204 research outputs found

    Heritability and repeatability estimates of growth traits in FUNAAB Alpha and Noiler chicken genotypes

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    Genetic improvement of animals has greatly been encouraged as it has proved very efficient in improving productivity, health status and general management of animals. Hence, this research on heritability and repeatability of growth traits of FUNAAB Alpha and Noiler chickens. The study lasted for eighteen weeks and growth data were collected on weekly basis. Four hundred (400) day-old chicks, with 200 a piece for the two chicken genotypes were generated from parent stocks (5 cocks and 25 hens per genotype) with good pedigree data. Growth data were analysed using Generalized Linear Model of SAS and least significant difference (LSD) test was used to separate significant means. Computed variances and covariances of Generalized Linear Model of SAS were used to estimate heritability and repeatability of growth traits of interest. Noiler chicken genotype had a better body weight and linear body measurements from week ten to eighteen. Noiler male chickens were superior in all traits considered from week twelve to eighteen for genotype by sex interaction. Heritability and repeatability estimates were generally high in both chicken genotypes for all traits at the early stage while a decline was observed at the late stage. The highest heritability estimates for body weight observed at week seven in Noiler chicken and all linear body measurements (body circumference, breast girth, shank length, thigh length and wing length) observed at weeks 4, 12, 4, 2 and 4, respectively in FUNAAB Alpha is an indication that breeders can select for these traits at the aforementioned weeks

    Computer-Assisted Generation of Patterns and Virtual Reality Techniques for Fashion Design

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    We present a methodology for the design of aesthetic patterns and their visualization on virtual clothes. Generated patterns are directly mapped on the dress of a virtual mannequin. Furthermore, patterns sets may be interactively mapped on the virtual dress using a specific 3D interaction technique called Back-and-Forth. Pattern generation involves different mathematical approaches such as iterated function systems (IFS) and nonlinear trajectory models. Both model parameters and color space exploration is performed through a simple user interface. This work contributes to promote both computer assistance in the context of mass customization for fashion design

    The nucleolar protein nucleophosmin is physiologically secreted by endothelial cells in response to stress exerting proangiogenic activity both in vitro and in vivo

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    Nucleophosmin (NPM), a nucleolar multifunctional phosphoprotein, acts as a stress sensor in different cell types. NPM can be actively secreted by inflammatory cells, however its biology on endothelium remains unexplored. In this study, we show for the first time that NPM is secreted by human vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) in the early response to serum deprivation and that NPM acts as a pro-inflammatory and angiogenic molecule both in vitro and in vivo. Accordingly, 24 h of serum starvation condition induced NPM relocalization from the nucleus to cytoplasm. Interestingly, NPM was increasingly excreted in HUVEC-derived conditioned media in a time dependent fashion upon stress conditions up to 24 h. The secretion of NPM was unrelated to cell necrosis within 24 h. The treatment with exogenous and recombinant NPM (rNPM) enhanced migration as well as the Intercellular Adhesion Molecule 1 (ICAM-1) but not Vascular cell adhesion protein 1 (VCAM-1) expression and it did not affect cell proliferation. Notably, in vitro tube formation by Matrigel assay was significantly increased in HUVEC treated with rNPM compared to controls. This result was confirmed by the in vivo injection of Matrigel plug assay upon stimulation with rNPM, displaying significant enhanced number of functional capillaries in the plugs. The stimulation with rNPM in HUVEC was also associated to the increased expression of master genes regulating angiogenesis and migration, including Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-A (VEGF-A), Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF), Stromal derived factor-1 (SDF-1), Fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2), Platelet Derived Growth Factor-B (PDGF-B), and Matrix metallopeptidase 9 (MMP9). Our study demonstrates for the first time that NPM is physiologically secreted by somatic cells under stress condition and in the absence of cell necrosis. The analysis of the biological effects induced by NPM mainly related to a pro-angiogenic and inflammatory activity might suggest an important autocrine/paracrine role for NPM in the regulation of both phenomena

    Myc and Omomyc functionally associate with the Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) in glioblastoma cells

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    The c-Myc protein is dysregulated in many human cancers and its function has not been fully elucitated yet. The c-Myc inhibitor Omomyc displays potent anticancer properties in animal models. It perturbs the c-Myc protein network, impairs c-Myc binding to the E-boxes, retaining transrepressive properties and inducing histone deacetylation. Here we have employed Omomyc to further analyse c-Myc activity at the epigenetic level. We show that both Myc and Omomyc stimulate histone H4 symmetric dimethylation of arginine (R) 3 (H4R3me2s), in human glioblastoma and HEK293T cells. Consistently, both associated with protein Arginine Methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5)-the catalyst of the reaction-and its co-factor Methylosome Protein 50 (MEP50). Confocal experiments showed that Omomyc co-localized with c-Myc, PRMT5 and H4R3me2s-enriched chromatin domains. Finally, interfering with PRMT5 activity impaired target gene activation by Myc whereas it restrained Omomyc-dependent repression. The identification of a histone-modifying complex associated with Omomyc represents the first demonstration of an active role of this miniprotein in modifying chromatin structure and adds new information regarding its action on c-Myc targets. More importantly, the observation that c-Myc may recruit PRMT5-MEP50, inducing H4R3 symmetric di-methylation, suggests previously unpredictable roles for c-Myc in gene expression regulation and new potential targets for therapy

