683 research outputs found

    Organ culture storage of pre-prepared corneal donor material for Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty

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    Purpose To evaluate the effect of media composition and storage method on pre-prepared Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) grafts. Methods 50 corneas were used. Endothelial wound healing and proliferation in different media were assessed using a standard injury model. DMEK grafts were stored using three methods: peeling with free scroll storage; partial peeling with storage on the stroma and fluid bubble separation with storage on the stroma. Endothelial cell (EC) phenotype and the extent of endothelial overgrowth were examined. Global cell viability was assessed for storage methods that maintained a normal cell phenotype. Results 1 mm wounds healed within 4 days. Enhanced media did not increase EC proliferation but may have increased EC migration into the wounded area. Grafts that had been trephined showed evidence of EC overgrowth, whereas preservation of a physical barrier in the bubble group prevented this. In grafts stored in enhanced media or reapposed to the stroma after trephination, endothelial migration occurred sooner and cells underwent endothelial-mesenchymal transformation. Ongoing cell loss, with new patterns of cell death, was observed after returning grafts to storage. Grafts stored as free scrolls retained more viable ECs than grafts prepared with the fluid bubble method (74.2± 3% vs 60.3±6%, p=0.04 (n=8). Conclusion Free scroll storage is superior to liquid bubble and partial peeling techniques. Free scrolls only showed overgrowth of ECs after 4 days in organ culture, indicating a viable time window for the clinical use of pre-prepared DMEK donor material using this method. Methods for tissue preparation and storage media developed for whole corneas should not be used in pre-prepared DMEK grafts without prior evaluation

    Global cell-by-cell evaluation of endothelial viability after two methods of graft preparation in Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty

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    PURPOSE: To describe a novel method of global cell viability assessment for Descemet membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) and the comparison of two contemporary methods of donor tissue preparation. METHODS: DMEK transplants were prepared using two different methods: liquid bubble separation and manual peeling (n=8 each group). Samples were incubated with Hoechst, calcein-AM and ethidium homodimer prior to mounting on a curved imaging chamber. Z-stacked fluorescence microscopy images were combined to produce an in-focus global image capable of resolving all cell nuclei. Image processing software was used to define a calcein-positive live cell area, count all cell nuclei within this area and subtract ethidium-positive dead cells to derive the total viable endothelial cell count. Corrected global cell density was calculated by dividing the number of viable cells by the graft area, which had been corrected for imaging a curved surface. RESULTS: Corrected global cell density was lower than the central endothelial cell density in both groups: 85.5% of the pre-preparation central endothelial cell density in the peel group and 75.8% in the bubble group. Corrected global cell density was significantly lower in the liquid bubble separation group than in the peel group (p=0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Eye bank estimations of central endothelial cell density overestimate true cell density after graft preparation in DMEK. A peel method is less damaging and more consistent than a liquid bubble method. Cell loss correlated strongly with the degree of stromal hydration prior to bubble separation in the liquid bubble group

    Autophagy: A cyto-protective mechanism which prevents primary human hepatocyte apoptosis during oxidative stress

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    The role of autophagy in the response of human hepatocytes to oxidative stress remains unknown. Understanding this process may have important implications for the understanding of basic liver epithelial cell biology and the responses of hepatocytes during liver disease. To address this we isolated primary hepatocytes from human liver tissue and exposed them ex vivo to hypoxia and hypoxia-reoxygenation (H-R). We showed that oxidative stress increased hepatocyte autophagy in a reactive oxygen species (ROS) and class III PtdIns3K-dependent manner. Specifically, mitochondrial ROS and NADPH oxidase were found to be key regulators of autophagy. Autophagy involved the upregulation of BECN1, LC3A, Atg7, Atg5 and Atg 12 during hypoxia and H-R. Autophagy was seen to occur within the mitochondria of the hepatocyte and inhibition of autophagy resulted in the lowering a mitochondrial membrane potential and onset of cell death. Autophagic responses were primarily observed in the large peri-venular (PV) hepatocyte subpopulation. Inhibition of autophagy, using 3-methyladenine, increased apoptosis during H-R. Specifically, PV human hepatocytes were more susceptible to apoptosis after inhibition of autophagy. These findings show for the first time that during oxidative stress autophagy serves as a cell survival mechanism for primary human hepatocytes

    Radical resection of large metastatic non-functioning pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma complicated by splenic vein thrombosis and sinistral portal hypertension.

