92 research outputs found

    Unequal Tourism Growth in an Alpine Lake Zone: Varied Responses in Na Communities

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    While tourism studies scholars debate the impact of tourism on indigenous people living in relatively remote areas, individuals, villages, government units and companies all over China are cashing in on these areas’ appeal to the newly affluent touring class

    The Case for Community Self-Governance on Access and Benefit Sharing of Digital Sequence Information

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    Digital sequence information (DSI),  a placeholder term commonly understood to refer to information related to genetic sequences stored in a digital format, has become a foundational component to biological research and its applications, including biodiversity conservation and biotechnological innovation. DSI results from the physical access to and use of genetic resources, which falls under the purview of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization (NP). The CBD and the NP are legal frameworks governing access to genetic resources and the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from their use, a mechanism widely known as access and benefit sharing (ABS). Despite good intentions, a number of national regimes adopted in pursuance of the CBD and NP have created complex, ineffective frameworks that exacerbate the risk of counterproductive effects for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. The debate on DSI focuses on what DSI includes, whether it is covered by the CBD or the NP and the possible implications of its inclusion or exclusion from these agreements. The CBD and NP parties agreed on a science- and policy-based process to debate the treatment of DSI. This process entailed the submission of views and information by parties, other governments, indigenous and local communities, and relevant organizations and stakeholders; the commissioning of technical studies; and the establishment of the Ad Hoc Technical Expert Group (AHTEG) on DSI. In the present article, we propose recommendations that can contribute to the upcoming discussion on DSI.Fil: Adler Miserendino, Rebecca A. Lewis Burke Associates; Estados UnidosFil: Meyer, Rachel Sarah. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Zimkus, Breda M. Harvard University; Estados UnidosFil: Bates, John. Field Museum of National History; Estados UnidosFil: Silvestri, Luciana Carla. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Taylor, Crispin. American Society Of Plant Biologists ; Estados UnidosFil: Blumenfield, Tami. University of New Mexico; Estados Unidos. Yunnan University; ChinaFil: Srigyan, Megha. University of California; Estados UnidosFil: Pandey, Jyotsna L. American Institute Of Biological Sciences; Estados Unido

    Patterns of Paternal Investment Predict Cross-Cultural Variation in Jealous Response

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    Long-lasting, romantic partnerships are a universal feature of human societies; but almost as ubiquitous is the risk of instability that comes when one partner strays. Jealous response to the threat of infidelity is a well-studied phenomenon, but most empirical work on the topic has focused on a proposed sex difference in the type of jealousy (sexual or emotional) men and women find most upsetting, rather than on how jealous response varies1,2. This stems in part from the predominance of studies using student samples from industrialized populations, which represent a relatively homogenous group in terms of age, life history stage, and social norms3,4. To better understand variation in partner jealousy, we conducted a two-part study in 11 populations (1,048 individuals), including eight small-scale societies, which examines how both sex and culture affect perceptions of infidelity. We show that, in spite of a robust sex difference, variation in jealous response is impacted more by the culture a respondent belongs to than by their sex. We further identify paternal investment and frequency of extramarital sex as two key predictors of cultural variation. Partner jealousy thus appears to be a facultative response, in part reflective of the variable risks and costs of men’s investment across societies

    Religiosity is associated with greater size, kin density, and geographic dispersal of women's social networks in Bangladesh

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    Human social relationships, often grounded in kinship, are being fundamentally altered by globalization as integration into geographically distant markets disrupts traditional kin based social networks. Religion plays a significant role in regulating social networks and may both stabilize extant networks as well as create new ones in ways that are under-recognized during the process of market integration. Here we use a detailed survey assessing the social networks of women in rural Bangladesh to examine whether religiosity preserves bonds among kin or broadens social networks to include fellow practitioners, thereby replacing genetic kin with unrelated co-religionists. Results show that the social networks of more religious women are larger and contain more kin but not more non-kin. More religious women's networks are also more geographically diffuse and differ from those of less religious women by providing more emotional support, but not helping more with childcare or offering more financial assistance. Overall, these results suggest that in some areas experiencing rapid social, economic, and demographic change, religion, in certain contexts, may not serve to broaden social networks to include non-kin, but may rather help to strengthen ties between relatives and promote family cohesion

    Market integration, income inequality, and kinship system among the Mosuo of China.

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    Increased access to defensible material wealth is hypothesised to escalate inequality. Market integration, which creates novel opportunities in cash economies, provides a means of testing this hypothesis. Using demographic data collected from 505 households among the matrilineal and patrilineal Mosuo in 2017, we test whether market integration is associated with increased material wealth, whether increased material wealth is associated with wealth inequality, and whether being in a matrilineal vs. patrilineal kinship system alters the relationship between wealth and inequality. We find evidence that market integration, measured as distance to the nearest source of tourism and primary source of household income, is associated with increased household income and 'modern' asset value. Both village-level market integration and mean asset value were associated negatively, rather than positively, with inequality, contrary to predictions. Finally, income, modern wealth and inequality were higher in matrilineal communities that were located closer to the centre of tourism and where tourism has long provided a relatively stable source of income. However, we also observed exacerbated inequality with increasing farm animal value in patriliny. We conclude that the forces affecting wealth and inequality depend on local context and that the importance of local institutions is obscured by aggregate statistics drawn from modern nation states.NSF BCS 1461514 - National Science FoundationPublished versio

    Social support, nutrition and health among women in rural Bangladesh: complex tradeoffs in allocare, kin proximity and support network size.

