altitudinal limits of tree height, density and age. Data were elaborated by principal components analysis. Temperature regime of the three sites was assessed from homogeneous historical climatic data. Treeline was different in the three areas for species composition, shape and dynamics. Both Alpine sites showed diffuse treeline, but only one showed advancing dynamics. Apennine treeline was abrupt and static, with higher temperature at the tree limit. Our study showed the variable dynamics of treelines within a relatively restricted area and the connection between treeline shape and dynamics. An important role is played by species composition, determined by bioclimatic and historical features. These factors should be taken into account when modelling future treeline dynamics at global scale

    The REX survey: a search for Radio Emitting X-ray sources

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    We present the scientific goals, the strategy and the first results of the REX project, an effort aimed at creating a sizable and statistically complete sample of Radio Emitting X-ray sources (REX) using the available data from a VLA survey and the ROSAT PSPC archive. Through a positional cross-correlation of the two data sets we have derived a sample of about 1600 REX. Among the 393 REX identified so far a high fraction is represented by AGNs, typically radio loud QSOs and BL Lacs. The remaining sources are galaxies, typically radio galaxies isolated or in cluster. Thanks to the low flux limits in the radio and in the X-ray band and the large area of sky covered by the survey, we intend to derive a new complete and unbiased sample of BL Lacs which will contain both ``RBL'' and ``XBL'' type objects. In this way, the apparent dichotomy resulting from the current samples of BL Lacs will be directly analyzed in a unique sample. Moreover, the high number of BL Lacs expected in the REX sample (about 200) will allow an accurate estimate of their statistical properties. To date, we have discovered 15 new BL Lacs and 11 BL Lac candidates with optical properties intermediate between those of a typical elliptical galaxy and those of a typical BL Lac object. These objects could harbour weak sources of non-thermal continuum in their nuclei and, if confirmed, they could represent the faint tail of the BL Lac population. The existence of such ``weak'' BL Lacs is matter of discussion in recent literature and could lead to a re-assessment of the defining criteria of a BL Lac and, consequently, to a revision of their cosmological and statistical properties.Comment: 30 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication to Ap

    Emission Line AGNs from the REX survey: Results from optical spectroscopy

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    We present 71 Emission Line objects selected from the REX survey. Except for 3 of them, for which the presence of an active nucleus is dubious, all these sources are Active Galactic Nuclei (QSOs, Seyfert galaxies, emission line radiogalaxies). In addition, we present the spectra of other 19 AGNs included in a preliminary version of the REX catalog but not in the final one. The majority (80) of the 90 sources presented in this paper is newly discovered. Finally, we present the general properties in the radio and in the X-ray band of all the AGNs discovered so far in the REX survey.Comment: 27 pages. To be published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Supplement Series. Better quality figures can be asked to the autho

    SDSSJ143244.91+301435.3 at VLBI: a compact radio galaxy in a narrow-line Seyfert 1

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    We present VLBI observations, carried out with the European Very Long Baseline Interferometry Network (EVN), of SDSSJ143244.91+301435.3, a radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 (RLNLS1) characterized by a steep radio spectrum. The source, compact at Very Large Array (VLA) resolution, is resolved on the milliarcsec scale, showing a central region plus two extended structures. The relatively high brightness temperature of all components (5x10^6-1.3x10^8 K) supports the hypothesis that the radio emission is non-thermal and likely produced by a relativistic jet and/or small radio lobes. The observed radio morphology, the lack of a significant core and the presence of a low frequency (230 MHz) spectral turnover are reminiscent of the Compact Steep Spectrum sources (CSS). However, the linear size of the source (~0.5kpc) measured from the EVN map is lower than the value predicted using the turnover/size relation valid for CSS sources (~6kpc). This discrepancy can be explained by an additional component not detected in our observations, accounting for about a quarter of the total source flux density, combined to projection effects. The low core-dominance of the source (CD<0.29) confirms that SDSSJ143244.91+301435.3 is not a blazar, i.e. the relativistic jet is not pointing towards the observer. This supports the idea that SDSSJ143244.91+301435.3 may belong to the "parent population" of flat-spectrum RLNLS1 and favours the hypothesis of a direct link between RLNLS1 and compact, possibly young, radio galaxies.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Soil&#8211;plant interactions in a pasture of the Italian Alps