    Doxorubicin upregulates CXCR4 via miR-200c/ZEB1-dependent mechanism in human cardiac mesenchymal progenitor cells.

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    Doxorubicin (DOXO) treatment is limited by its cardiotoxicity, since it causes cardiac-progenitor-cell depletion. Although the cardioprotective role of the stromal cell-derived factor-1/C-X-C chemokine receptor type 4 (SDF1/CXCR4) axis is well established, its involvement during DOXO-induced cardiotoxicity has never been investigated. We showed that in a mouse model of DOXO-induced cardiomyopathy, CXCR4 <sup>+</sup> cells were increased in response to DOXO, mainly in human cardiac mesenchymal progenitor cells (CmPC), a subpopulation with regenerative potential. Our in vitro results showed a CXCR4 induction after 24 h of DOXO exposure in CmPC. SDF1 administration protected from DOXO-induced cell death and promoted CmPC migration. CXCR4 promoter analysis revealed zinc finger E-box binding homeobox 1 (ZEB1) binding sites. Upon DOXO treatment, ZEB1 binding decreased and RNA-polymerase-II increased, suggesting a DOXO-mediated transcriptional increase in CXCR4. Indeed, DOXO induced the upregulation of miR-200c, that directly targets ZEB1. SDF1 administration in DOXO-treated mice partially reverted the adverse remodeling, decreasing left ventricular (LV) end diastolic volume, LV ejection fraction and LV anterior wall thickness in diastole, recovering LV end systolic pressure and reducing±dP/dt. Moreover, in vivo administration of SDF1 partially reverted DOXO-induced miR-200c and p53 protein upregulation in mouse hearts. In addition, downmodulation of ZEB1 mRNA and protein by DOXO was significantly increased by SDF1. In keeping, p21 mRNA, that is induced by p53 and inhibited by ZEB1, is induced by DOXO treatment and is decreased by SDF1 administration. This study showed new players of the DOXO-induced cardiotoxicity, that can be exploited to ameliorate DOXO-associated cardiomyopathy


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    The authors studied the wave nature of the heart rate in the patients with acute myocardial infarction with ST segment elevation depending on the method of revascularization. Ninety-four male patients (mean age - 54.41±0.86 ys) without myocardial infarction in their past medical hystories participated in the study.Изучены волновая структура ритма сердца у больных острым инфарктом миокарда с подъемом сегмента ST в зависимости от способа реваскуляризации миокарда. С этой целью обследованы 94 мужчины (средний возраст - 54,41±0,86 года), не имеющих в анамнезе данных о перенесенном ранее инфаркте миокарда

    Increasing the simulation performance of large-scale evacuations using parallel computing techniques based on domain decomposition

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    Evacuation simulation has the potential to be used as part of a decision support system during large-scale incidents to provide advice to incident commanders. To be viable in these applications, it is essential that the simulation can run many times faster than real time. Parallel processing is a method of reducing run times for very large computational simulations by distributing the workload amongst a number of processors. This paper presents the development of a parallel version of the rule based evacuation simulation software buildingEXODUS using domain decomposition. Four Case Studies (CS) were tested using a cluster, consisting of 10 Intel Core 2 Duo (dual core) 3.16 GHz CPUs. CS-1 involved an idealised large geometry, with 20 exits, intended to illustrate the peak computational speed up performance of the parallel implementation, the population consisted of 100,000 agents; the peak computational speedup (PCS) was 14.6 and the peak real-time speedup (PRTS) was 4.0. CS-2 was a long area with a single exit area with a population of 100,000 agents; the PCS was 13.2 and the PRTS was 17.2. CS-3 was a 50 storey high rise building with a population of 8000/16,000 agents; the PCS was 2.48/4.49 and the PRTS was 17.9/12.9. CS-4 is a large realistic urban area with 60,000/120,000 agents; the PCS was 5.3/6.89 and the PRTS was 5.31/3.0. This type of computational performance opens evacuation simulation to a range of new innovative application areas such as real-time incident support, dynamic signage in smart buildings and virtual training environments