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    INTRODUCTION AND IMPORTANCE: There are limited reports in the literature of radical surgical resection for pancreatic neuroendocrine carcinoma (PNEC). In patients with non-functioning PNEC (NF-PNEC) within the tail of the pancreas tumours can cause splenic vein thrombosis (SVT) and subsequent sinitral portal hypertension (SPH). Radical surgical resection in such patients with concomitant liver metastasis has not previously been reported. CASE PRESENTATION: We present a 67-year old female patient who presented with a large NF-PNEC within the tail of the pancreas with liver metastasis. We performed a distal pancreatectomy, splenectomy, partial gastrectomy and liver resection to achieve radical resecton. DISCUSSION: All patients with NF-PNEC within the tail of the pancreatic should be considered for radical surgical resection. In the presence of multi-visceral involvement and complications such as SVT and/or SPH multi-speciality surgical expertise is likely to be required. CONCLUSION: Radical multi-visceral resection for large NF-PNEC can be safely performed in the presence of SVT and SPH

    Von Willebrand factor

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    Mate value discrepancy and attachment anxiety predict the perpetration of digital dating abuse

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    Research suggests that individual differences in attachment style predict the perpetration of digital dating abuse. In addition to attachment style, no research, to our knowledge, has explored the role of mate value in the perpetration of digital dating abuse. In this paper, we argue that digital dating abuse is a contemporary cost-inflicting mate retention behaviour, where larger mate value discrepancies between partners are associated with higher levels of digital dating abuse (n = 167). As expected, high mate value discrepancy and attachment anxiety were associated with high levels of digital dating abuse. We provide novel support for the relationship between mate value discrepancy and digital dating abuse. Our findings provide support for additional, unexplored factors which lead to the perpetration of digital dating abus

    Development of antigen-specific ELISA for circulating autoantibodies to extracellular matrix protein 1 in lichen sclerosus

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    Lichen sclerosus is a common, acquired chronic inflammatory skin disease of unknown etiology, although circulating autoantibodies to the glycoprotein extracellular matrix protein 1 (ECM1) have been detected in most patients’ sera. We have examined the nature of ECM1 epitopes in lichen sclerosus sera, developed an ELISA system for serologic diagnosis, and assessed clinicopathological correlation between ELISA titer and disease. Epitope-mapping studies revealed that lichen sclerosus sera most frequently recognized the distal second tandem repeat domain and carboxyl-terminus of ECM1. We analyzed serum autoantibody reactivity against this immunodominant epitope in 413 individuals (95 subjects with lichen sclerosus, 161 normal control subjects, and 157 subjects with other autoimmune basement membrane or sclerosing diseases). The ELISA assay was highly sensitive; 76 of 95 lichen sclerosus patients (80.0%) exhibited IgG reactivity. It was also highly specific (93.7%) in discriminating between lichen sclerosus and other disease/control sera. Higher anti-ECM1 titers also correlated with more longstanding and refractory disease and cases complicated by squamous cell carcinoma. Furthermore, passive transfer of affinity-purified patient IgG reproduced some histologic and immunopathologic features of lichen sclerosus skin. This new ELISA is valuable for the accurate detection and quantification of anti-ECM1 autoantibodies. Moreover, the values may have clinical significance in patients with lichen sclerosus

    Balancing Clinical Objectives with Patient Centered Care

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    This poster is a reflection focuses on the challenges of balancing the medical needs of a patient and their preferences in an interdisciplinary health care setting. Students from UNE\u27s Physician Assistant, Osteopathic Medicine, Social Work, Dental Medicine, and Nursing programs collaborated with Allopathic Medicine and Podiatric Medicine students from Rosalind Franklin University Medical School as a virtual health care team to care for a patient with long-covid

    Estimation of Population Mean in the Presence of Non-Response and Measurement Error

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    Under classical survey sampling theory the errors mainly studied in the estimation are sampling errors. However, often non-sampling errors are more influential to the properties of the estimator than sampling errors. This is recognized by practitioners, researchers and many great works of literature regarding non-sampling errors have been published during last two decades, especially regarding non-response error which is one of the cornerstones of the non-sampling errors. The literature handles one kind of non-sampling error at a time, although in real surveys more than one non-sampling error is usually present.In this paper, two kinds of non-sampling errors are considered at the estimation stage: non-response and measurement error. An exponential ratio type estimator has been developed to estimate the population mean of the response variable in the presence of non-response and measurement errors. Theoretically and empirically, it has been shown that the proposed estimator is more efficient than usual unbiased estimator and other existing estimators.En la teoría de muestreo de la encuesta clásica los errores estudiados principalmente en la estimación son el muestreo errores. Sin embargo, a menudo los errores ajenos al muestreo son más influyentes que las propiedades del estimador de errores de muestreo. Esto es reconocido por los profesionales, los investigadores y muchos grandes obras de la literatura en relación con los errores ajenos al muestreo se ha publicado en los últimos dos decenios, especialmente en relación con el error de falta de respuesta, que es una de las piedras angulares de los errores ajenos al muestreo. La literatura se ocupa de un tipo de error no muestral a la vez, aunque en las encuestas reales más de un error no muestral suele estar presente. En este trabajo, dos tipos de errores ajenos al muestreo son considerados en la etapa de la estimación: la falta de respuesta y el error de medición. Un tipo exponencial estimador de razón ha sido desarrollado para estimar la media poblacional de la variable de respuesta en presencia de errores de falta de respuesta y de medición. Teóricamente y empíricamente, se ha mostrado que el estimador propuesto es más eficiente que estimador insesgado habitual y otros estimadores existentes
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