430 research outputs found

    The ALTO project at IPN Orsay

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    In order to probe neutron rich radioactive noble gases produced by photo-fission, a PARRNe1 experiment (Production d'Atomes Radioactifs Riches en Neutrons) has been carried out at CERN. The incident electron beam of 50 MeV was delivered by the LIL machine: LEP Injector Linac. The experiment allowed to compare under the same conditions two production methods of radioactive noble gases: fission induced by fast neutrons and photo-fission. The obtained results show that the use of the electrons is a promising mode to get intense neutron rich ion beams. Thereafter, the success of this photo-fission experiment, a conceptual design for the installation at IPN Orsay of a 50 MeV electron accelerator close to the PARRNe-2 device has been worked out: ALTO Project. This work has started within a collaboration between IPNO, LAL and CERN groups.Comment: 14 pages, pdf file, International School-Seminar on Heavy-Ion Physics 7 (2002

    Les lésions médullaires traumatiques : épidémiologie et perspectives

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    AbstractObjectiveSpecify the epidemiological data on the acute spinal cord injuries and define a group of patients that could benefit from cellular transplantation therapy designed with the aim of repair and regeneration of damaged spinal cord tissues.Material and methodsFive years monocentric (Gui-de-Chauliac Hospital, Montpellier, France) retrospective analysis of patients suffering from spinal cord injury (SCI). Spinal cord injured-patients, defined as sensory-motor complete, underwent a clinical evaluation following American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) and functional type 2 Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM2) scorings as well as radiological evaluation through spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).ResultsOne hundred and fifty-seven medical records were reviewed and we selected and re-examined 20 patients with complete thoracic spinal cord lesion. Clinical and radiological evaluations of these patients demonstrated, in 75 % of the cases, an absence of clinical progression after a mean of 49months. Radiological abnormalities were constantly present in the initial (at the admission to hospital) and control (re-evaluation) MRI and no reliable predictive criteria of prognosis had been found.Discussion/ConclusionWe compare our results to the literature and discuss advantages and limits of cellular transplantation strategies for these patients.RésuméObjectifsConnaître les données épidémiologiques de notre région sanitaire sur les traumatismes médullaires. Au sein de cette population, sélectionner les patients susceptibles de bénéficier de thérapie cellulaire dans la moelle épinière lésée dans l’objectif de régénérer le tissu nerveux. Évaluer à distance ces patients.Patients et méthodeAnalyse rétrospective de tous les patients pris en charge pour un traumatisme vertébro-médullaire. Réévaluation clinique et radiologique des patients présentant une atteinte médullaire thoracique sensitivomotrice complète. Réévaluation réalisée par le score de l’American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA), le score fonctionnel Type 2 Spinal Cord Independence Measure (SCIM2) et contrôle radiologique par une IRM médullaire.RésultatsCent cinquante-sept dossiers de patients ont été analysés et 28 patients présentaient une lésion médullaire complète. Une évaluation clinique et radiologique réalisée chez 20 patients sur 28 (71 %) a montré l’absence d’évolution clinique dans 75 % des cas dans un délai moyen de 49 mois. Les anomalies radiologiques étaient présentes dans 100 % des cas sur l’IRM initiale et de contrôle sans qu’aucun critère fiable prédictif de bon pronostic n’est retrouvé.Discussion/conclusionNous présentons ces résultats comparativement à ceux de la littérature et nous discutons chez ces malades les stratégies de transplantation cellulaire, leurs limites actuelles et les progrès nécessaires pour obtenir des résultats

    Evolution of shell structure in neutron-rich calcium isotopes

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    We employ interactions from chiral effective field theory and compute the binding energies and low-lying excitations of calcium isotopes with the coupled-cluster method. Effects of three-nucleon forces are included phenomenologically as in-medium two-nucleon interactions, and the coupling to the particle continuum is taken into account using a Berggren basis. The computed ground-state energies and the low-lying 2+ states for the isotopes 42,48,50,52Ca are in good agreement with data, and we predict the excitation energy of the first 2+ state in 54Ca at 1.9 MeV, displaying only a weak sub-shell closure. In the odd-mass nuclei 53,55,61Ca we find that the positive parity states deviate strongly from the naive shell model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; small correction of effective 3NF and slight change of the corresponding parameters; updated figures and tables; main results and conclusions unchange

