424 research outputs found

    Анализ минеральных равновесий термальных вод Байкальской рифтовой зоны с использованием программных пакетов Hydrogeo и PHREEQC

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    В работе изложены результаты сравнительного анализа значений индекса насыщения термальных вод Байкальской рифтовой зоны к ряду породообразующих минералов. Получены интересные, но в то же время спорные, результаты расчетов с применением современных программных продуктов HydroGeo и PHREEQC. В первом случае было выявлено равновесие некоторых терм к кварцу, арагониту, кальциту, доломиту, флюориту, тогда как во втором - в основном к силикатам (кварцу, халцедону, хризотилу, сепиолиту и др.) и так же к флюориту. The paper presents the results of the comparative analysis index values of saturation of the thermal waters of the Baikal rift zone to some rock-forming minerals. Interesting, but at the same time controversial, the results of calculations with the use of modern software products HydroGeo and PHREEQC. In the first case revealed a certain equilibrium therm to quartz, aragonite, calcite, dolomite, fluorite, whereas the second is mostly silicates (quartz, chalcedony chrysotile, sepiolite, etc.) and fluorite

    Virtual Reality Based Simulation of Hysteroscopic Interventions

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    Virtual reality based simulation is an appealing option to supplement traditional clinical education. However, the formal integration of training simulators into the medical curriculum is still lacking. Especially, the lack of a reasonable level of realism supposedly hinders the widespread use of this technology. Therefore, we try to tackle this situation with a reference surgical simulator of the highest possible fidelity for procedural training. This overview describes all elements that have been combined into our training system as well as first results of simulator validation. Our framework allows the rehearsal of several aspects of hysteroscopy—for instance, correct fluid management, handling of excessive bleeding, appropriate removal of intrauterine tumors, or the use of the surgical instrument

    Ultrastructural changes of the intracellular surfactant pool in a rat model of lung transplantation-related events

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, involved in primary graft dysfunction following lung transplantation, leads to inactivation of intra-alveolar surfactant which facilitates injury of the blood-air barrier. The alveolar epithelial type II cells (AE2 cells) synthesize, store and secrete surfactant; thus, an intracellular surfactant pool stored in lamellar bodies (Lb) can be distinguished from the intra-alveolar surfactant pool. The aim of this study was to investigate ultrastructural alterations of the intracellular surfactant pool in a model, mimicking transplantation-related procedures including flush perfusion, cold ischemia and reperfusion combined with mechanical ventilation.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using design-based stereology at the light and electron microscopic level, number, surface area and mean volume of AE2 cells as well as number, size and total volume of Lb were determined in a group subjected to transplantation-related procedures including both I/R injury and mechanical ventilation (I/R group) and a control group.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After I/R injury, the mean number of Lb per AE2 cell was significantly reduced compared to the control group, accompanied by a significant increase in the luminal surface area per AE2 cell in the I/R group. This increase in the luminal surface area correlated with the decrease in surface area of Lb per AE2. The number-weighted mean volume of Lb in the I/R group showed a tendency to increase.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We suggest that in this animal model the reduction of the number of Lb per AE2 cell is most likely due to stimulated exocytosis of Lb into the alveolar space. The loss of Lb is partly compensated by an increased size of Lb thus maintaining total volume of Lb per AE2 cell and lung. This mechanism counteracts at least in part the inactivation of the intra-alveolar surfactant.</p

    The Acceptability of Internet-Based Treatment and Characteristics of an Adult Sample with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: An Internet Survey

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    Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disabling anxiety disorder, but most individuals delay seeking treatment. Internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy (iCBT) is an innovative service delivery method that may help to improve access to care, but the acceptability to consumers of such programs has not yet been established. Methodology: People with symptoms of OCD were invited to complete an online survey enquiring about demographic characteristics, symptom severity, and acceptability of Internet-based treatment. Demographic and symptom severity data were compared with people with OCD identified in a national epidemiological survey and with a sample of patients with OCD from a specialist outpatient anxiety clinic. Participants: 129 volunteers to an online Internet survey, 135 patients at a specialist anxiety disorders outpatient clinic, and 297 cases identified in a national epidemiological survey. Main Measures: Demographic characteristics, and severity of symptoms as measured by the Kessler 10-Item scale, the 12-item World Health Organisation Disability Assessment Schedule - Second Edition and the Yale Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale - Self Report Version. Principal Findings: The Internet sample was similar demographically but reported more severe symptoms than the comparison groups, although had similar severity of symptoms of OCD compared with other clinical samples reported in the literature. Participants reported Internet-based treatment for OCD would be highly acceptable. Conclusions: Internet-based treatment may reduce barriers to accessing treatment to people with OCD. Individuals in this study were similar demographically to other samples and had similar severity of symptoms as those identified in other clinical samples, suggesting that Internet-based treatment using techniques employed in face-to-face treatment may be effective in this group. Internet-based treatments for OCD need to be developed and evaluated

    Telepsychology: public speaking fear treatment on the internet

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    El objetivo es presentar un sistema de telepsicología para el tratamiento del miedo a hablar en público. El sistema utiliza procedimientos de auto-ayuda y está compuesto por: a) Un protocolo de evaluación que rastrea información clínicamente relevante; b) Un protocolo de tratamiento basado en procedimientos cognitivo-comportamentales que cuenta con una serie de vídeos de audiencias reales que permiten a la persona afrontar las situaciones temidas. Está organizado en bloques separados a los que se accede a medida que se supera cada fase previa. c) Un protocolo de control que rastrea el progreso durante todo el proceso y controla que la persona no se salta partes del tratamiento (algo común en procedimientos de autoayuda). Este sistema es el primero en todo el mundo totalmente autoaplicado que utiliza internet como soporte. Este estudio constituye la tesis de licenciatura de la solicitante (obteniendo la máxima calificación, sobresaliente por unanimidad), siendo la directora la Dra. Baños de la Universidad de Valencia. La solicitante diseñó el sistema, escribió la mayor parte de los protocolos, controló cada fase del proceso y redactó el manuscrito final