700 research outputs found

    Strongly Asymmetric Tricriticality of Quenched Random-Field Systems

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    In view of the recently seen dramatic effect of quenched random bonds on tricritical systems, we have conducted a renormalization-group study on the effect of quenched random fields on the tricritical phase diagram of the spin-1 Ising model in d=3d=3. We find that random fields convert first-order phase transitions into second-order, in fact more effectively than random bonds. The coexistence region is extremely flat, attesting to an unusually small tricritical exponent βu\beta_u; moreover, an extreme asymmetry of the phase diagram is very striking. To accomodate this asymmetry, the second-order boundary exhibits reentrance.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, 2 figs, submitted to PR

    Multicritical points for the spin glass models on hierarchical lattices

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    The locations of multicritical points on many hierarchical lattices are numerically investigated by the renormalization group analysis. The results are compared with an analytical conjecture derived by using the duality, the gauge symmetry and the replica method. We find that the conjecture does not give the exact answer but leads to locations slightly away from the numerically reliable data. We propose an improved conjecture to give more precise predictions of the multicritical points than the conventional one. This improvement is inspired by a new point of view coming from renormalization group and succeeds in deriving very consistent answers with many numerical data.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables This is the published versio

    d=3 Anisotropic and d=2 tJ Models: Phase Diagrams, Thermodynamic Properties, and Chemical Potential Shift

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    The anisotropic d=3 tJ model is studied by renormalization-group theory, yielding the evolution of the system as interplane coupling is varied from the isotropic three-dimensional to quasi-two-dimensional regimes. Finite-temperature phase diagrams, chemical potential shifts, and in-plane and interplane kinetic energies and antiferromagnetic correlations are calculated for the entire range of electron densities. We find that the novel tau phase, seen in earlier studies of the isotropic d=3 tJ model, and potentially corresponding to the superconducting phase in high-T_c materials, persists even for strong anisotropy. While the tau phase appears at low temperatures at 30-35% hole doping away from =1, at smaller hole dopings we see a complex lamellar structure of antiferromagnetic and disordered regions, with a suppressed chemical potential shift, a possible marker of incommensurate ordering in the form of microscopic stripes. An investigation of the renormalization-group flows for the isotropic two-dimensional tJ model also shows a pre-signature of the tau phase, which appears with finite transition temperatures upon addition of the smallest interplane coupling.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures; replaced with published versio

    Critical Percolation Phase and Thermal BKT Transition in a Scale-Free Network with Short-Range and Long-Range Random Bonds

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    Percolation in a scale-free hierarchical network is solved exactly by renormalization-group theory, in terms of the different probabilities of short-range and long-range bonds. A phase of critical percolation, with algebraic (Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless) geometric order, occurs in the phase diagram, in addition to the ordinary (compact) percolating phase and the non-percolating phase. It is found that no connection exists between, on the one hand, the onset of this geometric BKT behavior and, on the other hand, the onsets of the highly clustered small-world character of the network and of the thermal BKT transition of the Ising model on this network. Nevertheless, both geometric and thermal BKT behaviors have inverted characters, occurring where disorder is expected, namely at low bond probability and high temperature, respectively. This may be a general property of long-range networks.Comment: Added explanations and data. Published version. 4pages, 4 figure


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    The antiferromagnetic three-state Potts model on the simple-cubic lattice is studied using Monte Carlo simulations. The ordering in a medium temperature range below the critical point is investigated in detail. Two different regimes have been observed: The so-called broken sublattice-symmetry phase dominates at sufficiently low temperatures, while the phase just below the critical point is characterized by an effectively continuous order parameter and by a fully restored rotational symmetry. However, the later phase is not the permutationally sublattice symmetric phase recently predicted by the cluster variation method.Comment: 20 pages with 9 figures in a single postscript file (compressed and uuencoded by uufiles -gz -9) plus two big figures in postscript file

    Two Superconducting Phases in the d=3 Hubbard Model: Phase Diagram and Specific Heat from Renormalization-Group Calculations