    New determinations of gamma-ray line intensities of the Ep = 550 keV and Ep = 1747 keV resonances of the 13-C(p,gamma)14-N reaction

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    Gamma-ray angular distributions for the resonances at Ep = 550 keV and 1747 keV of the radiative capture reaction 13-C(p,g)14-N have been measured, using intense proton beams on isotopically pure 13-C targets. Relative intensities for the strongest transitions were extracted with an accuracy of typically five per cent, making these resonances new useful gamma-ray standards for efficiency calibration in the energy range Egamma = 1.6 to 9 MeV.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, Nuclear Instruments and Methods, Sec. A, accepte

    Genetic variation and recent positive selection in worldwide human populations: Evidence from nearly 1 million SNPs

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    BACKGROUND: Genome-wide scans of hundreds of thousands of single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have resulted in the identification of new susceptibility variants to common diseases and are providing new insights into the genetic structure and relationships of human populations. Moreover, genome-wide data can be used to search for signals of recent positive selection, thereby providing new insights into the genetic adaptations that occurred as modern humans spread out of Africa and around the world. METHODOLOGY: We genotyped approximately 500,000 SNPs in 255 individuals (5 individuals from each of 51 worldwide populations) from the Human Genome Diversity Panel (HGDP-CEPH). When merged with non-overlapping SNPs typed previously in 250 of these same individuals, the resulting data consist of over 950,000 SNPs. We then analyzed the genetic relationships and ancestry of individuals without assigning them to populations, and we also identified candidate regions of recent positive selection at both the population and regional (continental) level. CONCLUSIONS: Our analyses both confirm and extend previous studies; in particular, we highlight the impact of various dispersals, and the role of substructure in Africa, on human genetic diversity. We also identified several novel candidate regions for recent positive selection, and a gene ontology (GO) analysis identified several GO groups that were significantly enriched for such candidate genes, including immunity and defense related genes, sensory perception genes, membrane proteins, signal receptors, lipid binding/metabolism genes, and genes involved in the nervous system. Among the novel candidate genes identified are two genes involved in the thyroid hormone pathway that show signals of selection in African Pygmies that may be related to their short stature

    Anatomical study of serotonergic innervation and 5-HT1A receptor in the human spinal cord

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    Serotonergic innervation of the spinal cord in mammals has multiple roles in the control of motor, sensory and visceral functions. In rats, functional consequences of spinal cord injury at thoracic level can be improved by a substitutive transplantation of serotonin (5-HT) neurons or regeneration under the trophic influence of grafted stem cells. Translation to either pharmacological and/or cellular therapies in humans requires the mapping of the spinal cord 5-HT innervation and its receptors to determine their involvement in specific functions. Here, we have performed a preliminary mapping of serotonergic processes and serotonin-lA (5-HT1A) receptors in thoracic and lumbar segments of the human spinal cord. As in rodents and non-human primates, 5-HT profiles in human spinal cord are present in the ventral horn, surrounding motoneurons, and also contact their presumptive dendrites at lumbar level. 5-HT1A receptors are present in the same area, but are more densely expressed at lumbar level. 5-HT profiles are also present in the intermediolateral region, where 5-HT1A receptors are absent. Finally, we observed numerous serotonergic profiles in the superficial part (equivalent of Rexed lamina II) of the dorsal horn, which also displayed high levels of 5-HT1A receptors. These findings pave the way for local specific therapies involving cellular and/or pharmacological tools targeting the serotonergic system

    Glioma stem cells invasive phenotype at optimal stiffness is driven by MGAT5 dependent mechanosensing.

