280 research outputs found

    A Grassmannian Etude in NMHV Minors

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    Arkani-Hamed, Cachazo, Cheung and Kaplan have proposed a Grassmannian formulation for the S-matrix of N=4 Yang-Mills as an integral over link variables. In parallel work, the connected prescription for computing tree amplitudes in Witten's twistor string theory has also been written in terms of link variables. In this paper we extend the six- and seven-point results of arXiv:0909.0229 and arXiv:0909.0499 by providing a simple analytic proof of the equivalence between the two formulas for all tree-level NMHV superamplitudes. Also we note that a simple deformation of the connected prescription integrand gives directly the ACCK Grassmannian integrand in the limit when the deformation parameters equal zero.Comment: 17 page

    The Grassmannian and the Twistor String: Connecting All Trees in N=4 SYM

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    We present a new, explicit formula for all tree-level amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills. The formula is written as a certain contour integral of the connected prescription of Witten's twistor string, expressed in link variables. A very simple deformation of the integrand gives directly the Grassmannian integrand proposed by Arkani-Hamed et al. together with the explicit contour of integration. The integral is derived by iteratively adding particles to the Grassmannian integral, one particle at a time, and makes manifest both parity and soft limits. The formula is shown to be related to those given by Dolan and Goddard, and generalizes the results of earlier work for NMHV and N^2MHV to all N^(k-2)MHV tree amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills.Comment: 26 page

    Clinoform architecture and along-strike variability through an exhumed erosional to accretionary basin margin transition

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    Exhumed basin margin‐scale clinothems provide important archives for understanding process interactions and reconstructing the physiography of sedimentary basins. However, studies of coeval shelf through slope to basin‐floor deposits are rarely documented, mainly due to outcrop or subsurface dataset limitations. Unit G from the Laingsburg depocentre (Karoo Basin, South Africa) is a rare example of a complete basin margin scale clinothem (>60 km long, 200 m‐high), with >10 km of depositional strike control, which allows a quasi‐3D study of a preserved shelf‐slope‐basin floor transition over a ca. 1200 km2 area. Sand‐prone, wave‐influenced topset deposits close to the shelf‐edge rollover zone can be physically mapped down dip for ca. 10 km as they thicken and transition into heterolithic foreset/slope deposits. These deposits progressively fine and thin over 10s of km farther down dip into sand‐starved bottomset/basin floor deposits. Only a few km along strike, the coeval foreset/slope deposits are bypass‐dominated with incisional features interpreted as minor slope conduits/gullies. The margin here is steeper, more channelized, and records a stepped profile with evidence of sand‐filled intraslope topography, a preserved base‐of‐slope transition zone and sand‐rich bottomset/basin‐floor deposits. Unit G is interpreted as part of a composite depositional sequence that records a change in basin margin style from an underlying incised slope with large sand‐rich basin‐floor fans to an overlying accretion‐dominated shelf with limited sand supply to slope and basin‐floor. The change in margin style is accompanied with decreased clinoform height/slope and increased shelf width. This is interpreted to reflect a transition in subsidence style from regional sag, driven by dynamic topography/inherited basement configuration, to early foreland basin flexural loading. Results of this study caution against reconstructing basin margin successions from partial datasets without accounting for temporal and spatial physiographic changes, with potential implications on predictive basin evolution models

    On the Classification of Residues of the Grassmannian

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    We study leading singularities of scattering amplitudes which are obtained as residues of an integral over a Grassmannian manifold. We recursively do the transformation from twistors to momentum twistors and obtain an iterative formula for Yangian invariants that involves a succession of dualized twistor variables. This turns out to be useful in addressing the problem of classifying the residues of the Grassmannian. The iterative formula leads naturally to new coordinates on the Grassmannian in terms of which both composite and non-composite residues appear on an equal footing. We write down residue theorems in these new variables and classify the independent residues for some simple examples. These variables also explicitly exhibit the distinct solutions one expects to find for a given set of vanishing minors from Schubert calculus.Comment: 20 page

    Multiplicative slices, relativistic Toda and shifted quantum affine algebras

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    We introduce the shifted quantum affine algebras. They map homomorphically into the quantized KK-theoretic Coulomb branches of 3d N=43d\ {\mathcal N}=4 SUSY quiver gauge theories. In type AA, they are endowed with a coproduct, and they act on the equivariant KK-theory of parabolic Laumon spaces. In type A1A_1, they are closely related to the open relativistic quantum Toda lattice of type AA.Comment: 125 pages. v2: references updated; in section 11 the third local Lax matrix is introduced. v3: references updated. v4=v5: 131 pages, minor corrections, table of contents added, Conjecture 10.25 is now replaced by Theorem 10.25 (whose proof is based on the shuffle approach and is presented in a new Appendix). v6: Final version as published, references updated, footnote 4 adde

    Some analytic results for two-loop scattering amplitudes

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    We present analytic results for the finite diagrams contributing to the two-loop eight-point MHV scattering amplitude of planar N=4 SYM. We use a recently proposed representation for the integrand of the amplitude in terms of (momentum) twistors and focus on a restricted kinematics in which the answer depends only on two independent cross-ratios. The theory of motives can be used to vastly simplify the results, which can be expressed as simple combinations of classical polylogarithms.Comment: 18 page

    Manifest SO(N) invariance and S-matrices of three-dimensional N=2,4,8 SYM

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    An on-shell formalism for the computation of S-matrices of SYM theories in three spacetime dimensions is presented. The framework is a generalization of the spinor-helicity formalism in four dimensions. The formalism is applied to establish the manifest SO(N) covariance of the on-shell superalgebra relevant to N =2,4 and 8 SYM theories in d=3. The results are then used to argue for the SO(N) invariance of the S-matrices of these theories: a claim which is proved explicitly for the four-particle scattering amplitudes. Recursion relations relating tree amplitudes of three-dimensional SYM theories are shown to follow from their four-dimensional counterparts. The results for the four-particle amplitudes are verified by tree-level perturbative computations and a unitarity based construction of the integrand corresponding to the leading perturbative correction is also presented for the N=8 theory. For N=8 SYM, the manifest SO(8) symmetry is used to develop a map between the color-ordered amplitudes of the SYM and superconformal Chern-Simons theories, providing a direct connection between on-shell observables of D2 and M2-brane theories.Comment: 28 page