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    A detailed assessment of a pasture\u2019s functioning based on soil properties characterization, floristic composition, and \u2018functional summary\u2019 by evaluating competitor\u2013stress tolerator\u2013ruderal (CSR) strategies is provided for a doline in Central Italian Alps. A floristic survey was carried out at 35 sampling points, representative of the main topographic features, soil and vegetation types; the functional profile at the community level was evaluated by assessing for each species its Grime\u2019s CSR strategy; each point was characterized through soil profiles and topsoil (0\u201310 cm) sampling; pH, soil organic carbon and total nitrogen, available P, soil humus fraction, root density, bulk density, water content, and available water capacity were determined. Our study showed i) a strong relationship between vegetation, soil properties, topography, and grazing; ii) a prevalence of stress-tolerant strategies; iii) the ability of plant strategy variation to reflect the ecological parameters; and iv) the vegetation potentiality to be an indicator of environmental spatial variability

    Comparación entre técnicas bilaminares y regenerativas para recubrir las raíces

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    El objetivo de este artículo en relación con los estudios publicados en la literatura internacional consiste en comparar las posibilidades terapéuticas que ofrecen las técnicas bilaminares y las de regeneración hística guiada (RHG) para recubrir las superficies radiculares expuestas a causa de las recesiones gingivales. La experimentación se ha realizado con 20 pacientes, 13 hombres y 7 mujeres, con edades de 25/39 años. Se dividió a los pacientes en dos grupos, A y B, según las técnicas quirúrgicas, bilaminar y regenerativa, respectivamente. Los sujetos con recesiones múltiples y adyacentes se asignaron al grupo A. Al considerar los datos de este estudio clínico, coincidentes con los de la literatura internacional, se puede afirmar que el injerto de tejido conectivo es una alternativa válida para la RHG en el tratamiento de las recesiones gingivales. De hecho, las técnicas bilaminares permiten aumentar la cantidad y el espesor de la encía insertada, tratar varias recesiones adyacentes y garantizar una gran predicibilidad en recubrimiento radicular

    GPS-based CERN-LNGS time link for Borexino

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    We describe the design, the equipment, and the calibration of a new GPS based time link between CERN and the Borexino experiment at the Gran Sasso Laboratory in Italy. This system has been installed and operated in Borexino since March 2012, and used for a precise measurement of CNGS muon neutrinos speed in May 2012. The result of the measurement will be reported in a different letter.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    The CLASS blazar survey: testing the blazar sequence

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    We discuss the properties of the sources in the CLASS Blazar survey which aims at the selection of low radio power (P(5GHz)<10^25 W Hz^-1) blazars. We use VLA data from available catalogues and from our own observations to constrain the radio core-dominance of the sample which, together with the flat radio spectral index, is a signature of the blazar activity. X-ray data from the ROSAT All Sky Survey were also collected in order to constrain the radio-to-X-ray luminosity ratio (alpha_RX) of the sources. The data analysis shows that more than 30% of sources at low radio power (P(5 GHz)<10^25 W Hz^-1) have an alpha_RX steeper than that expected in the framework of the ``blazar sequence'' recently put forward to unify the high and low power blazars. The possibility that this result is influenced by contaminating sources in the current sample is discussed. The conclusion is that, even if a number of non-blazars (typically CSO/GPS sources) are expected in the survey, it is unlikely that this constitutes the sole reason for the observed deviation. In particular, we show 2 examples for which the blazar nature is confirmed from VLBI data and for which the steep alpha_RX (suggesting a synchrotron peak frequency below 10^15.5 Hz) and the low radio power (0.6-2x10^24 W Hz^-1) put these sources outside the ``blazar sequence''. The results presented here show the importance of a correct and unbiased sampling of the low-power regime of the blazar population.Comment: 20 pages, accepted for publication in MNRA