105 research outputs found

    Locally spectrally bounded linear maps

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    summary:Let L(H){\mathcal L}({\mathcal H}) be the algebra of all bounded linear operators on a complex Hilbert space H{\mathcal H}. We characterize locally spectrally bounded linear maps from L(H){\mathcal L}({\mathcal H}) onto itself. As a consequence, we describe linear maps from L(H){\mathcal L}({\mathcal H}) onto itself that compress the local spectrum

    Future 400 kV Algerian network and radio electric disturbances in dry weather and under rain

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    The development of the electrical power networks to very high voltage (V.H.V) reveals problems involved in the high electric fields; it is essential to consider it in the design of installations in order to avoid or to mitigate some problematic or dangerous effects. Among the most important harmful effects, we can note the "radio interference disturbances". The principal aim of this paper is the use of a simulation programme using an analytical method based on the theory of propagation modes, made by one of the authors, for determination and calculation of the exact profile of disturbance field of actual high voltage lines (220 kV) and in project (400 kV) in dry weather and under rain. Specific software called "effect corona" was developed for this purpose

    A high-frequency modeling of AC motor in a frequency range from 40 Hz to 110 MHz

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    Introduction. Most electromagnetic compatibility models developed for the study of three-phase induction machines are generally valid for low and medium frequencies (<< 1 MHz). This frequency limit seems to be too restrictive for the overall study of conducted electromagnetic interference. In this paper, the model is using the proposed model and compared with experimental results in low and medium frequency. And then, the high-frequency modeling of induction motor is presented new method based on transfer function model. The proposed methodology is verified on an experimental and simulation, it’s suitable for prediction of the terminal overvoltage analysis and electromagnetic interference problems and common-mode and differential-mode currents. The novelty of the work consists to develop an improved high-frequency motor model based on transfer function to represent the motor high-frequency behavior for frequency-domain analyses in the frequency range from 40 Hz up to 110 MHz .The purpose of this work is to study the common-mode impedance and the differential-mode impedance of AC motor. The determination of these impedances is done for firstly both common and differential modes at low and medium frequency, and then common-mode and differential-mode characteristics at high frequency. Methods. For the study of the path of common-mode and differential-mode currents in typical AC motor (0.25 kW, 50 Hz) an identification method in high frequency for induction motor has been proposed based on the transfer function in differential-mode and common-mode configuration. The low and medium frequency model were presented in the first time based on equivalent circuit of electrical motor. Then, the common-mode and differential-mode impedances were defined in high frequency using asymptotic approach. This motor was studied by MATLAB Software for simulation and also experimental measurements. Results. All the simulations were performed using the mathematical model and the results obtained are validated by experimental measurements performed in the University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg in Germany. The obtained results of common-mode and differential-mode at low frequency, medium and high frequency are compared between simulation and experiment.Вступ. Більшість моделей електромагнітної сумісності, розроблених для дослідження трифазних асинхронних машин, загалом застосовні для низьких та середніх частот (<<1 МГц). Ця частотна межа здається надто суворою для загального вивчення кондуктивних електромагнітних перешкод. У цій статті запропонована модель використовується і порівнюється з експериментальними результатами за низької та середньої частоти. Потім представлений новий метод високочастотного моделювання асинхронного двигуна, що базується на моделі передавальної функції. Запропонована методологія перевірена експериментально та за допомогою моделювання, вона придатна для прогнозування аналізу перенапруг на клемах та проблем електромагнітних перешкод, а також синфазних та диференціальних струмів. Новизна запропонованої роботи полягає у розробці вдосконаленої моделі високочастотного двигуна на основі передавальної функції для представлення високочастотної поведінки двигуна для аналізу частотної області в діапазоні частот від 40 Гц до 110 МГц. Мета роботи полягає у вивченні синфазного імпедансу та диференціального імпедансу двигуна змінного струму. Визначення цих імпедансів виконується спочатку для синфазних та диференціальних мод на низькій та середній частоті, а потім для синфазних та диференціальних характеристик на високій частоті. Методи. Для дослідження шляху синфазних та диференціальних струмів у типовому двигуні змінного струму (0,25 кВт, 50 Гц) було запропоновано метод ідентифікації на високій частоті для асинхронного двигуна, заснований на передавальній функції у конфігураціях диференціального та синфазного режимів. Вперше представлена низько- та середньочастотна модель на основі схеми заміщення електродвигуна. Потім синфазний та диференціальний імпеданси визначені на високій частоті з використанням асимптотичного підходу. Цей двигун був вивчений програмним забезпеченням MATLAB для моделювання та експериментальних вимірювань. Результати. Все моделювання виконано з використанням математичної моделі, а отримані результати підтверджені експериментальними вимірами, проведеними в Університеті федеральних збройних сил у Гамбурзі, Німеччина. Отримані результати синфазного та диференціального режиму на низькій частоті, середній та високій частоті порівнюються між моделюванням та експериментом

    Development of a boost-inverter converter under electromagnetic compatibility stress equipping a photovoltaic generator