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    The phase diagram of the d=3 Hubbard model is calculated as a function of temperature and electron density n_i, in the full range of densities between 0 and 2 electrons per site, using renormalization-group theory. An antiferromagnetic phase occurs at lower temperatures, at and near the half-filling density of = 1. The antiferromagnetic phase is unstable to hole or electron doping of at most 15%, yielding to two distinct "tau" phases: for large coupling U/t, one such phase occurs between 30-35% hole or electron doping, and for small to intermediate coupling U/t another such phase occurs between 10-18% doping. Both tau phases are distinguished by non-zero hole or electron hopping expectation values at all length scales. Under further doping, the tau phases yield to hole- or electron-rich disordered phases. We have calculated the specific heat over the entire phase diagram. The low-temperature specific heat of the weak-coupling tau phase shows a BCS-type exponential decay, indicating a gap in the excitation spectrum, and a cusp singularity at the phase boundary. The strong-coupling tau phase, on the other hand, has characteristics of BEC-type superconductivity, including a critical exponent alpha approximately equal to -1, and an additional peak in the specific heat above the transition temperature indicating pair formation. In the limit of large Coulomb repulsion, the phase diagram of the tJ model is recovered.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures; typos in Fig. 2 correcte

    Potts-Percolation-Gauss Model of a Solid

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    We study a statistical mechanics model of a solid. Neighboring atoms are connected by Hookian springs. If the energy is larger than a threshold the "spring" is more likely to fail, while if the energy is lower than the threshold the spring is more likely to be alive. The phase diagram and thermodynamic quantities, such as free energy, numbers of bonds and clusters, and their fluctuations, are determined using renormalization-group and Monte-Carlo techniques.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Excitation Spectrum Gap and Spin-Wave Stiffness of XXZ Heisenberg Chains: Global Renormalization-Group Calculation

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    The anisotropic XXZ spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain is studied using renormalization-group theory. The specific heats and nearest-neighbor spin-spin correlations are calculated thoughout the entire temperature and anisotropy ranges in both ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic regions, obtaining a global description and quantitative results. We obtain, for all anisotropies, the antiferromagnetic spin-liquid spin-wave velocity and the Isinglike ferromagnetic excitation spectrum gap, exhibiting the spin-wave to spinon crossover. A number of characteristics of purely quantum nature are found: The in-plane interaction s_i^x s_j^x + s_i^y s_j^y induces an antiferromagnetic correlation in the out-of-plane s_i^z component, at higher temperatures in the antiferromagnetic XXZ chain, dominantly at low temperatures in the ferromagnetic XXZ chain, and, in-between, at all temperatures in the XY chain. We find that the converse effect also occurs in the antiferromagnetic XXZ chain: an antiferromagnetic s_i^z s_j^z interaction induces a correlation in the s_i^xy component. As another purely quantum effect, (i) in the antiferromagnet, the value of the specific heat peak is insensitive to anisotropy and the temperature of the specific heat peak decreases from the isotropic (Heisenberg) with introduction of either type (Ising or XY) anisotropy; (ii) in complete contrast, in the ferromagnet, the value and temperature of the specific heat peak increase with either type of anisotropy.Comment: New results added to text and figures. 12 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables. Published versio

    Phase Diagrams and Crossover in Spatially Anisotropic d=3 Ising, XY Magnetic and Percolation Systems: Exact Renormalization-Group Solutions of Hierarchical Models

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    Hierarchical lattices that constitute spatially anisotropic systems are introduced. These lattices provide exact solutions for hierarchical models and, simultaneously, approximate solutions for uniaxially or fully anisotropic d=3 physical models. The global phase diagrams, with d=2 and d=1 to d=3 crossovers, are obtained for Ising, XY magnetic models and percolation systems, including crossovers from algebraic order to true long-range order.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figures. Corrected typos, added publication informatio

    Random site dilution properties of frustrated magnets on a hierarchical lattice

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    We present a method to analyze magnetic properties of frustrated Ising spin models on specific hierarchical lattices with random dilution. Disorder is induced by dilution and geometrical frustration rather than randomness in the internal couplings of the original Hamiltonian. The two-dimensional model presented here possesses a macroscopic entropy at zero temperature in the large size limit, very close to the Pauling estimate for spin-ice on pyrochlore lattice, and a crossover towards a paramagnetic phase. The disorder due to dilution is taken into account by considering a replicated version of the recursion equations between partition functions at different lattice sizes. An analysis at first order in replica number allows for a systematic reorganization of the disorder configurations, leading to a recurrence scheme. This method is numerically implemented to evaluate the thermodynamical quantities such as specific heat and susceptibility in an external field.Comment: 26 pages, 11 figure