841 research outputs found

    Development of a relatchable cover mechanism for a cryogenic IR-sensor

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    A cover mechanism for use on the Infrared Background Signature Survey (IBSS) cryostat was developed. The IBSS IR-instrument is scheduled for STS launch in early 1991 as a payload of the Shuttle Payload Satellite (SPS) 2. The cover is hinged, with a motorized rope drive. During ground processing, launch, entry, and landing, the cryostat, which houses the IR-instrument, is required to be a sealed vacuum tight container for cooling purposes and contamination prevention. When on orbit, the cover is opened to provide an unobstructed field of view for the IR-instrument. A positive seal is accomplished through the use of latch mechanism. The cover and the latch are driven by a common redundant actuator consisting of dc motors, spur gears, and a differential gear. Hall probe limit switches and position sensors (rotary variable transformer) are used to determine the position of the cover and the latch. The cover mechanism was successfully qualified for thermal vacuum (-25 to 35 C), acoustic noise, vibration (6 Gs sine, 9.7 G RMS) and life cycles. Constricting requirements, mechanical and electronic control design, specific design details, test results of functional performance, and environmental and life tests are described

    Decentralization Policy and The Struggle for Authority Over Forest Resources in Tebo Regency, Jambi

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    Kebijakan desentralisasi atau yang umum dikenal dengan istilah otonomi daerah mengamanatkan kepada pusat untuk menyerahkan berbagai kewenangan pemerintahan kepadadaerah. Penyerahan kewenangan kepada daerah ini dimaksudkan agar tata pemerintahan dan pelayanan publik dapat berjalan secara lebih efektif dan efisien. Namun, peralihan sistem pemerintahan dari sentralisasi ke desentralisasi tidak selamanya berjalan lurus mulus. Ketegangan hubungan pusat dan daerah terjadi akibat keengganan penyelenggara pemerintahan di tingkat pusatmenyerahkan kewenangan kepada daerah dan egoisme kedaerahan yang berlebihan ditandai dengan terbitnya berbagai Peraturan Daerah yang bertentangan dengan peraturan di atasnya. Hal ini mengakibatkan ketidakpastian hukum yang berpotensi memicu konflik antara pusat dan daerah serta antara kelompok masyarakat menyangkut hak mereka untuk mendapatkan manfaat, akses dan tanggung jawab atas sumber daya alam termasuk huta

    Single-valley high-mobility (110) AlAs quantum wells with anisotropic mass

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    We studied a doping series of (110)-oriented AlAs quantum wells (QWs) and observed transport evidence of single anisotropic-mass valley occupancy for the electrons in a 150 \AA wide QW. Our calculations of strain and quantum confinement for these samples predict single anisotropic-mass valley occupancy for well widths WW greater than 53 \AA. Below this, double-valley occupation is predicted such that the longitudinal mass axes are collinear. We observed mobility anisotropy in the electronic transport along the crystallographic directions in the ratio of 2.8, attributed to the mass anisotropy as well as anisotropic scattering of the electrons in the X-valley of AlAs

    Food Security in Crop, Livestock and Mixed Farming Systems in Mali

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    This study evaluates the food security status, its determinants and the coping strategies in crop, livestock and mixed crop-livestock systems in southern Mali. Interviews were conducted with 258 households that were categorized into the three farming systems based on the revenue from livestock and crop production. A linear mixed model was used to analyse the effects of household characteristics on food security using the food consumption score (FCS), household dietary diversity score (HDDS), a modified household food insecurity access scale (mHFIAS) and coping strategies as indicators. Food consumption score was significantly influenced by the farming system with highest FCS for the livestock system (88) followed by the mixed system (77) and the crop system (69). Moreover, FCS was positively influenced by the number of crops cultivated, total farm milk production, off-farm income and number of raised chickens (p \u3c 0.1). The main difference in food intake between systems was for milk with average daily consumption of 201 ml, 110 ml and 60 ml in the livestock, mixed and crop systems, respectively. HDDS was also significantly influenced by the farming system with highest HDDS values for the livestock system (8.9), followed by the mixed system (8.2) and the crop system (8.0). Further, HDDS was positively influenced by crop diversity and number of chickens, and negatively influenced by the number of family dependents. During the food shortage period of August, households from the crop system were more food insecure than households from the mixed and livestock systems with mHFIAS values of 0.9, 1.5 and 4.3, respectively. Livestock and mixed systems were more resilient to food insecurity situations than the crop system. This study confirms the direct effect of milk production on milk consumption and the importance of livestock for enhancing food security and livelihood resilience