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    Malnutrition among women of reproductive age is a significant public health concern in low- and middle-income countries. Of particular concern are undernutrition from underweight and iron deficiency, along with overweight and obesity, all of which have negative health consequences for mothers and children. Accumulating evidence suggests that risk for poor nutritional outcomes may be mitigated by social support, yet how social support is measured varies tremendously and its effects likely vary by age, kinship and reproductive status. We examine the effects of different measures of social support on weight and iron nutrition among 677 randomly sampled women from rural Bangladesh. While we find that total support network size mitigates risk for underweight, other results point to a potential tradeoff in the effects of kin proximity, with nearby adult children associated with both lower risk for underweight and obesity and higher risk for iron deficiency and anaemia. Social support from kin may then enhance energy balance but not diet quality. Results also suggest that a woman's network of caregivers might reflect their greater need for help, as those who received more help with childcare and housework had worse iron nutrition. Overall, although some findings support the hypothesis that social support can be protective, others emphasize that social relationships often have neutral or negative effects, illustrating the kinds of tradeoffs expected from an evolutionary perspective. The complexities of these effects deserve attention in future work, particularly within public health, where what is defined as 'social support' is often assumed to be positive. This article is part of the theme issue 'Multidisciplinary perspectives on social support and maternal-child health'

    Using evolutionary theory to hypothesize a transition from patriliny to matriliny and back again among the ethnic Mosuo of Southwest China

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    Transitions to matriliny are said to be relatively rare. This evidence is sometimes used to support arguments that perceive matriliny as a problematic and unstable system of kinship. In this article, we use an evolutionary perspective to trace changes in kinship to and from matriliny among the Mosuo of Southwest China as potentially adaptive. The Mosuo are famous for practicing a relatively rare form of female-biased kinship involving matrilineal descent and inheritance, natalocal residence, and a non-marital reproductive system (‘walking marriage’ or sese). Less well documented is their patrilineal subpopulation, who practice male-biased, patrilineal inheritance and descent, patrilocal residence, and exclusive marriage. Our analysis supports the existence of a prior transition to matriliny at least a millennium ago among Mosuo residing in the Yongning Basin, followed by a subsequent transition to patriliny among Mosuo residing in the more rugged mountainous terrain near Labai. We argue that these transitions make sense in light of economic, social, and political conditions that disfavor versus favor disproportionate investments in men, in matriliny versus patriliny, respectively. We conclude that additional evidence of such transitions would shed light on explanations of variation in kinship and that convergent approaches involving analysis of genetic, archaeological, and ethnohistorical data would provide holistic understandings of kinship and social change.Published versio

    Exploring the place of arts-based approaches in early childhood education research

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    Defined broadly as the use of art forms – music, drama, music, painting, storying and so on – to create privileged insight into educational policies and practices, Arts-Based Educational Research [ABER] techniques have started to have some, albeit limited, purchase on the mainstream of educational enquiry; there is less evidence, however, of their use in early childhood research. This article critically outlines some chief characteristics of an ABER approach, its claim to legitimacy in the currency of qualitative research practice and the issues which presently both drive and challenge it. An example from our own work is given, and the essay concludes with a prospectus of critical issues, questions and exhortations

    A study of sertraline in dialysis (ASSertID) : a protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial of drug treatment for depression in patients undergoing haemodialysis

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    © 2015 Friedli et al. Open AccessThis article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise statedBACKGROUND: The prevalence of depression in people receiving haemodialysis is high with estimates varying between 20 and 40 %. There is little research on the effectiveness of antidepressants in dialysis patients with the few clinical trials suffering significant methodological issues. We plan to carry out a study to evaluate the feasibility of conducting a randomised controlled trial in patients on haemodialysis who have diagnosed Major Depressive Disorder.METHODS/DESIGN: The study has two phases, a screening phase and the randomised controlled trial. Patients will be screened initially with the Beck Depression Inventory to estimate the number of patients who score 16 or above. These patients will be invited to an interview with a psychiatrist who will invite those with a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder to take part in the trial. Consenting patients will be randomised to either Sertraline or placebo. Patients will be followed-up for 6 months. Demographic and clinical data will be collected at screening interview, baseline interview and 2 weeks, and every month (up to 6 months) after baseline. The primary outcome is to evaluate the feasibility of conducting a randomised, double blind, placebo pilot trial in haemodialysis patients with depression. Secondary outcomes include estimation of the variability in the outcome measures for the treatment and placebo arms, which will allow for a future adequately powered definitive trial. Analysis will primarily be descriptive, including the number of patients eligible for the trial, drug exposure of Sertraline in haemodialysis patients and the patient experience of participating in this trial.DISCUSSION: There is an urgent need for this research in the dialysis population because of the dearth of good quality and adequately powered studies. Research with renal patients is particularly difficult as they often have complex medical needs. This research will therefore not only assess the outcome of anti-depressants in haemodialysis patients with depression but also the process of running a randomised controlled trial in this population. Hence, the outputs of this feasibility study will be used to inform the design and methodology of a definitive study, adequately powered to determine the efficacy of anti-depressants in patient on haemodialysis with depression.TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN registry ISRCTN06146268 and EudraCT reference: 2012-000547-27.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio
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