1,127 research outputs found

    Violation of the holographic bulk viscosity bound

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    Motivated by gauge theory/string theory correspondence, a lower bound on the bulk viscosity of strongly coupled gauge theory plasma was proposed in arXiv:0708.3459. We consider strongly coupled N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills plasma compactified on a two-manifold of constant curvature beta. We show that the effective (1+1)-dimensional hydrodynamic description of the system is governed by the bulk viscosity violating the bound of arXiv:0708.3459, once beta<0.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Metabolism and activity of zoxazolamine in white rats during forced immobilization with and without hyperthermia

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    The influence of restraint of rats held either at normal body temperature or at lowered body temperature as related to the effects of the muscle relaxant zoxazolamine was studied. The techniques used and experimental results obtained are presented

    On jet quenching parameters in strongly coupled non-conformal gauge theories

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    Recently Liu, Rajagopal and Wiedemann (LRW) [hep-ph/0605178] proposed a first principle, nonperturbative quantum field theoretic definition of ``jet quenching parameter'' \hat{q} used in models of medium-induced radiative parton energy loss in nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC. Relating \hat{q} to a short-distance behavior of a certain light-like Wilson loop, they used gauge theory-string theory correspondence to evaluate \hat{q} for the strongly coupled N=4 SU(N_c) gauge theory plasma. We generalize analysis of LRW to strongly coupled non-conformal gauge theory plasma. We find that a jet quenching parameter is gauge theory specific (not universal). Furthermore, it appears it's value increases as the number of effective adjoint degrees of freedom of a gauge theory plasma increases.Comment: 14 pages, latex; v2: PRD versio

    Viscosity Bound and Causality in Superfluid Plasma

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    It was argued by Brigante et.al that the lower bound on the ratio of the shear viscosity to the entropy density in strongly coupled plasma is translated into microcausality violation in the dual gravitational description. Since transport properties of the system characterize its infrared dynamics, while the causality of the theory is determined by its ultraviolet behavior, the viscosity bound/microcausality link should not be applicable to theories that undergo low temperature phase transitions. We present an explicit model of AdS/CFT correspondence that confirms this fact.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures. References added, typos fixe

    On effective action of string theory flux compactifications

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    We discuss four dimensional effective actions of string theory flux compactifications. These effective actions describe four dimensional gravity coupled to overall Kahler modulus of the compactification manifold. We demonstrate the agreement between ten dimensional equations of motion of supergravity with localized branes, and equations of motion derived from the effective action. The agreement is lost however if one evaluates the full effective action on the equations of motion for a subset of the supergravity modes, provided these modes depend on-shell on the Kahler modulus.Comment: 25 pages; v2: refs adde

    Transport coefficients, membrane couplings and universality at extremality

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    We present an efficient method for computing the zero frequency limit of transport coefficients in strongly coupled field theories described holographically by higher derivative gravity theories. Hydrodynamic parameters such as shear viscosity and conductivity can be obtained by computing residues of poles of the off-shell lagrangian density. We clarify in which sense these coefficients can be thought of as effective couplings at the horizon, and present analytic, Wald-like formulae for the shear viscosity and conductivity in a large class of general higher derivative lagrangians. We show how to apply our methods to systems at zero temperature but finite chemical potential. Our results imply that such theories satisfy η/s=1/4π\eta/s=1/4\pi universally in the Einstein-Maxwell sector. Likewise, the zero frequency limit of the real part of the conductivity for such systems is shown to be universally zero, and we conjecture that higher derivative corrections in this sector do not modify this result to all orders in perturbation theory.Comment: 29 pages, v2: Small text changes for clarity, typos correcte

    Gauge/gravity correspondence in accelerating universe

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    We discuss time-dependent backgrounds of type IIB supergravity realizing gravitation duals of gauge theories formulated in de Sitter space-time as a tool of embedding de Sitter in a supergravity. We show that only the gravitational duals to non-conformal gauge theories are sensitive to a specific value of a Hubble parameter. We consider two nontrivial solutions of this type: a gravity dual to six-dimensional (1,1) little string theory, and to a four-dimensional cascading SU(N+M)xSU(N) supersymmetric gauge theory (related to fractional D3-branes on a singular conifold according to Klebanov et al), in accelerating universe. In both cases we argue that the IR singularity of the geometry is regulated by the expansion of the gauge theory background space-time.Comment: 13 pages, harvmac, v2: reference added, v3: D3,NS5 discussion improved, PRD versio

    Holographic dual of the Eguchi-Kawai mechanism

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    archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: NORDITA-2014-40, UUITP-03-14, QMUL-PH-14-08 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1404.0225;%%archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: NORDITA-2014-40, UUITP-03-14, QMUL-PH-14-08 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1404.0225;%%archiveprefix: arXiv primaryclass: hep-th reportnumber: NORDITA-2014-40, UUITP-03-14, QMUL-PH-14-08 slaccitation: %%CITATION = ARXIV:1404.0225;%%The work of K.Z. was supported by the ERC advanced grant No 341222, by the Marie Curie network GATIS of the European Union’s FP7 Programme under REA Grant Agreement No 317089, and by the Swedish Research Council (VR) grant 2013-4329. DY acknowledges NORDITA where this work was begun, during his time as a NORDITA fellow

    Gauge/string correspondence in curved space

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    We discuss Gubser-Klebanov-Polyakov proposal for the gauge/string theory correspondence for gauge theories in curved space. Specifically, we consider Klebanov-Tseytlin cascading gauge theory compactified on S^3. We explain regime when this gauge theory is a small deformation of the superconformal N=1 gauge theory on the world volume of regular D3-branes at the tip of the conifold. We study closed string states on the leading Regge trajectory in this background, and attempt to identify the dual gauge theory twist two operators.Comment: 26 pages, v2: refs adde

    Dynamics of Fundamental Matter in N=2* Yang-Mills Theory

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    We study the dynamics of quenched fundamental matter in N=2∗\mathcal{N}=2^\ast supersymmetric large NN SU(N) Yang-Mills theory at zero temperature. Our tools for this study are probe D7-branes in the holographically dual N=2∗\mathcal{N}=2^\ast Pilch-Warner gravitational background. Previous work using D3-brane probes of this geometry has shown that it captures the physics of a special slice of the Coulomb branch moduli space of the gauge theory, where the NN constituent D3-branes form a dense one dimensional locus known as the enhancon, located deep in the infrared. Our present work shows how this physics is supplemented by the physics of dynamical flavours, revealed by the D7-branes embeddings we find. The Pilch-Warner background introduces new divergences into the D7-branes free energy, which we are able to remove with a single counterterm. We find a family of D7-brane embeddings in the geometry and discuss their properties. We study the physics of the quark condensate, constituent quark mass, and part of the meson spectrum. Notably, there is a special zero mass embedding that ends on the enhancon, which shows that while the geometry acts repulsively on the D7-branes, it does not do so in a way that produces spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures. Corrected typos, added comment about counterterm. To appear in JHE
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