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    Introduction. Static converters are among the most widely used equipment in several applications, for example, electric power transmission, motor speed variation, photovoltaic panels, which constitute the electronic components. The design of a power electronics device is done without any real means of predicting electromagnetic disturbances during the product development phase. This case-by-case development process is repeated until a solution is found that best respects all the electromagnetic compatibility constraints. The purpose is the development of a boost-inverter converter under electromagnetic compatibility constraints. The improvements made to the inverter are mainly in the control, the choice of power switches and the electromagnetic compatibility solutions brought to the device. The quality of the wave is improved by acting on the type of control and the choice of switches. Methods. In the first time, we have highlighted a comparison between two most frequently used power components (MOSFET and IGBT) in the inverter and the boost by simulation using ISIS and LT-spice softwares. The sinusoidal voltage with modulation circuit is greatly simplified by the use of the PIC16F876A microcontroller. In a second step, we validate the obtained results with experimental measurements. We start with the boost, then the inverter. In addition, the circuits made are housed in boxes to avoid accidental contact for people. The equipment is designed to isolate the load from the power supply in case of: over voltages, under voltages, high and low battery level and short circuits. Results. All the simulations were performed using the ISIS and LT-spice softwares. The obtained results are validated by experimental measurements performed in the ICEPS Laboratory at the University of Sidi Bel-Abbes in Algeria. The realization of a single-phase inverter with a pulse width modulation control, associated with a boost chopper and the waveforms of the current and voltage across each static converter its opening are presented. The sources of disturbances in power devices are at the origin of the temporal and frequency characteristics of the signals coming from the hot spots of the power switches and the resonances created during the switching of these elements.Вступ. Статичні перетворювачі відносяться до обладнання, що найбільш широко використовується в декількох застосуваннях, наприклад, для передачі електроенергії, зміни швидкості двигуна, у фотогальванічних панелях, які складають електронні компоненти. Проєкт устрою силової електроніки виконується без будь-яких реальних засобів прогнозування електромагнітних перешкод на етапі розробки продукту. Цей процес індивідуальної розробки повторюється доти, доки знайдено рішення, яке найкраще враховує всі обмеження електромагнітної сумісності. Метою є розробка підвищувально-інверторного перетворювача при обмеженнях за електромагнітною сумісністю. Удосконалення, внесені в інвертор, в основному стосуються управління, вибору силових вимикачів та рішень щодо електромагнітної сумісності, реалізованих у пристрої. Якість хвилі покращується за рахунок впливу на тип керування та вибір перемикачів. Методи. Вперше ми підкреслили порівняння між двома найбільш часто використовуваними силовими компонентами (MOSFET та IGBT) в інверторі та підвищенням шляхом моделювання з використанням програмного забезпечення ISIS та LT-spice. Синусоїдальна напруга зі схемою модуляції значно спрощується за рахунок використання мікроконтролера PIC16F876A. На другому етапі ми підтверджуємо отримані результати експериментальними вимірами. Починаємо з Boost, потім з інвертора. Крім того, виготовлені схеми розміщені в коробках, щоб уникнути випадкового дотику людей. Устаткування призначене для відключення навантаження від джерела живлення у разі: перенапруги, зниженої напруги, високого та низького рівня заряду батареї та короткого замикання. Результати. Усі розрахунки проводилися з використанням програм ISIS та LT-spice. Отримані результати підтверджені експериментальними вимірами, проведеними в лабораторії ICEPS Університету Сіді-Бель-Аббес в Алжирі. Представлено реалізацію однофазного інвертора з керуванням на базі широтно-імпульсної модуляції, пов'язаного з підвищуючим переривником, а також осцилограми струму та напруги на кожному відкритті його статичного перетворювача. Джерелами збурень у силових пристроях є часові та частотні характеристики сигналів, що надходять від гарячих точок силових ключів, та резонанси, що створюються при комутації цих елементів

    A Novel Approach to Study the Performance of Finned-Tube Heat Exchangers under Frosting Conditions

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    Frost accumulation due to moist air flowing on a refrigeration coil cold surface impacts negatively on performance. The frost layer growth has an insulating effect in terms of heat transfer and causes the increase of the air pressure drop by blocking the free flow area across the coil. In this paper a new modeling approach, accounting for heat and mass transfer as well as the hydrodynamics of the problem, is proposed. A related FORTRAN program was developed, allowing the study of a large range of complex refrigerant circuit configurations. This model predicts the dynamic behavior of a refrigeration coil under dry and frosting conditions. Comparisons were made based on the frost mass accumulation and pressure drop across the coil and the results were found to agree reasonably well with experimental results reported in the literature. The model was then applied to study an evaporator typically employed in supermarkets. In terms of refrigerant temperature glide, it was shown that the glide decrease with time because of the decrease of the refrigeration capacity of the coil during the frosting. Further, the air pressure drop is strongly affected by the variation of the free flow area

    Experimental study of electromagnetic disturbances in common and differential modes in a circuit based on two DC/DC boost static converter in parallel