    Electronic properties of dislocations

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    Valley degeneracy in biaxially strained aluminum arsenide quantum wells

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    This paper details a complete formalism for calculating electron subband energy and degeneracy in strained multi-valley quantum wells grown along any orientation with explicit results for the AlAs quantum well case. A standardized rotation matrix is defined to transform from the conventional- cubic-cell basis to the quantum-well-transport basis whereby effective mass tensors, valley vectors, strain matrices, anisotropic strain ratios, and scattering vectors are all defined in their respective bases. The specific cases of (001)-, (110)-, and (111)-oriented aluminum arsenide (AlAs) quantum wells are examined, as is the unconventional (411) facet, which is of particular importance in AlAs literature. Calculations of electron confinement and strain in the (001), (110), and (411) facets determine the critical well width for crossover from double- to single-valley degeneracy in each system. The notation is generalized to include miscut angles, and can be adapted to other multi-valley systems. To help classify anisotropic inter-valley scattering events, a new primitive unit cell is defined in momentum space which allows one to distinguish purely in-plane inter-valley scattering events from those that requires an out-of-plane momentum scattering component.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    The Fine-Scale Structure of the Global Tropopause Derived from COSMIC GPS Radio Occultation Measurements

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    The spatiotemporal structure of the lapse-rate tropopause is examined by using state-of-the-art Global Positioning System radio occultation measurements from the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC) Formosa Satellite Mission 3 mission. The high temporal and spatial resolutions of the data reveal the detailed structure of tropopause properties such as pressure (pt), temperature (Tt), and sharpness (Nt^2) and their relationships to upper tropospheric and lower stratospheric processes. The overall results are generally in good agreement with previous studies. The climatology of all three tropopause properties shows largely homogeneous structure in the zonal direction: noticeable asymmetries are found only in the tropics and the Northern Hemisphere extratropics during boreal winter owing to localized tropospheric processes. This contrasts with the seasonal cycles of tropopause properties which are significantly influenced by stratospheric processes such as the Brewer-Dobson circulation, the polar vortex, and the radiative processes near the tropopause. On intraseasonal time scales, pt and Tt exhibit significant variability over the Asian summer monsoon and the subtropics where double tropopauses frequently occur. In contrast, Nt^2 shows maximum variability in the tropics where pt and Tt have minimum variability, possibly a consequence of vertically propagating waves. The tropopause properties derived from COSMIC observations are further applied to evaluate tropopause data directly available from the NCEP-NCAR Reanalysis (NNR). Although the NNR tropopause data have been widely used in climate studies, they are found to have significant and systematic biases, especially in the subtropics. This suggests that the NNR tropopause data should be treated with great caution in any quantitative studies

    From "best practice" to "best fit": a framework for designing and analyzing pluralistic agricultural advisory services

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    "Agricultural advisory services play an important role in supporting the use of the agricultural sector as an engine of pro-poor growth and enabling small farmers to meet new challenges, such as accessing export markets, adopting environmentally sustainable production techniques, and coping with HIV/AIDS and other health challenges that affect agriculture...There is now renewed interest in agricultural advisory services in many countries.... The questions under debate include: What should be the roles of the public sector, private sector, and civil society? How can we ensure that agricultural advisory services are demand-driven and meet the diverse information needs of farmers? How can advisory services be made efficient and financially sustainable? How can we ensure that female farmers, the poor, and other marginalized groups have access to agricultural advisory services?" from Authors' SummaryAgricultural extension work, Pro-poor growth, Capacity strengthening,
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