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    BACKGROUND: Glioblastomas stem-like cells (GSCs) by invading the brain parenchyma, remains after resection and radiotherapy and the tumoral microenvironment become stiffer. GSC invasion is reported as stiffness sensitive and associated with altered N-glycosylation pattern. Glycocalyx thickness modulates integrins mechanosensing, but details remain elusive and glycosylation enzymes involved are unknown. Here, we studied the association between matrix stiffness modulation, GSC migration and MGAT5 induced N-glycosylation in fibrillar 3D context. METHOD: To mimic the extracellular matrix fibrillar microenvironments, we designed 3D-ex-polyacrylonitrile nanofibers scaffolds (NFS) with adjustable stiffnesses by loading multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). GSCs neurosphere were plated on NFSs, allowing GSCs migration and MGAT5 was deleted using CRISPR-Cas9. RESULTS: We found that migration of GSCs was maximum at 166 kPa. Migration rate was correlated with cell shape, expression and maturation of focal adhesion (FA), Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition (EMT) proteins and (β1,6) branched N-glycan binding, galectin-3. Mutation of MGAT5 in GSC inhibited N-glycans (β1-6) branching, suppressed the stiffness dependence of migration on 166 kPa NFS as well as the associated FA and EMT protein expression. CONCLUSION: MGAT5 catalysing multibranched N-glycans is a critical regulators of stiffness induced invasion and GSCs mechanotransduction, underpinning MGAT5 as a serious target to treat cancer

    Inferring Geographic Coordinates of Origin for Europeans Using Small Panels of Ancestry Informative Markers

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    Recent large-scale studies of European populations have demonstrated the existence of population genetic structure within Europe and the potential to accurately infer individual ancestry when information from hundreds of thousands of genetic markers is used. In fact, when genomewide genetic variation of European populations is projected down to a two-dimensional Principal Components Analysis plot, a surprising correlation with actual geographic coordinates of self-reported ancestry has been reported. This substructure can hamper the search of susceptibility genes for common complex disorders leading to spurious correlations. The identification of genetic markers that can correct for population stratification becomes therefore of paramount importance. Analyzing 1,200 individuals from 11 populations genotyped for more than 500,000 SNPs (Population Reference Sample), we present a systematic exploration of the extent to which geographic coordinates of origin within Europe can be predicted, with small panels of SNPs. Markers are selected to correlate with the top principal components of the dataset, as we have previously demonstrated. Performing thorough cross-validation experiments we show that it is indeed possible to predict individual ancestry within Europe down to a few hundred kilometers from actual individual origin, using information from carefully selected panels of 500 or 1,000 SNPs. Furthermore, we show that these panels can be used to correctly assign the HapMap Phase 3 European populations to their geographic origin. The SNPs that we propose can prove extremely useful in a variety of different settings, such as stratification correction or genetic ancestry testing, and the study of the history of European populations

    Genotyping-by-sequencing to unlock genetic diversity and population structure in white yam (dioscorea rotundata poir.)

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 22 Sept 2020White yam (Dioscorearotundata Poir.) is one of the most important tuber crops in West Africa, where it is indigenous and represents the largest repository of biodiversity through several years of domestication, production, consumption, and trade. In this study, the genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) approach was used to sequence 814 genotypes consisting of genebank landraces, breeding lines, and market varieties to understand the level of genetic diversity and pattern of the population structure among them. The genetic diversity among different genotypes was assessed using three complementary clustering methods, the model-based admixture, discriminant analysis of principal components (DAPC), and phylogenetic tree. ADMIXTURE analysis revealed an optimum number of four groups that matched with the number of clusters obtained through phylogenetic tree. Clustering results obtained from ADMIXTURE analysis were further validated using DAPC-based clustering. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed high genetic diversity (96%) within each genetic group. A network analysis was further carried out to depict the genetic relationships among the three genetic groups (breeding lines, genebank landraces, and market varieties) used in the study. This study showed that the use of advanced sequencing techniques such as GBS coupled with statistical analysis is a robust method for assessing genetic diversity and population structure in a complex crop such as white yam

    Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies provides insights into genetic control of tomato flavor

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    Tomato flavor has changed over the course of long-term domestication and intensive breeding. To understand the genetic control of flavor, we report the meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) using 775 tomato accessions and 2,316,117 SNPs from three GWAS panels. We discover 305 significant associations for the contents of sugars, acids, amino acids, and flavor-related volatiles. We demonstrate that fruit citrate and malate contents have been impacted by selection during domestication and improvement, while sugar content has undergone less stringent selection. We suggest that it may be possible to significantly increase volatiles that positively contribute to consumer preferences while reducing unpleasant volatiles, by selection of the relevant allele combinations. Our results provide genetic insights into the influence of human selection on tomato flavor and demonstrate the benefits obtained from meta-analysis.J-T.Z. was funded by a Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC) scholarship
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