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    Introduction. An electronic control and closing control at the switch (MOSFET) will allow a parallel connection of two DC/DC boost converters. The reason for paralleling converters is to increase the efficiency of the power conversion process. This means that the overall power loss on the main switches is half the power loss on the main switch of a converter. It has been proven that DC-DC converters operating in parallel have different dynamics than a single converter. In this paper, the study is based on a system of two boost converters operating in parallel under current mode control. Although two converters operating in parallel increase the efficiency of the system, if the control parameters are not chosen correctly, the system becomes unstable and starts to oscillate. Purpose of this work is to present the analysis of high frequency electromagnetic disturbances caused by the switching of power switches in DC/DC boost static converters mounted in parallel in the presence of cables. We will study the improvement of the electromagnetic compatibility performances which can be brought by the choice of a static converters for industrial use. Methods. For the study of the path of the currents in common mode and in differential mode, it was possible to evaluate experimentally the electromagnetic compatibility impact in common mode and in differential mode of two boost converters connected in parallel in an electric circuit in connection with the source through a printed circuit board of connection between the source and the load, while using the two basic methods, namely the prediction of the conducted electromagnetic interference, the temporal simulation and the frequency simulation. Results. All the obtained results are validated by experimental measurements carried out at the Djillali Liabes University Sidi-Bel-Abbes in Laboratory of Applications of Plasma, Electrostatics and Electromagnetic Compatibility (APELEC). The experimental results obtained in common mode and in differential mode at low, medium and high frequencies are compared between the parallel boost test with and without electromagnetic compatibility filter

    A Re-Investigation of a Chondritic Xenolith in the Murchsion (CM2) Chondrite: Formation by Fluid-Assisted Percolation During Metamorphism

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    The CM chondrites are generally complex impact breccias, in which lithic clasts and mineral fragments showing various degrees of aqueous alteration and possibly originating from different parent bodies are mixed together. The occurrence of CM-like clasts in other chondritic and achondritic meteorite breccias is also well-documented, however, reports on the occurrence of foreign clasts in CM chondrites are rare. In this study, we reinvestigated the white clast in the Murchison CM chondrite and demonstrate that the clast is not related to R chondrites as earlier suggested. In addition to the classification we discuss the origin and the history of its formation by studying several aspects like mineralogy, bulk chemistry, Rare Earth Elements (REE), oxygen isotopes, and the soluble organic compounds

    Selecting the most suitable classification algorithm for supporting assistive technology adoption for people with dementia: A multicriteria framework

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    The number of people with dementia (PwD) is increasing dramatically. PwD exhibit impairments of reasoning, memory, and thought that require some form of self‐management intervention to support the completion of everyday activities while maintaining a level of independence. To address this need, efforts have been directed to the development of assistive technology solutions, which may provide an opportunity to alleviate the burden faced by the PwD and their carers. Nevertheless, uptake of such solutions has been limited. It is therefore necessary to use classifiers to discriminate between adopters and nonadopters of these technologies in order to avoid cost overruns and potential negative effects on quality of life. As multiple classification algorithms have been developed, choosing the most suitable classifier has become a critical step in technology adoption. To select the most appropriate classifier, a set of criteria from various domains need to be taken into account by decision makers. In addition, it is crucial to define the most appropriate multicriteria decision‐making approach for the modelling of technology adoption. Considering the above‐mentioned aspects, this paper presents the integration of a five‐phase methodology based on the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process and the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution to determine the most suitable classifier for supporting assistive technology adoption studies. Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process is used to determine the relative weights of criteria and subcriteria under uncertainty and Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution is applied to rank the classifier alternatives. A case study considering a mobile‐based self‐management and reminding solution for PwD is described to validate the proposed approach. The results revealed that the best classifier was k‐nearest‐neighbour with a closeness coefficient of 0.804, and the most important criterion when selecting classifiers is scalability. The paper also discusses the strengths and weaknesses of each algorithm that should be addressed in future research

    Institutions for Agricultural Mitigation: Potential and Challenges in Four Countries

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    The agriculture sector has great potential to contribute to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions through changes in agricultural management and land use. However, the technical potential for agricultural mitigation has yet to translate into actual emission reductions due to considerable constraints to the generation of emission offsets through agricultural projects. These constraints include national and subnational policies and institutional structures as well as institutional and resource constraints at the local level, such as lack of knowledge, organizational capacity, and start-up finance. This paper explores the institutional barriers to agricultural mitigation in four developing countries: Ghana, Morocco, Mozambique, and Vietnam. The findings show that the institutional environment greatly influences the capacity to engage in agricultural mitigation activities. In particular, the centrally planned system in Vietnam provides little space for local, community-based organizations to act collectively around issues of mutual interest, making it difficult to engage numerous smallholders in agricultural mitigation projects. At the same time, government-led mitigation projects may be more feasible in Vietnam compared to the African case studies, where the governments lack well-defined and coordinated strategies and regulations to support mitigation. Governance of contractual obligations is also a challenge to agricultural mitigation. While several organizations in the case study countries have relevant experience for organizing smallholder farmers, most of these organizations lack technical expertise in carbon markets, have limited knowledge of strategies for agricultural mitigation, and lack resources needed for start-up and implementation of mitigation projects